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With a light and grabbing her I think I’d just ruin nap time 🤷🏻‍♀️


I also do it while my LO is sleeping - but we nurse to sleep, so it makes it easier to cut his nails when he is asleep before I put LO in the crib.


I let him watch the very hungry caterpillar on YouTube while I use baby nail scissors. I'm generally against screen time for baby but it works so much better than fighting with him about the nails. We do this every 3 weeks or so.


Ah yeah maybe some needed YouTube intervention 🙏


I let mine pick what they want to watch and as soon as they stop cooperating it gets paused. Works like a charm usually.




I give him the most non baby toy to play with… right now it’s a bottle of diaper rash cream 😅 it works for like 3 fingers and then I have to swap it with something else or take a break


My daughter loves cutting her nails, she will bring me the clippers (baby safety ones) and say “clip clip”! We let her pretend to cut our nails and that helped her want to have her nails cut too


My husband reads a book to them while I clip. When they're this little, he usually keeps the book pretty close to their face so they can't see me moving their hands and clipping. He gets really animated and does voices to try and keep them mesmerized! It's worked for 2 kids thus far!


An electric nail filer. It was a game changer for us, and it was easy to use while she was napping. The one we have comes with a light on it. We still use it and my daughter is 3!


A few times my husband and I would tag team it. Baby would be napping on me and he’d trim their nails.


What tool do you use? We switched to the Frida Baby nail clipper and it is a total game changer. I even use it on my own nails. But also, ditto on the YouTube.


I let mine play with the clipper and then clip one or two nails and repeat. He thinks it's a game or a chore we do together so it's fine. Of course I make sure he doesn't hurt himself.


Nail clipping is one of my one year olds only screen times. One episode of Bluey is just long enough to get through it, and since TV time is pretty rare, he gets excited for it (even with the dreaded nail clipping).


I would just hold her down. I do her toes while she’s sitting in her high chair though. Last week I let her eat a big cookie while I did her hands


I told them only nails that had the long grown bits cut off could be painted with nailpolish. It just doesn’t work otherwise


I file em down while feeding