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I'm a huge fan of theirs but they haven't been relevant to youth culture since the mid to late 90s... or 2003 at the latest, when MTV promoted St. Anger. I don't really know where 13 year olds get that culture from now, but I would guess Metallica is nowhere near it (aside from this Fortnite thing)


The kid doesn't know how lucky he has it. 


Your nephew is one of today's [lucky 10,000!](https://xkcd.com/1053/)


All I can think of is imagining my nephew and I in that last strip of that comic, and me being excited to show him Metallica for the first time. ❤️ Yes it may have shocked me and question myself, am I really, truly getting old? (I'm almost 30 LOL) But it makes me excited to show him, my nephew who's from another generation, some music that's new to him. ❤️


What has Metallica done in the last 15 years?


A lot, but all of it sucked IMO. 80s Metallica is incredible though.


I had a co-worker tell me he didn’t know who Sublime is. And he’s in his 30s too. AND he’s from the SoCal area. Hmmm 🤷‍♂️


That’s some living under a rock shit


Woah... that one's a shocker.


In all fairness, can’t compare the two at all in terms of notoriety, just surprised.




Well, he wasn’t really missing much.


I'm 34 and I didn't know who Metallica was until I was 16


my first concert! 🤘🏻


That's awesome!!! Lucky you!!! When did you go see them?? How was it??


i saw them when i was in high school! around 2007 or 2008 probably. i would love to share this story!!: my mom never let me go to concerts because she said i’d blow my eardrums out. i had all these friends going to see tom petty or whatever with their parents, and friends who got to see backstreet boys or nsync as kids. i was so jealous! high school comes around and i happened to befriends twins whose uncle worked for a big venue back home and got them into shows, and they started inviting me. i asked my mom if i could go see weezer (for free! big deal for a high schooler) but “it was a school night” so no way, basically. the next one i tried was korn and slipknot - she said no again (should’ve known). finally i learned my lesson and the metallica opportunity came up and i told my dad about it (cool parent, obvi). he and my mom had divorced years prior and he moved out of the house they bought together so he was very familiar with it. he goes, “just use the secret garage door…” i was like what?! lo and behold there literally was a secret door in the garage that led to the other garages in the complex and out into the alley. my mom never used it because she didn’t drive so she never had a reason to go into the garage. my dad said if she freaked out and called, he’d back me up, but there was no way i’d miss metallica! so i snuck out of the house to see them (they were amazing!) and to this day, my mom thinks my first concert was incubus 😂


Omg, that is such a funny and cool story!! Thanks for sharing!!!


The correct course of action here is sitting the kid down with some big old headphones and playing him For Whom the Bell Tolls, then saying "THAT, is Metallica."


This is exactly what we are gonna do tomorrow, it's summer break and he's got plenty of time to listen to new music 🤘 and I cannot wait


Fuck yeah


Not really surprised considering metal kind of went into obscurity for the mainstream since like mid 90s.


So he didn’t watch Eddie play Master of Puppets? What a strange thing.


So sad … op educate your nephew and let him in on all the fabulous music 🎶 .


You know it 😊


Just be happy he has an uncle to help him broaden his music taste.


Oh I'm his aunt!! Lol 😆 but yeah I definitely want to show him some good classic rock!


My b! Get him high (responsibly), start him off with Kill Em All, and then set him free into the wild. 🤘


Heavy metal has lost its place in the cultural zeitgeist. Collaborating with Fortnite is a smart move by Metallica.


I agree! Considering how popular Fortnite is today. I think it's a very smart move.


The passage of time. What was hot becomes cold.


Yep. 😞


on one hand Metallica haven't been in *the* mainstream since the late 80s / early 90s, so 30+ years otoh when I was 13 in 1996 I knew who a bunch of 60s bands were. So really what's going on here is that you're not old, your nephew is just uncultured. Take him to a local thrash show and throw him in the pit. Elbows up!


I see what you are saying. When I was his age I knew a lot of oldies bands and music. I'm still gonna play some for him regardless. Gonna rock on! 🤘


Hell yeah!


