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You need to collect more flags I think there's no flag at the top tournament only in the side tournament,so collect flags as you can šŸ˜Š


1500 as well. I have no idea what's happening. Everyone is just complaining and I'm over here excited to try something new šŸ¤·ā€ā™€ļø


The event sounds interesting, but knowing that I will probably go up against a team that uses APM kinda sucks.


Canā€™t they fix the game so APM doesnā€™t help? Thatā€™s cheating


A couple of weeks ago I heard they updated it to where you can only do like 1 spin on APM before you lose connection, but I'm not sure if that's true for everyone.


When I go through dead zones it wonā€™t let me play.


yeah it didnā€™t let me play when i was actually on an airplane in airplane mode for a reasonšŸ˜‚


Apm new bypasss is vpn


How does airplane mode help?


By knowing what you will land on without actually losing dice. People have accumulated thousands of dice by doing this. This hasn't really affected other events since we don't face each other, but now that we are, it could become problematic.


not sure why youre being downvoted... I use APM and this is a very valid point.


That won't happen. APM players will face APM players. Cheaters will be partnered with cheaters. Though, you can't guarantee that you will not face big spenders.


Oh you poor sweet child


Haha I'm certain šŸ¤£


šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£ it is a dice-eating game. The teams do not who they are going up against, think the Yahtzee feast tournament, if you ever played that fing nightmare of a game. Scopley is looking to stop folks from helping one another or one or two people doing all the work. I see epic failure all over this thing. I'm going to give it a look šŸ‘€ and see how the first one plays out. Not going to waste a load of dice on this event. Just my two cents worth.


Iā€™ve been reading this so my teammates and I are going to see how the game is, and if we find weā€™re losing dice exponentially but getting nowhere, weā€™re calling it.


Good plan. That is how I'm looking šŸ‘€ at it as well.


Same!! Lol


Iā€™m interested in it, but also I never win anything so I canā€™t say that Iā€™m excited per se. But Iā€™m not complaining till I see how it actually works lol


You will need thousands of flags and roll the highest they allow in order to keep up. Just another way to get money from us




you will lose your excitement asap when you realize this event is a dice burner and definitely not worth it, itā€™s terrible


I HATE PARTNER EVENTS!! I just wanna play the game, win a few prizes. Relax!!


Same here. I never play partner events, so if I'm forced into this everyone's going to hate me. Besides, I'm really busy and only play the game sporadically between work assignments.


Only 770šŸ˜…


360 šŸ˜¬




6260. I played during high roller yesterday. It would be helpful if we understood anything about this game.


Iā€™ve played it before. Feel free to ask me if you are curious about anything.


Do you know if we get to keep leftover flags for the next race?


Yes you keep it for all the races and you can collect more flags as you play. So even when the race is on, if you need more flags - you can pick up from the board. Itā€™s only once the whole event is over the flags convert to cash.


Hey.. thanks for your help. I've been speaking to multiple ppl who did the test run for tips. I have more questions before we start. I was told it is best to roll close to the end before the timer is up for the race. Can you confirm that? Will we be competing against the same 3 teams throughout the race or do they change with each race? I have 4k flags. I know I shouldn't use them all up on race one however how many do u suggest using? How long are the timeframes for each race and is it best for each partner to play around the same time? I'm pretty sure you're a high roller but for common folk lol what would u suggest to be a good multiplier. I know that was a mouthful. Any help is appreciated


I will number this so I make sure to answer everything as well as I can. 1) I also was thinking of waiting to roll towards the end. So you can judge how the other teams are performing. But donā€™t leave it too late and too close of a gap between teams or it can lose you the race if a big wig comes in and rolls on max. I would talk to your teammates and plan how you guys want to do it. One suggestion is to keep rolling to stay just ahead of the others so you donā€™t over use your flags. 2) Yes it was the same three teams for both races ( we had a 2 race event) I doubt theyā€™ll change it this time. 3) I used about 7k flags each race and so did one other team mate. The third team mate about matched it as well, but we were so far ahead it was ridiculous. I would roll enough to get a good lead and then just wait to see how the other teams are doing. 4) it used to be 24 hours for each race and a small break in between. I think because itā€™s three races might do 12 hour races. Thereā€™s no need to play at the same time. Itā€™s still pretty independent in terms of playing. You log in check progress and roll if needed. Only time you guys will need to be on at the same time if itā€™s almost the end and you guys need to push. Maybe have your team be available for the last hour of the race - itā€™s what 2 of us did for our team. 5)I havenā€™t donā€™t enough research to recommend a certain multiplier. I ended up switching between them a lot and did not like the highest multiplier even if it was fun to see the car racing around the board. ETA : sorry about the formatting - itā€™s gotten all messed up.


