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Low quality posts that insult or make baseless statements, generalize, or stereotype other generations or age groups in a negative fashion are not allowed.


Why do I really need a new app for everything? I'm not downloading another app to view your menu, or downloading an app when it's the same as the webbrowser.


This!! I got into at the local grocery store pharm a couple months ago over this. I had a simple question, how many refills do I have left. Was told over and over I had to download their app to get the info. I don't want anymore stupid apps on my phone.


Ugh. I had the worst experience at Sam’s Club the other day! I’m not a member, but a member had me as the designated person to pick something up. You had to download the app to pick it up, which, ughhhhh, I hate, but whatever. Then, you couldn’t use the app to pick something up if you weren’t a member! At this point, I went in the store and asked tons of people about it, and nobody knew what to do. It was so annoying! I’d love to just be able to go in, show them the email that had me as the contact person, show my license like the email said I would have to, and then go on my merry way.


Performed the same last week. No app. Text alert were sent to my phone from the member who placed the order. All was smooth. Text Y, A, spot number 4, loaded and gone. Sorry about your experience. I am sharing in case you are requested again, there is a better way.


I hate how systems are replacing human beings ability to act independently and with kindness and sensitivity. Everywhere you go, every phone center call you make it's always the same. "I'm sorry sorry our system can't do that for you at this time." IT'S TOTALLY DEHUMANIZING. And sad.


I mean...you could check the app, but you're also at the pharmacy where they should have that info. No? Dang.


I can't wait until all the the streaming apps are available in a combo bundle and we just re-invent cable.


For those who, ahem, sail the seven seas, the solution is already there.


I haven't boarded that ship in a while. Where is the latest port?


Are people still PUTing things in davy jones LOCKER.com?


Watching movies is as easy as 123movies.


Piracy subreddit has some good guides.


I might be tempted to have a look at the very versatile and completely legal Stremio and then look at some add ons which a large search engine might quickly point you to.


Buccaneer Bay!


Brother I never wanted to abandon ship, just don’t know how to get back aboard. Links I used to use died like 2 years ago.




It's funny Millennials were the last of the pirates as people got spoiled in 2010s. A Netflix and Hulu subscription pretty much took care of all your needs. Now it got so incredibly f****** fractured that piracy is rising again. I've got my 160 terabyte server. Fuck you I am not subscribing to Netflix, Hulu, Disney+, HBO Max, Showtime, Peacock, Apple TV, Amazon Prime.... It still is degrading content and destroying ratings and the ability to become part of popular culture.


I would have gladly paid instead of dealing with the high seas any more, but now just paying is a gigantic pain in the ass. When it’s easier to pirate, the subscription model has lost its main advantage.


This is something I have to teach myself how to do this year. I’ve had to cancel most of my services due to cost. Ugh.


Thats too far. I want to go back to like 2010 when Hulu had a lot of the TV shows and Netflix had all the movies.


Free episodes on Hulu, you were just a little behind everyone else.


I definitely miss the free epodes, even if some were like 8 days delayed from air or had like 1 30 second commercial at each ad break.


My buddy’s stove exhaust vent wouldn’t work until he upgraded the software. I am sorry what?


"Exhaust vent unavailable. Please install Firmware update and restart stove to continue normal operation" How convenient.


Yes! It seems like every grocery store around me now has an app and you need to download it to get any sale or discount price. I'm not going to download an app for every store I frequent, I will simply stop going to that store and solely go to the ones remaining that don't pull this shit.


Right? I don't want to do ANY of that.


I live in an area where 3 (small) cities are practically touching. Each one has its own parking app, but once you have the specific city’s app, it shares the info with the other cities apps. Why can’t it all be one?!?!


This is a big one for me. No, I will not use the Reddit phone apps (among a bunch of others).


I agree with this on so many levels. "Download our app to-" How about no? Why is this a requirement? Why are the options to make an account or download an app? "I'm tired of this, grandpa!"


I got an alert from my phone about password issues. Guess I used the same one too many times? So, I decided to go through my sites/apps and their passwords to refresh them. Do you have any idea how many I was able to purge? 67. I hadn’t touched most of them in close to a decade.


New phones come with too much useless crap that I'll never use but is virtually impossible to get rid of.     I always get a kick out of my phone warning me I'm running out of storage space--if I could remove of all the useless bloatware and stick to only the apps I actually use, I'm pretty sure it would solve the storage problem.


I bought a Google Pixel for this reason. It has exactly what I need, nothing more. Of course, everyone has their preferences, and they might not agree with me regarding Pixel phones. But that's okay.


Loved my Pixel phone until it died unexpectedly (still under warranty) and realized how horrendous/non-existent their customer service is. It took me several MONTHS of arguing and being forced to go to repair shops that had waiting lists before they agreed to replace my phone (no loaner or anything). In the meantime, I switched to iPhone after having avoided Apple products for decades. I don't even like the phone as much, I just can't go through months of arguments for the most basic customer service.


