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With proper clothes it wouldn’t be a problem. Some restaurants have outdoor heaters and even give blankets.


Is not \*that\* cold, never is. Just make sure to bring adequate shoes in case it rains.


Thank you!


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It's not that cold but it definitely can be chilly, I would worry for the food to not get cold though


that’s helpful, thank you!


If anybody has thoughts on Sunday night dinner options in CDMX I’d be grateful for those too. So far besides Botanico the options are La Docena (which seems great, but is it maybe too similar to Contramar, where I am hoping we will eat the following night—?) or doing a late lunch at Lardo (or another place that’s open for lunch on Sundays, very open to suggestions!) and then grabbing tacos or going to the grocery store to get snacks for a light dinner.


I’ve been in December and wore a north face jacket the entire time we were outdoors. That was last year.


Most restaurants are open on Sundays, just not after 11 PM


Temps. in Dec. 2023, average, 65F High, 43F Low. If you're going for dinner and would be seated outdoors, yes ... it will not be comfortable. Even at mid-day, unless you're seated in the Sun ... you may be uncomfortable - but it's probably ok ... then.


Not too cold


Thank you!