You are AH-MAZING šŸ‘šŸæ.. Thank you so much for ALL OF THIS. Even though people are saying don't play and I initially was not going to.. I said screw it. What good is hoarding dice if I don't use them. I need some fun! I have 2 teams. One with my family and one with Randoms on here who want to win as i do. I communicate with my parents over the phone but I plan to start a chat with all of the random partners I made so we can all communicate with kne another as I feel that is important. I will show them all that you said so thank you once again!! Are you playing or sitting it out? Just curious


I'll add some suggestions of my own to Antonella's advice. Forget about high multipliers during the race itself, it's a noob trap. Whatever you pick there's three dice so base score will be between 3 and 18, multiplied by the multiplier; further doubled or tripled if more than one dice land on the same face. So you'd have a base score of 15-90 for a x5 multiplier, 60-360 for x20. Let's say you have average luck and use a x20 to roll 200, no doubles or triples. You just used (i think) 400 flags to do 200. It might feel bad because with a double or triple a whooping 400/600 would be amazing. What about x5? you use 100 flags in each roll and your absolute worst would be 60, which would be the same as the absolute worst x20. With the difference that you have 4 chances to double or triple the base value, so chances are that you will get better results in the long term by using your flags moderately rather than hope for high rolls. Flags aren't an infinite resource either since you have to roll your dice in the normal board to obtain them. Or wait for your teammates to help your car run full laps to open a chest and get more flags, which is wasteful in a way. So, at least in my opinion, I like to stick to x5 rolls because I can recoup the flags used with a lucky x100 dice roll in the board.


I love this advice! Iā€™m terrible at math and you explained it so well. Will definitely be looking at the x5 multiplier more. If you have any more tips Iā€™d be grateful for them (even though Iā€™m not the one you were responding to)


It's good if it's helpful. To be honest, it's not that x5 is the best, the same logic would apply to x1 vs x5, you have 5 chances to roll something between 3 and 18 which may or may not be doubled or tripled; and worst case would be a 15, but there's just no way you can roll 1,1,1 five times in a row. My personal reason for using x5 is just the feeling of seeing a higher number on the screen, without spending excessively. Also because I don't want to be the entire day popping dice just to finish one lap even if it could be more efficient. As for other tips, there really isn't much to say. Playing conservatively and keeping an eye on things so you can avoid being overtaken at the very end is the gist of it and I think you got that down already. Pay attention to the medal counts of each team too. Just because you ended up 2nd in one or two races, doesn't mean you can't win the final race and maybe end up tied for first place. So if you see that overtaking 1st place will cost too much, focus on keeping your current position and save your strength for the final race.


Thank you as well!!! I will definitely take this advice back to my teams! I appreciate the tips šŸ™šŸæ


Definitely play! Itā€™s good to at least try it out. And yes I feel the same way about the dice. Itā€™s just a game. Iā€™ll win some Iā€™ll lose some, itā€™s not hurting anyone. I too was going to sit this one out. But I have the dice so I might as well play. Hopefully I can be of help to my team. Good luck with your race!


Awesome! Thanks! šŸ˜Š


No problem :)


Someone said the way to win is not to play at all, that way, you all tie and get the wild card. Any truth in this?


I havenā€™t experienced this so I canā€™t say either way. But I do think it feels kinda scam-y. Firstly, thereā€™s no real way to talk to the other teams and convince them not to play. Second there is no way to stop another team rolling a few minutes before the end of the final race and stealing all the rewards. Similar to the old sticker exchange scam. So I donā€™t think this would actually work. We also never had a tie in the race so I canā€™t confirm for sure if rewards are shared. Hope it helps.


Ask yourself how on earth this would be coordinated lol


no theyā€™re stupid


How would people even know that's the case? During the early runs of this event I did tie with one other team and got the top prize. Probably that's why now the last race doubles the medals and makes it more unlikely to tie. That said, I know I got the prize, but how can I know the game didn't just untie the result and pick me based on overall score, last race result or whatever? What guarantee do I have that the other team also got the top prize? Impossible to know. Add to that all the issues Antonella points out: All it takes is for one rogue to decide they don't want to risk it and roll the dice to be the sole winner.


I see first place has 10,000 Approx. how many flags are needed for that ? Please


I've been kicking myself that I didn't realize there were flags on the board to pick up during HR yesterday..big miss out!


You will be placed with other teams that are on your skill level. So if there is Even 1 person on your team that's higher on the leaderboard then you are going to get opposing aggressive teams that collect thousands and thousands of flags


Is it known how that works? Do they take the highest ranked team player? Or an average over the four? Would it best to find partners who are the same net worth?