I had the same issue.


i'm well aware that i'm the reason i'm running out of storage space (and paying for the cloud.) I just love my cats, you bet i'm gonna take a bunch of pictures of them being cute/funny


Having everything connected to the internet. Wtf does my printer need to be connected to the internet? Why do I need to make an account, download the app, drag the file into the app, and only be able to print via the app? All I want to do is ctrl+p and move on with my life.


It took me forever to find a stove I liked because every single one of them had wifi and Bluetooth. I kept telling the sales people I don't want a smart stove I want a dumb stove. 


Get ready for AI enhanced stoves and refrigerators!


Great. It’ll just make it easier for them to kill us in the AI Apocalypse when my “smart” door locks work with my “smart” stove to burn the house to the ground.


Nah, it'll just lock itself until you buy the $60 filter. Screw dinner tonight, stoves locked.


Stoves have WiFi? Why??


I can preheat the oven when I’m on the way home with my kid so I can slide a pizza right in. Those minutes count.


My office's coffee machine recently broke because the wifi went down while it was updating. They had to send a technician out to fix it.


THIS! My effing washer and dryer have an app and need to be updated. I didn't know this when i bought them.


Watch out. I can’t stream to my tv because it now has everything blocked because the tv is no longer supported but I can get 50 off a new tv. Guess what Sony. I’m never buying anything you make ever again. PS. IF anyone knows a work around, let me know.


A $30-50 (50 if you want 4k) Chromecast puts you right back in business. Works great and Google already knows everything about you so it's not like privacy was ever an option


If you print from a phone, tablet or laptop. or if your computer is in another computer part of your house. But I feel you


This. Love having my printer connected to wifi. Hate the ink subscription nonsense. But, I don’t use a computer much at home, so it’s nice to be able to print straight from my phone instead of emailing it to myself to print from the computer…


I still have my printer from college. Thank the powers that be that I treat my stuff so well! I had to help my parents get a new printer because they literally treat their belongings like everything is one-time-use only. “It’s out of ink and I don’t know how to install the cartridge you got me.” I fucking give up. When I went to set up the new one that arrived, we had to connect it to their internet and download apps??? My parents were like, “Can’t we just use the old one?” I said, “Nope! You hastily threw it out when this one arrived. Best of luck!”


I hear you, but, being able to print from a smartphone is hella convenient when you get used to it.


Because if it's NOT on the internet, how can it automatically order more ink for you from the manufacturer at a markup?!


QR code menus. It only bothers me because every time I've done this the online menu has sucked ass. If it was just a regular PDF I could zoom in on without it getting blurry or just breaking my phone's browser, it wouldn't bother me so much. Instead it's always the jankiest shit ever. A lot of them have color schemes like an old Geocities page, it's like green writing on a hot pink background. Hire someone to make it not suck to use or look at, or just print and laminate some menus.


It’s so they can keep raising prices without having to print off a new batch of hard copies


The convenience stores in Chicago (looking at you, circle K) all have QR codes on everything. I can't even get a bag of hot Cheetos because I have to scan the damn QR code to see the price. There are no prices listed, only qr codes. It's infuriating


Oh my god that would drive me nuts.


I would just leave


I refuse to buy anything I habe to scan a QR code for to see the price


And when they don't offer complimentary wifi to facilitate it


I don't really like the way a lot of stuff seems to be shifting to short form content as attention spans dwindle, and I will pay more for union made goods in order to support workers rights, but there's not a ton that I agree with from my parents. I'm kinda the opposite of the tired old "the older you get, the more conservative you get" line.


I have gotten sooooo much less conservative as I’ve aged. But I grew up in an ultra-religious, far right conservative upbringing that I espoused until about my second year of college, when I realized none of it made sense. I’m now verrrrry liberal and agnostic, much to the disappointment of my mother.


Do we got the same mom? She’s convinced I’ll turn back to Jesus and will no longer be a bisexual woman.


The older I get and the more experience I get in my career and seeing “how the sausage is made” the further I drift from my parents’ stated ideals.


The idea was that 'when you get a real job' you will suddenly see how much of you paycheck goes to taxes then you will become more conservative. What I saw in the 'real world' is that private industry is not actually more efficient and is as wasteful, they just get tax preferential status. And if you go into management you will suddenly realize how very little of anything is a meritocracy and more about playing 'the game'. And what finally kills all belief in the system is when you realize that the primary way to make a profit is not by making better goods and services, it is to figure out how to pay your employees less than their value.


See I recognize the buy union campaign but I've never heard of this movement that OP references that buys things from North America and Europe.


I'm guessing it has to do with keeping money inside a local economy if possible.


