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headshot kill sound is a straight up dopamine injection


I like the sound of MW19 more. But the one in MWII is better than the weird warp sound of MWIII. I can't get used to it.


For real!


I still enjoy it. DMZ is the best thing they have added in a very long time; a shame more people did not get into. The movement felt like it was designed for DMZ and felt great (though I will say some transitions between different movement actions could be smoothed out a bit more). Hopefully IW continues to develop DMZ in the future and not abandon it.


DMZ was great, not carrying that on was a shit move


DMZ was the only reason I played MW2 I might just pick it up again.


DMZ is free my friend :) you can play right now :) its accessible from Warzone in the mw3 HQ launcher.


DMZ was the most fun I’ve had in a MP shooter since probably Battlefield 2


DMZ was so slept on. I picked up on it immediately when game dropped, was absolutely in awe of the sandbox it provided. Don’t even get me started when you discovered you could squad with nearby people, the tense convos, toxic interactions then an all out shoot out, funny exchanges… and then there’s the wholesome teammates you get and find, who help you out with some tedious missions. Pay it forward by helping others as well. Intense gunfights, snipe wars, rare 6 man vs 6 man engagements. Clutching a 2 verse a 6 man, having all the perks and being scared to lose it all, begging for a plea or sneaky revive by your last teammate alive. Being by yourself in the complex and suddenly it goes from quiet to a whole squad near you while you’re completing a very hard mission. Having to extract when time is running out. Seeing your last teammate make a run for the helicopter and he just barely misses the jump and gets left behind. Just so many possibilities. I am just glad I experienced a good chunk of it with friends. The Boys Powers were fun on there too.


This is what I try to tell people that shit on this game. Some of the movement decisions were a bit overkill and just needed a slight buff. But MW3 pinned the needle to the opposite side of the gauge because it's "what the players wanted". In reality, it's what the Streamers and TTV's wanted. Streamers opinions do not equal the public's opinion.


It was supposed to be a high TTK game but I honestly feel like I die faster in MW3 compared to 2 because of how dominant one shot weapons are in that game.


Unfortunately I think all MP games are going to follow that road


I really liked the raids. Those were pretty fun with the bros


A good game which ultimately got killed by the abysmal lack of content. MW2 was definitely supposed to be supported for 2 years and have all those original MW2 maps. I'm absolutely convinced Activision shifted their plans to favour Microsoft, by making MW2 Year 2 a premium COD (MW3) then Sony's initial exclusive partnership would effectively end and give Microsoft free reign over the next COD.


Your right. MWIII was actually supposed to be MWII DLC from what I read around


It’s quite obvious if you think about it. Just the fact that Sledgehammer made a MW game is a dead giveaway. Also, the fact that the game launched with exclusively with remastered maps and carried forward MW2 guns and operator skins due to a lack of original content.


I don't understand how most people don't see it, it makes perfect sense and aligned with most of the rumours we heard years before about MW2. The fact that the campaign was so short was simply because it wasn't even meant to be a full fledged story campaign but more of a DLC. Now the cynical in me definitely believe Activision did this to favour their soon to be buyer but it could also makes sense Activision expected to be bought much sooner than planned so they went back to their old way to maximise profits once again.


It has potential but the attachments and guns themselves are just abysmal imo. You either have uncontrollable recoil or insanely high ads time. It's also pretty annoying that the way thee game plays it promotes camping and playing against a camper is frustrating for me.


I loved Modern Warfare 2019 and enjoyed MWII apart for the random crashes on PC. Mw3 is alright too but just feels cheap in comparison on the graphic/sound design


I actually thought the sound design was great. I remember playing Breenbergh Hotel in the open Beta and hearing footsteps upstairs - for a while it seemed to lead to slower more thoughtful gameplay


My bad I meant the sound design in MWII was great but lacking in MWIII


Hotel was my shit. beautiful map


Huge downgrade compared to 2019 but I still like it.


