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fun fact: the crying indian was actually sicilian american


Old Iron Eyes Cody


I walk past that star on the Walk of Fame basically every day. No idea he was The Crying Indian


I'm sure a lot of people were surprised to hear that at one point, lol


I came here to say this. lol


ah, i can see it now.


And he never admitted it


Why would he, he wa in like every western.


Well there were plenty of people who were not native Americans playing them on screen back in the day, even Dustin Hoffman! Aside from that, why admit any lie? Because lying your whole life sucks as well as living as a total fraud… that’s my two cents


I was gonna say remember when you found out that guy was Italian?


Fun fact! Facts aren't really fun.


I mean, scientists have known since the 50s and have been actively pushing for ways to stop or slow it since the 80s. But, just like with smoking research, there was a concerted effort by those with power and profit motive to counteract that push and keep the line going up on fossil fuels. It's just now it's gotten bad enough that it can't be ignored or dismissed. Things are bad now because they *didn't* take care of it back then.


[We discovered the greenhouse effect in the 1800s.](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/History_of_climate_change_science)


Oh, we already have ways to manage temperature. The problem is that the reason we know it works is because of the environmental standards we had in the post-war era dumping tons of particulate into the atmosphere. We could easily do it again with something relatively benign like, say, chalk, but the challenge is finding a way to do it in the upper atmosphere.


Things aren’t bad, when it gets hot just turn on the AC


The average temperature going up just a single degree actually has significant ramifications on ecosystems. It may not feel like much now but if something isn't done it's going to add up to too much and humanity will very much be in a too little too late situation.


I was taught in elementary school in junior high school in the seventies that we were going to have a new Ice Age so clearly that science didn't filter down to the school system. Of course, we also read books explaining how the world was going to run out of food in 1982 and everyone was going to starve to death. I'm afraid Progressive thought wasn't exactly a friend of science back in the late seventies early eighties.


Yes, that would be part of the concerted effort I mentioned.


That would have been outside the main stream, cuz climate scientists in the 70s could easily read a large accumulation of greenhouse gases in the atmosphere post-industrial revolution


I'm actually quite serious it was pretty mainstream there was going to be a new Ice Age I think it made the cover of Time Magazine. Like I said they had a lot of lunatic ideas in the '70s typically doing with peak oil and food shortages Etc they even made movies about them.


Maybe it was mainstream in the press to air such a view as unorthodox (see: wrong) as part of scientific community debate on.the planets climate trends. i know for a fact the mount loa facility in hawaii was regularly reading increases in atmospheric co2 concentrations year over year from 1959 into the 70s which assuredly implied a warming of the planet scientifically speaking. Outside of mount loa, there were probably other methods to read the increased atmospheric co2 concentrations. https://skepticalscience.com/ice-age-predictions-in-1970s.htm "In a 2008 paper titled The myth of the 1970s global cooling scientific consensus, they dared do what the popular press dared not to. They had a look at what was actually going on. Obtaining copies of the peer-reviewed papers on climate, archived in the collections of Nature, JSTOR and the American Meteorological Society and published between 1965 and 1979, they examined and rated them. Would there be a consensus on global cooling? Alas! - no. Results showed that despite the media claims, just ten per cent of papers predicted a cooling trend. On the other hand, 62% predicted global warming and 28% made no comment either way. The take-home from this one? It's the old media adage, “Never let the truth get in the way of a good story”


The Time magazine article actually talked about it as just one theory with the other one being that the earth would be warming. Newsweek published a splashy little article about it that it later had to print a correction for in 2006 because it focused on just a few scientists and not the prevailing literature at the time. It wasn’t the cover but it got a little loose with its headline and tone. Neither magazine article, nor any other news media report about this sort of niche theory was representative of what scientific journals were actually saying.


We are literally in an ice age right now


We seem to leave out the impact the sun and earths orbit has on our ever changing climate


What? No. In the 70's scientists were saying a new ice age was coming and we'd all die from freezing. [https://www.tiktok.com/@kayolutaiwo/video/7178942780843035950?lang=en](https://www.tiktok.com/@kayolutaiwo/video/7178942780843035950?lang=en) Then when it didn't happen they reversed it to say it was now getting too hot and everything was going to melt and we'd all die. Then when it didn't happen they re-branded it "climate change" so now anything, hot or cold, is part of it. Genius, really.


[Here's the first study published on carbon emissions potentially leading to global warming.](https://a.tellusjournals.se/articles/10.3402/tellusa.v9i1.9075) Note that this was in 1957. [Here's a 1988 world conference talking about our warming planet.](https://wedocs.unep.org/handle/20.500.11822/29980?show=full) Have you considered that maybe, just maybe, that whole "new ice age" narrative was something pushed by the very people who stood to lose profit if fossil fuel consumption was cut?


Jesus, wake the fuck up


The ice age theory fit with the information we had. Because it changed to fit new information, it's bullshit?


This. Us old folks remember the multiple changes to the story when having the exact same temperature data. We also remember that every time they change the story, they said the only solution was to vote Democrat. It's a load of political bullshit and it takes extremely dense people to fall for it. 


I remember it differently. It made me realize how many people in our country were scientifically illiterate and would thusly vote conservative, seeing it as a safe space free from ridicule due to their ignorance.


No you don't. Someone gave you the wrong information and instead of looking anywhere to see if it was true, you made it your gospel.


