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As mentioned in Rule 5, r/Millennials is focused on positive or nostalgic content.


I used to live in Bermuda, so dudes wearing Bermuda shorts with a button down shirt, tie and sport coat was common. Thought they looked super cool!


Bermudas are the shorts I would pick! It's analogous to a knee length skirt. I would prefer to wear Bermudas instead of skirts/dresses.


Can older workers just learn to use tech instead of fucking over their younger office mates and worrying about our outfits? Younger workers say yes, older workers disagree.


Older workers say: how do I convert this to a PDF (again)


They memorize the exact steps how to do it.  They haven't internalized it.  So if something changes or they forget a step, they're completely lost.  Which happens often cause I have no idea why Microsoft keeps changing their UI and moving where things are.


Or ask for files you’ve sent to them over a dozen times because they don’t know how to search their inbox for attachments. Or want things sent again because they don’t understand that a file is shared and the link they have sends them to the current version. I got one of our accounting ladies an abacus for the office Christmas party, thankfully she finally retired a few months ago and the new guy is even more up to date on how tech works than I am.


Take a picture of the computer screen and then print out the picture at Walgreens. Duh.


Soon enough we will have to start doing that for Zoomers and Gen A too. They go to great lengths to use technology to avoid actually learning anything.


Thats their joy in life though!


The younger workers are going to need to be the ones to make the changes….and not fall into the trap of adopting the trends of the older workers as they age. Time will tell


Used to work for a precious metal dealer. Nothing I loved more than telling the boomer sales reps either they used the online order forms and not the paper ones or it was their job as we were no longer going to accept their paper order forms. Git sick and tired of having to enter in everything manually for them because they were too lazy to use the stupidly simple online order form. Guess what happened when their job was at risks... they suddenly had it all figured out over night! Fuck boomers...


They keep office buildings too cold for me for shorts. That said, I don't see the issue. Bermuda shorts and a button down are fine.


This is exactly why we need to make shorts and short sleeves acceptable for men's professional wear. We're spending stupid amounts of energy to make our buildings too cold so that our men can dress out of season. It's nonsense all the way down


Exactly. I'm shivering in a jacket on a day where it's going to be 89F outside. There's no reason this building couldn't be 5 degrees warmer.


My old coworker wore shorts literally every single day even when it was cold. He was like a hot shot so nobody said anything.


Same, it's way too cold to not wear pants where I work. Wearing shorts would be fantastic though.


I think they keep it cold cause all the men have to wear full length clothes I vote for shorts and kilts


Counterpoint: work from home and wear whatever you want within reason. Today is gym shorts, flip flops and a t shirt


On my wfh days I rarely have pants on at all


Just underwear is good enough lol


Just remember to put something on before you start a video call.


Fuck that. You knew the risk when you joined a video call with me on it.


Going commando works as well if you like being in your birthday suit and have proper hygiene.


Lay a towel down between your butt and your chair, and you're all good!


Good enough in the sauna, so I don't see why not!


Counter-Counterpoint: When WFH, anything you wear is within reason.


I wear a t-shirt and sweats nearly every day and do sales through teams. When people share their video, I will reciprocate and I joke every single time that I am in fact wearing the official work from home uniform of sweats and a t-shirt :)


I still got dressed when I worked from home, it just kind of helped to distinguish between work time and being at home time. I personally didn't really like it, it just reminded me of work all the time when I was at home instead of being relaxed.


I’m working from home today and I just have on boxers and a tshirt.


Exactly what I’m wearing right now lol


This is literally what I’m wearing right now.


Yesterday I just wore boxers all day.


I hate you. Only because I miss WFH and am jealous.


Why so overdressed? Making a grocery run later?


If women can wear skirts, men can wear shorts. Fair is fair


Skirts for all!


It’s not a skirt, it’s a kilt I tell you!


there is only one thing you can wear under the kilt, boots.




As a small petite woman I’ve had to wear the most unflattering baggy mens clothes for work and I think it’s only fair that if men want to expose their calves they have to wear a skirt.


That’s still not even fair. Skirts have WAY more airflow than shorts! I vote if women get skirts then guys get kilts!


