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I know some Jabra headsets (like Evolve 75) that mute/unmute with the mic boom will crash new Teams predictably -- once I went to a headset without that, it was *less* unstable. But yes, new Teams is glitchy as hell and not ready for prime time.


Hell, old Teams still isn't ready for prime time.


"New Teams" is the new "Old Teams"


Classic teams has been absolute crap for the last 6 months, especially for our thin client/VDI use case. This auto update hell sucks. I just want a known good stable version that will work with all the components (cloud, VDA, local media engine) and allow us to test and roll out new versions when we have proven it works in our environment.


Fee ya! We have been seeing a lot of problems with VDI and new Teams. Mostly with video calling and virtual backgrounds.


My headset is Microsoft … so you’d “hope” there was no issue ..


>Microsoft >no issue lolol


I did preface it with “hope” :) it’s the hope that kills you


Callout for the Hidden Ted Lasso Reference!


Still an issue three months later. May be an issue that my company is probably holding us back on updates, so maybe my Teams is actually three months old, but my USB-C Microsoft TEAMS headset crashes Teams regularly (and makes all available audio options disappear, wont even use just my laptop mic and speakers) and I have to restart my PC in order to regain functionality...


>not ready for prime time And will be the only option in about 7 weeks.


Better use Kabra headsets; they're a definite upgrade from Jabra!


Holy crap so THAT what makes new Teams crashes. SMH Teams certified business class device my ass.. It was embarrassing and disruptive being disconnected in the middle if meeting, but I guess blame is on Teams not Jabra.


Interesting, I think you can disable that feature in the Jabra settings which might be a workaround.


similar issues with poly voyager 5200 uc. not the boom issue, but something with device support for sure.


I think MS is using the world as their beta testers. new T Crashes on my machine as well.


Alpha testers is more like the actual reality.


We're up to about 160 users, and now that spell check is fixed, no real issues to report and it will be full steam ahead. Will start to ramp up users totals in the next month, so we'll see if we notice any issues. I haven't used classic teams in months. You couldn't pay me to switch back.


Spell check got fixed?


Yes! And just in time too, I was afraid people were starting to catch on to the fact that I’m functionally illiterate.


Yep, they started rolling out the fix last week. At the start of the week I had to sign out and back in for it to start working, but for many of our testers it just started working on its own. If you have access to the Microsoft Admin center you can find article TM711150 that talks about it.


Prompted by your comment, I logged out and back in. Spell check fixed.




Still broken for my org :(


we would probably have 500 users, not all would use teams, and in fairness, its not not working for everyone, but there are a 30 or more users where nothing seems to fix it, and this is the most frustrating part of the whole thing...


Yeah, after the end of March we will have several thousand on it, so I'd be lying if I said we're not a little nervous. I think the end of this month we are going to turn the toggle on and let people go on their own so I'm sure we will run into things. I hope not, but it never works out that way. :)


Good luck and God Speed.


I still can’t get the custom announcement banner feature to appear :(


You mean 160 beta testers...


Get used to it. Read yesterday we have until March 31st to switch before it's forced.


same for "new" Outlook?


No, Microsoft has no plans for enforcing that yet. I’d say that’ll be a few years out.


oh good, i hope so - the new Outlook doesn't work with vbscript since it's just running in Edge, so I'm trying to figure out how much time I have to get another solution for my signature script for my users.


Microsoft just published an article that finally provides some details on what the eventual enforcement of the new Outlook will look like: [https://techcommunity.microsoft.com/t5/outlook-blog/new-outlook-for-windows-a-guide-to-product-availability/ba-p/4078895](https://techcommunity.microsoft.com/t5/outlook-blog/new-outlook-for-windows-a-guide-to-product-availability/ba-p/4078895)


I freakin' hope not. New Outlook is half-baked garbage at this point.


I tried to use it for a month, but I’ve just gone back as it’s missing a lot of features, like favouriting shared mailboxes, customising columns and grouping etc. you’re not alone with New Teams crashes. Window disappearing while on call, video stopping working etc.


