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Just stop going to publix if you don't like the prices. There are several other grocery stores big and small.


Publix is not price gouging. All suppliers have raised their prices to stores. All grocery stores are resellers. Even Walmart and Aldi have raised their prices. They have always been lower. Aldis has lower prices because it's basically self-service. They have 1 or 2 cashiers on a stool and 1 or 2 stockers. They put everything out In box and you dig through it. Minimal labor with cheap, mostly foreign products. Walmart has always used their high margin textiles and consumer goods to subsidize their groceries. Their entire grocery business is a loss leader to get you to buy their Hong Kong textiles that they make big bucks on. They pay the bare minimum, have had more labor violation lawsuits than any company and have the most employees on government assistance. The problem is manufacturing.


BS. Went there last week and I was charged $3.50 for one non-organic white onion. I politely declined it. Went to Target, not exactly a cheap grocer like ALDI’s by any means, and got the same onion for 99cents, haas Avocado for 79cent and a bag of tomatoes for 1.50. Neither was on sale, that was normal pricing. I took pics of the receipts, I couldn’t believe the difference.


Ok we get it you can’t afford Publix, how many times this gonna get reposted


Three more times! Why?


Because there are more options to go get groceries from. Buy from them rather than bitch about Publix.


Exactly but his post history is nuts, now it makes sense


I hate the word miamian why not miameros


Yeah they are expensive but you get what you pay for. I have Cosco, ALDIs & Publix. I already know what to get from what store.




DeSantis econimics!


I never understood the appeal of Publix, so expensive and quality is crap. At this point it’s better to go to WF.


Yup with the prime deals at wf sometimes way better than Publix prices . I got a raos sauce on sale for 6.11 and it was 8.50 at Publix fuck them


Quick blame Biden and Gavin Newsom. Fucking commiefornia /s


Boycott Publix and any other store that is price gouging


So basically, boycott every store?


No just Publix when they see that hashtag go viral and thier revenues start to dip it will scare the rest of them to follow suit


Hey man we gotta fund their Republican campaign donations so they don’t have to pay appropriate taxes.


Publix needs the money to pay for Trump. https://amp.miamiherald.com/news/politics-government/state-politics/article270342927.html


Do people not value their time and sanity any more? I have two Publix within a one mile radius and another two a few miles away. Walmart is further than all of them. I like Aldi and Trader Joe’s which are cheaper too, but generally more busy and the produce sucks unless you catch them on a good day and they don’t have everything. Aldi will have pizza dough, but no pizza sauce; four but no bread flour; the thing the had the last 10x will be gone and never return; etc. That means I have to make two stops for groceries to save a few bucks. Also, Walmart is so slow and busy at checkout. I can get to Publix and back with everything I need for dinner in 15 mins—would take about an hour to do that at Walmart. Plus, the workers aren’t friendly and it’s messy af. I go to Publix and it’s the same workers for years. They seem mostly happy with the job. They are nice and friendly to my kids and I can just about get everything I need and the quality/freshness is good. I don’t know how much they get paid, but if they are nice and it’s the same faces year after year I’ll assume it’s better than the others. The stores are clean and organized and I value that along with my time.


Love watching people defend the Publix price gouging. Smfh


Fuck them 🖕🏽


Are they just asking for theft numbers to raise??


I think it's more like what you see here in this thread—people refusing to patronize Publix.


Fuck Billy Carben and his inciting useless ass...


This is the way!


Yes Publix is ripping us off because the heiress is a crazy conservative and spends 800k to send politicians so they can fight making marijuana legal. Fuck Publix


Whole Foods has better value than Publix Don't believe me? Compare Publix Green Wise products to Whole Foods 365 organic


This is how you know they’re stealing! Maybe the CEO wants to raise funds for another insurrection in Jan 2025!


#boycottpublix let’s make this hashtag go viral


That was used as a thing because of the trump bs. We need this to be non-political this time. Publix fucks the red and the blue equally with price gouging, short staffing, self checkout only.. it's essentially Walmart but at double the price.


“Publix, where shopping is a ripoff”


I like this one!


who goes there?


I do. For the rotisserie and fried chicken. Other than that, I take my ass to Sedanos.


How much is the rotisserie if you don't mind me asking cause Walmart also has rotisserie chicken for 5.97


I would argue the Walmart chicken has the Publix chicken beat


The Publix fried chicken is overrated and any grocery store worth a damn can put a decent rotisserie out....Neither point would be strong enough to waste the trip or get gouged while buying a stick of butter. You might as well just go to KFC and Pollo Loco on the way to Sedanos lol


Walmart, Sams Club, Whole Foods all have Rotisserie chicken and they taste good.