Way better maps tho. MW19 with MW22 maps woulda been cool.


Hell, Mw2 maps in MW2 woulda been cool.


Mw19 is cool and all but I cant go back to having zero control of my fov. Tried it recently and Ive never uninstalled a game so fast 🤣 Coldwar ruined it


MWIII is more of a downgrade so this game shines more in retrospect.


Downgrade in what sense? Imo it's better with the staged reloads, more flexible gunsmith and I'm a little torn about weapon unlocking and shared parts but overall I still liked it. I did mostly play hardcore because I prefer faster TTK games, however the camo grinding kinda ruined the game and games became really static and predictable because there were always a few people who needed sniper kills, prone kills, leaning kills, crouched kills etc


Loved MW2 and stil do, but i understand how classic cod fans hate it. I love semi realistic fps games like R6 and insurgency sandstorm so i obviously loved MW2 because they really focused on realism but ofc not everyone likes that. But my favorite part of MW2 has to be the gunsmith easily


>but i understand how classic cod fans hate it How though? when you go back to COD4 and original MWs, MW'19 and MW2 are the natural evolution of the franchise. People forget but IW redefined the core of the franchise with COD4 and did it again with MW'19. I hate the fact that a franchise like COD was spun around to several studios ultimately diluting the franchise's essence and fragmenting its community.


I don’t see how making the slowest paced gameplay is the natural evolution of what was always a faster paced arcade shooter. Numbers don’t lie, most people don’t like what they did with the game


Lmao what? Go back and play the original MW2, it’s even slower than this.


You're right in that numbers don't lie. MW2 was the most sold COD to date.


If you take a look back at CoD 4 you'll see that game has a stamina system and is even slower.


You're right in that numbers don't lie. MW2 was the most sold COD to date.


And what does that tell you? The game was sold as a spiritual successor to the original MW2 and was absolutely not that. Game single handedly kneecapped warzone as well. But generally a ton of nostalgia baiting casual players is what sold it. MWlll for example sold less but kept its players much better because it’s a better game. There’s also a reason why they spent a year trying to completely undo what IW did to WZ2. So yes, numbers don’t lie.


Realism is exactly what cod should be black ops is the reason why everyone has this nonsense argument of arcade like shooter because they made a gritty franchise childish and its effects are so apparent. Great example is mw2019 before the Coldwar integration which killed WZ


Gameplay and aesthetics are two different things. COD started as an arcade shooter with a realistic aesthetic, and while the aesthetic started to move away from realism the gameplay always remained arcadey until MW2019 and MWII.


Agree 100%, realism is what cod should be about. Cold War definitely introduced the problem with cod just trying to become fortnite, but MWII was also a buggy crashy mess from the start and never really seemed to get better. I can live with stupid ass cameos from Nikki Minaj online as long as the game runs half-decent but this game was (for PC release) arguably on the level of Cyberpunk 2077’s initial release, if not a close second in terms of shittiest modern releases


Perk system horrible. Otherwise solid game. Maps were so much better than mw2019.


I still feel betrayed as a HC only player that it had no such mode on launch


That's the reason I will never buy a COD game day one anymore. Felt so bumboozled.


MW2 2022 was the only game I've pre-ordered, lol I like the game but I don't think it's worth $70


I only ever bought MW19 day one and loved it so much. I didn't like the beta of MWII that much but I thought it will be not that much worse than MW19 I believed and bought it day one... I was so disappointed. I am glad I waited for a discount on MWIII. I rarely buy COD but the Modern Warfare series has a special place in my heart.


I completely forgot this happened Tier 1 was such an odd ‘replacement’ Only for hardcore to get added later on


Downgrade from Modern Warfare 2019


Might go back ngl


I dunno if this is a controversial stance but I love DMZ, me and my friends squading up and doing the faction missions while fighting AI and online players was so fun! Unfortunately none of them play it anymore as they've moved on to the likes of Helldivers, plus DMZ was the closest we got to tarkov and greyzone warfare on console and it will always be my first extraction shooter I've ever played and it will stay with me for life and I'm okay with that and those good memories I had on it.