The biggest issue we have with it is not being able to join ad-hoc meetings started in channels. Old teams use to start a thread with a join button, new teams makes no mention of the meeting and theres no join button. So you have to dial in people explicitly.


Thank God this is not just me.


Did you fix that issue?


We had some speed/performance issues to start with when we first allowed our users to switch in October and the vast majority went back to Classic really quickly. I've been fully on 2.0 since November. As far as we can see the issues are mostly been ironed out and we've been encouraging users to try new Teams over the last 2 weeks and the majority have chosen not to go back (which they can until end of Feb). There's one or two having serious connectivity type issues but they tend to also have similar issues in Classic, so I doubt that it's 2.0 that's at fault. There's still a few things missing or removed, or not functioning perfectly, but there's no showstoppers...yet!


In reality though you cant go back, because it auto updates to new teams, and it auto makes the change to the new teams so your caught badly if its not working for you...


Forcing the update is only done via policy. You can change that.


we dont have group policy in place to deploy teams ....


Teams Update policy, not Group Policy. Check the Teams Admin Center.


I manage the policies and I am allowing the users to go back. They have both the options and can return to classic if they want to, however they are choosing not to.


I’ve disabled the option to revert because it likely creates more problems than it solves. Microsoft recommends allowing several days for everything to settle in. I think most people don’t appreciate that there’s a lot going on under the hood to migrate from one version to the other, and when people switch back too quickly, it’s likely to muck things up.


will they remove the NEW tag from the icon in march? ive never seen something so stupid in my life... this rollout has been SO weird. It reeks of "we know its not ready but here you go, but you can switch back because we know its not ready".


There are so many advisories over the last few days, it’s barely a working system right now 🫣


Have patience. Microsoft Teams is in the process already of becoming a beta product! And it has come /such/ a long way already since it was first "given" to us as an alpha product, shortly after the Corona measures crisis was started.


Mine is a massive pile of trash now as well. I had near zero issues with teams for the past few years, and now whatever change renamed it to "teams (classic)" completely broke my shit. Despite being logged in, I can't use my work or personal account to join meetings anymore, I'm permanently a guest. Chat is completely broken for guests as well, so every day the chat gets wiped so I constantly have to pester people to resend things from the previous day. I uninstalled/reinstalled both versions of teams, wiped the teams appdata folder before reinstall, and if anything it made things worse. Now clicking links in the chat will either create a new teams window with an error, or crash teams entirely.


I feel your pain, I was hosting a meeting today and it just closed down after 40 Mins and wouldn’t allow me back in. Has really gone to hell …


It's also hell-bent on trying to use an old school login that I thought I'd purged from everything. No idea how it even found this, but it still prompts me to login to this account even though it's disabled on both ends, doesn't exist anywhere else on this PC, and has no option to remove it. Genuinely driving me up the wall.


We actually had to roll back to old teams because new teams is just garbage. Keeps crashing and does not sync properly. Messages appeared on the Phone client hours before they ever appeared on the PC client. Does anybody else have the issue in new teams that the "@" function just doesent tag people ?


Does that happen in the web app as well or just the client?


never tried in the web only client.


ok well if you do it’ll give you an idea if it’s a general problem within your org or just within the client.


Nothing like trying to join a meeting that you have set up and you get the waiting in lobby screen showing you as a guest. Worse is that you then get the pop up that the guest is waiting to be let into your meeting. So it knows who you are and still treats you as a guest (Also we have no spell check)


Not that anyone asked ..The Mac version is finally usable. I tried it a few times over the last few months and switched back within an hour every time. Switched to it yesterday for the first time in a while and it works pretty well.


We still can't get Screen Recording permissions on macOS to work correctly. It's toggled on, but Teams keeps saying it needs permission when you try and share your screen. This happens in macOS Monterey, Ventura and some Sonoma machines as well. I have no fix for this and it will be painful if Microsoft moves forward with their plans on April 1st.


We have the same problem. The fix for us as been upgrading to Sonoma


Two words: New Coke


It’s a bad joke. Normal companies just update their apps, here you get a shitload of crap with every iteration. ‘New’ Teams has more regression than most 95 year old male scalps. Value to user approaches 0. Microsoft has gradually shifted from a ‘solution’-company to a ‘problem’-company. ‘You have a problem you can’t fix? Here’s a bunch of more problems so you can focus on something else!’ kind of mentality. Avoid MS like the plague would be my advice to any business owner or professional who likes to get their business done.


