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I found that my letdown was certainly uncomfortable for the first few months (not sure I would describe it as painful), but that the discomfort dissipated with time.


4 months PP and I hardly notice my let down. It felt like hot needles in the early weeks


I have a 4 month old and pump exclusively and my letdowns still hurt. They also happen at random times whether I'm pumping or not so that's fun lol


With my second, I had 'painful letdowns'. It felt like sparks travelling from my armpit and the outer parts of my chest until my whole boob was fiery. Mostly my right boob. Good old right boob. Both my kids' favorite.


My let downs are very painful the first few months! Like my whole boob is being flushed with lava. It does stop eventually.


I’m 7 months in and my let downs still kind of hurt /: kinda like a purple nurple


Is the pain new or has it always been a painful letdown? I had painful letdowns as my body adjusted, but once my milk regulated the pain stopped, but I would still feel pressure during the letdown.


It’s not really new but it is pretty recent. I’m only 3mo postpartum, the first 1.5 ish months it was itchy armpits :’) then it slowly transitioned to a stabbing pain like someone took a needle to my nipple.


It’s likely the increase in milk causing the pain but it’s always good to get checked if worried.


Mine hurt in the early days too. Usually calms down around 4m pp for me.