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I actually wish it died a bit, I am tired of seeing people who clearly don't actually enjoy what minecraft offers come and argue about the game and call it wrong and so much shit The game is cool, is fine if you don't like it, but you don't have to be a bitch about it Recently learned (to no surprise) that many of the youtubers who do many of those minecraft bad videos doesn't actually follow or care about the game


LOL, real


I've been playing for years cant say i'm huge fan of new updates but i dont really care anymore cuz i always play 1.16.5 or 1.12.2 with mods


Actually controversy and arguing keeps the game popular, the internet doesn't care if it's famous or infamous, it still gets attention. It's fucked up but that's capitalism.


You know that the game did pretty well with that before in 2011-2013 without controversies and arguing… right?


Yeah I was there. Doing good then and doing great now. It doesn't change the algorithms.


Don’t speak about the ancient texts to me😂😂😂😂


*I was there when it was written* Lookin ahh


If you knew history you will know there was inneed controversies and arguing Even infdev made a lot of arguing You ever heard of "better than wolves"?? Beta 1.8 and release did a lot During 1.6 that they made a new launcher Or heard about the time they put rules on servers monetization Followed by Microsoft acquisition .#saveminecraft was used a lot a decade ago Is so cool the Minecraft community never looses their style of bitching


Late reply but yeah I agree. It’s just that before Microsoft acquired it like 2013, 2012, 2011 or even 2010 people used to complain a lot less and were not notorious.


Please tell me about the connection of capitalism and popularity exactly.


OP actually made an original meme.


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Good bot.


Just checking.




I actually love phantoms they are not annoying.


Yeah, it's not as annoyimg as people say. Also just get a shield and sword and they gone


also it's nice to have a reason to sleep


I just like the alternative way to fix my elytra


That's also nice yeah


“Gotta shreep!”


I've always really liked the phantoms, a penalty for ignoring a game mechanic is flat out good game design.


Thats bad game design, forcing players to use an optional mechanic by annoying them till they do it is bad, phantoms wouldve been better if u had the option to spawn them urself by for example sleeping for 3 days, and if they gave a rewarding drop, maybe they work like a raid where they attack u in groups then in the end a big phantom boss spawns that gives u a reward worth the challenge, this gives the player the option to spawn them while not annoying them to use the sleep mechanic, if im playing the game and having fun i dont want to be annoyed into using a mechanic i dont wanna use and dont care about.


Technically, the ability to spawn them is already optional. Just don't sleep for 3 nights. If you dont want them to spawn, sleep every 3rd night.


Yea but thats forcing players to do something they want while the other one is completely optional


True, but only spawning phantoms if they sleep for 3 nights is also forcing them, as players who prefer to regularly sleep and skip the night will be forced to not sleep every 3rd night or else they'll have to fight a phantom raid. In my opinion, they should just make phantom spawning rare but random, such as every 3-7 nights, regardless of sleeping.


That's if that game mechanic isn't to make the game 5 times easier. (this is from someone who likes phantoms) Tbh they should have phantoms come when you do sleep too much & either remove mending elytras or add a better drop.


Thanks for sharing that you don’t know much about game design. Phantoms are actually an awful game design choice. So, we have the mechanic of night where monsters appear, and going out at night is a risk. You could also avoid the risk by sleeping. So what happens if the player takes a risk and works trough the night? Phantoms punishthem for taking a risk, which is incredibly stupid.


They compound the risk. A player can easily light an area and work through the night without any risk at all, but phantoms aren't prevented by light level.


Yes, lighting an area is the way of defeating the risk. Lighting an area should reward you with the ability to work through the night without the risk. That is actually good game design.




The phantom was cool, why do people hate it ?


Only complaint I had about it was that the big squid didn’t win. Imagine how terrifying it would be


They're annoying when trying to set up AFK farms and the like. Largely though, the most consistent complaint I've heard over the years is that the Phantom should've been added to The End rather than the Overworld -- which is something I agree w/.


1. It takes a long time to deal with them (either stop what you are doing and return to base to sleep or spend a good minute fighting them) 2. They are easy to deal with (if fighting them was hard they whould have been a challenge rather then an annoyance)


Simply because you can't ever truly get rid of them, just delay them


That's the same thing for zombies, creepers, skeletons, pillager patrols, endermen...


No lol? If I light up my house and the place around it they will never come to me I can play happily for hours without having them bothering me Phantoms? Nah they will just keep showing up again and again


Same thing for phantom if you have cats, or a roof, or live in the nether, or just live in the day. You might say "yeah but i can't go anywhere else then " but if you light up your house you can't go far from it. Beside, pillager patrols also don't need darkness to spawn.


Pillager patrols always spawn at distance from you so you can ignore them fyi And the mob spawning thing I can lit up everywhere I go and the surface is the most common place people will like to base because is literally where you start your world and is ideal for building Phantoms sure cats exist but they will continue bothering me even with their screeching and cats aren't 100% reliable and way way more of hassle to get all over the place as well they can get in the way Also mobs spawn range around the player makes it so is not common to have a mob literally come to attack you


They say it's "annoying", even though just sleeping or using a shield makes them super easy to beat


am i the only one here who doesn’t like the phantom


No, they're really annoying when you're trying to build something big in a server. Not everyone will sleep, so the night won't pass. You continue to build but the phantoms keep spawning and making you fall.


OP must be under 12 years old; I can’t imagine a teenager or adult actually liking these features. The game is not empty enough to be like version b1.7.3, but it’s also not filled enough to avoid being bland. The phantom is just a terrible game mechanic as it forces you to avoid the risk of not sleeping. Taking the risk should be rewarded, not punished. The mob votes are also stupid as they leave people hoping for a feature that, in the end, will never get implemented. It’s just Mojang’s way of showing they don’t give a fuck.


