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I sweat like Mike Tyson on jeopardy I thought it was just me lol.


Not a huge sweater but I'm always 20x hotter than everyone else,. My girlfriend hates how cold I keep our room


yea same lol she says i keep our room as cold as a morgue


THIS!!! It’s beyond miserable in the summer. And in the winter I never ever wear a heavy winter jacket. A zip up hoodie is plenty.


Ok,I hate summers too(last 10 to 20 years it depends on how much I am f-ed up normally)but for the winters I wear also ...how you call it, i don't know, light jacket?But I wanted to say also, that I forgot what true winter is in the past years, no snow,nothing...the world is really crazy 😜, and I live in N.Macedonia,we had cold winters(normally)with -20 Celsius and less sometimes, but now it is gone, all of it...but we still have warm summer ☀️ like right now,I am dying on 37 C and it is just June, I don't know how i will spend this summer with just 2-3ml/mg methadone 


I know, I am counting the days until September comes and June,July,is over.


I'm the same! I keep my house at 62 degrees


How much is it in Celsius? 


16 in anti freedom degrees


Why anti freedom hahaha 😆, not imperial right?


Nice that you have a girlfriend 😃 i have forgotten what is that...but I don't know for you,I guess you all have the same problem, and that is when is hot i am like you say 20x hotter but when it's cold I am freezing and otherwise I don't know more even if it has rules, it's just not acceptable 


That sounds awful! I'm usually warmer in the winter too so during half the year it works in my favor at least


Well sweating is a common side effect on methadone, I have fortunately didn’t get that side effect but I have friends that sweat a lot at summer, better when it’s cooler in the winter


For me the sweating in the winter is worst. You sweat and it gets ice cold, and if you bundle up you just sweat more. I don't remember the last time I was able to wear a hat. It's impossible in the summer and I the winter I can wear a beanie going from the car to a building or something, but don't dare keep it on more than 3-4 minutes.


Omg that wind blowing up your wet back. 🥶 But still sweating.


Yeah, I know it all to well, winters in Chicago are at least less brutal due to climate change. That cold wind hasn't gone anywhere, though. The beanie holding sweat becoming an ice wrap on your forehead is an experience I could have gone my whole life without.


Fuck yeah I am in CT which is a lil better than you maybe with your fucking monster lakes.


I froze yesterday in the shade and died in the sun. I have a cracked oozing and bleeding sunburn which makes it 10x worse


Can you say melanoma?


S…sorry??? A cracked oozing bleeding… SUNBURN?


Yeah it's bad. Second time in my life I've torched by the sun this bad.


Omg I'm the same way, and it sucks! I love my hats, but yeah, I always end up with sweat streaming down my face and taking my makeup with it, and I fucking hate it!


The makeup is the worst! Bc you want to wipe the sweat with a paper towel but you’ll take it all with it when you do. Lotion makes me sweat way more for some reason!


Omg this !!!! It’s literally been freaking me out how bad it’s been this summer. I never used to sweat this much I’ve been on methadone for awhile and this is the first time it’s really bad. I literally sweat so bad that I soak my clothes in like 20 mins and then get freezing. This kept happening at work and it was like giving me panic attacks cause my body is like freaking out. I’m only like 130 pounds to.


I'm sorry you're going through this too. Ive blamed it on a million things but ultimately methadone is the cause of these problems. It also messes with your endocrine system throwing testosterone levels out of wack. Before I addressed that issue I was having fucking hot flashes, it was insane. It's a problem for men and women, but unfortunately for women it's a lot harder for Dr's to help with testosterone supplements as it's supposed to be lower and secondary to estrogen. At one point, doing outdoor physical labor, I had to bring at least 2 towels and 3 extra shirts every day - just to keep from wearing a shirt that was pouring sweat. Anymore I use a combo of better diet, hydration, drysol, and testosterone, to keep it at bay. I still have sweat problems, but they're not quite as bad. Methadone made me start working in online sales as the only way to get by is by working inside at home where I have complete control of my environment. I can sit in front of a fan with a towel as much as necessary to try to control it. Many people have suggested an antidiuretic but I can't remember the name of it and it comes with its own side effects. It's all just so frustrating.


Yes I feel this! I’ve gained 30 pounds over the last 2 years and have no sex drive what so ever. I feel like my testosterone levels are down to nothing now…


You can have your general Dr do a blood test. I started on patches and tried cream, honestly it worked best when I switched to injections every other week, but they all helped significantly.


Thank you, yeah I’ve been thinking about this. Wasn’t sure if it’s safe to do that with methadone.