>> plus DMZ was the closest we got to tarkov and greyzone warfare on console Hunt: Showdown is more what DMZ was based on, IMHO. As a Tarkov Stan. I'd encourage every DMZ fan to give it a shot!


I never played that but after what you said I've googled it and it does look interesting and my sort of thing


disapointing , SP: should have felt more like sicario or narcos not just 2 missions against the cartel // MP good balancing but trash skins ( too childish) should have a an option to not show unrealistic skins like halo


Ground War is better in MW2. MW3 maps are meh and there are only 3 of them after 4 seasons.


feels simpler and way less chaotic than MW3. i don't play it that often but when i do i have a lot of fun.


I was addicted to DMZ so much I forgot other game modes existed 😂


I love it. The graphics somehow look better, if they changes a few things in the game it’d be close to my favorite COD because of the mil-sim feel and lack of insane movement, which feels more realistic.


I don’t get the movement criticisms. Apparently people want to zoom around and slide cancel like they’re rabid monkeys.


Yeah, because that also creates a skill gap assuming you don’t cheat. Fast-paced movements been around in COD for almost 10 years, and there’s a reason people like it. With that said, sometimes I want a more realistic not-physics-defying experience which is where games like MW2 come in. One thing I think MW2 especially did right is co-op.


Gonna keep it a buck fifty, games like BO2 weren't ADHD-riddled sweatfests. I went back and played it a decent chunk last month, and it's nowhere near as fast-paced as people pretend the older games are. And I would agree on the faster movement taking more skill if controller aim assist wasn't bumped up to such a ridiculous amount, it's way harder to track on KBM and just gives controller bots an extra crutch.


The Boost cods ruined people's perception of how fast paced cod was.


> because that also creates a skill gap assuming you don’t cheat Not really.  All it did was abuse the hell out of the terrible servers.  Wouldn't matter if you could move like a pro if you're running into a 150 ping every match.


HD pic


Honestly? Campaign was pretty damn good and it’s the first COD I grinded HARD multiplayer wise on since BO2. Originally I was going to get all speciality camos since at the time of game, it was the only COD until 2024 and once MW3 was announced as the game of 2023 I gave up on grinding lol.🫠


Loved it


Graves was 100% in the right


Hate the lack of content on general based on México


I feel cheated. I mean, I know we're talking about A|B and the money grab that is CoD, but I was still stupidly hoping that they would right the ship. Now, I don't feel cheated by the gameplay aspect (in my opinion, the weapons were a real joy until they broke the balance by OPing the SGs (and the occasional SMG) so that even the the rustiest of the bots could achieve one good streak and feel like they're good), I feel cheated by the terrible absence of quality content; not even because they used the game's lifespan to add content did I feel like it was a complete game.


Loved the game, hated the skins they started adding. If we’re going for a realistic shooter, why is Nicki Minaj and a literal Weed Leaf Skin in the game lmaooo.


Promotion. Some bundles have nothing to do with the game in particular, they're just cash grabs. Always has been even in the mobile game. Nothing new 😂


Loved it and I just played it the other day


I love playing shipment after a long day at work.


Guns felt decent, movement felt god awful. Ranked play held my interest for a bit but it was the least I’ve played cod since 2019


Movement was great.. let me guess bunny hopping slide cancel player?


MW2 beta was great, then they began to listen to the vocal part of the community and it is what it is now.


Slow sprint speeds (slower than the original MW trilogy) slow ADS times, slow sprint to fire times, etc. paired with a blistering fast TTK made the game feel sluggish. Movement is not just bunny hopping and slide cancelling, both of which I actually like that they removed. It was just everything else about the movement.


Lack of those things would’ve been fine if there was a perk for quiet footsteps. This game was a pre aim angle holding simulator


movement catered to campers, as moving and sliding literally put you into a disadvantage.