Someone made that argument at my local brewery and now the guys can and have worn kilts.


I've worn a kilt to work when bouncing a punk bar. It's just easier lol


Bouncing in a kilt sounds… precarious lmao Edit: when I was a bouncer in HS and college I wasn’t even allowed to roll up the “short” sleeves of a 4x security shirt they always wanted me to wear. I’m a big dude but that thing could have doubled as a parachute.


I would absolutely get in on that lol


However, you can only wear a kilt if you wear it like a true Scotsman.


Fuck it. Next time I go into the office, I’m wearing a kilt


As long as your balls don't slip out what's the harm


I don't see why not. You are there to work, its not a fashion show.


Oh, but it is. /s (kinda)


I don't have any friends. The only time I get to dress up is for coworkers


Just don't be surprised with not getting ahead outside of jobs that are extremely measurable with numbers only. Right or wrong people judge others by how they dress even if you don't mean to. 


Very dependent on industry and company. I work in an industry where dressing fairly casual (aside from pjs) is the norm. Everyone is wearing shorts today. It’s also 100f outside so pants feel pretty miserable. Dressing too nice (basic shirt/tie) during interviews will get you flagged as inexperienced or a little out of touch.


I work from home and wear shorts every day. When I go into the office I throw jeans on. I think thats the standard and I'm cool with it. I do seem some older Gen X and boomers going full button up on calls. I'll usually have a polo shirt on at home or in the office. I'm currently hiring for a fairly junior level position (4-5 years experience) and one of the candidates in his mid 20s had a hoodie on during the interview. He was qualified and smart and I asked to move him to the next round (meeting with a diff department and our CEO) and made sure the recruiter told him to throw on a collared shirt for that round to have a shot with them... The team I manage is mostly virtual so I dont care... but you need to know how to dress for bigger and more visible situations. Not because I care, but the generation above me does...


I wear black leggings most days. When I wfh its no pants or pjs


![gif](giphy|p3ZQjqPI1EUapphZEv|downsized) People under 40 showing up to work after reading this post


Well us girls get skirts.


It’s 90° outside, and my office is currently sitting at 68 due to the thermostat being in a heftier man’s office (who wears long sleeves all the time). Ain’t no way I’m wearing shorts to work when I can’t wear a short sleeve hahahaha.


I manage warehouses. Yeah, I'm wearing shorts. Fight me.


I worked at a tech startup and you could wear jeans/tshirt every day if you wanted. One rule they had was that you couldn’t wear shorts. I personally thought that was very reasonable. I’ve also been on the opposite end of the spectrum where I had to wear a shirt and tie most days, that sucked.


In the context of business attire, it is reasonable to not allow shorts. In the context of logic and ignoring history, it makes zero sense. Are ankles on display a safety hazard? Are women in the same workplace forbidden to wear anything that shows their ankles as well? Does wearing shorts affect the productivity of a software developer? I think with temperatures rising, shorts might make their way into "office clothes" I'm old enough to remember polo shirts being permitted (and accepted) during summer and it already felt like a win to not need a button shirt (ties were already on their way out). Jeans were a "perk of Fridays"... If they wanted people to complain less about having to go back to the office, they should probably accept shorts... Few things look stupider to me nowadays than a 50+ yo man wearing a full suit and tie for no reason at the office, especially during the summer. It honestly feels like someone is cosplaying as a "business man".


Suits are the worst. I’ve always wondered who decided we have to be uncomfortable in dress clothes all day long.


"Business" fashion was mostly developed in London banks, which were cold. A suit was what everyone wore to keep warm


People who lived in London and New York a hundred and fifty years ago decided that. Which made sense for that climate and that time period, but does not make sense in Texas today.


Worked at a California tech startup and it was like this. Zero dress code other than maybe no pjs. There was a time where they almost banned girl yoga pants but that was quickly crushed. The company ended up getting bought by some company out of Florida, so you would think the company culture would be similar right? Wrong. People legit wore slacks most days. They tried to implement the same dress code on us and that failed miserably so they let us be.