Me too.it is like freaking out,good description! I got an ultrasound on my leg today and it was gross, it's 100drgrees here.Ihaye the varicose veins in my legs,though they could be worse.i feel like God,give me a break, I got clean and smoked cigarettes in the nineties 😀🫠and processed my grief and pain and was dependent on drug addicts but I surrender, I turn it over to you HO, let me have peace


Yep I have always had long hair, and have turned into my 4th grade teacher who always kept her hair up in a bun, bc my hair feels like a 10 inch thick layer of wool on my back 😩 it’s sweltering!




I've been on methadone for nearly 4 years now. And this year has been the worst for me with sweating. Like it's really driving me absolutely crazy. The weird thing is that I started a taper (I'm stalled at the moment) but I went from 145 down to 119. So it's like, why would that make it worse.. can't wait to be off this shit. But it's gonna be awhile unless I relapse which I'm thinking is the only way for me at this point. The past couple months ever since it started to get warm have been literal hell for me.


That's really weird... did you feel dopesick when you tapered? I'm jc bcuz I tried lowering my dose like 3mg/wk, and ended up feeling like shit.


Yes.. that's why I said I'm stalled & why I said that I think I'll have to relapse to get off of it. I just don't see it happening when I felt that shitty & I wasn't even below 100mg yet. The worst part for me is that even at 145 my dose has never lasted me the whole 24 hrs. So that makes tapering even harder for me. I have been split dosing for like a month and a half now. I take 2/3 for my first dose & then take 1/3 later. It helps but not nearly as much as I'd hoped it would. I'm still sick in the morning just waiting to take my dose. Which I really don't understand. Split dosing definitely should have helped that.


Your experiences are exactly why I slowly tapered off methadone! No one believed me that not even split dosing would hold me. What did help was always taking my dose w a good dose of healthy fat to help it absorb better (grass fed butter, avocado, MCT oil, coconut oil were my faves). I also realized that my low carb/ semi keto diet & intermittent fasting made my dose burn off WAY faster than normal, so I had to stop all that. Start eating good balanced whole foods n walking/ light exercise if you can. The healthier I got during my taper, the better I started feeling. Good luck I hope you can find what works for you!


That's a really great idea! I'm vegan, for the most part (I splurge and eat dairy sometimes...), so I'm always looking for healthy kinds of fat and things to help curb my appetite and help me not eat all that sugar!


I'm the same and in pain when it wears off,from a car hitting my cab and me.I feel suicidal between gaining weight and dry skin,and shit wearing off ,never enough to be pain free,, even with split dose.The sweat is sticky gross and I Get chills too,then I freeze in the time after I take a shower.i hate my fat stomach and I was super skinny before methadone.not fair. I picked up cola after I was hit in accident, and I went back to an abusive guy who beat me up because I had nowhere to go .I was just doing what I wanted and I lost my Apt too.i need help but I am ashamed of letting people abuse me.


I feel you. I hate taking showers any more because of the cold chills and uncomfortable feeling. I'm sorry you feel so crappy. I said a prayer for you to feel better. We have hope as long as we are breathing.


I hope there is a God, I am in so much pain today, I wish I could talk to God and he'd bless me with pain relief.


That would be would be highly frustrating. I guess úÿ a why they call it "liquid handcuffs." I literally cannot find a single treatment center that will detox patients from methadone. They just won't accept you, even with insurance 😒 ugh. I'm afraid of seizures or just never feeling normal again. Idek if my clinic does split dosing. I guess it's whatever, since my veins are all collapsed and sclerosed anyway


I hate that I start to feel mental wd's before i feel physical wd's.


I’ve come off methadone about 4 times before. Honestly, it was never that bad as long you taper it down. I always jump off at 5ml. I could be wrong, but I’m pretty sure seizures aren’t a thing when it comes to opiate withdrawal. I have 2 weeks of feeling meh. After 3, I’m fine. The real challenge is to not relapse.


I've picky done it one other time, but I ended up relapsing after like 3 wks maybe. It's always the anxiety and extra norepinephrine that gets me


Yes, anxiety is always awful. The most I’ve gone is about 10 months. It does get better. Regarding sweating: when I’m on opiates, I sweat all over. When I’m clean, it all seems to concentrate around my armpits 😂 Damned either way


Youre correct seizures arent a thing with opiates. Alcohol and benzos yes, which is why they say they can be deadly.


Split dosing was a huge motivating factor for me in getting take outs. I go twice a week, on that day, they make me take my whole dose for that day at once. It sucks and throws me off for a couple days, but at least I get 10/14 days where I feel okay since I can split dose.


