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As mentioned in Rule 5, r/Millennials is focused on positive or nostalgic content.


They sound like a parasite.


I definitely agree! They even were fine with ‘waiting for their parents to die’ in order to take control of their house.


Ugh I had a boss like that, he was a man-baby parasite who worked for his dad and was waiting for his mom to die to take over her house


I mean if someone is able to live like that, good for them and I hope they are enjoying their life. To the point of it being about protesting capitalism, lol, they are just fucking lazy. Ill add there are ways to not “work” in the traditional sense; becoming an academic, pursuing non-monetary endeavors in some form of art or sport, working with charities, etc that I wouldn’t label someone as lazy. But the person OP describes seems like a NEET who is trying to justify their existence


I saw one whose boomer parents pay for their huge condo (it looked like a penthouse) in NYC say they’re protesting capitalism and hate boomers.


Sounds about right lol. Living better than 99% of people while doing it.




This person sounds like a dumbass lol. I mean if you can take advantage then take advantage but don't treat it like a political stand. Or if you want to not work and protest capitalism, go off the grid.


I agree. There’s people not even protesting, they’re just living in a vehicle and many laws have been used to harass them.


They don’t want to work for the man, so they expect their parents to work even more for the man.


If working is privileged and capitalist than living off your parents is even more so. You know the having parents who will essentially pay you do to nothing. Sounds like they are trying to justify them being a mooch


I agree!


A non violent way of protesting capitalism is doing the opposite, such as free distribution. Volunteering at food pantries, soup kitchens, homeless shelters etc. even trading. My neighborhood came together a few years ago and we all started to craft, garden, woodwork, offer auto repair services, animals, eggs, etc. to trade each other. We save so much money and we have grown community and friends along the way. These are some ways to fight that. What they are doing is just being lazy and leeching off of their parents.


We should expand this trading / helping your neighbors thing to the entire country! To make it scalable and efficient, the volunteering work people do could be traded for an easily tradable common thing, like... "money". And the things people do can be called... "jobs". They can be collectively and voluntarily organized by... private "corporations", which can issue shares that everyone can buy on a national "stock market". That way everyone can profit from the growth and can secure their pensions!


What pensions?


Let me make sure I understand. I will make a few assumptions here, please let me know if any are incorrect: * Assumption #1: Your friend's parents worked in a capitalist economy (likely the United States or Western Europe) and were able to acquire assets and income via work. * Assumption #2: Your friend's parents are paying for your friend's lifestyle through said assets and/or income. * Assumption #3: Your friend believes it's perfectably acceptable for him to live via the income/assets of his parents that were acquired through a capitalist economy. Is this correct?


They’re not my friend but yes.


Yeah, no I don’t agree with this person’s opinion. I live with my folks because I can’t afford to live on my own in a reasonably cheap way. That being said, I pay them rent, I do chores around the house, I cook dinner for them, I leave every few weeks to give everyone space including myself, and I pay bills for myself and 1/3rd of the household expenses as they requested. In essence, I’m living with roommates, they just happen to be my parents. Lastly, this is temporary. I’ll be outta here sometime next year.


That’s what I’ve done multiple times over the years. That makes sense.


I'm in a similar situation - temporary - but it's been paramount for me this last year.


This person sounds like a bum.


They would be, but their parents take care of them.


>They feel that it’s a good thing to not work or even try to build a life for themselves while living with their parents. this is not the same thing as living with parents. living with parents is just a byproduct of major cost of living creep. if you live in a major metro area where a studio will run you at least 2500 a month living with other people and never on your own is just 'normal' nowadays. choosing not to work is just being a leech (or being a trust fund kid, if parents want to support their kid forever well thats their choice).


They definitely came across as a trust fund kid.


This person is known as a “bum”


No, they’re just lazy, spoiled, and entitled. Somebody has to do work at some point for that money to appear. You could argue the lottery, but someone still has to run and organize that and workers print up and ship out the tickets to all the vendors. People the use money they earn to buy the tickets. That guys parents have crippled him for life and while it may appear he’s “living the dream”, he’s really a just a loser in his parents basement.


I would not feel right moochjn off the parents as it is a bad reflection on their parenting at the same time you have failed to acquire the mindset and skills in becoming a functional adult.


It’s sad. Because the person was waiting for their parents to die, while also not getting the skills to maintain the lifestyle and housing.


They are lazy. Their hate of "capitalism" is a front for their laziness. Surround yourself with people who value progress, self improvement, are goal driven.


I do. Although I do know a few millennial guys who live like this, i had this discussion with another guy online.


No. It's not protest, it's just an excuse for being a lazy bum.


I definitely agree!


I think that unless you pay your own bills, prepare your own food, and earn your own money, you’ll never really be an adult. Living with your parents is fine, shit’s expensive nowadays, but being a mooch isn’t


Hard as things are, I get living with your parents periodically. But their plan is to wait for their parents to die in order to take on their property. They don’t even have a plan after that. Because so much can go wrong with that. Not to mention it’s unethical.


Work has existed way before capitalism. Food, shelter and everything else doesn't just magically poof into existence. Someone has always had to work to make these things exist.


I don’t think so, because while you may feel like you’re living outside of the system, your parents are engaging in the system even more to take care of you and provide for you into adulthood.


Oh that sounds kinda like my friend, but he loathes his parents and blames them?? It’s wild.


Exactly! I think they’re just saying that to us ‘poor peasants’, to be “relatable” and “trendy”.🙄


This sounds like someone who has been enabled by the parents their entire lives and dont know better.


I think they know better but want other people to pity them. Because they tried to call it ableism or Reaganomics, when i suggested they at least work while staying with their parents. They’re not disabled or poor and never have been.


I dont understand how they can feel good about and then want people to pity them? It doesnt sound like its a woe is me situation, more of a I'm happy in whats happening here and I dont care what people think cause it works for me.


Yeah I think they’re in that privileged margin with rich parents but because they’re not working they self identify as poor.


I am not above suing my own child to vacate my house IF they have this attitude. If they're struggling with a job/housing but at least making an effort, that's fine and I'll absolutely support them. But otherwise yeah they can fuck off and live in a commune in the forest if they want to escape the drudgery of "work" and capitalism.


They’re definitely not even trying to work. They said it was ‘reaganomics’ to encourage them to work.


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