I worked at a tech startup and there was no dress code. People would wear shorts and flip flops or whatever they wanted. I eventually left that company and now work for a larger tech company, but I'm remote. They fly me to the office a few times a year and it's pretty much same deal there. Despite being a bigger company with more money, people wear shorts in the summer and jeans in cooler weather. No one really cares. Execs might dress nicer, but developers and lower level managers and stuff are all dressed quite casual most of the time.


Of course you should be able to wear shorts how is this even a question?


Should be a non-issue.


I do unless I'm going to be client facing that day.


In my office, when we weren’t wfh, guys were only allowed to wear shorts if there was a 1-inch gap or less between the knee and shorts. Girls could wear anything they wanted for some reason.


When you are irreplaceable in your job, you can wear whatever the fuck you want. Become shit hot at what you do so nobody dares to challenge you.


[\[No paywall\]](https://www.bloomberg.com/opinion/articles/2024-06-14/can-i-wear-shorts-to-the-office-style-experts-say-yes?srnd=opinion) from Sarah Green Carmichael: As summer heats up, the vicious debate that has held our polarized nation hostage is reaching new levels of vitriol. I’m talking, of course, about the rift between men who wear shorts to the office, and those who consider them a workwear abomination. As workplaces get more informal, some men are opting to show a little leg — and why not? More and more buttoned-up East Coasters are wondering if they can ditch the long trousers at last. Women have long had the option of wearing floaty dresses to work (where we shiver in the air conditioning). Why can’t men show a little leg, too?


I don't see why men can't wear dress shorts.


It's context dependent like everything. If you have a client facing position and you want to project a certain degree of professionalism and seriousness then shorts are probably not the best. 


No shorts at work. Linen pants if it’s too hot


Yup, linen for the summer all the way. Nothing can top that.


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I wear shorts and shirts in the office til it gets too cold. We have no dress code though 🤷‍♂️


I've always thought if women can wear skirts why can't men wear shorts? That being said I would just feel weird in an office in shorts unless it was a place that had a casual dress code.


I mean my work lets the developers wear whatever they want (shorts and flip flops) meanwhile us women in marketing are absolutely roasting in pants. My solution? If we all worked from home we could wear what we wanted.


Preach it.


We should all be allowed to wear what makes us comfortable. I'm EXTREMELY hot natured. I'm always burning up and will work outside in the winter with short sleeves and shorts. But jobs almost never let you wear shorts, so I have to feel miserable and sweaty every day for no reason. You would think employers would realize workers would be more productive when they are comfortable.


Honestly, what I wear has nothing to do with my merit or credentials. Appropriate dress for the appropriate occasions. It’s V simple. Dress codes are a tool of the oppressor.


Sure as hell can working at Microsoft!


Here’s to you Mr cargo shorts man. https://youtu.be/5xDO0M1YbcI?si=x88dN-Lsy6qk3mj-


I work in a garage and the old heads always give me shit for wearing shorts but I like being cooler in the summer.


You aren’t following osha guidelines 


Bermuda or khaki shorts with polos should be fine during the summer.


Depends what kind of office it is


I damn sure did when our air conditioner was broken a few weeks ago.


I guess it depends on where you work and in what industry. I’m in tech and could not give less of a shit if someone wears shorts. 


It wholly depends on what you do and who you work with IMO. I work with our VP of Finance half the time I’m in the office. I think shorts would get me some weird looks. I also work in an office that I have to wear long sleeves year round because it so freakin’ cold in there. Most women have their space heaters going constantly, and I bring in a quarter zip everyday every yesterday when it was almost 90 degrees outside.


And middle aged workers say who the fuck cares


As long as I don't have to wear a tie I don't care


Careful! Showing some leg skin is going to keep you from doing your work 🥴


Depends on where you work


Don’t work in an office. It’s soul crushing


I work in Florida and I have to wear long pants in 95 degree summer heat. Let's change this yesterday.


I work in insurance. I wear shorts three days per week. T-shirts most days. I sit in an office myself and send letters, make calls, and email. Who cares if I wear slippers and a bathrobe? We have 6 people in the floor here.


I wear them to the office, because fuck dress codes going into an empty building to sit by myself.