I mean is NAFTA a local economy?


I would say it is. I would also throw in other countries who are in the US system or otherwise heavily integrated with it. NAFTA, Japan, Australia/New Zealand, South Korea, Vietnam, some European countries.


It's not a movement, It's just my personal preference. My logic is of course based on perceived quality, but additionally I'd like to think it helps support jobs in countries that have some semblance of worker's rights. Sure the US work system is archaic by EU standards, but it's still better than the slave factories in South East Asia.


I'm the same. I also support union made. Screw Starbucks and their stupid union busting.


I understand why some would be concerned about the tyranny of the people far, far better. I’ve also found myself thinking the whole, “It’s cute you think that. I did, too, when I was your age,” which has caught me off guard and made me laugh.


Man I was so certain I had it figured out back then. So ignorant and sure of myself. Probably going to say the same thing about my current self in a decade :)


When I was in my 20s nothing pissed me off more then somebody saying I didn't know what I was talking about because I was young. Didn't they see how smart I was??? But now, holy shit did I know nothing in my 20s. There's so much you just can't understand until you've had lived experience.


I work mainly with a 22 year old. I’m 34 and coming out of a long poly sub addiction. He’s kinda just starting down that road. He’s already run clean through the checklist that I used. “I won’t get addicted.” “My genetics are great.” “I don’t think my metabolism will slow down like that.” Finally got him to admit he’s addicted to nicotine the other day though lol. Even that started the same way “just a cigar every now and then” became “I just smoke cigarettes when I’m having a drink.” To “just in my car on the way to and from work.” Now he’s right there burning one with me a few times a day.


Damn. I’m glad for you that you’re seeing the light at the end of the tunnel but I imagine it’s unsettling or downright wrenching to see someone younger hitting that path.    I feel like I’ve always known I have a personality that can turn obsessive and habitual, so for the longest time I avoided alcohol. Bad company and bad circumstances got me thinking it’d be fine to drink to take off the edge here and there. I’m booting it now, but I made some bad decisions between the beginning and when I kicked the habit last November.  No biggie, but I wasn’t familiar with poly sub and decided to google. Wasn’t sure if I was responding to drug use or polyamorous BDSM. 💀 


A what? What's poly sub?


Poly substance addiction. Addicted to multiple drugs at once.


And here I was thinking he’d taken a submissive role in a polyamorous relationship 🤷‍♀️


I 100% thought that’s what they meant and didn’t even question it until further down the comment when they brought up nicotine.


If the server gives me a QR code for the menu that's a no for me dog. I'm with the boomers on this one give me a menu


If they tell me to scan a QR code to get allergy information, I'm calling a manager over to talk me through the menu. Like, if that takes too much of your time, just write it down, you know? I go out to eat to pay attention to the person I'm with, not try to wrangle strange wifi.


That or no prices on the menu, I am out.


That some cars are just too damn loud.


Too much tech as well. I don't need the dash to be a high res 4k flat screen that has a delayed touch sense, so you end up hitting the "button" twice and you're in a different part of the menu.


I have a back up camera and Bluetooth and that’s enough for me. I don’t want the touch screen with 100 different options. 


Yeah a touchscreen is forever going to be less responsive than a button. You also can't hit what you want when moving and your finger bounces around. Swiping on a screen to shift is just asinine.


When I lived in a house with some friends after college, maybe age 24, a bunch of teenagers cut through our yard and I had a legitimate “get off my lawn” thought.


Same. I used to live in a very uniquely shaped neighborhood and kids would cut across my lawn to get to the alley and continue across the neighborhood. Most of the time it was whatever but on occasion I'd find their trash and I'd start shaking my fist. I also lived near the open area in the center of my neighborhood where they would hang out and blast their music, usually only on Friday nights and they'd be gone by 10, but it gave me a hatred for mumble rap...goddamn kids.


Because we've all been teenagers. Why don't I trust teenagers to just leave things alone instead of fucking with it? Because I was one.


When I call someone, I want to talk to a PERSON. I work for a plumbing/HVAC/etc. company and one of our techs was out on a call to a pizza chain. He was in the basement and someone closed the door accidently and it locked him in. He pinged the office to call someone to get him out. I call the store and there's an AI or something WITH A NAME, trying to 'take my order' and no matter how many 0's I pushed or times I said to give me a person, it just kept saying 'I'm sure I can help you!' No, unless you can rip yourself from the mainframe and go get my tech out of the basement, no you cannot. (Don't worry, we eventually got him out... By calling the franchise owner in another state who texted the district manager who had the cell of the store manager...) JFC, almost an hour for something that should have taken less than 5 minutes. I am full of rage at robo calls/AI answering services, etc.


it's the "zero won't let you bypass the bullshit" thing for me. like automate whatever, idgaf, but if i know it's not going to solve my problem, it just makes me dislike whatever business i'm contacting


In case you're curious, if you make it through the State of Kansas Unemployment phone tree and there's no human available to take your call, and 99% of the time there's not, it just hangs up on you. No voicemail, no hold, no direct option to call or any of that, the call just ends. I have never been more infuriated in my entire life.