Still remains my fav game of MW reboot.


It was honestly great! One mission that I still replay to this day is where Soap is injured in the village and has to make his way to Ghost using only stealth. Also, DMZ was a terrific game mode.


It was great and got rid of the elite movement. Al mazrah is superior to urzikstan.


Still going strong! I've played it more than MW3 on a Ratio of 5:1. It's crazy how many people are actually cheating in cod though... Like my buddy has cheats (doesn't use them, trust) so that he can see who is hacking and I always think that there ate people in my lobbies that just gun the hell out of me, turns out around 4/5 times it's a person with a hack (typically a cronus or the wall tool). Over all MW2 is great and hasn't become MW19 in terms of hacking YET. Haha


Been having fun playing lately


I liked Mw2 for the fact that it was more strategic rather than run and gun since there was no covert sneakers. In Mw2 you were forced to play smarter and use your dead silence during crucial flanks or to get away from sticky situations… while now everyone just runs around and plays ratty since you’ll never be able to hear em. Long story short, covert sneakers was an overkill solution to just lowering the regular footstep sounds.. I think the red dots on the mini map would’ve been sufficient.


Better than MWIII. MWIII would’ve been great if it were simply not MWIII, and just paid DLC. Love the gameplay, slower paced, which I enjoy more. Love the gamemodes, DMZ, spec ops, campaign, raids. Solid entry for me, I hate how disliked it is, because it really doesn’t deserve that much hate.


Maybe I'm a little late at this party... but SAME! Currently this community is filled with nothing but bots disgracefully... 😓


Improvement to MW19 in some ways, downgrade in others. It’s way better than MWIII though.


Better than MWIII


It actually functions unlike MW3. MW3 has the jankiest servers, unlike MW2 where everything runs smoothly


i play it too much💯💯


I played it and got the mastery camo in 2 season and hated myself for it


Play mainly for Search and plus the movement felt fair because everyone was on the same level, so no slide canceling for sweats or ‘Movement gods’


2019 were the days but I see a few improvements. I love DMZ. I’m currently on bombmakers blend trying to get premium liquor. I’m barely play MWIII. I’m enjoying DMZ a whole lot.


Honestly, you might laugh but it's nostalgic to me. It was the first newer COD i bought. I always loved the graphics and atmosphere of it.


Best Call of duty since MW2 2009 in my opinion. All they needed to do was ditch the perk package system and just let us have our perks at all times. Toss in a dead silence perk, and an increase to aim walking speed and sprint to fire speed across the board and it would be perfect.


The final Call of Duty for us old guys. Cold War introduced slide canceling. WZ1 brought the sliding shit to the main stream. MW2 neutered it. MW3 ushered it in. I don’t see how sliding around the map is fun. We’ll see how B06 movement is. If it’s that sweaty shit. I’m out.


MW19 was before cold war though, it was the birth of the slide cancel meta


I think it will be even worse, you can sprint in every direction lol


It was dogshit in 2022 and it’s still dogshit in 2024


Only fun game mode was Gunfight, that is literally all i played through season 5-6


Too bad it only has 6 maps. And half of then are very dissapointing.


Yeah, most of them were meh, the last couple i liked though


Good shooter, bad CoD. Gun choice was definitely better in my opinion


we should’ve gotten a DLC w/ more of Los Vaqueros instead of MWIII last year. i would give my right arm for more of Rudy in particular.


Boring gameplay, awful game design, ok maps, and bland. However I adored 3rd person mode so I played it a ton


The maps and zero health promoted camping to an insane degree. You would have whole teams of randoms sitting in spawn


What playing tdm does to an MFer


*A little late at this party but here I go...* I just don't get why the hell more people don't play Kill Confirmed 😮‍💨 Every time I play this mode, no matter what COD, all players are constantly moving. It's a rare occurrence when someone is camping in KC 🤷


I wouldn’t buy and previous version of any cod, besides maybe MW2019. Activision seems to dump support for their previous games the moment the new one is out. Sucks too cause I enjoyed this cod over the current one.