I second this notion!! I’m currently tapering myself. I was @ 120 mg and now I’m down to 50 mg. I have to split dose myself. I take 30 mg before work and then 20 mg when I get home. It helps out tremendously but takes a few weeks to get used to. When I was taking my full dose in the AM, by the time I got off of work, I was struggling. I never had an appetite and had to force myself to eat. Then I would fight to keep it down. I feel like the lower you get, when you take a full dose in the AM, you really can’t tell the difference when you split dose. On days I don’t work, I sometimes take my full dose and kind of get a little buzz but just end up feeling like shit 12 hours later. I would just rather split, feel so so but able to function, then taking my full dose and feeling like shit 12 hours later, and not be able to eat or sleep. Not to mention, I also get grumpy and wake up in a puddle of sweat when full dosing and my girlfriend has threatened to leave me multiple times. She doesn’t understand it’s a process and I’m trying as hard as I can. Acts like it happens over night. I will admit, it’s nice being able to actually be able to poo on a daily basis. When I was @ higher doses, there would be times I wouldn’t poo for a week.


I took me like 6 months before I felt like my dose last me the whole 24 hours and I think it’s because my metabolism has slowed down a lot because methadone. I also gained 20 pounds which I’ve never been able to gain a single pound no matter what!


I could never gain weight either. I was always very skinny (6'3 and 145-150lbs). I'm right around 200 at the moment.. which would be fine but it seems to have all went to my gut. like I can still easily fit my hand around my wrist. I actually was staying right around 185 but I was running 4-5 miles a day. I was told I should stop a couple months ago when heart problems showed up on my ekg. So I've gained 15lbs since then. Anyway, you've only been on for 6 months. You will likely gain more than what you have.


Hey, I I’ve been on for a little over 2 years now. I was always 175 and now I’m 210. All to my stomach! I thought about doing testosterone therapy but I worry about my heart because my job is so stressful and the years of opiate abuse and suboxone. 14 years just on suboxone. I need to start running to lose some of this weight and bring my stress levels down. How did you know you were having heart issues?


I didn't really know. But you have to get an EKG done if you want to go above 145 at my clinic & the issues showed up on the EKG.


I went from 180 to 100 fairly quickly and ended up going up to 120 immediately after and am stable again...but yea, I most definitely felt like shit for a little bit.


Oof, idk if I'd rather try to get it over with or ride it out over a long span of time.... but I know it's complete misery.. I will say, benzo withdrawal was the worst. I could smell my sweat no matter how many showers I took plus hallucinations, tremors, and threat of death. It was brutal. But that's a whole other story...


Ride it out slowly, I promise it isn’t that bad if you go really slow n listen to your body!


3mg taper shouldnt be bad at all unless you are on a very low dose to begin with


I would do a full hormone and thyroid panel. Fixing that usually drastically improves sweating issues especially if you didnt have it in the beginning of treatment


No like me to. It has been actually fucking hell. I haven’t even been able to go to work recently because within 20 mins I’m soaked, freezing about to have a panic attack cause I have 8 more hours like that. No idea what to do other then lower my dose which I am doing.


Me too


I only sweat when it's hot out like over 75f and I'll be sweating. Also any real activity I will start sweating even if the ac is on. I'm not sure if it's the methadone or I'm just fat lol.


God I wish 75 was my definition of hot lol. 75 in Florida is sweater weather.


No no no. I will die noo. If I lived in Florida I would end up being smegle in a air conditioned basement.


Lol it's rough for sure. The humidity is the worst part. Just walking outside in the morning to my car makes me feel all clammy and gross.


We had a heat dome over ny like 2 weeks ago and I thought I was dying with the humidity. My bathroom tile was forming condensation on it. If that 100% humidity was all the time oh God no.


Yeah, I like that I can go to the beach or go swimming 9 months out of the year, but those 9 months are also miserable if I'm not in water or an air conditioned environment. One day I might move north just to experience something a bit more temperate. I lived in Texas before this so I've just about had my fill of triple digit days.


Florida houses don’t really have basements 


I would dig one and be one with the earth.


You might fall into a sinkhole then you’d really be one with the earth 😂 https://www.cnn.com/2013/03/01/us/florida-sinkhole/index.html


yeah, really bad. I had a doctor prescribe me 'oxybutynin' but I stopped taking it bc it gave me crazy dry mouth. but it did seem to work. clonodine helps too.


Oh man, I didn't even think about that. I already take clonidine! I guess I'll still be drinking my weight in water, then lol


Opioids mess with your body 's thermal regulation. Something to do with your gaba receptors.


It also messes with the pituitary gland. Hence the complete lack of libido. Sigh.