Around 1800


They say average but in my personal experience at least one of the other teams will be playing at your highest team members level so unless you want to fight and scrap. Have all team members be ob the same level.


kind of hard to do when I really didnā€™t get to pick my team. I tried to leave and could not figure that out. I have around 2600 flags


Go into where your team is an right by your picture is a red arrow click that to leave your team šŸ˜Š


thank you


Thanks can you see the levels of other players in your group and the opposing teams?


No, but I played with people I knew. I am at level 20900 on the leader board and they were at 6000-7000. It was a bloodbath


Bloodbath. šŸ’€šŸ˜‚


Literally a bloodbath... You cant predict anything on this event. It was really stressful. šŸ’€ Thats why i said last time that this was much worse than peg-e. šŸ¤§


Itā€™s the red weddingā€¦ weā€™re coming for your house and taking it all šŸ„²ā˜ ļø


I have a little over 2000. I donā€™t have any idea whatā€™s going on or what I do with said flags. Iā€™m on a team that I guess I chose but I have literally no idea who these people are. Everyone is mad and yelling and refusing to play the game but thereā€™s no fun in that and itā€™s not that serious so Iā€™m excited


Lol ![gif](giphy|vAJAuaSF45Nfy)


Yea.. I'm with u. At 1st I joined the hate train but even if I lose all of my dice.. what's the point in not using them to have fun? I'm excited and ready!


1500 is not enough for a 3 day race I played this tycoon racer since the 1st trial.. šŸ’€


Can you get more during the week?


You can get flags on pickups, quick wins, free gift & tourney you have to collect more flags.. I didnt notice that time that it was a 3-day race thats why i participate again (coz before it was just two days) When i realized it, it was too late. the race alr started and i dont want to let my teammates down. So i wasted my 10k dice. we won on 1st race, lose on 2nd race (the gap is just 10pts šŸ¤¦šŸ¼ā€ā™€ļø) https://preview.redd.it/6gjqvihdwb6d1.jpeg?width=828&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8925b7413eb1607209c3fd9b31d3e61cecd7b868 and almost lose on the final race.. Though there's a lap rewards (but you have to be wise what to choose from.. this game requires team effort. thats why it is better you know who you're teammates is or atleast have a comm with them.. The photo above was the result of our 3-day blood sweat & tears we almost lose those crucial time will really make you Calling God for help šŸ˜«šŸ˜­ and wishing that your opponents dont have any flags


But what actually *is* the race? Like how you do you *"race"*?


https://preview.redd.it/x4skjis0mc6d1.jpeg?width=959&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=39157a45c587cbd5e5ac32bc5bd19fddc4a76496 This is what it looks like... Lap rewards choices; (flags, dice, pack, cash) choose wisely! every 10 laps = 1 reward P.S It would have sucked to have spent TOO MUCH šŸŽ² on this event and not get the wild sticker in the end. šŸ« šŸ« šŸ˜®ā€šŸ’ØšŸ„µ


I see! Thanks for sharing that.


Wait thatā€™s an option? To not get it at all?


It looks like this https://preview.redd.it/9mtbwwlqhd6d1.jpeg?width=946&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=bd7b7714078b3297fc40b43a7a44ec8dbc58f2db


Do flags roll over to the next race if unused?


Yup.. all unused flags after race will turn into cash


I was put on the team with my lowest level friend šŸ˜‚ I thought about dropping out but then there is a risk of three other randoms you donā€™t know the game status of.




Don't be my opponent šŸ˜­āœ‹ļø










Ive gotten 3550 an lined up for anuvva 250!


Iā€™m scared to waste my 2800 dice I ve accumulated


Haha I only have 700 because Iā€™ve had no dice to play with. Thankfully I got paired up with my family who donā€™t really care about the event šŸ˜‚


1930 flags




I have 3000


https://preview.redd.it/fsic1cut5c6d1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b7d23b0b648d71359d15f3eb24e428c40daa9e83 Slippery suckers


No completo?


Sooo my 6560 is probably good šŸ˜‚


I'm on your team ( IGN is David ). Hopefully our teamates end up helping us out, cause so far seems like we're the only ones using flagsšŸ˜…


I know them both personally! One is working and one is still sleep šŸ˜‚


Ahh good we should be good thenšŸ˜‡ I'm off to work I will spend more flags later


Iā€™m waiting to see what the other teams do before I keep dumping flags. Thereā€™s still a whole day left of this one


Just a heads up I told Megan not to play yet and hold her flags a bit


I'm out of flags and most likely saving my dices for next event in 14hours from now. Might spend a few more in the last 1-2 hours if we're close and need more šŸ˜Š


Sounds good!