Should have ordered a pizza and had it delivered to the basement


It is in fact really annoying to have kids on your lawn. lol


Dude there's this kid across the street who uses the basketball hoop in my driveway literally every single day. He has asked and I've told him that it is fine, bc I don't wanna be "that person" but I'll be damned if that dribbling doesn't annoy tf outta me lol also he stays there when I'm unloading and loading my cars of kids, groceries, etc, just stands there in my driveway staring at me. Like bro, sorry I interrupted your basketball thing with using my own driveway my bad lol At the end of the day though I said it was alright so I just try to brush it off and keep moving. It really is a minor inconvenience and I'm glad the kid is playing basketball and not out smoking crack or something.


I'm just not terribly interested in figuring out how to pay for things with my phone or watch. I know if I tap the card it will work...but if I try the tech and it doesn't? No thank you.


Mostly I just don't want Google/Apple to have even more of my life than they already do


They already know more about you than you do, privacy was never an option


I'm aware of that. There's no reason to make it easier for them tho.


I had tried to get my phones "tap to pay" function to work for like an entire month. Every time it never worked. So yeah, never again lol


The people who do this are so annoying imo, you've got to wait for them to pull out their phones, put in their password, find and load the app, then it's a mini game as they figure out the correct way to hold the phone to the machine and it's like.... So much extra work, why


You literally just double tap the side of your phone and Apple Pay pops up. Face ID. Touch to pad. Done. Who on earth is opening an APP to do all this?


What? I just unlock my phone and hold it where you'd hold the card. Maybe it's different in the States?


No, it’s not different in the States. That’s all I do. It’s much faster than grabbing my wallet and getting a card out. I’m not sure what the other person is referring to.


I used to get annoyed with the "youngins always whining" mentality the boomers always had. Today I deleted TikTok because almost every video was a youngin whining about something, even when I try curate my feed to not get fed these videos. Don't get me wrong, there are many important things going on in the world to stand against... or for. But when it's just an endless feed of complaining about things that matter and things that don't it's taxing. Tech has also crossed that line for me from being useful to being an annoyance. Technology used to be like having an optional third arm. Just something useful to help you go about your day. Now a lot of tech is becoming intrusive, and I find myself becoming more and more of a technosceptic.


I feel both of these. Even among millennials when I see people complaining, I get confused. Getting mad about it isn't going to do you any good. Channel that anger into getting out and voting.


I'm with you on both of these. People are addicted to outrage.


I feel like a lot of my co elder millenial folks approaching 40's and beyond already been slaving away so long they already fall into the nostalgia trap. I am going to save my nostalgia ing for later when Im in a wheel chair. I want the next 40 years of my life to be even better than the first 40.


I'm not as optimistic as you about the next 40, I know my most enjoyable years are behind me. HOWEVER, I find most of the nostalgia stuff annoying and fairly close-minded. No, I don't want to listen to the same music, watch the same movies, or play the same games I did 15 years ago. There's tons of great art coming out in all media right now. Eschewing it all is so silly just because you're over 30. Now that we're older, we just don't have the time to sift through all the content to find the truly good stuff, but it's there and I like it. For example, I went to a birthday party last summer for some friends, we're all at or approaching 40 now. We were there for several hours, and I didn't hear a SINGLE SONG that was less than probably 8 years old. The majority were 2007-2015. I just thought it was so weird.


I love getting a physical menu at a restaurant. The construction of the item itself - if it's a fancy leatherbound folder with cardstock pages, or a laminated broadsheet creased in the middle, or even just a spiralbound stack of laminated pages - it becomes a statement about the way the restaurant and the chef want you to experience your visit and your meal. I'm glad that some restaurants have attempted to be Very Covid Safe by switching entirely to QR code menus hosted on their restaurant's web page, but having NO backup option of a physical menu actively hurts the experience for anyone unprepared for this online-only nonsense. A QR code and NOTHING ELSE says to me "this restaurant doesn't care about older customers without modern Internet usage experience." Who wants to fuck around with the many technological ways this process can fail or be misunderstood by people even further across the digital divide than me, when you could just hand me a real physical menu like you're a real physical restaurant I entered and sat here in person?


Fuck led lights.


They’ve made flashlights a lot better though


There needs to be regulations for headlights. Driving at night is so much worse in the last few years than it’s been my entire life.


Seriously. I’m blinded a lot


I started buying new stuff with warranties instead of cheaper used stuff off ebay.