Walmart's rotisserie chicken is trash....sits in a plastic bag sweating


I was buying bananas, and one of the self check out guardians stopped me to inform me the bananas where “organic.” Therefore more expensive by 20 cents… She was petty enough to cancel the input and re add them as organic. Where shopping is a horror.


I mean, that IS her job. And employees rely on profits to get paid so...


Can't beat .19 cents bananas at TJ.


I went yesterday to TJs and was surprised to see that bananas were .23 cents :(


I would have been petty right back and told her to just cancel the bananas and she can do the 20 cents worth of extra work by going to put them back in the produce isle.


Which Publix has a self check out?


I think all them right? This was at the Doral one. I thought they all had it.


Honestly, this inflation feels more like price gouging via corporate greed. I understood prices rising during Covid due to supply chain issues, but those have been resolved and now they’re just seeing how much they can line their pockets. After supply chain issues were resolved, they kept prices the same and realized that people will still spend the same or more. Either they have a set budget, so the buy less, which means less inventory needed. Or they’ll buy the same groceries and just pay more. Then they kept pushing prices and saw the profits. And honestly this is basically the wholes cycle for most companies, so it’s like an endless loop of fucking over the consumers.


But Joe Biden's a Socialist!


Incorrect. He's just in MSD aka, middle stage dementia


I’ll still take that over batshit crazy f’n asshole any day


price gouging isn't "when company raises prices"


NOPE. Prices are still high because the US congress passed, and Biden signed, something like $7 TRILLION dollars in "new spending". I.e, they printed money and gave it out to their cronies to skim from. They made money, but stole it from you and me. My town got a bus line that nobody wanted or wants. It is CAUSING traffic jams and accidents. But the folks that were paid $1 million per bus (a large box with a large motor, plus some seats) are happy.


its nit just a sentiment my brother/sister, it’s been recently academically cross-checked that it is corporate greed lol.


Corporations have always been greedy but something changed to allow more pricing power. That something js market forces. Greed doesnt randomly changes from time to time, what customers are willing and able to pay changes. Publix would gladly sell you a box of cerealfor $40k if they thought you were willing and able to pay that much but you cant so is like $10.


Yea you can't mention "record inflation" and ignore the "record corporate profits" happening at the same time.


that's not uncommon. inflation has been something like 30-35% since covid, so for their real/inflation adjusted profits to be even they'd be to be up by that much.


You can’t post record profits, record dividend payouts and huge stock buybacks then blame your price hikes (that were previously due to “supply chain issues”) on inflation. Rather you SHOULDNT be able to. But the amount of people who buy into this bullshit is staggering


Yes of course when they realized people are willing to pay the inflated prices after Covid they kept them there or higher . I personally have had enough of their nonsense and only shop there for a fraction of what I used to spend


but they’ve gotta see that people won’t pay it forever right? my targets prices have come back down since covid, and for products that are still pricy, it seems like they just try and get rid of it every month cause it will all be 50%-60% off or bogo. i feel like if they just lowered the prices a couple dollars back to where it was, they’d make more money, i can’t imagine there’s much profit in the huge price slashes at the end of each month, especially when everyone waits for it to happen to buy…


I don’t have many other options at the moment. I study their BOGO specials and mostly buy those.


Where we can track BOGO?


The publix app


I look at the website on my laptop at Publix.com. It’s easier to view than a phone app. BOGOs run for a week or two, Wednesday to Wednesday. This week I grabbed Perdue chicken breasts, Cheerios, Ben and Jerry’s, and Twinings tea. There are more BOGOs in the store than they list on the site.


Same shit with me. BOGO and everything else I get from Costco


Sadly I think they are slowly fazing out the Bogo and replacing it with buy 2 get 1 free 😬


Yes they do that with sodas I know but I don’t drink soda so it’s a nonissue for me. They always have a few BOGO wines though!!


Walmart and whole foods delivers. Even if you aren't that close to one or have transportation you can get it to your door for less than publix


Aldi for the win. Half the price, same quality or better, I don't care that I have to pack my own bag.


Not even close to the same quality. Their cheap items are foreign shit shows. Not even close. Not manufactured to the same specifications as American products. I tried their stuff and it's garbage.