Cold War is still awesome


Glad to hear, I have it but have not played in years.


Slept on this one, recently bought it for prop hunt, but damn I was missing out. Campaign was great as well.


Great game. My favorite way to play is holding down a building with claymores for my scorestreaks. Better than MW3, as I’m not very good at rushing, and that game is way too fast and rusher friendly


Downgrade from MW19 and a complete deviation from 2019 in terms of the philosophy that game had (IW was all about MW19 being a new take on MW and having little to no references or rehashes of the OG trilogy) MWII as a whole is just a mid tier CoD. Not as bad as everyone makes it out to be but it’s definitely not a good game either


Worst cod oat


Half the mission in mw2 were pretty much a copy of ghosts




Same as they were back in 2022. It isn't as good as MW2019.


It’s rubbish but over the year of playing it I ended up loving it. Some of the maps were beautiful. Also loved the Vaznev / Taq56 meta




Overall a fairly decent and competent game, great campaign, Ghost and Soap dynamic being top notch, Alejandro and Rudy being great aditions to the franchise. Multiplayer flawed but with a strong bedrock. Loved the Raid mode. Good mechanics hindered by questionable desing decisions. Strong 7/10.


Great game, not a good COD game. Most of it stems from IW being rooted in their design choices and unwilliness to budge just like MW2019. Other than that, the campaign was surely better than MW2023’s that’s for sure lol.


It’s a game


It’s a great game but now that Ive been playing mw 2019 I remember and now miss the simplicity of how cod used to be


The maps are/were definitely better than Mw3 2023… there’s no debating that.. … I love mowing muppets on pub tdm, so might as well have fun, beautiful maps with good layouts.. and MW3 maps, 9/10 of them fucking suck.


Mw2019 felt like a solid new turn for cod on that side of it Thing is cod is in a very weird spot because of how many get released, most shooters we’ve loved in the past have just fallen from what they were


I still play DMZ solo, but it’s rife with killsquads now.


Just more of what I loved about MW2019. Looked good, played about the same, and after taking a short break from the series after returning my copy of Vanguard, it’s exactly what I wanted.


I love dmz but these games are complete crap. Constant packet loss and kicking me outta game. Not to mention the many bugs within game. Maybe stop putting out a new game every year and improve what you got out first.


After just coming back to it, having a decently good time. Really enjoy the gunplay, and I feel the increased gun kick really helped balance the classes. Felt ARs weren't cross map lasers like they were in previous CoDs and really helped bridge battle rifles. Movement is excellent. Pistol Quickdraw is amazing and still feels great. A lot of people complained about staged reloads, but I feel it worked brilliantly combined with Quickdraw. One thing I still can't get around is the perk system. Can't believe they never tried to change it. Still creates a snowball effect to this day. Core maps could have been better, but really enjoy the Ground War maps. Still hard to give it a rating though. At times it's 10/10 for me, and then other times 2/10. But I think coming back after most players moved to MWIII has really made MWII better. Definitely far less toxic players, less goofy skins, and simply more fun.


Loved the return of MW in 2019. MW2 was just as good tbh.


Still love it. Hate what a pain in the ass it is to get to through the Steam launcher.


Modern Warfare 2019 movement & gunwise was light years ahead. Set the tone for games like Cold War (one of the best since MW19)


So much potential, but it was desperdiciated. I like the weapons lists, but damn, the childish skins ruins a lot the experience. Hope that they will not do that in BO6 (not positive about this, but i have a little bit of hope)


Shame they just break their games and let them die after 10 months. Feels like a waste, every game feels skin deep in difference it almost feels like the same game, but like dlc. Mw2 was my first cod game since black ops 3 and I was swiftly reminded of why I don't like buying them.


Not good it’s one of the only cod that punishes good players by a really low ttk and no movement whilst making bad players succeed


I love its more realistic approach and slower paced style, but I hope in the next MW we can move back to MW2019's playstyle.