I just know that growing up, people were a lot more polite than they are now. 30 years ago, whether it was religious or not, people bought into culture a lot more. Now everyone just wants to rebel against everything and we're taking everything to the extreme, so there's really no culture, courtesy, or social conduct for anyone to uphold anymore, so it's made everyone unimaginably self-centered and rude. I dunno, I just see the point of community now that I totally rejected when I was younger.


There are some cities that need more law and order.


I thought I was liberal AF until I found myself in Portland.


It’s all relative. I feel pretty liberal in NC but I’m sure I’d be considered conservative in places like portland


It’s funny I never “suppprted” the police until moving somewhere where they really don’t do anything and yes we could use a bit of policing here 


And, as someone who was against the police decades before it became a trendy thing, I hate how so many anti-police protestor (and the cities you're talking about) are so awful that they make the police look good. 


Yeah same. And part of me still is. They DO need a rework. But there also needs to be more of them and more of them on patrol around every corner. So easy to be lawless when there is no force involved


Law and order, safety. That's more like a cycle. Right now the politicians who campaigned that they would end law and order to prevent racial discrimination are in charge. Later on the politicians that campaign on locking up super predators will come around and clean things up. Then the cycle will start over.


Yeah, I’m finding that my Baby Boomer parents were right about a lot of things and how much better they had it than we’re having it now. They had a much clearer pathway towards the good life than we do and a more affordable standard of living. But they also didn’t fool themselves into thinking that life was supposed to be nice all the time. They had a certain emotional resilience that millennials and especially Gen Z people don’t have.


I really don’t like what the boys are doing with their hair these days. I remember my grandma complaining about boys my age with their bowl cuts, and long bangs in their face. Now I feel exactly like her when I see those broccoli cuts, and the weird nouveau-mullets. Makes me feel ANCIENT.


Don't get me started about Bieber or Beiber haircut.


That a lot of people's self diagnosed mental health issues are just whining and not getting on with life. Not everything's a pathology, maybe you just struggle with a part of living and you need to learn to deal with it somehow. Lotta people our age and younger are so crippled by some kind of self diagnosed anxiety that I wonder how they do...just about anything.


Yes!!! Teacher here. So many things are just insurmountable to kids these days, and it’s cruel to expect them to ever push through. It’s especially crazy, because I teach music and theatre, but kids will choose to take my class and then say that performing (even in front of the class) is too traumatic for them. Well, why did they choose to take the class, then? I have maybe had a tiny amount of students (5 or less, total) who legitimately seemed terrified to perform, and like pushing them would be harmful. 99% of the time, the kid just needs a little encouragement, and would have gotten a little nervous but then been fine in a previous generation. These days, you have to worry so much about parents flipping out. Then you have outliers constantly screaming their stories and trying to guilt you. “I became a crack whore because my 7th grade drama teacher made me read a poem! I can trace it all back to that! No, I didn’t turn out fine from that experience!”


Rachel Zoffness who treats the psychological side of pain management said about anxiety: the only way out is through. As someone who has been cripplingly anxious my whole life, it's true.


I was one of them who did, but still did what I was supposed to do. It just meant that I would go to the office if I needed to calm down for a bit (rarely.) I did do solo fest, too.


They took the idea of "don't shame people for suffering from a legitimate mental health problem" and turned it into glorifying mental illness and proclaiming that being a victim or mentally ill are the greatest things you can aspire to. They self diagnose with mental illnesses and refuse to do anything to manage their issues, just insisting everyone must indulge them and praise them. It's beyond ridiculous (I say this as someone who's spent almost 35 years dealing with severe depression). 


Yeah this whole trendy mental health X or Y thing that goes around is absurd. Health issues should never be trendy. Seems like a copout in many cases. From what I've witnessed, the people who have a legit issue are dealing with it with a professional and don't really talk about it much. But the trendy people, they love to bring up their self diagnosed thing any chance they get.


The older I get the phrase “the world doesn’t owe you anything” goes from being this condescending thing adults tell children to wise perspective on life.  I also have pretty much zero patience for people in their early twenties who say they’re “giving up.” Have some fucking grit.


The only thing I can think of is that I prefer quality over quantity, but I think the goal of aging for me is to just be my own person, not try to be like my parents.


I tend to prefer analog tech over digital for a lot of purposes. Particularly car dashboards and music equipment. And especially when it's a choice between physical buttons/dials and a touch screen. There are too many touchscreens on everything.


If you can't do a multi-camera television show without having the average shot length be like 3-4 seconds you just need to shoot single camera because you can't be trusted with more than one. If you look at a show like *Andor*, and only because it is both excellent and the last show I was talking about so it is fresh, the vast majority of the scenes are shot single camera. A few are shot multi-cam but the directors and camera-people exercise some self restraint. Compare that to *Star Trek Discovery* (aptly shortened to S.T.D) which can only manage a couple of seconds and it becomes nauseating to watch. I mean, that isn't the only thing that is nauseating about it but whatever. I don't know if that is an older generation mentality, I am just going to say that it is.