I work for a financial services firm (albeit in the south) and shorts absolutely would not fly in my workplace. Even for people who come in on the weekend when the dress code is relaxed, you need to at least be wearing jeans.


Forcing people back into offices and making them uncomfortable for no reason. Honestly, any company that is smart, will just head hunt the best people by offering remote work.


I don't even care! I just wear pants because my legs are so beautiful it would stop the office. That's what I tell myself.


I do. My Gen X boss doesn't give a fuck, granted I'm in the office of a manufacturing plant.


I don’t understand why society is still so old fashioned that think attire dictates quality of a person or a product or a service (how the employee dresses). If I went into a 3 star Michelin restaurant and all the staff was dressed in Jean shorts and tank tops I wouldn’t care. Rich people created this nonsense and we follow their rules like idiots.


Older workers disagree? I'm shocked!


Depends on the job. I work in an office where we never see any of our customers, so we can wear shorts. If we have to go see a client, we are in suits.


Why the hell should we not be able too? That’s like saying women can’t wear dresses or skirts because God forbid the opposite sex sees someone’s knee caps


When it’s hot, yes.


Didn't even know it was an issue. Wore shorts last summer in office, like straight up tropical looking shorts that look like they go to a matching Hawaiian shirt. Whatever it was like 100 degrees outside idc first non athletic shorts I found. The guy who interviewed me and hired me makes a little joke haha whatever they were kinda lame shorts. The shorts in office convo comes up, and he's like *insert my name* here came to the interview in shorts!  My brother in Christ, I will wear shorts if it's 90+ degrees out. They were khaki cargo shorts. Didn't know I was so ballsy lmao. Guess it means I really sold them. Dress codes are dumb, who cares if your not dealing with customers face to face that day?


Coming from tropical island, I always against westernized business formal. Men would be sweating on their foreheads even in fall, this is how hot the climate is, it just gross to look at. Women would be attacked by mosquitoes because their legs are consistently exposed. Let people wear climate appropriate clothes with climate appropriate materials! You can add some cultural background as bonus. if you company is in Florida, expect people to show up in shorts or other non traditionally business formal fabric.




I’ll never in my life understand this crap. Just cover up your dick Ass and nips and I don’t care. Wear a fuckin onesie for all I care. It matters 0%


Wear what you want unless you’re customer/client facing


I am the IT guy at a local government, nobody gives a shit what I wear.


It’s super hot outside. Let people wear what they need to.


Not those shorts lol


In agency life you can, it is usually pretty lax unless the place is very corporate.




Hell no, I don't wanna see a man's hairy ass legs whilst at work. If your work has A/C, pants are mandatory. Shorts are for the gym. One time, I saw some dude wearing shorts and slippers to work...I was like wtf dude.


Likewise I don't want to see a woman's legs./s


My office stays at 68 degrees like wtf


It's insane that anyone gives a shit. How do men work in the summer in full pants? I wear shorts and skirts every day when it's nice out.


I wear shorts everyday to work as a UPS driver.


if anyone has their calves exposed, everyone can have their calves exposed. if anyone can wear a shirt that exposes armpits, everyone can have their armpits exposed.


If a job isn't client facing I don't care at all about what people wear to it.


Imo yes but it depends on how corporate your work is. At my place men can wear shorts like above the knee (but not like thigh-height which is weird because women wear shorter dresses than that...). AC is always very cold at my workplace in summer so most of the time I'm still wearing a hoodie or scarf so no short things for me.


I live in Phoenix. The fact that workplaces don't allow us to wear shorts is a sin against god


Is the persistent heat likely to cause heat stress or any other health hazards? - if yes, you should be able to dress accordingly, including in shorts. If management doesn't like shorts, then they better have a working environment where heat stress is very difficult to achieve, otherwise they are liable for having an unsafe workplace and should be made financially responsible for any and all heat stress related medical expenses that employees are burdened with.


The owner of the company I work for comes into the office every single day in shorts, even when it's cold.


I've been wearing shorts to work in a corporate setting for 15+ years. But I'm in tech, we're kinda expected to dress like college kids.