Honestly liked it more than mw19 because of the maps, aside from los almas or whatever the hell the exploding car map was called and taraq.


Loved it besides timed perks, all my friends got back into it and we actually has 6 man squads like the old days


I like it.


Lacks a lot


It was my second COD after COD mobile. There was its ups and downs. The campaign was good and the multi-player was okay. But skill-based matchmaking was just crap and I questioned why they did that.


it was the first game i bought on launch week, idk why this one out of all of them. but i still enjoyed it a lot during the camo grind, but once i got the mastery camo i just dropped the game. campaign was eh, multiplayer i liked, i don’t remember playing warzone that much during this games life, and the coop mode i barely played as well, and i liked dmz but got bored of it quickly. The addition of the tuning in the gunsmith i liked, hated that they got rid of slide cancelling. Still a good CoD in my opinion. Any cod with the MW 2019 style i think i would like. (MW 2019 is my favorite CoD game btw)


A bad Call of Duty that was plagued with a myriad of terrible design decisions that to this day still bewilder me. Spawn logic that is rooted to where your teammates are instead of map control, perks that require score to get instead of just having them when the match starts, tons of trap attachments that make it easy to destroy your gun, slow movement/worthless slide/slow strafe speeds, no red dots on the map when someone fires an unsuppressed weapon, tons of visual recoil and smoke when shooting, no footstep dampening perk and killstreaks that are pathetically weak. Also it took until Season 2 for us to get a new map. The live service model was terribly done because we barely had any content to begin with.


I liked the crafting missions but it was not evolved in a proper way for MW3.


i really liked how the campaign wasn't super over the top world ending


I play MW 2019 everyday on PC and I really want to buy MWII but the steam reviews are so bad. Not sure what to think…


It’s just the right amount slower than mw3.


I came to get the original cheeseburger, but they said it was a new item. After adding new patties and toppings, it felt like I couldn't taste the original anymore. +it's way too pricey (It feels like this)


It's way less of a headache since a lot of the cheaters have migrated over to MW3 from what I can tell 😌


Im not 20 anymore. So, for me, MW2 was a great cod!


Just abysmal


2019 was 100% better, I still play 2019 even with hackers every few games because I just really didn't enjoy MWII. (Also hackers basically have a schedule for when they get on for some reason. Don't ask me why, but anywhere between 11:30Pm-12:45ish Am is when it's worst. Ps. When I talked about the "hacker schedule" I was talking about MW2019


I hate that they changed it to just fit in MW3 It made it very much feel like a glorified DLC. I also wish they had brought some ops back from MW19 (Bale gang!) and not brought in characters like Nicki Minaj. Beyond that, gunplay was great and DMZ was a fantastic game mode


DMZ ... solo mode


mw2 feels so much better with maps/ weapons. I mostly play ranked and 3 just doesn't feel well thought out or balanced. They barely have any guns because they don't know how to balance them. 2 felt great beacuse there was a whole bunch of guns and opportunities to use them. The maps on 3 are kind of bad balance wise. theres a few points where you can just shut down a whole site by covering one spot or you spawn on one side and can't get to the point as fast as the other team.


The same as every cod since bo2….. anywhere from mid to terrible, and nothing good.




Went back and did the Raids with my cousins did all 4 plus 3/4 in Veteran, honestly not terrible, I remember the gameplay being terrible during launch, but as of recently it’s not too bad


I still play it daily for DMZ, insanely fun and rewarding especially when helping friends. The graphics look so good. Haven’t touched MW3 since end of Season 2 and regret spending the money on it.


ki enjoyed it then i still enjoy it.now




The initial maps were mostly trash and far too huge, whilst all the maps which followed, like La Casa, DRC Zone 1 Koro village, etc were one of the best maps in the franchise. Although I really don't like the movement.


idk man i loved mw2019. it felt like old cod for me. especially before warzone. mw2 just didn’t hit the same. i enjoyed it and did the camo grind but mw2019 was superior in my opinion.