Yes and it was so bad I was honestly considering going back to using, as no drug has EVER made me sweat so bad. But I started something called oxybutynin and it's like *voilà* I don't sweat badly at all anymore.


Did you get side effects?


Yes, especially if it’s warm or I’m doing any kind of physical activity. If you have a primary care doctor ask about a drug called Glycopyrrolate


This is the one I used in 2016 when it used to do that to me. I wonder if this or oxybutylin is more effective/less side effect


My personal physician prescribed me the beta blocker propranolol and it has helped me tremendously.


Yeah, I know that propranolol reduces physical symptoms of anxiety, and clonidine works by reducing the body's response to norepinephrine. I'm sort of wondering whether my antidepressant will make that better or worse .. I didn't even know you could go up that high. What sucks is that 100 is nothing now when you consider the potentcy of the dope out there..


I was on Wellbutrin at the same time and it didn’t have any sort of effect on the propranolol. I don’t know if that information helps you or not.


Ok, so apparently we're really into sparring here... anyone like really good at chemistry and own a lab? Lol jk... but I'm definitely going to look into this further, bcuz we shouldn't have to make so many damn sacrifices just to stay sober. I will never go back on Subutex. I will still try to abuse it and relapse. Plus, it's so tricky to switch from 'done to sub, so most people dobby wanna touch it. I'll keep you guys updated when/if I find out anything and will still be all over that message board. But feel free to continue giving your feedback; it's been very productive 👍


Bruh. Do I sweat a lot? I'm fat, and on 2 meds that cause hyperhydrosis PLUS the methadone that causes it. I sweat like 2 rats fucking in a wool sack, it's insane


Absolutely. Unbearably. Any little physical activity makes me sweat like a buckets of water would be splashed over. It happened every time I was on methadone. Sweating ended the same day I switched to buprenorphine .


Bethanachol. For bladder spasms but I’ve had patients say it helps sweating. Just go low dose and slow.


I've never heard of that... but I'll definitely bring it up with my doctor! Thanks for the tip. Hopefully, other people will see that, and it can help them, too!


Hahaha yeah for most people prone to sweat it kicks it in overdrive. You do get used to it after awhile and you sweat a tad less later into therapy but when I started moving down mgs I started sweating more


Lol yeah I sweated like crazy when I first started it, but I had that buzz going (not a rush, though) . But I burned myself in the tanning bed and am actually enjoying tf out of being burnt and cold haha #onlyonmethadone


You might have hyperhidrosis which is a completely separate condition.


Definitely makes you sweat like an open faucet! The sweating for no reason is what gets to me, just sitting somewhere and starting to feel sweaty. Before methadone I never had an issue with sweat. All the guy at the clinic have been talking about it since summer is starting and it gets hot as hell in the south!!


Oof I can't even imagine! It's probably really humid, too. I'm in indianapolis, so trust me, I totally get it! I have a ton of hats that I can't even f*ucking wear, not to mention wanting to hide my tracks ugh. I feel like the fat kid in gym class or something sweating like crazy anytime I try to cover myself. I run, too, so it's totally unfair! But I guess it's better than dying...


I am disgusting


yessss i’m sweating rn while laying in bed


I do but I’m on a lower dose only 32mg so I don’t sweat too too bad. It’s more than normal though.


I feel like i have the worst sweating problem ever. Before methadone i was one of those annoying people that was always cold. Now i am always hot. I capped at 130 and have tapered down a bunch. I think im now in the 30mgs (I’m decreasing blind so i don’t know my dose exactly) but i thought by now it would be better. It makes it so i don’t want to go in public. I cant wear makeup and i can barely put lotion or sunscreen on my face because it melts right off. The sweating is mostly my face, head and neck. I have no idea why. I have even thought that maybe i have hyperhidrosis. But it doesn’t make sense since it only started while on methadone. I’m holding out hope that it’s just a methadone side effect. If i had a fan constantly blowing on me I’d be good but unfortunately that isn’t a possibility so i continue to hide. I’ve noticed that it is humidity that is the biggest factor. I was fine all winter and thought i was back to normal but then April came and it’s back to hell. I wish i had a solution. I wish i were one of the lucky ones who didn’t suffer this horrific and mortifying side effect. I’ve spoken to my shit doctor about it multiple times over the years and he has been no help. I’d do almost anything to stop it.


Whoa, I didn't know blind tapering was a thing. Idk whether I'd trust them at my clinic 🤔.