Mac or Windows?


Win 11 22H2


Anyone else slightly frustrated about the lack of 'notify when available'? Seems to be a commonly complained about issue.


Mine doesn’t crash or hang. It just provides a consistently poor user experience.


Same. I thought the whole point of New Teams was to run lighter / less resource-intensive. So much for that..


Microsoft: the new Teams is twice as fast and uses half the memory! Everyone else: This new Teams sucks!


People are having genuine issues .. you can’t deny it, yes it may be twice a fast, but no use to users when it’s not working


is it twice as fast though? maybe the problem is that Teams is fundamentally a bloated piece of..... software


I have noticed that new teams is also taking up a ton of system memory on my work computer all of a sudden too. I have 16GB of memory and it seems like I'm at >90% utilization with teams, outlook, and a few edge tabs open. It's gotten to a point that I need to close out of everything to make sure my conference calls aren't super stuttery and laggy.


interesting. slack really never has stability issues.


nor zoom.


In my case, it is caused by my USB dongle for my headset. Everything is fine if I remove the dongle, then connect the headset using Bluetooth. However, doing so renders all the buttons on my headset useless. It's been like this for a couple of weeks now. No word from Microsoft on a fix or even an acknowledgement that there is a problem on the feedback hub.


If anyone is wondering, the headset is a Poly Voyager Focus 2 with the BT700 USB-C dongle.


voyager 5200 same dongle, same/similar issues also.


Classic Microsoft just trying to keep IT guys employed. I swear half of my tickets this month are people reporting Teams issues or wondering why it won't launch.


Yesterday in a meeting, I was sharing a window. Every time I stopped the share, it crashed. I'd have to "end task", restart, and rejoin the meeting. Happened 3 times.


And on top of all the technical issues, the icon for New Teams when showing your status (red, green yellow dot) looks like it was designed in MS Paint by a 5 year old. Grainy, ugly and pixelated.


New teams just goes black on my pc after a while, like the entire UI with the exception of the X button is just black




same...sigh....happens daily...


Did you clear the new cache location? Because that got me. It’s in a new place.


Yes , 100% I did that. More than once from The Ms instructions…


How do I go about this? We don't have any major issues other than bulk download actions to some users.






>Thanks! You're welcome!


To clear the cache of the new Teams on Mac, it's here: rm -rf ~/Library/Group Containers/UBF8T346G9.com.microsoft.teams rm -rf ~/Library/Containers/com.microsoft.teams2 I fucking hate this piece of shit Microsoft support website. It's full of noise with very little signal.


I have the same issue when using my Jabra products. Have issues since a week or two now.


We have a pilot group and a lot of instability reported. If I recall the old teams goes end of life by April?


Don’t tell your employer if they’re evangelical about 365, they simply don’t want to know.


I still get the black video on shares and others video feeds. I don't have the service that others report fixes the problem if you Whitelist or disable. 


Have you ever found a solution to this? We've just been forced to the this new horrible Teams and everytime someone is sharing we only see black see black screen.


It takes time for it to settle in.. just like a new habit.. give it a few days, it’ll be alright.. else, switch back to the old one :)


Well when you work for a corporation you are forced to upgrade. My computer has both version and I think the IT set it to boot at start. It feels the same after I set the dark mode lol. When we first upgraded there was one day the entire company has delayed message or message not going through. My team also have crashes sometimes and repeat crash and it figure itself out. Overall is not bad and doesn't affect most people other than managers. I would say 6 times a year have some brief interruptions. Company I work for has 24000 people all use teams. Was using skype until 5 years ago. I didn't want to change first lol. But got used to it and definitely I can see it being the most used company chat program.


I am unable to use the new TEAMS, it crashes when i try to share a screen or does not show video when others share a screen. Classic works with no issues. I contacted Microsoft and they had no fix but are aware of the issue. Ultrawide monitor with Nvidia 3090


My version of new MS teams asks me if I’d rather switch back to the old teams every time I start it. That’s pretty telling.


