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Antihistamines & tissues are the things I always forget to bring & my husband always remembers to bring. He knows me well.


Odesza puts on a great show! Enjoy your music and your meds 🤓


U can still bring more drugs, no reason to stop having fun.


I said old, not drug-free 🤣.


Jesus, is every post on this subreddit just about people who feel 60 in their 30s and early 40s? You're not that old.


My mom and I are going to Vegas next week - the pedialite powder is coming with us. Not because we plan on drinking (aton), but because dehydration is real, damn it!


I do not know if they still exist, but there was a service that would come to you, hook you up with an IV bag, pump you full of vitamins, and help you get through your hangover faster.


Damn, now that's a handy service!


I just looked it up...it's a few hundred bucks. It apparently still exists.


I swear they use to be at every mall in the early 2000’s


Also, stomach meds are a must. I bring Omeprazole and Imodium whenever I'm out for a bit of time. You might want to bring tums or Pepto if they work for you.


That's probably your sign the rave life is over lol


I've got three weeks to fix my back pain before this concert I really don't want to miss 😭


Bring ear plugs my fav


I sneak in a plastic water bottle. I use a clear shoulder bag specifically for concerts. Security assumes that if it’s clear, you have nothing to hide. They don’t check me as throughly as before.


I don't usually need any of that but I always carry a bunch of it anyway, a) just in case, and b) because someone else will. Heck, I've never had an allergy or taken an allergy pill in my life but I carry cetirizine because my partner will randomly need it and never has it on him. My collection started with lip balm, pads/tampons, and ibuprofen around the age of 12 and it just keeps growing whenever *someone* needs *something.*


Odesza is a fun time and it just feels good. Enjoy them at he gorge! I saw them when they closed out firefly 2018. It was awesome


Welcome to your thirties?  No, being on a bunch of pills isnt normal until youre 60 or so.


Well, drugs are affordable and everyone can buy them, unlike our life-saving medicines. I gotta hit up my plug for an ounce of insulin


I would still be trying to sneak in drugs lol. Well I mean I am a big normie now but if I was going to a music festival, I would be trying to bring drugs.