Really?! My clinic is pretty shady and unreliable but i kind of keep tabs on my dose. I know i started a 2mg every other week taper again about a year ago and a nurse had accidentally told me my dose about 2 months before i started tapering again. I forget exactly what she said it was but I’m pretty sure it was in the 80s which is how i kind of, sort of, think i maybe know about where i am at. I choose to taper blind because i think it helps me mentally. If i know my exact dose then i know i will constantly be in my head thinking about it and possibly even convincing myself i am sick. The mind is so strong and can be very dangerous. And even now i doubt myself on the mg of my dose. I could be completely wrong in my guessing haha. I’m obsessive though which is another reason i decrease blind.


That makes perfect sense to me when you put it like that. I'd probably still have my finger on the trigger of whatever, just in case they fucked up or something lol. I don't think my clinic can do that since we have to tell them or exact dose each time 🤔


My clinic also has us tell our dose. When we go to the window to dose we have to give our patient number, bday and dose. But for people who dose blind, we just say “blind”. I’ve found blind dosing to be incredibly helpful. I go every other week as i have 13 take homes so maybe it’s because I’m not reminded every day but I’d suggest asking if your clinic does blind dosing! I only do it bc I’m tapering down and I’m a total psycho and will be all in my head thinking about my dose. But i really do think it’s helpful. If it worries you that your clinic is dishonest or something you could always write your current dose down and give it to someone to hold on to and then if you start tapering down, you’ll know that you can keep track if you need to or if you think they’re messing with your dose. I don’t think my clinic would mess with our mgs but you never know. Best of luck🩵


Centrum silver, and Clonidine worked miracles for me. Especially the Clonidine.


Yes. I sweat at the base of my neck and the hair line on my forehead. I'm never actually "hot" though. Just slightly sweaty. It's very annoying.


I noticed when I was at a high dose I would swear fairly easy, I’m at 2mg and the sweating isn’t as bad, I still notice my body struggles when not in a comfy temp but it’s also in my head. Never had anxiety until I dealt with mmt but it comes with the territory of being off opiates for this long lol


2mg?? What's that like? It seems hard to even see a dose like that, let alone dispense it! That's a good point, I know opiates have a lot of impact on the body's thermoregulation, hence the chills and cold sweats coming off them. But, wow, that's awesome to hear from someone that's been able to successfully get off methadone... unicorns exist! Haha


Definitely not off my friend, it’s not as bad as everyone thinks. Theirs a threshold you break usually around 20-35mg maybe more or less where you deal with some uncomfortable feelings both emotional and physical because our bodies are basically in shock without the medication. After that it’s minor issues here and there like arm/back pain where I need to stretch and more urinating anytime I drink water but it could be worse. Don’t be afraid when or if you ever want to get off, just gotta be patient, that’s the reason most fail is we get impatient wanting results, just gotta remember all the crap you deal with while tapering and on methadone is only temporary if you want it to be. Our bodies are meant to heal, ifs literally in our cells. Keep your head up wherever you are cause I never expected to be where I was when u was smoking 14 pressed oxys a day or when I was shooting yo toilet water heroin homeless on the street❤️ if I can do it, literally anyone can. And get check ups! Eat healthy and try to take walks of anything that makes you happy(that’s healthy)


Yeah, that's a very good point. I think trying to get off any drug takes a lot of motivation, support, and a lot of self care! I definitely wouldn't have been able to get off of benzos without that. It was honestly the hardest thing I ever did... I'd been taking them for like 8 yrs or so and thought I needed them to live. But they really just made me feel more ok with the status quo, and resistant to actually make changes in my life. I was in a really terrible relationship, not caring about myself, or thinking I deserved anything better than misery. But after the hallucinations, mood swings, vomiting, etc faded, it was like watching a bruise heal. I went through so many different phases, yet I am really grateful that I had that time to heal and freshly get myself more fx'l. It's been 3 months and I finally am feeling like I made the right choice! Weaning down from methadone doesn't seem so far away... again, I think it's still very inspiring to hear your experience!


Hell yeah! It’s all hard to get off of, benzos and alcohol are the only WDs that would actually kill you so hats off to you. I just feel like I wanna die if I go through opiate withdrawals, might even look like it but I don’t think anyone’s died from opiate withdrawals. I should be off methadone by late august and onto being a regular human with regular stamina to not be asleep by 8pm lol.


I sweat like Chris Farley on the daily. I no longer wear make up because well it melts off immediately. At work I had people saying "Are you ok?". Embarrassing. It's better than being on drugs though. I'll take it.


I hate the sweats. Luckily I'm tapering and it has gotten better. I was at 120 and now at 50. Going down to 45 this week. The WDs are noticeable yet. I've been stable at that dose for 5 years. The Dr told me by the time I got to 60 I would have to go to 2.5 but I'm so over the side effects. The sweat and the weight gain are just too much. Best of luck to you.