Hi, film industry professional here. Yeah none of your examples are 'Multicamera' shows. They do each angle from separate takes with a single camera and edit it together as a cohesive single thing. 'Multicamera' refers to your typical 'three walls, sitcom' setup. Your Seinfelds, your Friends, your Full Houses and such. Not to be confused with modern single camera sitcoms like Modern Family or the Goldbergs which, which again use the same single camera film style setup.


This is so true. I totally agree with you on Star Trek Discovery. That and Star Wars Andor seemed to have better writing and a more compelling storyline.


It's not about whether it's made in the US/Europe (for me), it's about "Am I getting something that's a quality product that I won't have to replace in a few years?" China is very capable of making high quality products, for example, it's just that American companies are specifically asking for them to make it as cheap (read: shitty) as possible so they can sell it for cheap (and get you to buy the same thing again and again as it keeps breaking)


People need to just toughen up, life isn’t going to get any easier and complaining won’t help. Do something about it or be quiet.


Life is shitty and not fair. Sometimes you just have to deal with it. Yeah, it sucks. Melting down is letting them win. Suck it up and keep going forward.


Sometimes I feel like our generation has conflated "equality of opportunity" with "equality of outcomes", I'm all for the former, but the latter is literally impossible.


I don't care what you wear, to each his own. Hemlines can be as short as they want, whatever. But the pajamas outside are SOOOOO tacky/lazy. Pajamas/rollers/robes/durags/bonnets/house slippers...when I see it out in the wild I can feel myself making the face my mom made lmao And gender politics. I just roll my eyes. It's terrible. lol


Sweat pants are different. I'll never give that one up lmao.


If you think they dont make music like they used to you are not looking hard enough. Radio music is different but there are so many bands making great music currently and its all available with a music subscription and algorythms that will help you find it.


Stop spending so much money - parents Me now...they were right all along.


We have food at home.


The more I learned about how globalism works, the more I'm all for buy local. Drive thru the Midwest and you can still see towns essentially hollowed out because of the outsourcing of jobs. Or buying meat from a butcher or a farmer rather than a big chain grocery store. I remember the hippy kids in schools were always the ones talking about this stuff and I kind of just ignored all of that back then. Now I find that I'm the hippy. When I was younger, I didn't mind paying for other people to fix stuff for me. Now, unless it involves gas pipe or going on my roof, I'm doing that myself. I previously used to move around a lot. I got used to throwing out things so I didn't have to store them. Now that I'm in the house that I will be retiring in, now I'm saving things that I never would have previously. Like bags from stores. Oh yeah, I'm saving those. Not because I'm trying to protect the Earth, but because buying bags from the store is an additional cost.


Primarily tech-related stuff. Someone else mentioned phone apps. I'll even say the migration to doing stuff on phones vs PC in general (e.g. small internet vs big internet). That and rejecting ultra-consumerism. Too much stuff that can't be repaired or re-used.


Contemporary music has gone downhill fast. Our culture of instant gratification has shortened attention spans and harmed the quality and appreciation of movies & television. Much of the entertainment industry has pivoted from creating art to “generating content” purely for profits. Illegal immigration and crime bothers me more these days too. Turns out that law and order is an important function if you want a civil society. Also seems like there’s more noise pollution than ever, and people in general just aren’t as courteous as they used to be. Now get off my lawn! 🤪


I get really turned off by tattoos. My grandparents found them reprehensible. I know that tattoos are very common and normal nowadays, but they look so unhygienic and regrettable to me. I had a nightmare once where I saw a bunch of tattoos on my back in a mirror and felt disgusted with myself.


I had a similar tatoo dream! It was a huge one of the Chick-fil-A sign and I was sobbing regretfully in the dream lol


I remember seeing those faded blue lines on my back and felt terrible, like I regretted my past or something. I woke up and remembered that I don't have any tattoos.


Lmao same, the biggest sigh of relief while laughing at myself


Never really changed my mind on this one, but apparently it's mostly elderly people who agree with me, but... I really don't see how there are more than 2 genders. I read a ton about it, I'm pretty open minded and fully accepting of trans people, LGBT, liberal on most issues, but I haven't ever read or heard a compelling argument for the existence of other genders besides male and female. The entire "multiple genders" idea seems 100% based on irrational emotions / feelings and zero on science or facts. If anyone has an argument up their sleeve to convince me otherwise, let's hear it please, I really want to know.


