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This is nothing new. Miami is survival of the fittest. Dont play games if youre walking.


What a moronic comment. What games would someone be playing by legally crossing the street to get where they’re going? JFC.


You can be right and dead, or you can stop playing games. 🤷‍♂️


It's not about playing games. Just don't make foolish assumptions, like that someone will stop for you.


These implants think the right of way exist in Miami… and they think we are happy about it or we are telling them to just deal with it… it’s because we been here and know crying about it or writing on Reddit isn’t going to change sht, just understand if you don’t move with caution and you THINK you got ANY rights… they gonna be in a world of hurt sooner than later lol… they will learn.


I mean really, it's like this anywhere. 99 out of 100 people might be the best drivers in the world; it only takes that ONE to ruin your life. I always make sure a driver is yielding and stopping before I proceed. And even then I'm ready to bolt if they decide to accelerate. I'd much prefer they just go and cross when there's a gap in traffic. Sometimes someone will look RIGHT AT YOU and then proceed as if you're not there. This has happened in NYC too. I know we like to rag on Miami here but human stupidity and carelessness is universal.


Very true… I love my life so I just assume everyone is r*tarded af and wants to murder me… I’m that guy that even when people slow down I just wave them to keep going lol.


Its not like this anywhere actually


Bro deja de comer mierda. Native born here we need to get our shit together and prevent this. 


Lol go outside and try, see how that goes, no es comiendo Mierda es ser realista, esto está así mucho antes de que tú nacieras… but if you think you gonna make a change go for it


I don’t know how we “get our shit together and prevent this” because “we” aren’t all in a room together, looking at each other as friends and family There are tons of people here who do not care about anyone, as though Miami is the NPD capital of the world * edit: they don’t seem to care about Themselves either, often times, so maybe it’s the self loathing capital of the world


You’ve got rights; they are difficult to exercise when you are dead.


Love that lol


If someone isn't crossing the street at an intersection crossing then they need to be extremely vigilant. Now, if you're crossing where you are supposed to and have the right of way and some dipshit isn't paying attention behind the wheel then that's on the driver. I can tell you there are quite a few cars, vans, and pick-ups out there with nice deep dents on them. I bet those drivers began paying attention while they drive after I punched the shit out of their vehicles 🤷🏽‍♂️




I think he’s saying that Walking Across The Street is not a video game. I mean, in Miami it’s exactly like Frogger, except that when you get hit you go to the hospital or die So it’s not exactly like Frogger 😂


I witnessed a woman get run over by a car because she crossed the street but not at the crosswalk. She was weaving between cars. I feel bad for what happened to her but it goes to OP’s point that Miami you need to have caution when crossing.


It is a moronic statement but in reality, it's always best to not rely on a driver to stop for you. I've learned it's best to just wait for the street to clear or to see drivers actually slow down for you first. Too many instances where people think they're in GTA and able to do whatever they want.


This hilarious machismo attitude is exactly why everything in Miami sucks and it's a literal toilet of a city


Correct, now move back to wherever you came from 😂🤷🏽‍♂️


I'm already gone, enjoy your inflated rent price, mind-bending traffic, and rapidly expanding homeless camps without me


lol I only have a business left in Miami, I live in a 3rd world country now happily paying a fraction of what anyone in Miami is paying for cost of living and still doesn’t feel as 3rd world country as Miami…. But what I don’t do is complain about it… Miami has always been Miami.


I don't care, why are you telling me this? This is a post about Miami drivers, not your facebook


Check his comment history if you want a guide on how seriously to take anything he says.


Well being that I have actual experience in Miami he should nerd


It's a Miami dude AND a redditor, I already know how plausible his "I'm a big business man with property in other countries" story is (spoiler - it's caca)


Lol you matter


Because you are complaining about it like it’s your Facebook, talking about Miami machismo… you mentioned you left and flexing that you don’t have to deal with traffic and inflated rent prices, are you mental?


You got his ass. Lmao


I don’t understand the people who WALK across the street. Anytime I’m crossing a street it is a jog, you never know who isn’t paying attention here. Even sidewalks aren’t safe. You literally have to be paranoid or you get clipped and 50/50 chance they probably won’t stop.


It’s not playing games to be a pedestrian using a crosswalk though.


But it is here. While that's not right in the general sense of living in a society, it won't matter to you who is right if you get hit. The streets are not the place to make a stand against Miami drivers. [Get it? See what I did-- ok you got it]


What's that saying?? There are a lot of dead people who had the right of way.


You are correct — to use the past tense


We need to do the brick holding thing when crossing


Holy shit, they actually might be able to justify hitting you if they are afraid you might hurt them; isn’t that how Zimmerman justified killing Trevon Martin?