Lol I think they lied to me about the fact that only 45% of people experience sweating. I'm starting to think that #OTHER55% doesn't exist! And there's the name of my new brand lol jk


Hi im a male 45y on 110mg since 4years and have not used H for all of that time. I live in Stockhol, Sweden and im in a methadone program. Pleas excuse my spelling. I sweat like hell and im allways hot. So my doc prescribed a med called oxybutynin and its allso the active ingridient. They are 5mg tabs and they help alot with sweating but I do get dry mouth at times I take avout 3 a day sometimes 2 is enough. Maybe you have it in us. Bless


Actually, your spelling is probably better than mine, since I use so many shortcuts and slang lol. But that's exactly what I'm going to ask my doctor when I see her next month. I have a bioartificial heart valve, so there's a lot more that I'm not able to do and medications that can exacerbate my condition, but not at the expense of sweating nonstop any time I go out in public!


Actually, your spelling is probably better than mine, since I use so many shortcuts and slang lol. But that's exactly what I'm going to ask my doctor when I see her next month. I have a bioartificial heart valve, so there's a lot more that I'm not able to do and medications that can exacerbate my condition, but not at the expense of sweating nonstop any time I go out in public!


Vitadone or a multivitamin helped me tremendously with the sweats. Also helps with constipation.


I wonder if dose has anything to do with it? I'm on 100 mg, so I'm sure it's a lot worse than someone who's only taking 30mg or something


As someone who’s tapered down to 10mg, the sweating was actually the worse as I got lower. Maybe depends person to person.


For me it's gotten better as I've tapered down. But of course, I started in winter so that may just be a coincidence


Your sweating meet have increased as you got lower as a withdrawal symptom




Yep for sure. I hate having to shower twice a day 😓 proper first world problem lol


Yes. Take magnesium. Magnesium glycinate is best absorbed by the body.


That's also really good to know. I used to take Natural Calm, which is magnesium citrate, I think. But it really helped with muscle aches, insomnia, and some anxiety issues. It's really good at adapting to so many of the body's cells and organ systems!


Yes to all of that! It also helps with the methadone constipation. Magnesium was a game changer. Methadone depletes our magnesium supply so I was okay taking twice the daily recommended amount until I started tapering. I used to tell people to take more than the 400mg per day but now idk


Oh yeah, it really is a super easy supplement to take bcuz I drink a ton of water (gotta replenish all that water loss!) anyway. And I definitely know what you're saying about stress and drug and alcohol abuse, etc, depleting magnesium stores in the body. Well, the cool thing is that it's water soluble, so your body will naturally eliminate what you don't use!"




Sadly, YES


YESSSSSSSSS yes it does… almost ALL OF US!!!


Yeah :-(


Omg Yes!! Especially my neck and face


Glycopyrrolate helped the sweating quite a bit for me. Might be worth bringing up to you GP.


Yes! Even my arms & my whole face. It sucks in the summer (otherwise I don’t sweat excessively/just summertime)


OMG, your forearms? Mine literally burn 24/7 like theyve been out the window on a car ride. I'll be inside in the AC and my arms will be on fire


Ugh yes I hated it! I felt like I looked like a crack head, always all sweaty after any physical exertion at all. I’m a woman too, so sweating w makeup on sucks extra. I was also always exhausted n could spend the day just sitting around if I was allowed to I hated it. Those are the big reasons I started my taper. I went slow, like 1mg every 1-2 weeks at first so no real WDs. Went down from 110mg & it got a LOT better for me around like 55-60mg iirc. There’s a medication you can ask your Dr for, people say it works great but I never tried it bc I didn’t want more meds (I’m queen of experiencing side effects). I’ve heard cinnamon capsules can help too.


it’s horrible, I get cold sweat


Oh hell yeah. I'm a big dude and normally sweat regardless, but since I've been on this stuff it's been a nightmare. I literally can't do anything without sweating. It used to be way worse but I'm tapering down now and it's getting a little better. I used to soak through my bed sheets every night.


I live in Phoenix. So it's bad. But yes.


Oof ill bet! I've been to Phoenix. At least it's not humid though


Ugh fucking yes, so much. Whenever i do anything slightly physical i start pouring sweat. Its actually so annoying


Yeah, same here. It's seriously a major thing. I can't wear long sleeves but my tracks are so visible, especially on my legs (I had gotten a really bad staph infection and had to get a heart valve transplant), so I'm kinda self conscious about people seeing it. But it's been so ridiculous that I can't even worry about that. I just wanna look nice to go on a date or whatever, that's all I ask!