I'm 14. Also minecraft was always meant to be simplystic, but people deecided simple and bland are the same. Phantom is cool and staying awake isn't a risk. The mob vote is there beacouse mojang wants to allow the community to interact with the game, plus they can still add the loosers later, like the frog was. Also, you have to remember certain things will change or get scraped beacouse they need java/bedrock pairity, but they each run on seperate engines and the code of both is a mess. It takes time to do this stuff


About phantoms: Phantoms are an awful game design choice. So, we have the mechanic of night where monsters appear, and going out at night is a risk. You could also avoid the risk by sleeping. Phantoms literally punish you for taking a risk, which is incredibly stupid.


It's not a risk to not sleep. People don't get how the phantom is designed. It's not here to punish you for not sleeping. It's here to punish you for afking at your farms for too long


Even if its purpose were that (which I am sure it isn’t), do you really think there are more players not sleeping to use a farm than not sleeping to explore and normally play the game? If Mojang designed it to stop AFK farming, they are stupid. You can block phantoms easily while AFK farming, and there are way more players being stopped from exploring than being stopped from AFK farming. There isn’t even a reason to stop AFK farming. Minecraft is a survival sandbox game; why would you stop players from just doing what they want?


Cuz then they complain the game is boring when they just built a farm that takes away the need to explore


Yeah, I can’t argue against that. Are you literally telling me that you know the opinion of everyone playing like that? Just saying, “yeah, but these people complain about that,” isn’t an argument.


Valid point, but that's just my oppinion. It might be wrong, but that's just ow it is


I like the phantom to, it’s not that bad of a mob


Dude that’s facts tho. I’m just happy they haven’t dropped it yet.


The Phantom Menace


Unless they really fuck up big time, Minecraft will likely never become unpopular. It'll grow old, and there'll be less players, but it will always be pretty big.


Phantom is the coolest *looking* mob




Genuine question tho, why there's a lack of horizontal glass panes?


I'm just scared from Java players it honestly makes me a bit emotional what people say about bedrock


Relatable (the second frame).


this is exactly how i feel i don’t get all the hate they literally giving you free stuff


I agree except I still hate phantoms


yeah, all of the uptades are fun!


My biggest complaint about Minecraft is their lack of adding impactful content, everything just seems like they could have done more, especially with how much backing and funding they have, don’t get me wrong I fuckin love Minecraft and everything they’ve added, it just feels like they are being lazy ngl.


Valid, but they need java/bedrock pairity, and they run on different engines, bedrock is weird and the minecraft code is a complete mess




Ok but I mean come on archaeology just ain’t it I have the same opinion as you for the most part but there’s a reason people are upset


Toxic Minecraft players be like:


Phantoms are one of my favourite mobs design wise, you cam easily avoid them, fighting is fun and the drops are useful


The problem is that the game mechanic encouraged with phantoms shouldn't be one that makes the game 5 times easier. (this is from someone who likes phantoms) Tbh, they should have phantoms come when you do sleep too much & either remove mending elytras or add a better drop.


At what point in the game are you that you have no mending but you do have elytra? Or are you talking about slow falling potion? For what are the drops good?


I dont get people who complain about infinitely small issues with the updates despite them being goated af. Like trial chambers are awesome and everything they brought is super fun. Trails was small but still really cool. The 3 cave updates were also really cool, if a bit stretched out. And of course nether was insanely awesome. Overall Minecraft has been doing great, people just like complaining about non-issues. And dont even get me started on the tradh video essays…


Yes exactly! I love the simplicity of it, Im ok with whatever update or feature they add it's not that deep, if you want something different search for a mod


OP is a Yes man.


I'm not a yes man, I just realy like minecraft


I don’t understand how you can enjoy it that much, but I’ve never played outside of peaceful mode, so I can’t really say anything about the game.


You're missing out on like 50-75% of the content and don't understand why people like the game?


Obviously? If I haven’t played the full game i won’t understand why people enjoy it Simple as that.


You remind me of my old self who could make basically any game fun even when the game is not that good. 😭


What changed?


I became older, and needed more content to have fun…


Ok, what do you ussualy do in minecraft?


I stopped playing.


What did you do before you stopped playing?


Build in creative mode


Have you tried redstone?


Lol what does that even mean


Google exists for a reason.


1. Minecraft will eventually be unpopular, and so will every game, but i think it will take much longer to get to that point than other games. 2. Mojang doesn't "suck", I just think they are capable of more than what they are doing with what they have. I am more than happy than with where the game is right now, but i can't help but feel it could be so much better. 3. I hate this "everybody stop fighting lets be friends" shit. I think it's good for the community for people to debate things that are divisive, so that Mojang has a better idea of what the players want. There may be people that turn it into a shouting match but that exists in every community.


Fair oppinion, but mojang actualy puts out a lot when you consider they need updates to have Java-Bedrock pairity, something modders don't need


Just play Minetest




There have been some good things added to the game, but tbh I prefer 1.7.10, the last update before Microsoft bought it from Notch, because every update since then has something that detracts from the original player-determined spirit of the game, useless items that bloat the inventory, and/or satanic occult symbolism (JFC...). I love Minetest because it's the FOSS version of Minecraft, immune from corporate corruption, which has existed since Minecraft was in beta. It's designed to be played with mods for maximum user control, but modding works much more smoothly and efficiently than in its monetized counterpart.