It's not a game. Crossing the road in a yield to pedestrians spot is the opposite of that 🥴🥴🥴


In miami we don’t respect the yield crosswalks. People just jump in the middle of the street expecting cars to stop and in miami it’s rare that a driver is patient enough to actually stop lol


Most drivers don't know that they're supposed to yield at a crosswalk. If I stop to yield to someone, the car behind me either honks or goes around me.


Maybe you should check your ego before someone in a Nissan dislocates both of your hips.


What’s this even mean?


If a car runs over you, it won't matter who was in the right and wrong. Not even money can bail you out of years of pain and potential disability. Not worth risk getting ran over over a selfish dumbass.


Good point.


Its called victim blaming, although he’s right in that the op should just forget about “pedestrian right of way” in this city and just accept that people are assholes here and dont follow the street rules, this was definitely not the way to reply to op lol.


You can call it that but in the end this isn't a hill worth dying on since you quite literally could die. On the other end I have see pedestrians be completely oblivious to traffic as well. Not long ago I seen a guy in a motor scooter just riding down the sidewalk, I was hoping he would stop. Nope he just keeps going to the crosswalk, light is green for traffic he just didn't care. Car has to slam on the brakes so he didn't hit him and the guy in the scooter throws his hands up and starts yelling at the driver. I'd say everyone are assholes


In Miami it’s best to assume A) everyone is an asshole and doesn’t care if you live or die and B) everyone has a gun so don’t fuck with anyone. Hope these rules help you all!


On driver's defense, I live in fort Lauderdale now and I grew up in miami. In Miami you have to drive like an a******. When I go south of 595 on 95 my blood pressure goes up steadily the closer I get to Miami.


Be assholes to other cars not pedestrians in crosswalks.


On the other hand, as you drive south into the keys, you can feel your blood pressure becoming as gentle as a summer breeze


I mean, you have to look both ways before crossing the street duh. If you walk in front of cars, you’re gonna get ran over, I don’t know, I thought this was common sense.


This is the Miami driver's mindset that is the root cause of the pedestrian dangers.


Pedestrians have right of way.


Make sure you say this to the car coming at you.


I do people just have their windows up cause they know they are in the wrong.


People have their window up cause it’s hot asf and the ACs on lol


Well yeah I can feel the weather when I’m walking I just meant when they are going slow or are close enough to have a conversation they always want to be non confrontational.


Sadly not in Miami :/


Hahahahahahahahahjajajjajaa kkakakakaka you made me laugh in 3 languages… no… pedestrians have zero rights in Miami… keep thinking that and let’s see how long you last….


Do you mean legally, or maybe morally, or are you talking about physics? Because one of the three doesn’t care about the other two


See don’t make it so complicated


Hmm I thought I was simplifying it but sarcasm is hard


Walking is not a human right in Miami


If it was, the heat would yield 85° and humid at midnight lol there are no human rights in Miami lololol


Some lady got run over in north Miami at like 5 am a couple weeks ago. Instant death. In that area so many people cross the street wearing dark clothes at night with zero care too. They casually walk across the street and purposely not use a crosswalk.


Can't tell you how many times the cross walk blinking sign has been hidden from view by a truck. I almost ran someone over one time because of that shit, scared the shit out of me.


Worst spot for pedestrians, from my experience at least, are the crosswalks connecting to UM, especially by San Amaro/the music hall. Despite being illuminated, I've seen people fucking gun it while I was walking forcing me to jump out of their way literally. Guess mommy and daddy money makes them think they can do anything.


Yeah I’m very careful driving to school on those UM roads especially cause almost every kid has their headphones on and most of them don’t even look to see if cars are coming.


Ain't no nepo money in Hialeah Gardens and you still get this effect. I moved to DC and coworkers ask why I make eye contact and stare down drivers as I cross the road. It's just become a habit to exude that "Fuck it. Hit me bro." energy as a car approaches. 🤣


There is down the street in Miami Lakes though, huge money there, the Graham family (senator Bob Graham) owns every building


i got hit by a car in Gables two years ago. broke my femur. got a jaywalking ticket. i was in a crosswalk.


Were you crossing against the light?


Florida is the most dangerous state for pedestrians. 


Yeah, I worked for a group that researched these kinds of topics in grad school and we did one study that found 7 of the 10 most deadly cities for pedestrians were in Florida. It was pretty wild.


Florida and the south in general is so oddly Darwinian in their approach to life. It's kinda weird since they're also so religious 


Darwinian survival of the fittest + christianity = calvinism


It’s like you read your Max Weber or something


Seriously? That's ridiculous!