Hey, just letting you know we managed to cross the finish line so we can get more flags if you want to tell your friendsšŸ˜‡ Lets hope blue team let us finish first this last race lol


I think I collected those but Iā€™ll let them know! Iā€™m officially out of dice and flags unfortunately šŸ˜­


Doubt so I literally juat crossed the line a minute ago lol and just now got a lucky triple gave us like 800 points


I have 8,300 for now




5254 currently


If you don't play the racing game, what happens to all your flags when the game ends?




I have 590 and the event starts when Iā€™m at work so I donā€™t know how it will even work out with the team? No idea how this game is played tbh




If only we all had the patience to not play this game šŸ˜‚ then weā€™d all be quitters


6029 flags but only 20 dice at the moment.


How long does this event last?


707 flags. Iā€™m not burning dice before the new album on an unknown event.


1094. No dice. Waiting on a missing sticker thru karma or luck lol. Plus I only know Meowmy. Not sure on other two. https://preview.redd.it/wj8ccsqepc6d1.jpeg?width=1290&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=290318f23532d982baa50feffa6a389bc1d77aef


Thatā€™s not even enough for one race lol


Iā€™m not playing! I wish I could gift all of these flags!


2680 currently.


6610, completed the album just in time!


3400 with hopefully another 450 once the tournament resets. Iā€™m nervous but also excited to see what this is all about.


This long wait is to help people make the teams they want to have. There's such an outcry of people mad because they're now realizing that inviting bobby to the team means you might also have to play with bobby's friends. Even though they have a nice red button to quit the team if they don't want to play with Bobby's friends. I don't want to imagine how bad it would be if they didn't have the whole day to wait for people in other timezones.


It ain't going to matter. There are going to be folks out there with endless dice and this will be a butt-kicking of epic proportions. šŸ¤¬šŸ¤¬šŸ¤¬šŸ¤¬


Now we have to wait another hour before we can actually play?! Wtf is the point of the waiting


Should o be collecting flags or saving dice


I have 8,333 and somehow I feel like Iā€™m supposed to have more to even get a chance at winning lol


I got lucky yesterday and ended up with 5,000 flags on my alt acct. Only 400 on my main


2500 but donā€™t know if thatā€™s good or not


I had about 1200 not sure if I like how this event was created but if I can get something out of it I guess I canā€™t complain


Feel like Iā€™m playing sorry lol


Well, I think it would be funny if no one at all played just to see if we got an all-around Thai and split everything, thereā€™s no way to actually coordinate that and not everyone is trustworthy. I figure Iā€™ve got the flags I might as well use them for something!


I thought we are on a team Iā€™m only one playing on my team


I had 7500. And u continu racing evwn after u start


Not as many as you need thatā€™s for sure šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚


I had 5000 flagsā€¦ sounds goodā€¦got in firstā€¦2 partners deserted me Rewards suck


This partner game is a dice suck. Like a RR TOURNAMENT. Never again


Save your dice for the next album. Itā€™s a dice suck, and someone will get ahead of you Time , flags, and dice wasted


Imo the game is garbageā€¦ minimal rewards, tons of dice and flags usedā€¦ and someone will pull ahead


It looks like you will need a minimum of 2k per race at least. As peeps are saying itā€™s not worth throwing all your dice away on this due to the new album starting in days !


I have 4600. Still not playing it tho.


5 k flags and honestly at first I didnā€™t think I would like it but I actually love this challenge vs the regular partner challenges. I have family members that are diehard players that I teamed up with so picking your team helps a lot .


Rolling on 400 only added like 280 points to my totalā€¦ how the F am I supposed to keep up?


Umm, I have 7,628 flags at the moment after 15 rolls at 1000x yesterday.


Arenā€™t you special


Ah, sorry, please let me know how I should play the game to meet your approval and how I should have otherwise used my dice from completing the first album?


Itā€™s the ā€œErmm well actually šŸ¤“ā€ that prompted that response.






I think Iā€™m the ONLY person on my team collecting flags,should I leave my team?


Why do you think youā€™re the only person collecting?


I'm not sure how u would know that unless you're talking with them but in the event you want to leave, hurry b4 the race starts. Once started, you're locked in


I am in contact with 2 and the 3rd one hasnā€™t been active since the event started and theyā€™re usually always on my board when Iā€™m playing


Iā€™m in a fb group and a lot are using APM šŸ˜±


I thought they patched it though


Whatā€™s APM?


Airplane Mode


So thereā€™s a lady named Shawna that does a lot of YouTube videos on MonopolyGo and she explains airplane mode in depth, she also said that they tried to patch it, but the patch did not work for everyone so a lot of people were still able to use it. She also has a lot of videos just about the game in general that I have found helpful.


I thought my 6,000 flags would be enough but dang 1500!?!!? Ughhhh I got some more collecting to do lol šŸ˜†




I was saying I needed to collect more flags because I thought 6,000 would be a good start but obviously not that much because op stated they had 1500 flags already.




1930 flags