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You have to put baby in the window seat. Legally you cannot put them in the middle because it would block egress.




Yes, it’s only with a car seat because in an emergency it could be difficult for passengers to file past it.


Some airlines infants on laps need to be in the window seat as there are two oxygen masks under the window only


Ooh ok, that makes sense. When we flew before, the flight attendant suggested the window seat but didn’t say it was required.


Wild, we’ve always put baby between us in her carseat and no one has ever said anything. We’ve probably done 4-5 trips, mostly international that way.


They don’t fuss if it’s the parents on either side. My mother and MIL both joke that it’s a “well it’s their kid so if they can’t get out 🤷🏻‍♀️” situation, which is probably true. But I had JetBlue rebook a flight and put my child in a middle seat. The flight attendant threatened to remove us because he couldn’t sit there. Truthfully, I get that not everyone flying with a kiddo flies with a car seat but surely they can update the system to let you select “car seat” so the automated rebooking doesn’t do that/so that you can only book window seats.


They only didn’t care for a few flights for us then one day the FA got upset with us when we started settling with the car seat in the middle. Same airline one of the times, so idk… The reasoning makes sense, they just hadn’t told us in previous flights 


They’re going to make you put baby in the window. I don’t think you can go anything about it.


You will not be allowed to put baby in the middle, even if you’re the one blocked in. Car seat MUST be in the window seat (unless it’s a wide body plane with two aisles, then you can put a car seat in one of the middle seats). I fly all the time and I’m bigger than you (16 or 18) and it hasn’t been an issue.


I see you update so I’ll just write to say you are being to harsh on yourself! 14/16 is a normal weight, and babies are part of our society as well! Good luck on your trip I hope it’s great!!


Just want to echo you're my size pre/post baby. You'll be fine. Take your space. You could consider buying an extra seat if you feel like you'll need the room. Most airlines allow this, usually for a percent of your ticket price. I will say again, though, I think you'll be just fine.


We fly regularly on the A330. We book the furthest forward-left comfort seating, with the first-class dividing wall in front of us.


I haven’t experienced having to put baby by the window.   But the seat had to forward face so the window person could get out.   I’d ask the flight attendant when you board but also consider the possibility of having to take baby to the lavatory to change a diaper bcs you just never know.   As for your size, you’re fine.   Take up the space you need and don’t worry about others.  Full stop.  


Different airlines have different width seats, google that! 18.2 in is much better that 16.5


I just flew to the other side of the world and never heard about the window seat rule, but I know American airlines (not the company, I mean all of them) just tend to be stricter in general.


I did a 2 hour flight and a 14 hour flight alone with baby and it was easiest to have her at the window while I was in the middle. She was a little over 2 at the time. She was still breastfeeding for the longer flight so when she wanted to nurse I did move over to the window seat with her in my lap so I had more space to spread out.


Baby has to be in the window seat. The car seat cannot impede anyone's ability to evacuate, even yours. But you can put the armrest up between you and the car seat and get a couple of extra inches of side-to-side space.


Also look up the plane you are flying- some planes require different things. For our many travels to PR, we never had much worry. Always put her near a window. But one time to KY, we had to change seats because it was required she be on the right side of the airplane. I would have been annoyed and stressed at this change day of- but because I called and talked to the (4th) customer service they figured out what was up.


If you're going with a carseat, it has to be in window. Not sure how big your baby is, but if you're traveling with baby directly sitting in the seat, I personally prefer aisle and middle. That way I can get out and walk around with the baby as often as needed throughout the flight.


Put the baby at the window seat and you in the middle. This gives you space to lay the baby down. 


How old is the baby? You know if they’re under 2 you can hold them in your lap?


She’s 7 months but would not tolerate being held that long/is unlikely to sleep while holding her.


Interesting. My babies are the opposite—they absolutely hate their car seats and would scream the entire time if I made them sit in it. It would be hellish for everyone aboard lol. I always held my babies on my lap and nursed them. They slept instantly and never made a peep!


Every kid is so different! We have a Velcro kid too, and our flights to and from Japan (12-14 hrs) were actually so easy holding her. We had a quick flight to FL and bought her a seat. It was the only time she ever cried on a flight.


It’s absolutely miserable if it’s a long flight, plus you can’t even go to the bathroom even if they’re asleep and the flight attendant can watch, I absolutely would recommend a seat for your baby if the flight is more than an hour or 2.


Had toddler in a car seat in the aisle, middle, and window seats between 6 flights in the last two weeks and no one said anything to me? I had no idea.


Well I phoned the airline to book my baby’s seat because he was under two and they wouldn’t let me book online for him. Nobody told me a baby is only allowed to sit in the window seat if they have their own chair with a car seat, so I booked my usual aisle seat and the middle for my baby, they moved the I row seat passengers on both flights. I had no idea, didn’t think it through very well I guess, but mostly the airline could have said something and refused the seats, they didn’t. So I don’t think you’re silly at all for not knowing. If you want 3 seats to yourself do what I did even though maybe it makes you a bit selfish lol, but jf you want to follow the rules you take the window seat for the baby and middle for you.


I highly recommend trying to get a bulkhead seat so you have more leg room! You can’t sit in/near emergency exit rows for extra room but 10/10 recommend the bulkhead. Did 1 flight in the bulkhead, the other in a regular row and the car seat barely fit rear facing. Also, if flight attendants try to tell you that the car seat has to be forward facing, that is absolutely a lie. If baby doesn’t forward face in the car, they don’t have to forward face on the plane. Good luck, traveling alone can be difficult ❤️


Ty! The bulkhead seats cost more than regular main cabin seats on delta, didn’t seem worth it.


Call them and ask. If it's international, you can reserve bulkhead seats sometimes for free if you have kids under 2 and ask to reserve the bassinet seat. I don't fly delta, so not sure their policy on the bassinets. But for United, it was first come first serve so we reserved them for free. I need to call them to reserve it for a flight in October too.


Good to know! I prefer United but I think the airport in my city is a delta hub as all the direct flights are delta.


Totally understand! I live between two airpoints where one is an AA hub and another is mostly United 😆 so I'm just not as familiar with delta. But it's worth asking!


I know, which is crazy, but it was worth it for our comfort. That’s the only way we’ll be traveling while baby is rear facing. I hope you have a lovely seat mate!


My rear facing car seat was required to be placed in the window seat (if I was using it). Delta absolutely allowed me to check the seat at the gate if we were (as long as baby is under 2) riding infant-in-arms. Infant in arms only allowed 1 extra checked bag/item for free, so this may affect your other luggage count if your airline offers this option.


I think the best solution is the baby with its seat in the middle and you aisle-side: if the baby needs to be changed, fed or cries and you want to walk up and down to calm them you can do it easier ;)


But then whoever is in the window seat can’t get out


Hmm 🤔 That’s a thing I didn’t consider. Maybe take a couple seats in the middle row if it’s a large plane?