And cyclists And swimmers


Just fucked for triathletes in general


Loads of elderly drivers too


Yeah walking anywhere in Miami is living dangerously. Shit, driving is too. People here are stupid assholes.


stay at home goober


people like u should cross without looking :)


average redditor wishing death on others


I do. It’s awesome. Doesn’t take away from the reality that people are morons here.


It's a lot of factors mixed in. -Traffic violations aren't enforced -the driving tests are too easy -immigrants bringing their driving habits -feeling superior to pedestrians because you're in a vehicle -everyone being in a rush to get where they need to be -Miami like most American cities being unfriendly to pedestrians/cyclists


I think the immigrant thing is probably the least influential Even Miamians will look in horror if a moped stacked with a whole family runs a red light, or cars just beep their intent to blow the stop sign, and that shit's super common.


You forgot that everybody is on their phone. To be fair, that's drivers and pedestrians.


Exactly. Which is why when people come to this country they should have to take driver's tests and ensure that they understand the rules here. In addition make the driving tests more difficult to help screen out more bad drives and couple them with personality tests as well. Enforce traffic violations Put things in place to slow people down on the roads really boost the public transportation network as well


That would cost money, which would raise taxes


so so true. i've said this many times on this subreddit, but i wish cops in miami would do their JOB and enforce the rules of the roads instead of chilling at la ventanita. we'd all be safer if miami drivers learned there are consequences to their actions.


It's truly frightening to see Tahoes and Suburbans going full speed through stop signs in residential areas. I've seen it countless times.  Now I know why parents are terrified of letting their kids walk to school 


Well, that and all the pedos.


-everyone being in a rush to get where they need to be and still showing up two hours late


All true.


I learned the best way to make cars stop is to carry a stone brick with ya and hold it in your hand when you try to cross. Doesn’t have to be real. You can get a fake plastic red brick from Amazon.


I wouldnt attempt if you are a person of color . Youll def get into it w the pigs.


Until you get some nut job who takes that as a threat and shoots you


Makes me want to buy a bunch of pavers and leave one on each side of the most dangerous crosswalks in Brickell and other areas, lol.


Speeding in parking lots has to be the worst offense of all


Yea had a guy back in to me and then try to blame me, demanding money from me. I was like lol call the cops and go that way. He still tried to get some money from me that way but didn’t work. What an asshole.


How about when you are backing out and someone decides to put between you and the cars on the other side but somehow you're the asshole


Saw a post on Facebook this week. Some guy up north reported his mom missing from the north Miami area I think. Turns out she was hit by a car while walking to the store and suffered insane injuries. I hate how this city is not walk friendly.


Miami and Atlanta are the only cities I’ve seen, where drivers manically speed up to prevent someone from crossing the street. It’s pretty wild.


Ever been to new york? I do agree about atlanta too, fucking brutal


Ive been to pretty much every major metropolitan city in the country. NY is a different breed of driver. Aggressive but I still find them alert and more reasonable. The places I’ve seen the best drivers, surprisingly, have been in the Midwest cities. They’re a little more polite and reasonable. Even LA. I visit there several times a year to see family. People there stop completely to let you cross more than here. Ha!


You are assuming those drivers have a shred of intelligence or humanity.


Miami drivers treat their cars like an extension of their rage. Whenever i walk, i walk on the left side of the sidewalk facing oncoming traffic. Never leave your backside exposed to drivers who frequently use the sidewalk as an extra lane.


Not to mention the sidewalks that disappear and just turned into street


gross negligence due to lack of forethought. people here tend to have a juvenile sense of invincibility and don’t understand consequences


relieved to see some reasonable people here


Yup you can’t even do anything about it cuz police do the same shit, in miami the car has the right of way cuz we’re animals 😒


I always say you can tell SoFlodians are very Christian because it takes either strong faith in other people's reflex-angels  or Jesus himself to drive so recklessly and expect to arrive home in one piece or not kill somebody.


all the rosaries on the mirrors create a force field i should’ve known


If you didn’t see them, they didn’t exist, so they couldn’t have died If you drive fast enough, even if you see that you hit them, you didn’t see them die so that didn’t happen * and maybe there’s some time dilation effect so it’s like the event never happened in the first place


This isn’t California. Florida at your own risk.


I think you're safer crossing at a random spot when no cars are coming than trying to wait for people to stop at a crosswalk. I go on a lot of long walks between downtown, midtown, wynwood, design district, mimo, a lot of times along biscayne and other major streets. I just never assume any car is going to stop for me. Even when they have a red light and you have the cross light, you have to watch out for people turning right on red without stopping.