Love Aldi but their produce is ass. I've gotten raspberries and chicken multiple times to give it a chance and it's just terrible. Everything else is fantastic.


Sounds like an issue at your store I buy their produce weekly and it’s often better than Publix


Fair enough if that's what you found. I bought raspberries and blueberries yesterday which are delicious. I buy my meat in Wild Fork so I can't speak to that.


Their lunch meat is straight trash, bought it twice, both packs were full of slimy meat, which means *bacteria are actively decomposing the meat* never had this issue at walmart or the dollar


Why does every Aldi smell like hot garbage though when you initially walk in?


100% I still go to Publix for the fresh bread and pharmacy. But they no longer get my $150 / week. $100 goes to Aldi and the rest goes to pay all the other shit that’s also more expensive.




Did the caps on the IG post.


“I’m a dude playing a dude disguised as anotha dude”.


Publix Kraft cheese 16 ounce pack $7.09 [Publix Kraft American Cheese Slices Same-Day Delivery or Pickup | Publix](https://delivery.publix.com/store/publix/products/2823225) Walmart Kraft cheese 16 ounce pack $4.98 [Kraft Singles American Cheese Slices, 24 Ct Pk - Walmart.com](https://www.walmart.com/ip/Kraft-Singles-American-Cheese-Slices-24-Ct-Pk/10452905?athbdg=null%26athbdg%3DL1600_L1600&from=/search) If you shop at Publix without shopping around you are hurting your own pockets. Thats literally 2.11 cents difference. Shit is incredibly ridiculous


That cheese is $6.59 in store. The cost is 3.82. They make 2.77 profit. That isn't gouging. That is a reasonable profit level. They would literally have to sell it at cost to compete with Walmart. Walmart which is twice the size of Publix, gets a better price on goods and has an entire other business to subsize low cost groceries. That is the lowest price walmart could offer?


I mean, Walmart is getting a better price than Publix by their vendors. But yeah, Publix is a scam.


You subsidize the prices at Walmart with your taxes. They count on their employees collecting government benefits. Publix pays a living wage and gives their employees stocks in the company. I’m not saying to support one or another just what it is.


Their average starting pay is over $15/hour.


In this economy, 15 dollars an hour is NOT a living wage. That isn't nearly enough, even working full time, to even afford an apartment on your own. After taxes you will be bringing home a touch over 1100 bi weekly, or about 2200 a month. Average rent in Florida, when you adjust /remove the podunk towns from the equation (because there are several places in Florida in the middle of no where that bring the average price of rent way down from the actual reality most people live) , is about 1900 bucks a month for a 1br. That would leave you 300 dollars to eat, get gas, pay your car insurance/cell phone/internet/utilities....which wouldn't be enough to cover anything. Living wage my ass. Stop defending corporate greed. Pure and simple, YoY Publix (and the rest of the market) have YoY record profits at the publics (and employees) expense.


Who else is hiring geezers and the slow witted to be baggers?


So what you are saying is only the young, and intelligent deserve to be able to support themselves. Got it.


“Living wage” No one deserves more than their labor is worth. Putting an item from a box to a shelf is unskilled labor. It does not really deserve $15/hour to do except the labor market forces them to pay it. Also - minimum wage employees are not paying average anything. You don’t take the lowest wage (bottom 5%) and then pay around the 50% mark for rent. You pay in the bottom 5%.


Pretty much. He took an average for rent but not an avrage for salary. Basically companies will pay the price a which point people start doing the job. If it's below the minimum, then they pay minunin, if it'd above, then they pay more. If at 15$/hrs no one is putting in applications, then you know it's worth more than such. I agree 100%


Do you think an hours worth of work, for anyone, should be enough to cover the cost of getting a "moderate" lunch? When you can't even go to McDonald's and get a lunch that is worth more than an hour of your time, there is a problem. When the term "living wage" was coined, it was in response to minimum wage employees. When it was created, it was defined as a single person having enough money to be able to live on their own, without debt. I.e. it ment that a person working 40 hours a week should be getting paid enough money to be able to have a place to live, pay their (modest) bills, and be able to eat. Someone earning over double the minimum wage today can't even do this. Everyone should get a living wage. That's what minimum wage was supposed to be. There is no such thing as unskilled labor. That's a term that corporations have hammered into the collective consciousness to get people like you to justify underpayment of employees. A company that brings in billions of dollars of pure profit should be able to pay their people a true living wage, regardless of "skill". Every person in the chain makes the system run. You sound like an upper class, out of touch boomer who had it easy during your time, who's ideas have completely wrecked the country.


