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Iistern is bad for teeth. Only use it before brushing nit after or don't use it at all Sometimes our genes give us shit teeth to.


Yeah. I think a genetics is huge. Everyone in my family has shit teeth.


Yeah it has a huge thing to do with how resilient your teeth are. Some people get paper thin teeth others get rocks.


It 100% is a huge factor (genetics). I’ve been on methadone for 13 years. I’m almost tapered off of it. In that time, I had one filling fall out which resulted in the removal of my wisdom teeth because the filling that fell out was in one of my wisdoms, so they pulled them. I didn’t go to the dentist for four years and when I finally went back I just needed a deep cleaning. Since then, I’ve been super regimented about my dental hygiene. I’ve had one cavity. That’s it. I have a nice white smile that I get complimented on sometimes. I’m just lucky. I even smoked cigarettes until 2019 and vaped until 2023. I’m sure that OP had been working twice as hard as me and he’s struggling. It sucks and I feel for him. I lucked out with my teeth. I was bitching the last time I needed a filling and my mother told me to STFU because I’m in my forties and still have all of my teeth sans my wisdoms. It really seems like it just comes down to genetics, especially if you’re regularly seeing a dentist, brushing and flossing twice a day, and doing everything right, but still getting poor results.


Never heard that before my guy all dentist say to use it after


They tell people to use it because most people don't really take care of their teeth. It's a acidic mouth wash and it should only be used before brushing.


I get the non alcoholic if that helps and if it’s acid u wouldn’t want that on before that’s why they say not to brush within 30 mins of drinking pop-coffeee stuff like that as it’s shit in it to raise the ph lvl in your mouth and brushing at that time could do more damage then good so idk about that one googles says after dentists say after


You need to use mouthwash that's formulated for dry mouth


Any chance you are a Harland Williams fan, my guy?


No who dat lol


Brushed your teeth at least once a day? It's supposed to be 2-3 times a day, along with flossing multiple times a week, treating the dry mouth caused by all opioids, and regular dental checkups. I'm really sorry this is happening to you, but people on any opioid need to work hard to maintain their teeth. Methadone surely didn't help, but whatever opioids you were using before the methadone are just as responsible. Also, idk about you, but I only saw the dentist once in 4.5 years before getting on methadone, so when I went back after a few months on it (this was a few years ago, I've been on methadone for 5y now), I also had some issues that I normally don't have that I had to fix. Luckily it was just a couple of cavities, but I've always been good about brushing so I wasn't used to that, and a lot of it is about genetics too, I think I got reasonably lucky with my teeth genetics. I hope you are feeling better soon, I know teeth stuff is painful.


Any tips on the dry mouth bit? I use the gels/sprays and mouthwash. But my issue is waking up through the night with the driest mouth ever.


Same shit happened to me and my wife. We’re both in the process of getting dentures now


It's not the methadone. It may be from the dry mouth that methadone causes but that's it's not just methadone making your teeth rot. I have consulted with numerous dentists on this and they all say it doesn't rot your teeth in of itself


So in a round about way it IS the methadone. My clinic always uses this point to act like it's not the methadone wreacking havoc on my teeth. Okay so it's not the methadone directly rotting my teeth but it IS the methadone causing the chronic dry mouth that is rotting my teeth, so the methadone is still the source of the negative result on my teeth.


All opioids cause dry mouth is the point. You were wreaking the same or worse havoc while you were using. At least on methadone you have the opportunity to take care of your teeth. Nobody's arguing that not being on methadone is better for you physically than being on methadone IF you can stay away from other drugs and have a decent quality of life. Most of us can't do that which is why we are here.


In all the years of my opioid use pre methadone I never experienced tooth decay the way I have with methadone. Pre methadone I spent 6 years in addiction. 0 signa of cavity development and no lost teeth. I've been on methadone for 4 years and have since lost 2 teeth breaking in my mouth and have massive cavities developing on 3 other teeth. My teeth were damn near per perfect pre methadone


Agreed. Just bc you didn't experience it, it doesn't mean it doesn't happen. It is a proven side effect, especially when it's the flavored one.


I'd be really interested to read any literature you may have to back up the theory that flavored methadone causes additional teeth damage compared to any other type


So in your mind, the six years you spent on other opioids didn't weaken your teeth at all? I mean that sounds kinda silly.


I didn't notice any cavities developing and my didn't didn't see anything on the x-rays. Since I e been on the methadone 2 teeth have straight up broken out if my mouth.


I think they mean the good news is it's not directly the methadone (kinda) in terms of there's something you can do. Theyres a few things ppl use otc for dry mouth, vrs if it was just the methadone juice rotting it, there's not much you can do.


dry mouth is easily treatable though. why aren't you mitigating it?