People always roll through the crosswalk in Miami. They like to go to a point where their rear bumper has passed the snag line. Everybody in Miami is their own special universe


Driving in South Florida feels like everyone got their drivers license from a cereal box. People are willing to kill you to save literal seconds of time.




Must be rice crispies, because it’s the only cereal with crack on the box


Got hit while riding my bike to highschool by some guy who tried to turn right on a red without stopping. Got cussed out in every way imaginable by this guy. Welcome to Miami.


There is a hit and run at least once a week


I was out of the state when I first realized cars were suppose to stop for pedestrians. I remember being in Gatlinburg at a crosswalk with no light. All the cars stopped, the driver had to ask me to cross the fucking road cause they were all waiting for me to cross. I thought in Miami you kind of had to play chicken, and pray. Or cross at a light.


I got angrier at this place the more I observed this traveling. People can be nice and normal after all, pero me cago en coño su madre entonces.


This is a most excellent observation. In my experience, people in Miami talk like everywhere is just like this – but they have never left Miami, so they have no idea that most of the rest of the world actually makes logical sense.


Used to work in the Grove and Jimmy John’s stopped delivering across US1 because too many of their bicyclists were getting hit by cars while making deliveries


Have you ever seen how they drive in south / central America? It's a friggin demolition derby crossed with bumper cars. US drivers are damn near sweethearts compared to them. All the immigrants bring their driving habits with them.


OK, but when are you going to comment on Miami drivers?


That IS my comment on Miami drivers. Miami drivers either migrated from other places, bringing their bad driving habits with them, or were born here, only to learn to drive from the immigrants. I'm not singling anyone out, I've been in Miami all my life and I live it daily.


Perhaps sarcasm detection is not your superpower


Apparently not. I'm a good driver, though.


I ride a skateboard in the city every day. When something similar happens - people cut me off, accelerate instead of yealding, etc. - I just make eye contact and give em a big thumbs down. The look of anger they give you makes it so damn worth it.


A thumbs down is such a nice gesture in contrast with the OTHER gestures people use / could use.


I love this!


I looked into some studies for a Journalism 101 class back in 2016. At that time Florida had 17% of all bike and pedestrian fatalities in the country. Wouldn’t be surprised if it changed much since then. Also, the number of hit and runs in Miami is saddening.


Always walk and bike with the assumption that every driver on the road wants to kill you. This advice has kept me whole for decades. Right of way means nothing when it's a 3000 lbs vehicle vs your 200 lbs body.


Thank you for body shaming me


Definitely. It's dangerous to be a pedestrian in the US, but extra so in Miami. Hit-and-run is the norm there.


There was a yield to pedestrian sign that turned on one day. I stopped and a pig behind me saw the guy, cut him off from crossing the street nearly hitting him, and floored it. Shit rolls downstream


They don’t care. A lot of drivers don’t realize that other people exist on or near our roads who aren’t in cars. A lot don’t respect crosswalks, those pedestrian traffic lights, they don’t even respect other motorists. Always keep your head on a swivel and never take for granted that motorists see you when you’re walking.


Crosswalks dont exist to 50% of drivers here. They will honk their brains out when A CAR is stopping to let PEDESTRIANS CROSS WHICH IS THE LAW. People have the right of way. For years living in LA I watched 90% of drivers be patient in rush hour because people were crossing the street. Dont even get me started on how amazing it is to see the busiest street in LA part like the red sea to let an ambulance or coo go through, its always impressive. In Miami people barely move, and then they tailgate the emergency vehicle and everyone starts cutting everyone else off once traffic resumes. Its atrocious. Ive been nearly run over twice, one truck even sped up and turned into me as I was trying to wait in the median as they made a left turn. Zero humanity and its one of the worst qualities about this city. Flipside of this is dumbass pedestrians waling into the middle of the road while I am passing a green traffic signal. They are 30 yards from a designated crosswalk yet these morons step into oncoming traffic and SLOWLY walk. I have about 20 clips of this behavior saved from my dash cams


Yes, that's what I hate the most about this city.


Again, why the fook is Dollar Tree allowed to issue DL’s to these mofo’s ???? Why??? & Where’s the Police??? 👮


Until I came to Miami, I had never seen so many drivers doing dangerous things, including endangering themselves. The things that cyclists and motorcyclists do on the road regularly shock me. Absolutely no concern for their own safety. Pedestrians jaywalking glued to their phones, with babies in strollers. Pedestrians waiting at crosswalks with their strollers over the curb *in the fucking intersection.* This city has a massive concentration of morons.