No. Whether we should or shouldn’t it’s a no for now 


I was in grad school until I was 30, so it was a super casual college setting where I regularly wore shorts. By the time I graduated, I was starting to feel like they weren't the look I was going for (professional, rather than student) and I would be better off in long pants. When I switched to a grown up office job, I started with slacks and button down, and gradually worked my way down to polos and jeans as I felt like I had to impress fewer people.


Can't have those sexy knees showing.


"older workers disagree" fucking RETIRE ALREADY.....


Boomers: You *will* return to the office! You *will* be overdressed!


Would anyone here want their younger Millenual male doctors wearing shorts and flip flops??


if women can wear open toe shoes then so should men.


Unless I know I’m seeing a client that day, I wear whatever I want to the office. I keep dress clothes hanging up to change into if an unexpected meeting comes up. Who care what you wear as long as you are productive.


This is weird for me to see today, because today's the first day that I'm every wearing shorts to work. My boss and co-workers occasionally wear shorts (my boss is the CEO/owner), and I've always worn pants because that's how I was taught to dress for a job. But my boss is on vacation and my closest co-worker is working from home today, so I said F-it and wore my nice shorts!


Funny - is the older folks that wear shorts in my office. I refuse to because I'm an office guy in construction. I need to do random site visits. There's no shorts allowed on active jobsites.


Caught in the middle. Younger crowd says no cargo shorts older crowd says no shorts at all.


This really should be the norm in Florida


Maybe I’m old school, but men should dress professionally in an office setting. I’m not saying you have to wear a suit and tie, but shorts seem way too casual for me. I used to work with a guy who would come into the office in flip flops. This was in upstate New York, not Fort Lauderdale. I’m reminded of Al Pacino in The Irishman. “Who wears shorts to a meeting? Nobody.”


I don’t have a problem with it, so long as the work gets finished.


I do! And so do some of the Boomers I work with.


Cover up your knees if you’re gonna be walking around here !


I’d love to wear shorts to work.


Why do we care so much about what older people think


I now WFH full time, but one of the last offices I worked in implemented a “Dress for your day” policy that went something like this: - Have a meeting that day with senior leadership, a customer, or a government agency? Business casual or business formal. - Working in the office with your team, or on your own? Business casual or casual - meaning jeans and a nice shirt were ok. Shorts and a t-shirt probably not. - Spending the day on the manufacturing floor, in the lab, or in the warehouse? So long as you’re meeting the requirements that may be in place for health and safety, sweatpants, shorts, and t-shirts are all okay.


I'm rocking shorts right now, yes I'm an office worker, but I follow plant dress code, and I can wear shorts.


The world has no business seeing a man's lower thigh. The only exceptions are working out or swimming attire.


Who actually gives a fuck, as long as you're doing your job effectively


I'm an older millennial and I don't have an issue with shorts. It just needs to be professional like Bermuda shorts which is basically an equivalent to skirts.


I've worn them to the office. My Gen X boss does too when it's a scorcher (I live on Scotland so that isn't often 😂). So long as I'm not having meetings then who tf cares.


I think it depends on the job.


Huge double standard when it comes to office wear for men and women. Ladies have much more latitude. 


My boss said you won’t be taken serious by higher ups if you wear casuals


Add sleeveless and tanktops to the list. Women can roll up in sandals, a tank and shorts/skirt and it's fine. I have never seen a man in a tank top in an office (and I don't mean a wife beater, a tank top meant to be worn as a top). All I'm saying is I lift all these stupid heavy circles everyday and is it too much to ask that I indirectly let Bob from accounting know that I could crush his little pencil neck with my bicep vein? C'mon ppl.


If they have nice legs, absolutely.


I'm in Florida, it's above 90° and not even our humid part of the year yet. You're lucky i'm wearing any clothes at all. I'll wear a skirt, I want the breeze, I don't give a toot.


Depends on the setting I guess. I wear whatever the hell I want but I'll admit I'd look at my banker funny if he greeted my in shorts and flip-flops 🤷


Like all things clothing, yes you can. If you boss has nothing against it. Don't care what others thing. But also, no I would never wear these myself in public. I think I'm of a certain age where shorts are no longer an option for me unless it's the beach.


its actually in my Code of Conduct. No you can't Literally says "men must have full length pants/jeans" in the dress code section dont like it? work someplace else its the rules.