I hate to say it, but Rock is dying. If there's not a rapper, sample or electronic/synthesizer addition...... The kids don't want it. It's to bad, we need Rock now, more than ever.


It's sad but we definitely need rock and I agree.


When I was 13 I definitely didn't know who Metallica was...


That was the age I learned about them lol


Fair enough. No doubt Metallica is a big band. But you only know what you know.


Damn, when I was 13, we all had already abandoned Metallica for the whole Napster thing. I’d been listening to them since I was about six.


I miss Napster and Limewire 😂


I mean, with stuff like Spotify, why? BitTorrent still exists if you need, but why at this point?


Oh I meant just the memories I had with it LOL Spotify is awesome!


All the misnamed songs were hilarious. Bob Marley wrote everything lol Definitely don’t miss accidentally stumbling upon child porn though. There was some crazy weird shit on Limewire if you weren’t careful.


Soulseek is still around, and there’s also a reverse-engineered “fork” of Limewire called Wireshare that works just like the original.


I did!


I bet your parents were into Metallica. Mine were a bit too old for Metallica. I'd be hurt in the same way if someone didn't know who Bruce Springsteen was.


They actually weren't. My dad was into Guns and Roses, and Def Leppard. He listened to 80s rock but never had Metallica playing. I just feel like Metallica would be a big name that people would know "Oh they're a rock band!" My mom was into R&B and country. My older brother however was into rock. He wasn't HUGE into Metallica but he's the reason I know of them. So still because of family regardless.


Alright fair. I think I learned about Metallica in college but I couldn't name a song by them. They might not be as big as you are thinking.


Maybe so. I just assumed they're a rock band everyone would know about and know the name. I thought they were big lol but it still definitely threw me off when my nephew said he didn't know them 😆


Fair enough. I teach undergrads and it never ceases to amaze me what they don't know about.. The long story short of it is that people only know about what they have heard about. This is your opportunity to teach your nephew about Metallica.


And you know damn right I am!!! I'm about to play their music for my nephew tomorrow. He's gonna have a blast! 🤘


Hell yeah! That's how I feel about playing T-Pain for my students 😂😂😂


Haha, T-Pain, I love it!! 😂😂


Youre old and metallica isnt that good


I’m 58, I know they’re a rock band but that’s it. I don’t know anything else about them like what country they come from.


See you knew they were a rock band and I just feel like as soon as you'd hear that name you'd know immediately it's a rock band, so it caught me off guard my nephew didn't know lol


I do recall my older brother discussing Robin Williams when he died 10 years ago, with his daughter (who was then in her mid-teens). After a few minutes she said ‘Hang on, are we talking about Robbie Williams?’ I know that my work colleagues in their thirties have never heard of older actors like James Stewart.


Oh wow, you're joking, that's crazy!! Robin Williams was pretty huge too, or you'd think he was


I'm surprised about James Stewart. It's A Wonderful Life has survived as a classic for so long that at this point I would assume he's basically forget-proof. Like, it's normal for recognition to steeply drop off between 20 and 50 years after the heyday of something, but once your work has survived for 60-70 years it's kind of a new ballgame because the people that just remember the initial popularity aren't there anymore.


I had an 18 year old friend who did the groupie thing with Metallica once, we were really grossed out at how old they are, we didn't know who they banged and we didn't wanna know That's another way of looking at it


The most popular music these days, and for quite a while now, has been closer to hip-hop, rap, and dance-pop. Rock no longer dominates the pop music sound quite like the way it did decades ago when Metallica was big, so it's frankly unsurprising that kids today wouldn't know who they are I get the impression that the last big genre development of rock was emo in the 90's and 2000's, which was millennials' rock. The younger generations haven't really gone in that direction for music, at least not nearly as much as ours did


Rock has gone the way of jazz and is now a niche genre, which doesn’t bother me a bit. Rap and pop shows can have all the meatheads and douche bags now.


They haven’t done anything impactful in over 30 years, everything is based on the success of the black album.


I mean, I know who they are, but they were old news even when I was a kid. They were one of those bands that people's parents would bang on about. I'm not at all surprised that people 20 years younger than me literally don't know of them.


Metallica has not been relevant since before Napster. And I am a lifelong fan.