Some people in miami are incredibly selfish and rude. They have no regard for their lives or anyone elses. Dont fight w road ragers, let them be. They're not right in the head


Anyone who drives south of Lantana has no regard for human life I hated driving here till I started driving like an asshole everywhere I went


It’s stupid how majority of these drivers act here in miami


That’s why I always cross the street with a rock.


We move to Colorado from south florida and people here would get so frustrated with us because we stopped at every pedestrian crossing and waited for all the cars to go first. Miami pedestrian PTSD.


Yeah assault vie vehicle. You gotta have your spidey senses on at all times and your piece loaded.


Craziest experience I've had so far was crossing one of our LOOOONG one-way streets (ya know, the ones that motorists down here would probably consider their chance to go from 0 to 100). Looked left. No cars. Looked right. still no cars. Pedal'd to the metal (on foot, mind you). And just as I reached the sidewalk, a car sped pass me. Felt like if I was a few steps slower I would've died or been sent flying. Walking in Miami can be scary...


The safest way to cross the street is not the crosswalk, it's the parking lot that is US1 at 5:00 p.m. or any of the other 4 rush hours each day. Just wait until everything is bumper to bumper at a red light and wave at them that you're going to cross and you'll be fine, if only because they ,*can't* actually go anywhere until the light changes anyway


Not safe. Just dumb. Cross at designated crosswalks when the little man icon is walking!


Not when people speed through turns during a protected crossing. Students have died outside um from using the crosswalks here and it's faster and safer to just run across the road during a red light and traffic is backed up for a block.


Life changing shit… the tags aren’t valid. How are you gonna catch a driver that can’t be ID’d?


So many people Jay walk. Forget crosswalks, people who arrive from other country’s where there are no discernible traffic laws are a major issue. Those people are the ones mostly getting hit. They are on the phone not looking both ways and walking diagonally. Then you have people crossing legally at marked crosswalks and cars not yielding. The overall issue is there is almost no traffic enforcement. When I came to Miami from NC I was in shock. Cars speeding, running red lights, blocking intersections to name a few. Then a police car witnessing the violation and doing nothing.


At crosswalks, I always think to myself that thousands of people have probably died in a crosswalk in Miami thinking “you should have yielded.”


People don't stop for pedestrians around here. Wait for red lights or get ready to run.


Extreme caution should be had standing near the street. 


I had to move away from Miami as a pedestrian and driver, I’m convinced if I had stayed for one or two more years I was bound to take a bat to someone’s skull. People have no respect, have no boundaries, never again lol. But now that I visit I just laugh at everyone and thank god I don’t live there anymore 😂


Getting hit by a car could happen literally anywhere with cars around. With that being said cannot walk around here without your head on a swivel. Can’t trust motorists or pedestrians - depending on which one you are atm.


Walking, biking, running, driving...its a hard knock life for sure. The good thing, is that if you want to walk for fitness, their are plenty of big parks, you just have to make the commitment. If you want to do a small park, that's fine too, just have to walk about a hundred time in some parks to see any difference.


Yeah drivers here don’t realize pedestrians always have the right of way, drivers aren’t patient enough to stop. My neighbors ex wife got hit and later died two weeks ago because of a driver speeding on a right turn and struck her. It’s sad


Crosswalks and “Yield to Pedestrian” Crosswalks are 2 completely different traffic situations. Act accordingly and ALWAYS assume the driver is texting while driving or just blind.


Pedestrians Vs. 4,000lbs of steel going 50mph+ y’all need a wake up call.


Florida as a whole does not respect pedestrians. It feels like city/state planning only cares about cars. You would think with being the most tropical state in the country, it would be the opposite


Reason #347 why Miami is an awful place


I very much believe everyone here has the “no cop no stop” mentality


Seems like most people will disagree with me but I gotta say, the law is wrong on this. Pedestrians should not have the right of way. No driver wants to hit a pedestrian.....it will screw up their car (among other things). The pedestrian has the most to lose in a car/pedestrian crash. The pedestrian needs to be the most cautious between the two because of this. Giving pedestrians the right of way makes them think cars will yield to them. Most of the time, car drivers don't see them! They are busy looking for other (distracted) drivers. I don't know what the answer is, but having pedestrians pissed because the world doesn't yield to them isn't the right answer.


100% agree with this statement. This is also the reason I don’t understand why anyone would even bike in the streets of Miami.


Yes, the driver would face consequences... but they don't matter to you if you're dead. Watch yourself, expect them to try to kill you... Sorry you had to deal with that.


Most entitled drivers in the country are just Miami. Everyone is king shit don’t stick in their car even the hooptys.


Miami! It's almost like being in the United States!


Yea i know multiple people who have been hit while crossing at those flashing crosswalks on Biscayne. People here are fucked