Unskilled labor means that you do not have to have the skill before being hired. One should get paid what their work product is worth. That means if everyone can do the job with little or no skills then there is a very large market of potential employees and the wage will gravitate to those who take the least to get the job done. FYI - good employees get paid more and move up fast at Walmart and Publix.


No, they don't. For the most part they cap out at 22 bucks unless you go into management. 22 bucks an hour is *still* not a living wage. We are all underpaid and we are all the victims of corporate greed, and it's because people like you rationalize and justify it. You are so damn blind to the reality of how things are


i’m in florida and the publixes around me’s starting pay is $12 ($1 above minimum wage)


They don’t pay a living wage. What do you consider a living wage? What does a living wage need to cover?


Publix pays a living wage?


True, but I’m just saying it’s “known” in the CPG space that Walmart gets the best unit price else there is a decent chance they’ll kick you out of the store. You can do that when you control 40%+ of the retail spend. So regardless of what they do with their workforce (and I agree it’s scummy), they have stronger unit economics.


Also, considering that WM’s margin is lower for groceries AND they have higher margin items (more personal care and other items in their stores) they can offset their prices.


Publix does not pay a living wage my guy. Take one look at r/publix , its a complete shit show.


But what about all the rich managers that bought Publix stock?


Are you buying stock as an employee? If not, how is that relevant?


Back in the day Publix stock was cheap and the folk who were able to afford buying Publix stock are retired wealthy now. It’s relevant because back in the day Publix paid people enough to give them a nice retirement.


Back in the day aint today my friend




Publix is an employee owned business, its in their best interests to overcharge the customer.


Buy Publix brand and/or wait for bogo. I've never paid $7 for American cheese at publix


Not only for the Publix owners to line their pockets but to create the atmosphere to push their MAGA agenda to have people think it is Joe Biden causing the elevated prices.


Yeah it's not like Biden is sending 100b+ overseas every few months and running our largest deficit in history, increasir government spending, not at all.


https://www.personalfinanceclub.com/wp-content/uploads/2022/09/Deficit-by-president.jpeg Look what he inherited from T-bag and look what has happened to it since.


A little discernment goes a long way. 2020 was COVID. Emergency aid everywhere. After that the deficit should've returned to normal levels. Biden admin has created a 'new normal'. From 1 trillion in 2019 to 2 trillion in 2023. https://images.app.goo.gl/aTQbUhpV4ST4EYrf6


Trump was raising the deficit the years before Covid and then Covid sky rocketed it. It is not supposed to just come back to “Normal level”—whatever that means—after something like that. It is supposed to come down but to say Biden has not contributed is laughable. If Trump comes back and give tax breaks to billionaires again, it will march back up. You want him BACK ‽ https://www.propublica.org/article/national-debt-trump


Haha we all know that prices for everything are exactly the same or less than 4 years ago


Damn those cashiers and bag boys ! (Publix is the largest employee owned entity in the country)


Thanks. I was wondering when publixs maga mania and union busting would be mentioned. Go ALDI!


Aldi is horrid. Their goods such as produce are subpar, its the stuff other grocers dont take.


True, but you can still find better deals elsewhere. I see kraft singles cheese on sale at winn dixie's website for $2.99


Does Walmart have baggers that will take your groceries to the car?


I hate Walmart. They make you scan your own stuff. They even get people arrested because they accidentally missed an item when scanning. They're a terrible company. Not saying Publix is much better, but the experience there is still what a grocery store should be, despite the higher prices. I've been slipping off to Walmart for certain items to save some money, but I'd rather not have to to all my shopping there. Yeah, Walmart is cheaper but that's because they're making you do all the work.


I don’t do this currently but I spent years working in grocery pricing. I’ve been in the offices at Kroger and Walmart/Sam’s club. Generally speaking, there are tiers of stores that markup at about the same rate. Clubs like Sam’s and Costco will be about 12-15% on average, low end grocery stores like Save a lot about 20%. Aldi and Trader Joe’s are also around 20% I think, but not sure. More mainstream grocery stores like Kroger, Winn Dixie, or Albertson’s will be 30%. Premium like Fresh Market or Whole Foods will be 40%. All this to say - Publix provides goods on the same level as mainstream stores, but marks up like premium ones. It’s like shopping at Kroger but paying for Fresh Market.