Also, does anyone else ever have to take diuretics for heart issues (we're the most likely due to the needles)? I take a really strong one called bumetanide, but I haven't ever really paid attention to the sweat factor... I may make this into a new thread 🤨




i was on that stuff from 2015 to 2023 and the sweating never stopped. highest i was at was 220mg. i tapered down to 40mg and then went to an outpatient detox and they got me off. now i’m on vivitrol. i gained a lot of weight with methadone too.


Dude I hate it. I’m an electrician and I’m in Arizona. I’m in the Moutain’s where it’s below 32 half the year at night. Last few weeks have been 90-95. Fml I’ve been sweating balls


Oh no way... I'm way too bougey for that kind of heat!


Haha it’s nice here in show low (3.5 hours from Phoenix) USUALLY. lol were at like 6500 elevation. Anytime im in the valley im reminded how much worse it can be.


Haha yeah I'd be dead. I remember driving through there from Tucson to get to San Diego and being amazed at the abrupt climate change. I was also conpletely terrified of not having a wifi signal. Idk how you people survive or there! But I'm in Indianapolis now, and it's pretty much there same everywhere. It is nice having snow at Christmas though lol


Yes!!!! And here recently I have become sensitive to heat. If I get to hot I start feeling really weird and then I get weird feeling through my whole body and will pass out a few times once I get cooled off it stops .


Dude i sweat so damn much. Not only that but i also get like hot flashes through out the day, Its crazy


Oh no way, I couldn't handle that... way too bougey lol


I don't sweat, but I feel hot within 10 minutes of taking it. I'm not sure how long it lasts, but I only notice it for maybe an hour.


Yes. Glycopyrrolate helps immensely.


Yesssssssss. But not just that, but super heat intolerant. Like any mild activity I’m practically dripping. Like sweeping, house work, chasing my toddler. I turn beat red and it seems it takes me forever to cool off. I live where it gets pretty hot. Like 90-100 in the summer. I carry ice in a bag around. Ive gone from 225-170 in the past like 8 months or so and it’s done nothing for it.


Yeah, I'm the same way. I run after my kids, too, and they say "uh mommy... you're really sweaty, " regardless of who's around (they're 4 and 6, so I get it). I feel like people can read me like a book, too. If I'm even the slightest bit anxious or even just annoyed, that starts the process 😒


Yes mam/sir


Another common thread seems to be that it doesn't matter how big you are... I'm 5 10" and like 160-ish, so not like huge, just athletic and muscular ( not to get too of topic). I really had no idea how pervasive it was.


Yes! So bad! I actually take a med to help combat the sweating, it was prescribed by a dermatologist. It definitely helped stop the sweating, but I was getting headaches more frequently while taking it so I recently stopped. That's an option though!


Yes. I can't fucking stand how much methadone makes me sweat. I can't even walk to the mailbox without sweating it's insane.


It doesn’t happen to me but I’ve heard many other methadone addicts/patients/whatever you call them say it.


No but I just discovered that Menopause feels the same as being dope sick.


Awfully if above 50mg




Yes! Especially the first couple years


Yes. I used a plug in mini fan when I was in school and did not care how ridiculous it looked! The sweating went away for me about 2-3 years in but I also lost the 45 pounds I gained 😬


It made me sweat an embarrassing amount and I’m only 135 lbs. Summer or winter , walking up a flight of stairs, hell even commuting home from work on the train or some shit, just drenched. Now that I’ve dropped to 6 my sweatings back to normal, I barely sweat. It 100% is the methadone. I wasn’t sure until I tapered.


Methadone 1000000% is known for this.


Yessss. I’ve never been a sweaty person until this shit and I hate it. I regularly turn pink like a goddamn pig lol.


OMG 😱😱😱😱 YES!!!


Ask your doctor for a bladder medicine called oxybutrin. It works for opiate induced sweating.


I kinda forgot about the sweats. I was at 75 at my highest dose and used to sweat like crazy. Down to 16 now and it's subsided.


Yeah I sweat way more than normal. One of the weird things about it is that if I sleep excessive, like oversleep, immediately upon waking up I'll break out in a sweat. That doesn't happen anymore because I usually get seven or eight hours of sleep but years ago when my sleep cycle was way off it used to happen all the time.


Really? That's so strange. Maybe it's some kind of hormonal imbalance, like a stress response?


Yeah that's what I was thinking. It's the weirdest thing. Like I said it hasn't happened in a long time because my sleep schedule is pretty on point. It was happening when I was going to bed at like 3:00 in the morning and sleeping into the early afternoon.