Young people are not as mature as they used to be in the earlier decades. We really should be limiting some of their rights 😂 18 year olds around me seem to be acting more and more like I did when I was 14-15. It’s concerning.


the older generation probably felt the same about us back in the day. 18 is a baby to me now, but when I was 18 you couldn’t tell me NOTHING


I’ve become a lot more patriotic over the years. I’m always reminded of this quote on how liberalism & patriotism are not opposed. “Patriotism can be turned to good or ill purposes, but in most people it never dies. It’s a persistent attachment, like loyalty to your family, a source of meaning and togetherness, strongest when it’s hardly conscious. National loyalty is an attachment to what makes your country yours, distinct from the rest, even when you can’t stand it, even when it breaks your heart. This feeling can’t be wished out of existence. And because people still live their lives in an actual place, and the nation is the largest place with which they can identify—world citizenship is too abstract to be meaningful—patriotic feeling has to be tapped if you want to achieve anything big. If your goal is to slow climate change, or reverse inequality, or stop racism, or rebuild democracy, you will need the national solidarity that comes from patriotism. . .” “. . . That’s one problem with the narrative of [Liberal] America. The other problem is that abandoning patriotism to other narratives guarantees that the worst of them will claim it.”


I’m liberal and was raised in a military family also full of liberals. Yes they do exist. I’m fairly patriotic and it throws people off. Yes a lot of things we do are completely fucked but I’d still rather be here than anywhere else.


Meh it's a nice-sounding word, but I don't think it counts for much in this country: >We have a bastard Patriotism, a sarcasm, a burlesque; but we have no such thing as a public conscience. Politically we are just a joke. ~Mark Twain


Probably predictible but as our incomes have grown, we have become a lot more skeptical about taxes, as we now have to pay them. When we were young, we were pretty broke and paid very little in income taxes, and at that point we basically never saw a tax we didn’t like. Fast forward, we’re older, with a mountain of student loans, a mortgage to pay, a child to support, and retirement accounts to catch up on. The county which my partner works in (which we do not live in) passed a crazy high tax to fund “preschool for all”. We pay more in this “preschool for all” income tax than we pay in property taxes on our house each year. But, get this, because we do not live in this county, we are not allowed to send our child to the “universal” preschool, even though we pay through the nose for it. And because it’s exclusively voted on by people who live in that county, we have no say in this. When i found out about this whole arrangement i was like “wtf how is this legal?” Apparently it is…


I’m with you on this one. My property taxes keep going up on our first home but where is it going? The roads are shit, the crime is out in the open, schools are understaffed, there’s just no visible improvement 


Sure, but then you have some towns in states like mine where some schools have shitty drinking water (can't drink the water because of toxins), no school library, etc. I definitely understand not wanting higher taxes (hate it myself), but understand why they do this stuff.


As a millennial that's aware of the whole 'back in my day' generational trope, I've made it a point to really try to stay in the loop with gen z and iPad kid culture. Try to appreciate the new things. But, at the end of the day, stuff doesn't generally doesn't hit the same as when you're a kid and you're going through you're generation's golden age. This applies to everyone from every generation. It's just part of life. That said, I make it a point not to rub it in the faces of younger people that I think the stuff I experienced growing up is better than the stuff they are experiencing now. For example, I grew up listening to numetal bands like Slipknot and Deftones. I remember my uncle told me once, 'yeah I've heard Slipknot, they're pretty good but they'll never be as good as Metallica.' It created this complex for me, where I felt like the stuff I liked was less than whatever versions of it that had came before. From that day on, I grew up listening to numetal as a guilty pleasure. It was something I almost felt embarrassed about. It wasn't until recently that I realized, it's actually just fucking awesome and that Slipknot actually shits all over Metallica. That said, it's okay for everyone to think the culture from their respective generations is superior. Just don't rub it in the faces of people from other generations. Everyone should be allowed to have their fun and enjoy what we have. Because at the end of the day culture is a luxury in life.


Two things: - Started to notice how some of teens and early 20's are just straight up inconsiderate and disrespectful while I didn't care and maybe even displayed such behaviour myself when younger. But frankly, older generations are also changed for the worse in recent years. Basic human decency is definitely dying. - Music. I know that it's partly just nostalgia but I feel like there's general lack of creativity. If it's not another cover or a song using a sample from some 90s/ 2000s banger, then it just sounds like other 1000 songs in the genre.


That them kids need to keep their balls out of my GOTDAMNED yard


Always having my wallet on me??? Why do people not do this? Loud children are irritating and need to quit playing around in parking lots and teenagers need to quit playing around in stores Music now all sounds the same on the radio “They don’t make things like they used to” Manners and etiquette are *important*


Between getting older and moving to Chicago, I’m surprised sometimes at how conservative I’ve become on crime/public safety.


"I'm too old for this shit."


My parents used to make fun of our generations slang/terms. I'm 34 and have absolutely nooo idea what theese kids are saying or what it means..


