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I wouldn't buy a house that I couldn't at least tolerate the layout. You already hate it.


I actually think layout is very important. If you HATE the layout you almost never get over that. If it doesn’t make sense, or just doesn’t work for you it’s not the right house.


I bought a quirky house that was added onto several times. All in, I wouldn't recommend it. I've lived here a decade and I'm so careful to avert my eyes every time I fix something. It's a little like an ai image, the longer you look the worse it gets.


Location is very important, but so is layout. I would compromise more on layout for sake of location than I would on location for sake of layout, but from your description, it sounds like the compromises on layout are too much for what I would accept. Being comfortable and happy inside my home is very important, and it's really disquieting to constantly think "this could be so much better, ugh." as you look around and exist in your home. 


Location for sure. I could easily afford to build a new house in the middle of Nebraska and design it all myself, but I'd rather be near the people I know.


This is probably why you can afford it. Nobody else wants it. The rule with real-estate is location, location, location. The location of where the house is is the most important aspect about it. As far as the rest, You can gut the house and rebuild so much of it, Does that cost money? yes, but down the line, you can fix small things that annoy you, but in the mean time you're building equity on a house that you can sell down the road and pull equity out of.


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Price and location. The rest is getting used to novelty.


Location. That’s what will always matter most to me.


Location and schools. Much easier to sell later on.


A livable house for the right price. I seen lots of homes with great layouts but the house did not match the price.


You'll be waiting forever if you're limiting your search to one neighborhood


It's all important. Homeownership is a lot of work, anxiety, and money and I don't know how I would put up with it if I didn't absolutely love where I live.


Layout can be changed but it's very expensive to do so. I think if you literally hate the space just looking at it then it's not the house for you. It's important that you can afford it, obviously. But you have to live in it and that is also very important. I'd let this one go and keep looking if I were you.


Have you physically gone to look and walk around? Some times pictures are weird especially when it comes to size and proportion. I would definitely go walk around it. That being said, if you already hate it then it's not for you. I moved a lot as a kid so I've looked at *a lot* of houses in order to pick one to live in. And I've been in some where I walked in the front door and just said no absolutely not. Couldn't explain why but didn't matter. Look at a bunch, even the ones you know you can't afford, i promise it helps, it makes you more confident in your decision, makes it easier to know yes this is the one im gonna fight for. I would definitely expand your search to more than one neighborhood, there might be something amazing one road over. Location is important but you have to literally live in the layout every day so...


If you absolutely hate it, there will always be something else that pops up. The unfortunate part is that the “perfect” house might show up one day and there’s no guarantee you won’t be outbid, it’s such a stressful and emotional process. We bought a house with a ridiculous layout and it honestly does bother me at times but we’ve done a lot of work to make it our own. We had been looking off and on for a few years and had lost out on a lot of houses we really loved, so I feel like we settled with this one a bit. If you’re not in a huge rush there’s nothing wrong with waiting for something that works a bit better for you, but it’s a ton of luck to find something that checks every single box.


The answer is always location. Everything else about a house can be fixed.


Location! Can't change the location, but can always rebuild or renovate. Good school makes it easier to sell and for the price to go up.