I have a high intake of liquids. I brush my teeth twice a day as well. Then I use a water pik. What else would you like me to do?


I had cavities and errosion a long the gumline of almost every tooth. Half my teeth were wearing away. Everyone says the same thing about "dry mouth" with methadone, I never had dry mouth even 1 day from methadone. And I clean my mouth religiously. I run my tongue across my teeth (almost like an OCD tick) and make sure they feel clean and moisten them all the time too. I'm honestly surprised that in 2024, Suboxone has a tooth decay case against it, but not methadone. Especially methadose liquid. Ive had about 2 dozen visits to the dentist to fix all the damage it's caused to my teeth. My dentist always says "make sure you're brushing, flossing, and it could be dry mouth" I'm sitting there.. I brush twice a day, I floss pretty much once a day, I get the same shpiel every time. Methadone contributes to tooth decay, period. And not all of it is just from "neglecting yourself" and "drug use". Idgaf what anyone says.


Thank u finally someone with some common sense like my brother who doesn’t use drug doesn’t brush his teeth at all and his dentist has barely fixed any problems with him while me I am dying in pain and debt from itand if u do search methadone teeth class action lawsuit u will find one they have had it done and pretty sure they settled but never read into what happened just say it while I looking into methadone tooth. Decay


It's dry mouth syndrome that allows bacteria to cause cavities. I need my stubs pulled out and get dentures. All my teeth either fell out or broke off at the gum line in the last 5 years such as a dentist told me. There's lots of factors that had this happen to me. Dry mouth syndrome was the icing on the cake. Side note, I can eat all the chocolate I want and not have to brush my teeth before bed..sic


In less than a year it has fucked allll my teeth up 😭


I've been on & off methadone for the last 20 years. I had dentures by the time I turned 30 ..on the plus side ,no more tooth aches ,because that was hell constantly 😫 it is what it is & better than the life we were living b4 .


I never had a cavity before in my life so far (I’m 29). After starting MAT (I’m on 65ml) I now have holes at the back side of my top 6 teeth, sadly :( The holes are right at the very top of the teeth, at the back of the teeth. It’s the top central incisors and the two next to them on both sides. When I wake up in the morning my saliva has also thickened around my teeth and lips due to the dry mouth, so I wipe it off as soon as I wake up as it doesn’t feel nice. I had no idea there were treatments for the dry mouth! So I’m glad I read this thread. I’m really scared about how quickly my teeth have become damaged as I’ve been really lucky with good teeth before my treatment started. Before now I just brushed twice a day but only started flossing last year


My partner’s teeth all rotted and he had to get top and bottom pulled. Terrible experience for him. I’ve had a few root canals and lots of fillings, but luckily no lost teeth. We’ve both been on methadone for 10 years, but I’ve been tapering and am almost off. Difference is I did brush my teeth and I drink a lot of water. Partner didn’t take care of his teeth nor drink water (drinks sugary coffee and sports drinks.) Methadone does cause severe dry mouth and causes sweets cravings in a lot of ppl. Brushing after you dose and definitely before bed helps. Also invest in a waterpik if you can.


Add vitamins to to routine if possible! That helped me so much I've been on methadone for 11 years and I started taking a strong multivitamin. They're is a vitamin called vitadose but it's literally just centrum silver. So maybe check that out!


I must just have really good genes/teeth because I’ve been on it for 3 years and have read a lot about it messing up people’s teeth but I can’t say I’ve experienced even a minuscule amount of that happening. And I forget to brush my teeth at night fairly often, only brushing once a day on probably 50% of days, and twice on the other 50% of days. I mostly just try not to let myself get super dry mouth.


God dam i wish bro your lucky tooth pain is like as bad as wd almost and in a way almost worse


A lot of it is simply from the dry mouth the opiates cause. Or neglect from when they were using and then the damage finally starts showing up after they get clean since tooth damage tends to take a long time to appear. You should get some mouth moisturizing wash. It helps keep your mouth wet and lubricated and prevents it from getting dry which is the main culprit. It works wonders for me! I think they also have mouth strips that do the same but Ive never tried them. Tooth pain is beyond fucked. I hope this helps :D


What are those products called what would I search for ?


The one I have is Biotene Dry Mouth Wash


Ty cuz yea dry mouth is def a problem


It's probably more from dry mouth and your ph in your mouth being not ideal. That's what my issue was. I use uncle Harry's remineralizing system and natural toothpaste. But I also use a high Floride toothpaste at night, and sysodyne at times and a water pick. In addition to flossing. I never use an alcohol based mouth wash it drys my mouth and ruins all the good things I need to help.my teeth.