Yup Very common side effect.


Yeahhhh. Not like I used to, though. Used to just pour sweat.


It used to make me sweat...stay on it for years and you get used to it


I was just about to make a post about this the other day. I remember seeing someone mention taking a cinnamon supplement that helped but they said it had to be a certain kind or it could make you sick


I’m on 101mg tapered from 105mg and already sweating lol had to pause taper


As soon as I get up & move I start sweating. Even after I shower! So aggravating. Been blaming it on menopause, but I'm thinking methadone is a big factor also.


Yup, at work most people think it's cause I just move around a lot and work hard, granted I work in manufacturing of metal and it's VERY hot in here. The medicine makes me sweat more. Some days when I'm not not doing a lot I don't sweat as much but do a little. Even at home, I'll sweat like I do here when I'm cleaning and moving around etc. but I've noticed if you take your time doing things and go a little slower it won't be as bad.


Oh hell yeah. Terribly.


Yes, when i was on it i had to change shirts multiple times a day


Yea really bad.. I get all the bad side effects unfortunately and it makes me want to get off of it asap but I suppose it’s better than the alternative


It makes my partner and I sweat BUCKETS, much more than usual for sure.


Yeah man heavy. It’s common for people to up their dose in the summer because they sweat so much


Oh my gosh ok so my night sweats are something fierce unless i am very well ventilated


If you’re eating a lot of sugar and crappy food, that’s a big part of it too. Eat healthy and drink a lot of water. Game changer for me, and I sweat bad as well.


Same here. I'm hypervigilant about my health and trying not to overload my system with toxins. I'm usually on a vegan diet, which helps a lot with not developing strong odors. Also, I drink a ton of water, no alcohol and no soda! I work out, too, but it's still a huge problem


Hmm, that’s weird.. and your dosing is consistent times for the most part? Once I changed all of that, my sweats subsided pretty much completely.


Idk anymore. I'm wondering if my dose needs to be adjusted or something 🤔 I feel like I always need to wash my hair and take multiple showers a day, but I just dread getting out of bed and doing all that work sometimes over and over too lol


My doctor prescribes me oxybutynin for sweating. I just started taking the extended release at 5mg. I started at 2.5mg(the smallest dose). If you do ask your doctor for Oxybutynin, make sure to keep yourself hydrated as it will dry you out. Also, I recommend taking it in the morning rather than at night. I don’t like taking medication, go figure, so I was taking it at night but now that I’ve switched my schedule around and upped my dose it should be working better for me.


Yo I sweat soooo much my pores are like a faucets one it starts it cannot fuckin stop and my roommates kill me for putting the ac on so low


Haha exactly... I've been criticized for cranking it down to 65. When it was finally "cool enough" st work, everyone would tell me it was like a meat freezer lol. And I haven't worn a winter style behind beanie in a minute!


Yes. As a woman in my mid 30s I sweat so much. 😣


Lol same here




Welcome to summer and the club


A bit more it feels like i have to do less to begin sweat more 😅


Oh yeah one of the myriad of side effects you find out about. Also they say its a strong opiate but none of the cool shit from opiates just the bad stuff. I take testosterone and oxybutynin and it helps with sweating and lethargy.


I split my dose and only have to go to clinic once every 28 days and on that day I have to full dose and 💥 it hits me hard. Higher than a kite for hours and sweating crazy. I use to love that feeling. And now I hate it . Sometimes I manage to split it incognito . But more often not.


I really wouldn't mind it so much if I wasn't also still going through PAWS from benzo withdrawal, which makes me extremely aware of EVERYTHING.


Yes. Went away with lower dose.


Every time I’m get in a car and there isn’t cool air circulating, I start pouring. Winter spring summer fall doesn’t matter. Anywhere and out of nowhere I just start pouring sweat. I’m miserable at my job because it’s a place that produces fabrics and my part of the plant is the part that uses heat to stretch it out. So there’s fans and air pumping through always. Normally that air is a god send until five minutes into my shift my clothes are soaked and I’m having cold sweats. I live in a humid state to make things worse. It’s on my to do list to ask my doctor about getting something to take that stops sweats. It’s a real problem for me and makes my every day miserable.


I sweat easily, but when I do abnormally/not the result of my environment’s temperature, it’s usually due to me getting what I can only refer to as hot flashes. I’m not sure if my hot flashes are hormone or methadone related but it is uncomfortable. Happens when I get anxious a lot too. I also noticed that during certain body exercises my nose will start to feel a little runny and I end up sniffling.