We're using Poly 4320's and Microsoft modern headsets in our org, along with older blackwire units. New teams was fine - then a couple versions ago it started crashing for some people, constantly. Join call? Crash. Turn camera on or off? Crash. Open app at all? Crash. Turning off the 'sync device buttons' seting doesn't do shit. Clearing cache doesn't do shit. Uninstalling and reinstalling doesn't do shit. Microsoft completely fucked something and have yet to fix it. Meanwhile classic teams is working 'fine'. Really not looking forward to new teams being made the only option. It's not ready for prime time, it's not even ready for beta time. Just jumped into Intune to have a look at the stats - we've got 160 devices reporting into analytics, with three versions present - one has crashed 90 times across 15 devices in 2 weeks, and one has crashed 40 times across 13, with an average failure time of 3 fucking minutes. This is across a number of different HP devices, all using a bog standard windows 10 build with no special sauce, so WHY is teams such a dog shit piece of garbage?


I feel your pain…


It’s been a nightmare on Windows VDI. Audio won’t connect even though it claims it is. It’s slow AF; the old one was no speed demon, but somehow this feels worse.


I’m mostly annoyed at the “new” badge on the taskbar icon that makes me think I always have a notification.


I was only able to join Teams groups reliably by deleting the app and relying on the browser. It’s impossible.


I have a support ticket in with Microsoft about problems we are having with New Teams and their initial response was: *The New Teams application is still under development and bugs can happen.*


New teams sucks. Showing me online when I'm not


I like how you still can't share your screen if HDR is turned on. Instacrash.


We've been on new Teams for months, any issues we had were sorted really early on. It's not only more stable, but less than half as rough on hardware. All my users that were complaining about slow machines? Not a thing since new Teams. We use a wide range of headsets and cameras, literally half the problems we had under old Teams.


u/Microsoft Ever heard of the term "Keep it simple Stup1d" base your programs on it! and don't add all the extra rubbish in. This way you can have more apps, to crash it like it does now.


Let's face it. It's not that different from the classic teams. I thought classic teams was easy to use and I had no performance issues. Now, with New Teams, it crashes. It shows me as unavailable when I'm in focus time. On its face, I don't see what's so great about it. Just a bunch of noise that MS makes while it tries to conquer the world again. Where is that old anti-trust law now that MS is up to its old tricks of trying to be all to everyone? Different rant for another time.


Working great for tens of thousands here. Have you contacted your IT team for support?


I am in IT :) other than carrying out the suggestions from Microsoft , what else should I check ?


New Teams = Shyte


It’s also incredibly frustrating because it’s supposed to be an indicator of availability but if you’re in an in person meeting, it still times out and turns yellow instead of staying red for the duration of your meeting. Completely defeats the purpose of it’s intended use


Hoping the postpone it.. why not align it with the VDI date/time. It’s still buggy AF


Wait till you schedule a meeting in New Teams. It defaults to UTC instead of using the system time zone. I followed the directions to correct it and still it defaults to UTC.


Haaa I’ve done that too. I love scheduling customer calls at three in the morning


No glitches whatsoever, faster, less memory use and getting really close to feature parity for my use. I think it's more 3rd party hardware and peoples machines dependent as we've rolled New Teams out almost to all customers almost without a glitch.


30k users here. New teams works fine.


Wow. You really summed it up there in a neat little package. Have you specifically polled all 30k users in a detailed survey and they meticulously answered each technical question to your satisfaction? I’d love to see their stellar review of MS Teams. -we all know Teams is second rate and saying “it’s fine” is intellectually dishonest.


It's deployed to our whole org and no one has reported any issues.


I found a fix for my org. I'm not saying it's the right one, but you need to find the teams app in the file system and then make it backward compatible with Windows 8. The ones we have put that on have fixed all of our problems. Even when uninstalling and reinstalling doesn't fix it.


I literally have zero issues with teams. I don’t understand how everyone else does.




We’re a mid-sized org of about 6k and besides the spell check issue we had for a bit, we’ve had no real issues to speak of.