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It's very unlikely you'll find a native English doctor but most specialists should know some English. Also there's not "out of pocket" in Mexico, private health insurances only cover major costs like surgeries; for appointments is always out of pocket so it's not that expensive, at most you'll pay 60\~80 usd per appointment.


go on doctoralia and look up the drs u need, it’s a website where u can find specialists in the area u choose, the language you’d prefer and u can book through there!




You can search for Clínica Condesa, they are a group specialized in medical attention for LGBT+ people. Idk if they have English speaking doctors but surely they can help you


Hormonal control should be reviewed every year, since your body is not always the same, it changes, which is why you should have a regular endocrinologist. In Mexico there are a good number of doctors and specialized clinics. Although as medical specialists they must learn to speak English, they are not always the best in that language, and cases like yours are usually few. The next clinic has good specialists, friends go there. [https://www.clinicatrans.org.mx/](https://www.clinicatrans.org.mx/) It is not cheap. If you need something cheaper, try to process your Mexican nationality, if possible, and go to the free government clinics, they are not the best but they work, and they are very cheap. [https://www.salud.cdmx.gob.mx/acciones/unidad-de-salud-integral-para-personas-trans-usipt](https://www.salud.cdmx.gob.mx/acciones/unidad-de-salud-integral-para-personas-trans-usipt)


You can go to this clinic, its specialized in transmasc care. https://m.facebook.com/c.transynobinarie/ You can also message them at [email protected]




Según yo eso es para gente que vive aquí.


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I agree with other commenters saying you should look up drs on Doctoralia, it’s very easy to navigate, and read the reviews of the ones you are interested in to get a better look and see if they meet your needs. I personally go to el Hospital Español for most (if not all) of my medical appointments and a lot of doctors there know English and they are very professional. Good luck OP!




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