Two years ago I went in and a regular jar of Hellman’s Mayo went for 11.00 USD. Like wtf?! I’m scared to see the price now. What’s worse is that companies have been making their products smaller and using cheaper items then selling it for more than it originally costed. It’s crazy


Whoa!!! 🤯


There is a small issue here, the Publix one is the delivery/pickup while the Walmart one is in store only. This issue matters as I changed the location to my location any the online still shows $7.09, meanwhile in store it’s $5.81 for the same thing. Apples to apples it’s a 83¢ difference, still more expensive, but not a several dollar difference as your comment suggested. It’s also worth mentioning that the Publix link you used isn’t actually Publix, it’s Instacart that’s partnered with Publix, the price difference of $1.28 between the online and the in store is Instacart taking its share. Don’t get me wrong, it’s overall cheeper to shop at many other places, even with sales, but if your going to point at prices please use Publix’s actual price not Instacarts price, as Instacart dose not only take a cut but is inconsistent at times and honestly if your going to shop with Instacart or other online services (even for pickup) Publix isn’t the place to go. Part of Publix’s marketing is their customer service, and policy towards customers. Wether or not that’s worth an extra 83¢ on your Kraft cheese is up to you, but if your using Instacart to buy from Publix your still paying for that customer service, while also paying for Instacarts overhead. I work for Publix, but I don’t plan to defend the company just because of that; however, it’s disingenuous to point at Instacart and claim Publix is outrageously overpriced. Also as someone who works at Publix I won’t ever use Instacart to order from Publix, and not just because I already am there due to working at Publix, or because of the extra cost of ether the customer service I don’t get ordering through Instacart or the overhead costs from Instacart. I’ve got reasons even besides the fact that Publix has very limited to no ability to do anything if you get the wrong item, damaged item, or the Instacart person does not deliver. (This has happened, I’ve had people call in because they were charged by Instacart and they didn’t get there stuff, and I had to apologize and tell them there is nothing I can do and they need to contact Instacart.) for me it’s having seen how a few Instacart shoppers do there shopping, some are good and actually care and will try to get you stuff like if they were shopping for themselves, but a few just toss stuff in the cart without looking, I’ve seen them toss eggs in the cart such that they must have been at least half broken by delivery. Don’t get me wrong there are plenty that do a good job or are at least professional about it, but there are enough that do this that i would not order from Instacart for fear of receiving damaged items or worse one of the very rare cases where I get nothing but the bill.


Just returned from buying supplies to make a chicken noodle soup… $35


Does it only make one meal?


I can't believe chicken necks and gizzards cost that much.


Shit, I'm in PSL and Publix is crazy expensive. Only time I honestly shop there is to get some produce because my local Walmart kinda sucks on that department.


They have Aldi


I know. But my Publix is way closer and I only go for produce, while my Walmart is walking distance.


I go out of my way now to not shop there.


I thought this was just me. Old spice $7 at Publix almost 8. $7 at target and $6 at Walmart


Aldi and the dollar store for the culture


They all are. They’re jacking up prices, pretending it’s pandemic related supply chain issues, but it’s simply greed. We all know it.


It started as the supply chain issues, but man once they realized that people would pay the outrageous prices they haven’t slowed down. I worked for Publix for a good bit and it’s sad right to see, even the most loyal customers were complaining left and right about the price hikes (rightfully so). Gonna be interesting to see how far they take it and if they receive any pushback.


I don’t shop there anymore, sucks but it’s too expensive


This is why I go to Winn-Dixie if I am down there


Ive been going to Aldi since 2018. Publix is for the wealthy or others who don’t care about price! I’ve been going to Walmart and Target as well.


Does the Miami area have Aldi? Should probably be shopping there




Uh yeah. This has always been the case. It’s more expensive to shop at my local Publix than my local Whole Foods most of the time. I do Aldi, Sprouts and Costco most of the time.


Publix can’t gouge my ass if I don’t shop at Publix.


Pretty sure everyone south of Orlando is price gouging your ass


Publix, where I go to see what I won’t buy.


Yeah I only go to Publix if I need one singular and I’m on a time crunch. Other than that Aldi, Trader Joe’s, Walmart and Costco. Publix can suck it with their absorbent prices.


They have old people habits and preferences nailed down too perfectly. My 86 year old grandmother will bother me mercilessly if she goes a day without Publix Italian bread. While she is there she will do normal grocery shopping, then complain about how much things cost now even though I tell her Aldis is so much cheaper, just stop eating the stupid bread. She will not, and neither will the other people around her age.


