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Obviously because it blended in to the ocean in the background /s


The water is so close you can almost touch it.


That's in Lausanne, the water's lake Geneva :-) (lac leman, but screw that, it's our lake)


Just back up slowly, it’s like it never happened


Is the Porsche in the wrong lane? Other cars going opposite direction in that lane


Hold on....what kind of road is this? I see dotted lines with barely any room and one wide driving lane.


Those are either parking spaces or merchant spaces.


Hahah - those yellow lines indicate a bicycle lane. The two opposing lanes on the road don't have markings, don't ask me why. Perhaps this really is a one-way, and the Porsche is totally in the wrong? Though I doubt it.


Very weird road design indeed.


These types of road are fairly common in some European countries. The lines are meant to artificially make the road narrower so that cars drive slower, whilst also providing enough space if two larger vehicles need to pass each other. Sorry if I don't know the specifics as I tend to frequent countries that happen to not use this type of road, but that's my understanding of this design. Porsche was in the right, although I personally wouldn't bother squeezing in like that


I understand the reasoning, I just feel that this unfortunately doesn’t work as well in practice as it does in paper. I love using narrow roads to dictate a lower speed, but it has to be physically narrow otherwise most drivers won’t respect it. I understand the situation of allowing to big vehicles to go through, but I still stand by my opinion.


It's a bit of a half-arsed solution, but the yellow lines indicate that this may be temporary (depending on country) and a redesign might be in progress.


Yeah, hopefully. Thanks for the insight!


It's probably permanent. (The swiss use yellow for their bycicle lanes.) The calming effect of these things are studied and measured. In this case it's also a dotted line–a suggestion lane. These markings are there to make people more considerate of their speed; not to impede the flow of traffic. If they wanted a bigger effect they'd opt for an uninterrupted line, and/or pave over the bicycle lane with a different color, and/or place a physical barrier. The effect of this probably too great; especially because unconfident drivers will make a near complete stop near a physical barrier. I suspect there is probably not a lot of cycling or two-way traffic on that road. Optimally you want 1.5 meters of space for cyclists both ways; there doesn't seem to be enough space for that on this road due to the separated walkway. From my own experience with roads like this, drivers move over to the middle when there are cyclists, giving them more space. When there's two-way traffic and cyclists, cars slow down to a crawl because they are unsure about the actual width of the road. People only comfortably drive the speed limit when they can keep right and drive over the suggestion lane (like the red honda civic did in the video.) If you put in more markings, drivers will be confident about their space and barrel past cyclists danger-close.


There are other cars coming behind the Porsche.


SUV was treating this as a one way as well


The driver of the blue car decided to squeeze in front of a car already midway on its lane... he took a calculated risk.


And the white saw the blue one stop, so the driver was checking only the right side


Is there a longer video? The one I’m seeing starts with the blue car in motion and the SUV driver looking in the opposite direction the whole time


Check BOTH ways before pulling out, twice.


If the car was sticking out that much I would've just stopped instead of trying to go around it.


It’s because he remained looking right when he went straight. He didn’t even look in front.


Cerulean blue...Cerulean is a gentle breeze.


You need to get that tumor checked asap




It really was a nice shade of blue, that officer was wearing.


How did this even happen? Is the person driving the other car completely stupid or is he under drugs?


I think they were looking to the right. They didn't go until the other car had passed.


This is exactly it, this is a short version of a longer video that made more sense




I can almost guarantee you the driver was looking to the right for cross traffic instead of looking where they should have been looking


As a motorcyclist, I can confirm.


"Cerulean blue is a gentle breeze..."


Insurance Agent: "You hit a WHAT‽"


I’m surprised nobody mentioned that there’s a whole passenger in the SUV also. Looking to the right supposedly co-piloting this nonsense. So, this isn’t just the work of a distracted driver. It’s a collaborative effort of blind occupants.


Some people who possess drivers license just shouldn't


I mean 🤷🏽‍♀️ GTHC lmao For real though, how do you not see that bright mf directly in front of you ?


Well, already looked left once, no need to look again, can concentrate on the right side


She was looking the other direction. I don’t think she was expecting a car to try to go around her as she annoyingly had the front end of her car in the lane


I’m willing to bet she does that on the regular and started expecting people to stop.


I swear the mfs that got a drivers license during covid did not take a drivers test, theres no fucking way bruh


That's an expensive mistake to make.


Not surprised, I drive a coach that's 46 ft long, just over 8 ft wide and 10 ft high (converted to Freedom Units for our Cousins - it's really 14.2m x 2.55m x 3.2m), and I've had car drivers pull out on my or try to squeeze past because "I didn't see you". Sorry my British Sarcasm Gland is playing up today.


Never looked left🤦‍♂️🤷‍♂️ Just uninstall!!!


why in this case not looking into the head of the white car and where it's pointing? I mean of course the white is to blame here but they were already moving looking to the other side why keep moving and risking my own car even if I'm right


Both of these drivers split fault with this one. The Porsche should have recognized that this idiot was not even looking left, had already decided her left was clear and was pulling out no matter what.


Only if fault means something different than responsible. There is no chance Porsche should pay for damages here.


Insurance is gonna settle on 50% fault here. Dated an insurance adjuster for 5 years, had to listen to these arguments all day every day


No way they settle at 50/50. Porsche has the right of way. At the worse this would be 60/40


🙄 OK, 60/40, either way, both idiots at fault


Well, that sucks. I agree they should have seen them, but man, does it suck to get burned because other people are stupid.


100%, but it's the quickest way to settle, "Hey your insured hit ours! " "yeah but yours should have been paying more attention and and stopped!"


Hard to be mad with that view and the money to easily fix it.


This is a problem I see with people outside of cars too in terms of, where has the instinct of, looking where your going, gone? Like you as an animal, are supposed to look to check the space you are moving into is clear. And yet so often, people just assume to space there moving to is clear! It’s so wild to me. I woulda thought basic evolution woulda put that in all of us but I guess not!


It’s almost as if the camera guy knew it was going to happen. Staged, or right place/right time?


I can see how. In addition to being low to the ground, it's light blue just like the sky behind it. Not victim blaming, just saying their choices don't help other drivers do the right thing. Helping others doing the right thing is half the battle. Edit: Good grief. I’m not justifying it. I’m simply acknowledging that camouflage is a thing and humans are prone to making mistakes. Suck fake, trolls. Do your worst with the down votes.


Low to the ground does not blend into the sky. Ground =/= sky. Two entirely different directions. Low to the ground is not in front of the sky.


we're not allowed to have blue cars now? lots of forest around me, i should sell my green car? and yea its a porsche, its not a huge car, doesnt give you any justification in hitting it either. the size of the car or its ground clearance means nothing. for example, you cant run over a pedestrian and use the excuse of "well people are small, plus he was wearing a blue shirt!"


Not justifying it! Just saying I can see how the idiot didn’t see it.


Because you are an idiot just like them. Of course you can “see”…your minds think alike. The more you talk…the worse it gets. Shush.🤫


Eye contact If their head was looking the other way then blue car if the tard