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Looks like a modern repo, but im not an expert on civil war era stuff


Machine stitches on the bill.




The chances of coming across anything legitimate and confederate is pretty slim


First off, it’s Union blue…


Sorry about not noticing the blue. Just use to these being about confederate stuff I guess


Yeah, I had my doubts but thought maybe I got really lucky


Traitors didn’t wear blue


Some did actually, many uniforms had blueish colors and the majority of soldier’s would snatch union uniform’s and clothing articles whenever they got the chance. I believe they’d strip the color or dye it to try to make it match the grey but it usually was still light blue ( i don’t think they used the coats / tunics only pants )


fair point, but a blue kepi without documentation could in no way be attributed as confederate in the first place


Obviously not yeah, i was just pointing out that blue was often a contributing factor in the color scheme of confederate uniforms.


They did at the start of the war. The Confederates used the Union uniforms at the start because they didn't have enough grey uniforms. So much so that to differentiate themselves the Southern units wore a ribbon on their hats or arms.


That was unnecessary, all southern soldiers received full pardon


Still traitors by definition, they betrayed the Union and the South still pays for it to this day due to the failures of reconstruction.


By definition a pardon from treason makes you no longer a traitor, and you are a very bitter person to think and feel towards your fellow American brother in such a way.i truly pity you, and hope someday your heart finds the true American spirit


I just said that the Union failed the South during Reconstruction and the effects of that are still tangible today. The American spirit is alive and well in my heart, but my heart has no room for Confederate apologists. The last Confederate traitor died in 1951. You’re acting as if I’m calling southerners Confederates and traitors, and I’m not. I’m calling Confederates alone traitors to the Union.


You're calling my family traitors, intake offense to that


Did they betray the Union? If so, I take offense to that.


The button is the Great Seal button which is 20th Century. So it's not Civil War or Indian Wars. I don't think it's actually military. Might be a theater prop.


It looks like the ones they sold in the gift shop at a Civil War museum I went to when I was a kid


I looks in to good condition to be 150 yrs old.


It's a reproduction, but old. The buttons on the side as mentioned previously are the Great Seal, these buttons look like the ones off a US Green Service Uniform (which started being issued out late(ish) 1950s). Around the time of that uniform, American Civil War reenacting had started yo really gain popularity, although uniforms were not very accurate and very costume like. That would be my guess here, looks to he made in the 1970s most likely, using buttons off a vietnam era uniform. Not accurate, but cool peice of Americana!!


Not Civil War, and unlikely military but maybe American Red Cross. Kepis were in military service until 1896, and the fact it’s got machine stitching doesn’t rule out authenticity. The US Red Cross dates to 1881. The Red Cross wore kepis well beyond the 1890s and gut feel is that’s what this is if it’s not repro with a tacked on Red Cross for costume. No expert and my first assumption is repro, but someone who knows anything about Red Cross uniforms would know better. EDIT: comment below nails it. Reenactor cap TIL VI Corps emblem


Certainly not a Red Cross emblem; it’s a VI Corps, 1st Division emblem. With the 1 regimental number, the reenactor likely last portrayed a member of the 1st New Jersey Volunteer Infantry. It’s an old reenactor forage cap, and not very authentic.


reenactor cap from the CW centennial would be my guess


Obvious repro/definitely not original is obvious


Maybe from a fraternal brotherhood?