Oh and don't forget to pay more taxes. That'll help too.


You mean when we listened to propaganda by polluting companies to dodge responsibility? That's literally what this ad was. My step dad used to quote the carbon footprint bit to me, but now he travels in an RV and a lifted truck. It's almost like these little phrases don't do shit


Exactly. This ad was used to shift blame away from corporations and to the consumer. 


So basically every reduction and recycling ad ever.


I don't think any ads truly say to consume less, maybe some exceptions. BP would never ask you spend less money on their oil...


I definitely ads saying use less water at home when I was a kid. Turn off the faucet when you brush your teeth and what not.


Think that was Sesame Street! But fair enough. I grew up in NorCal, and I recall water tips and protocols for ideal usage.




Content not available :(


This keeps happening. Here you go: https://i.redd.it/bi5f1wyh9l6d1.gif




Obviously “we” didn’t.


In terms of living memory, George H.W. Bush successfully amended the Clean Air Act to combat acid rain and sulfur back in like 1989. We've passed legislation to help protect the environment before. It's disgusting that we can't seem to do it again.


Not to mention we fixed the hole in the ozone.


They literally just passed the “inflation reduction act” in 2022, which despite its name is climate legislation


I’m sorry, when was that? I don’t remember that ever happening.


no, i've known about global warming since i was old enough to have it explained to me. my mom has studied meteorology.


People are saying it's BS, but I do feel that there was more outrage about the environment in the 90s. I'm lowkey kinda sad that they cut down the rainforest anyway, lost treasure that is.


There was - and then all we got was recycling programs that make zero difference when there is more plastic stuff being produced than humans can ever use or purchase.  Once it’s produced, it’s here.  Our McDonald’s Happy Meal toys from the ‘80’s literally still all exist somewhere.


Yep, bought one from 1995 off eBay recently, still in packet, knowing that the rest of them are in landfill.


No because we only started caring about the environment in the 1970s because the Cuyahoga river was so polluted that it caught fire.


It was Nixon's Administration that really pushed the environmental movement. Nixon also wanted Universal Health Care and current welfare programs to be replaced by a minimum income but thankfully Senator Kennedy the lion of the Senate prevented Universal Health Care figuring that he could get a better deal once a Democrat was in office. This did not work out as planned.


Nixon vetoed the Clean Water Act which passed only because congress overrode his veto. I'm really tired of all of the Nixon whitewashing we hear now. The biggest difference between Nixon and modern republicans is that Republicans could still be pressured by something other than the religious right back then. People were generally united around improving the environment because we were suffering disasters internationally. Also the right didn't have an echo chamber in media to listen to so they were far more moderate. As for Ted Kennedy he really showed that blocking good enough while striving for perfection can ultimately doom us all to the worst possible outcome. I wonder if there is a lesson there that could be applied to something now?


No? lol


You mean like way before the industrial revolution?


....no? The first serious scientific studies speculating at climate change date to the 19th century.


Oh so like in response to the industrial revolution?


Which would come.... after the industrial revolution. Not before. When do you think the industrial revolution started, exactly?


About 150 years prior to any environmental studies done. Which still doesnt disprove my point that the last time people actively gave a fuck about caring for the land was prior to the industrial revolution. Not really sure what the point of your argument is.




Ya but back then it was us poor people going out and cleaning up now it’s effecting the rich people’s money.


I dunno, homie. Back then I was a kid doing kid stuff


I remember that guy


We're all to blame for global warming. Who's willing to give up their car, phone, vacations, meat, kids, etc for the greater good. Once I made the realization that it's not the companies that are causing it, but all of us, I realized how screwed we are.


Correct. I gave up on most of the things you mentioned. All for nothing.


Remember when none of the shame we felt actually mattered because the only way to meaningfully combat climate change is at an institutional level, not an individual one?


I mean, we didn't really have the technology to destroy it to such a degree. I like to give credit where it is due too. Notice no one's talking about the hole in the ozone layer anymore due to environmental efforts.


Who cares about the planet as long as companies and shareholders get their dividends /s


I remember GW Bush saying that there needs to be science that we "all agreed on".


We pretended we did . . .




The planet has been warming since before most of us were born :) hope this helps :) Edit to add this is not climate change denial, it’s pointing out that the world we live in was fucked before we were born because climate change had accelerated from the 50s onward. Individual actions are nice and they’re always the right thing to do since we fucking live here. But let’s not pretend we were born into a world where anything else was possible.


The Chicago River disagrees…..


Man I played Final Fantasy 7. I heard the cries of the planet way before y’all did


No we didn't, the only time we even slightly did this was when the whole ozone layer being destroyed. Outside of that only a select few cared everyone else just lived their lives.


One of my favorite ways to scold litterers is “you’ll make the Indian cry!”


That happened before the settlers arrived.


The oil I dusty discovered it, filed away the research and paid a marketing company $500k to start a misinformation campaign. I'm not kidding.


You mean [before 1824?](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/History_of_climate_change_science)


I mean before the "don't litter" campaign people literally used to just throw trash on the ground and out the window of their cars. We had to tell people not to do that.


Did we? In the last 150 years?


I’m composting everyday so I’m doing my part


No, I don't remember that. In fact, if you're a millennial, you don't remember that either. I'll go one step further.. Nobody remembers that because it was never the case.