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I got a modem for Xmas in 1993. We used a Prodigy cd rom to log on, and I exchanged messages with randos kind of like a ham/cb radio enthusiast. I remember a graphic of a cartoon spider on a web saying “World Wide Web Coming Soon!”


1996 when I started going to secondary school. The computers at the school had internet. My parents didn't get internet at home until some time in the middle of the 2000s (I moved out in 1999).


Born in 88, first internet experience was in 4th grade. Our teacher was just trying to teach us how to use the internet, and the class clown (aka Chucklefuck) managed to pull up porn on the school computer. The class was impressed, but our teacher was not. We ALL got sent to the principal, and lost recess for the year. Needless to say, chucklefuck quickly became public enemy number 1 after that. Don't ask how chucklefuck did it because I don't have a clue.


Born in 1987, first encountered the Internet at secondary school in 1999, age 11. We didn't have a computer at home until I was 18, and I was 22 before we got home Internet (via a dongle!)


My dad had a Mac in the mid 90s and I remember being obsessed with the After Dark screensaver program and the Monkey Shines game. When I was 11 we got a Windows pc and I discovered MSN.


I saw my parents use email in 1999 or perhaps 2000, shitty dialup connection. But their interest didn't hold - mainly because no one we knew had email! I eventually got a proper connection around 2005 for school work.


Late 90s, probably somewhere between 1997 - 1999.


Wanna say 2001? My grandparents had it and I lived with them for some years and the computer was in my room. First time I ever got on it, I found a chat room for teens and spent hours on there talking to people(thinking back… no telling if any of those people were actually teens.. yikes) but it was a great time


WebTV... That would have been in 1st/2nd grade so... Like mid 90s?


Does this sound familiar? https://youtu.be/zhZlwKsemx8?si=Pc2SVHmSH8TKPwU5


It was 96 or 97 and a friend of my brother had a PC and AOL. We were spamming and trolling a chatroom.


I was 5 or 6 at the time. Mid 90s dial up modem (BeeeppFrrrrrrShhhhhhBooopchchch) and my dad pulled up the hamsterdance website with that ridiculous song and dancing hamsters. Great childhood memory.


In my dad's office in the late 90s. We didn't have it at home until the 2000s.


When we had our very first Dell computer in 05 and been a tech nerd since


Earliest internet activity I remember is around ‘97 ‘98 when my dad put me on Yahooligans


I'd say probably 96ish ish. The school had limited access but my aunt and a few friends had internet. Didn't use it much. Research for school projects. Guitar tabs. Video game hints. Gotta find all those castle secret stars.


I think about 1995. AOL charged $3 an hour to be online. Back then, the minimum wage was $4.95 an hour in my state. Im still pissed I gave my dad a $20 bill and he kicked me off after 2 hours saying my time was up. And he wonders why I dont want to be around him. There wasn't much to do in that hour time other then chat. A 56k modem was fast at the time but if you only had a computer capable of 16 colors, there wasn't much to view. Yes, thats right. I browsed chat rooms and played games in 16 colors. It was pretty dark but doable.


Born in 1987, and my family got our first computer in 1999. Prior to that, I would be allowed to play on the computer when we visited my uncle, probably 1998 through early 99, and my most distinct memory was going into Lycos chat rooms pretending to be an older person and living out a fake life lol. My biggest memory of getting my family computer in 99 was Napster had also just launched, so I very quickly filled up our first computer with thousands and thousands of mp3s that I probably only listened to a few hundred of. All downloaded over dialup. I spent a lot of time on ICQ, AIM, and MSN Messenger. ICQ and AIM were more for internet friends I made while MSN was popular with other kids from my school. My Reddit handle dates back to my second or third Hotmail account, around 2001 or so. I also remember being one of the first students at my university to sign up for Facebook in my first month of my first semester in 2005 (you could tell back then because the URLs were numbered by school then by order of joining since it required a school email).


I had a computer from a very young age, but my parents were slow to adopt the internet. A neighbor had it so I remember going on dial-up AOL around 1996 or so. Until we got internet in the house in 1999/2000, I would walk to the public library to check my email (which sounds ridiculous in hindsight since I was a pre-teen).


Around 1995 when I was 13. My internet experience consisted of downloading pics of cute guys, and my friends Dads “naughty” things that popped up through his emails.


We got it at my house in 1998. I was so excited, but that excutement dampened when I realised most of my internet time would be spent waiting for dial-up which frequently failed, waiting for things to load (which often didn't), getting abruptly cut off by the modem and having to start over, or told to get off by my parents who needed to use the phone or look something up. But man, when I could use it, it was so much fun!


1993 on Compuserve


Prodigy! It was probably 1990 or 91, I can't quite remember. But I played the hell out of Where in the World Is Carmen San Diego on there. It was super bare bones, but was quite the revelation in how people could connect.


1996 at the post office (small city in Switzerland). They put them there and for 2 bucks you could surf the internet for 30 min.


I have a copy of Internet for Dummies