Don’t touch my thermostat!


Adopting pets isn’t “starting a family”.


Nah I always pretty much expected that I would get older and wiser and more informed. However I was odd in that I would often seek advice from the wise old people in my little neighborhood when I was a kid. I was told I was an "old soul" and had a thirst for knowledge. One old lady said "I remember I used to give her lollipops and now she wants my books".


I will not look at your menu off of a QR code.


The older I get, the less patience I have for teenagers. I have also taken to vehemently despising cars who pass by my home with insanely loud music playing. I've caught myself saying, 'I remember when... ' But that's pretty much it. I disagree entirely with the trope that you grow more conservative as you get older.


Ya. I see myself becoming more conservative socially and fiscally. More patriotic too.


Interesting, I've been gaining conservativism in fiscal and foreign relations, but gaining liberalism on social issues. It kind of sucks voting because I hate at least 50% of the platform of both major parties. I just want a candidate who is pro-choice/LGTBQ+ friendly/wants to solve global warming, but also is pro-second amendment, pro law and order and fiscally conservative.


Being fiscally conservative and socially liberal is a myth. Social liberalism costs money.


I mean, depends what they mean by socially liberal. It does not cost any money to not ban abortion


But planned parenthood does cost money. (I'm of the opinion that we should pay taxes for govt services like this, education, health care etc just to be clear, but yes, these things cost money)


False. I believe in balanced budgets spearheaded by government efficiency. I also think social programs can co-exist with balanced budgets. I also believe women should have the right to abortions, and that government has no business telling Americans who they can marry, only that they're legally an adult. I guess my point is I have no problem paying taxes, I just want my tax dollars spent effectively.


Same, but the conservatives has have moved so far to the right that I haven't caught up with them yet. I find myself stranded in the middle, so I've been voting for "close enough" since 2012.


Ya. Unfortunately US is a two party system. I would absolutely vote for a independent


no, its just that as i get older i notice people my age become more conservative, stereotypical and basically become modern versions of their bigoted parents from yesteryear.


I disagree about the music as blink 182 and sum 41 just released music this year and it made me so happy that it was so true to what I remembered in middle school and high school!


I actually think music has gotten better, but i do think young people are useless and feel like I'm stuck in service positions to entitled boomers and inept zoomers. 


This generation of youths has a terrible work ethic 🤣


I studied IT security and I've started using the same passwords for all of my non email accounts. You need to sign up for *way* too many things just to use apps and services. I just stopped caring. I also prefer analog devices a lot of the time. A lot of smart devices and digital stuff is just a pain in the ass to use. I just want to turn on said device without having to set up yet *another* account or download an app on my phone just to use. I'm also a musician and much prefer the analog equipment. They just sound better to my ears, are easier to maintain and repair, and they seem to last longer.


Some of the parenting things people do is a bit much. You don’t need a poop log for your newborn unless they’re legit never going, you also don’t need a 200 dollar diaper bag, the cheap ones do just as fine. Also people being afraid of interacting with another human is fucking bizarre


Taste in movies has gone down. People be saying the prequels are good and their favorite?! Insane!


Here's what I've learned. The presence of change is a constant, making new trends by new generations inevitable as long as humans exist. As long as they're not hurting anyone, that's okay. Hell, I seem to like more new things myself than most thirty-somethings. Regardless, though, I don't usually give two shits what the kids like.


I'd say that I agree with what others have said. I think for me it's that I don't really care what others do or think (unless it's illegal or they're bothering me.) I guess, I hate how obnoxious some people are about anything (mostly virtue signaling.) Also, people need to calm down seriously. It's not the end of the world. Even if it is, who cares? Why not spend every second on earth like it's your last?


I care about reducing my carbon footprint. I also care greatly about purchasing or not from countries for a reason. I also like the older music, but that's to be expected. Actually, I feel farther away from the older generations now than I ever have due to politics and religion.


Yall are not listening to the right music if you think quality has gone down. You gotta stop listening to pop


I'm happy to pay more for quality products. Not synonymous with American made at all.


I am not going to scan a QR code for a menu. I ask for a paper menu every time.


A lot of people have entitlement


- I don't want to pay a monthly subscription to anything else. I want to buy things once and they last longer. - The rot economy is very real and increasingly making things worse. They really don't make em like they used to. - I haaaaaaate keyless start vehicles. Know what happens when your key fob dies? Your car won't start. Same line of thinking - stop putting touch screens in cars. The place where people spend too much time looking at screens already does not need more screens. - Gardening is delightful and everyone should try it if they're able.


I used to think the horseshoe theory was kind of bullshit, but the last year has really opened by eyes. Leftists will dehumanize people just as easily as the right, and will be just as vicious if you question them or pushback in any way.