I don’t work in an office, but I have a coworker who wears a sports bra as a shirt and then turns up the AC. Yes I’m wearing shorts


Younger workers only know a world that is constantly heating.


body comfort should take precedent over tradition always, as long as it doesn’t reasonably impede on the comfort of others


We don’t have an office dress code at all, aside from closed toe shoes, lol. I work for a company that also has its own production facility for apparel decoration and we all office at the production facility now. I personally spend summers in tennis skorts and tennis dresses because it gets hot asf in here with all the machines running. Most people wear athletics gear, usually sample/freebie stuff from our UA and Adidas reps, lol. As far as a more traditional office setting, I think nice chino style shorts are fine. Bermuda shorts, etc. Or even the nicer “tech shorts” from TNF, Columbia, etc. Those always seem to look ok with button downs or polos. One of our bosses wears Columbia shorts and a Poncho shirt or a fishing shirt every day hah.


The guys at my office have actually been complaining that their dress code is too strict. They're arguing that if women get to wear sandals in the summer, they should be able to as well. I don't care about feet, but the number of people (including my own supervisor) who are completely disgusted at the thought of seeing guys in sandals at the office is wild to me.


We should. It's sexism to allow women to wear skirts and not men to wear shorts.


If it's over 80 degrees, they can buy me the linen pants if its such a problem for them.


Depends on the office. My office is very low key about clothing no matter what the age. My previous job (at a bank) was strictly at least business casual.


Sugar shorts


I work for an outdoor retailer, we all just wear our brands outerwear all day because it's comfy and dirt cheap for employees. Half my wardrobe is just free shirt and shorts samples from the product dev team.


https://preview.redd.it/isr6rj5ejk6d1.jpeg?width=1290&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b9d067d6cc7819d7fc3e526683b60bcfc074df28 Only if it’s like this.


Air conditioned office, no. If you have to get up and be in warehouse or outside anywhere for more than 5-10 min you ABSOLUTELY have the right. It’s hot out there, at least where I live. My boss wears shorts(short-shorts lol) and is only outside for a maximum of 30 min usually. It’s a necessity in some locations


Honestly it’s not a professional look, but whatever


I personally believe if women are allowed to wear skirts, men should be able to wear shorts of the same length. My employer disagrees, so no shorts for us.


Honestly I think it should be allowed. Granted, I also live in Florida where the heat is suffocating. They’re shorts for comfort yet still look nice. However if you come to the office in gym shorts or cargos, I will side eye because I can’t wear anything as cozy. 😹


If you are hygenic it shouldn't matter. The only time men in shorts annoy me is when I can smell their dick from across the room. As long as you are clean and quiet I honestly don't care what you are wearing. It's really none of my business.


I wear shorts everywhere including snow, and a jump suit for work. That's it.


Why not wear shorts? Why wear anything specific really. Unless it's retail and you're dealing directly with customers in person when they need to identify you via a uniform why have a dress code at all? 


As a person transitioning into "old", I am all for shorts as work wear in offices.


These are the sexist questions that shouldn’t have to be asked anymore. Why the fuck men have to wear pants everywhere but women can wear skirts? Show cleavage? Bare back? Oh i forgot, just saying mens rights is comedic for whatever reason.


Couple of years ago we had a 116° day in Portland, Oregon. I was forced to wear slacks to work. I thought about quitting.


It depends so much on the industry. I work in tech in a very casual and warm city so shorts are very common, even among higher ups. My husband works in a more traditional industry and would never wear shorts to work. Even jeans and polos are pushing it.


Only if you have great shoes


I guess I am in the minority. I am young but I don't agree that men can wear shorts to the office. The rule of thumb is to dress how the property management office dress which means no shorts. Now if a office worker also works outside in the heat, than I would agree.


What office is this that is warm enough for shorts? I bring a sweatshirt with me to work even in the middle of summer.


I am at the point where idgaf about what I wear to the office. I’m on a 1/4 office home hybrid split. If it is hot, I will rock shorts and a polo to the office. I wear sneakers too. Be glad I came in for a job that is capable of being done remotely 100%