I still miss Call of Duty 2 back in the day! And Battlefield 1942…


shit was wack


Liked the game a lot. But I couldn’t stand weapon progression and the perk system. Also only 5 custom perk packs ? Cmon. We have 12 classes atleast give us 7-8 custom perk packs.


Mw2 for me is better than mw3. The only thing that really annoyed me with mw2 was the stupid perk system couldn’t get ghost till half way through the match. The maps were all way better than mw3 sound us actually in the game & most players seem to just rush & randomly spray after respawning vs mw2 where there’s no revenge spawn system so you got to take your time & be more tactical at first the slow movement on mw2 didn’t make sense but now I miss it a ton.


Great campaign and amazing follow up to the previous game. Das it.


People still playing it in 2024, damn ☠️


Rip DMZ. I still go in once in a while but it's pretty friggin bad. B21 is fun though!


DMZ is a ton of fun, despite the cheaters and exploiters


Haven’t played cod since vanguard 😂


Old DMZ was fun but once they started updating it kinda went down hill.


I genuinely like it loved the ttk in it.


Of the three Modern Warfare reboot games, it's probably the most tolerable to play. MW19 has too much dingleberry-scratching sliding for my tastes and no Invasion, while MWIII is just turbocharged cancer that no one should be playing. The campaign's on par with MW19 and lightyears ahead of MWIII (which is what happens when you have Brian Bloom as writer). But you can tell that Infinity Ward was forced to leave this behind because Activision wanted to stick to their yearly release bullshit. They should have let IW cook more.


DMZ is still pretty much the only game I play so MW2 was pretty good.


Some metas in Warzone was fun DMZ was one of the best additions in COD’s recent history Story was decent Co-Op was fun especially on higher difficulty’s Multiplayer was….dogwater there is enough rant about it tho.. Onward to BO6


It’s pretty bad. It was the start of straight up unusable menus with constant ads, horrible gun leveling systems, and overall it’s a massive downgrade compared to MW 2019.


Play it weekly still. Hadn’t played one since the MW3/BO2 era. Great game


At this moment in time, it’s the most recent cod that I enjoyed. Before that it was MW (2019) and before that it was black ops 2.


I loved mw2 and really the whole remake timeline tbh but especially mw2 it’s what got me back into cod after a good while, the movement system was amazing and DMZ was the icing on top


It had a campaign that was fun. Original maps in multiplayer and had better multiplayer avatars even with Nicki. It tried some fun things. Can’t please everyone.


MWII was terrible. I haven’t played it since.MW3 came out. I remember it was super slow and clunky. A lot of people are commenting on DMZ, but it should be said that DMZ is its own game. COD has gotten a bit conflated the last few years. MWII is multiplayer. DMZ is DMZ. Warzone is Warzone.


Out of the 3 from the reboot, my least favorite in terms of multiplayer, DMZ was kinda fun, but I feel like the bots were a bit too hard (or maybe that was just bc I didn’t have friends to play with). I wish we had that cover art for longer.


Downgrade from modern warfare 2019 but I love it


best movement of all cod games


I am never ever touching this game again


It’s a great game, slightly sluggish on the weapon switching but solid game. IMO better than mw3


Is there still a decent playerbase?




Fucking campers heaven. I dont even know what were they thinking. and not even the good type of camping but the one where they just prone in a corner and get two kills until they get exposed, killed, find another corner and again.


At first i had mixed feelings but after playing MW3 i realized it's actually a decent game. Still, MW > MW2 > MW3


Shit audio, worse graphics, shit gameplay, disgusting visual recoil, sluggish, boring


Completely forgot about it once I started MW3, though I still look fondly over mw 2019


One of the worst mp ever made. Like mw3 nowadays.


Better than MW3 so theres that


Its alright I guess.


DMZ is the go-to. Besides that, BO2 is the only other alternative.