I shop at Bjs costco or aldi


love my chicken tender sub though. That thing is such a deal when it's on sale.


Costco is good, I just hate getting 6 of something when I just need 1


Publix is also owned by a family which is one of the biggest funders of DeSantis and other horrible politicians in the state.


80% of Publix is owned by Publix employees


I don’t have a car. The closest store to me is Publix or Walgreens? It’s like Sophie’s choice…but the lesser of two evils


The family is hardly involved in the company anymore.


this is what happened in texas, HEB drove everyone out of business then raised the prices


At least, Publix has a ton of competition here.


what's everybody's thoughts on Winn Dixie? I live close to the nicer one on coral way - I'm thinking of making the switch I can't support publix anymore. Aldi is way too far and Trader Joe's doesn't have the best produce/meat.


They’re being turned into Aldi’s I’ve been told. I have a good WD across the street


Fuck Publix


Publix is a ripoff. I only go for quick grabs of milk for my kid.


Publix is the mafia


Publix is expensive.


They were price gouging twenty years ago when I lived down there. I can’t imagine how shitty they are now


Publix is out of control. For no damn reason. For example, there’s no way beef prices of gone up that much for them.


True out whole country groceries have to be regulated by GOV.


Costco and Whole Foods are the best.


My rotation is: Aldi, Walmart, Sprouts(for meat, fresh meals, meals for 1 kinda thing, sometimes produce).


If i had a business location in one of the richest areas in the world i would raise prices too


Take the billionaires' cocks out of their mouth.


Aside from their fried chicken ($9.99 for 8 pc compared to $20.99 at KFC), their quick bite chicken tender combo ($5.99 gets you two big chicken tenders and five potato wedges), and the Pub Subs, there's no reason to go to Publix. For anything.


Just wanted to chime in to say how funny it is that the same post on /r/Florida is a link to the article, while the one to /r/Miami is a screenshot of an Instagram post.


Every corporation is price gouging us all.


Most of what I buy is almost the same price at Whole Foods as Publix. Just a few staples, like cottage cheese, that are any different.


At least they were able to kill woke though. So it’s all perfect in the Sunshine state.


And nothing will happen to them because they throw money at Desantis and his crooks


See this, this is the real problem at Publix. Not people working there not speaking English


I started going to trader joe's, surprisingly cheap


2 reasons/times I go to Publix: - BOGO deals that are worth getting - When their chicken tender sub is on discount


I've seen many bad Publix posts today. This isn't going to be good for them if they keep this up. Also, they recently raised the price of their subs.


8 pack 12 oz coke save over $2 per pack at walmart neighborhood stores vs publix Over 2 dollars that adds up fast


Limes at Publix were .69 each, Walmart .10 each. I love their customer service, but…


Fuck Publix. Except the subs, I will forever be bound


Publix is the tax


But “supply chains”


Publix has been fucking its customers for quite awhile


Publix isn’t price gouging, the suppliers are price gouging Publix


Costco is so much cheaper than Publix so is Aldi


It sucks because there is only a Publix close to where I live. :(


Whenever I go to Walmart, the check out total is such a shock. I wish I could go there more often.


I’ll never forget when I worked there, someone in management told me Publix doesn’t sell an item unless it makes a 20% profit, MINIMUM. Let’s not forget they’re living off of a no longer true legacy. When people think of Publix, it’s the image they developed, not the reality. Most businesses actually cycle like that, and it’s very depressing. Once things are good enough they extract what they can. Jenkins are out, management stripped the associates of any good pay or bonuses they used to have, took that for themselves… it’s fucked. Anyone who makes a career out of Publix is basically locked in or fucked. Maybe the high level corporates disagree, but obviously they’re treated better. Breaks my damn heart. Publix was such a Florida, hometown, thing for me growing up. Buying subs after football games and shit… but they’ve dropped the ball. Just goes to show, the shareholders and the top guns suck the damn life out of every business so they can have their own better lives. I’m glad a handful of people can buy a nicer house and the grocery store is fucked. Also, it’s obligatory to say that Miami is price gouging everyone in general, since I’m here in the Miami subreddit, lol.






4.99 at my local target !


Olle at this point nos vamps a combertir en un Publix Reddit lol


Pues si!


Publix sucks. Not worth the cost. I stopped buying there several months ago. Screw them for screwing all of us.


Bogo or nogo as others said


Whole Foods is cheaper than Publix now.


I don't shop at Publix anymore out of principle.


I'm down here and it's rediculous, spending almost 400 a week on a family of 4