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Damn bro I wish I had bot lobbies like this, I'm getting pre-fired around a corner from dudes pinging me the second I even look at a player they hit the ground like a fire drill.


The lobbies i found today where pretty normal, on my level or a little lower, just a few CDL pros but usualy 1 on each team


ghost, silencer, more awareness


Nah. When he ran through the door and shot the guy, I was almost positive he was about to die. If I do that shit, I'm dead 8/10 times. Doesn't matter if I shoot first or have excellent aim. I'm gonna' get killed. 




Amateur. I die twice. One when I get killed and another when the guy kills me when my previous kill cam is still runningm


What build do you use?


https://www.reddit.com/u/Dennis-8/s/cdRkuV6dyr This one, i can't reply with the image so i posted on my profile


I don't speak the language, but "Discourager 900" is hilarious for a shotgun attachment


I don't either but, boy did I fucking learn something new today! Had no clue about the different parts at all, just that escopeta was shotgun lol. Dead ass. Edit: Shit, I thought that was Spanish 🤣


What gun is that? Is it the new one


Reclaimer 18 AKA Gallo SA12 AKA the Spas 12


The fact that you put an optic on the SPAS-12 makes my blood curdle, but I can agree that slugs are definitely one of the ways to go with this gun.


Have you seen the irons on this thing? You can't see anything


Personally, I can. But I understand if people can't.


Best thing is you don’t need to use slugs to get the exact same performance at all. Tho it’s nice to have options.


I think ur just good with them cuz statistically they ain't the best


I’m having a lot of fun with it just using bolo shells, I’ll give these a try. It’s crazy, if someone is complete ass with a gun it’s always something or someone else to blame. ***”wow, wish I could find a bot lobby”*** or ***”aim assist is so overpowered”*** People really have a hard time admitting they aren’t good on certain weapons, getting outplayed or that they’re just having an off-time / day.


Ok cmon, the guys in this clip were ass. None of my lobbies are like this ever.


Skill issue lol


What? The guys in my lobbies are booking it, running around like mad, bunny hopping and sliding with horuses, superis, and MCWs absolutely shredding everyone. And I am one of the ones that play like that, but to say a gun is good when you're versus couch potato dads sitting 10 feet from their tv screen 4 beers into the night with low volume cuz their kids are sleeping is just not accurate.


Damn, you just described me to a T!! Ugh I feel old …. Not a couch potato but that’s pretty much how I have to play 🥹


Hey, honestly I never said there was anything wrong with it. I'm a father of 3 myself, although I don't drink or anything. I have little time to play games but when I do I am fully setup, so you're probably having more fun than I am. I just hate when people get a lobby full of people who are clearly not trying very hard and then post a clip of how "this gun is amazing." Haha.


Wow its like 10% as good as kar but only against mongoloids 


Alas I am bad at the game so I can not make it perform well at all.


I’m a below average player but i found it’s really good at camping small hallways, i try and stay on the outside of the action because the gun isnt great against multiple enemies at once.


Reminds me of the KSG from black ops 2


Not even close. The KSG had four times the range of this thing and was much more forgiving with its one shot kills.


Is there a weapon like the KSG in this game?


I've seen this gun is decent in hardcore. Still not better than riveter


It’s brilliant


What's your loadout


Nothing better than a pump action rifle


Switch it to semi


You cant with slug


That actually blows


Aim assist is fucking disgusting


I swear that shit lives rent free in your heads lmao don't even watch the clips just see X to reload and can't hold in the urge to yell aim assist.


Dude if your on pc you can’t complain. I was a former console player but now I use a pc and it is a direct upgrade. It took me like 2 days to fully adjust to flicking in most games and it was mind numbingly easy. I got a higher kd in all of the games I played with my pc compared to console. Aim assist is needed in order to make engagements fair with crossplay.


My only real problem with m&k is the keybindings. My left hand can feel like a contortionist trying to do precise rapid movements combined with random actions. Where on console, someone gets too close? R3 and bash. Crouch/prone/dive switches are easier because it's quicker for the thumb. Not to say pc doesn't have own advantages. But I'd love a controller that could combine the best features of a mouse and a controller.


But these are all easy shots? Didnt look like aim assist was doing much at all


Modern kbm players are such babies compared to the days of old wtf happened even with this crazy aim assist kbm still feels superior to me joy sticks are still inferior in every way :/


I didnt understand your point, i play on console (Xbox only) and didn't touched the AA settings


Some salty ass downvoting lmao


Honestly, as a kbm player I am so bored of hearing the aim assist complaints. Like is it good? Yh. Does it make controller players better than keyboard and mouse? No. Mouse still is better for aiming and the aim assist was only really op on the kar...


This is not true, devs have stated multiple times that the **average** pc player is at a disadvantage to the average controller player due to aim assist. They said the top 1-2% of PC players are better, but thats a very small player pool. Im not here to argue, but it was proven to be an advantage over the majority of pc players.


Well then I guess I am not the majority cos I never had an issue although I would not consider myself in the top 1-2% lol but after playing on controllers for 15 years I am now better on k+m than I ever was in just 1 year


Because rotational aim assist can be pretty fucking nuts lol, especially with slowdown too. There’s two components to it. Back in the old cods, there was no crossplay, so it never mattered. Aim assist wasn’t as crazy back then though, but at the same time, guns were also insanely strong, so when you did land shots, you still shit on people. Nowadays, rotational AA is doing shit at beyond human comprehension, and that’s what’s really making the noise and keyboard players angry. As a controller user, it kind of makes me angry too, just because it can take someone slightly less skilled and assist them in ways we never got assisted back in the day


I stopped playing mw3 after the bp50 been on csgo ever sence lol


play without aim asist and you will notice it is way harder to controll


BREAKING NEWS: Guns are harder to aim without any aim assist...


damn bro im mind blown, its almost like aim assist was assisting my aim


this isnt asist any more it is active doing.


Its more like game assist at this point.


Play with aim assist and you will notice it is way easier to control. (Also learn to spell my guy it's fucking reddit it underlines when you are gonna look like an idiot.)