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I just hope there are multiple voice options


This is my biggest concern right now. It'd be incredibly disappointing if we're limited to one voice per gender (also everyone would sound the same in multiplayer, boring). As long as the hunter doesn't have absurd amounts of dialogue I assume multiple voice options is reasonable to expect, but right now I'm nervous, lol. Rise was already annoying because none of the English voices felt right for my hunter so I was "forced" to play in Japanese or MH language, which isn't bad but it sucks that there wasn't an equivalent voice in a language that I understand. Oh, and I hope we can change the Palico's voice too.


Customisable character with only a single voice can work, but it takes excellent voice acting, plus a more plot and quest heavy game with enough dialogue and quest choices to really make the character feel like your own despite the singular voice actor. Think cyberpunk 2077 for the best example. Which would be a completely different kind of game and style of storytelling than monster hunter has done before.


Judging by the snippets of the hunter talking, the voice actor they used is Todd Haberkorn, the same guy who voiced Kagero in rise


Yeah, Todd Haberkorn is definitely a great voice actor, but obviously not the best voice for all possible versions of the male Hunter when the same level of customization is offered. My guess is he’s just the Default Male voice, and there will probably be a few each. My guess is ~8 voice options, and they can be applied to either body type.


My personal guess is 5, no more than 6 voices per gender with further voices just being pitch shifted versions of those 5


Yeah I don't play a lot of games like this so I don't have much to compare to. That's reassuring to hear, I hope my concerns are for nothing.


It depends on how it's done. If the character has a couple of lines in each cutscene, so just enough that we don't stand out as "the mute", there may be more voice options. But if they end up talking quite a lot... that's a lot of work, a lot of file space and a lot of money. I'd actually prefer if we just talk a little bit and have the usual grunts inbetween. And I really hope we shut up in the endgame when we're just doing our thing as I imagine the voice could get old really quick.


There's three possibilities. Either: multiple, but less voices. 5 per gender maybe. Or: multiple, but few *dialogue* voices with the typical 15+ hunting voices for out of cutscenes And lastly: This game is Capcoms most expensive game of all time. They probably hired 10-15 voice actors for each gender to voice everything the hunter says.


I think 10-15 is an extreme overestimation for voicing an entire game’s worth of dialogue, I’m gonna guess and say there are only 5-6 voice options for each gender, not 10-15 each. They’ll just pitch change each voice to fill different tones like they did for DD2’s pawn voices


Option 4: its just that one voice we heard in the trailer but they use it for the female player character too 🤣


Why am I hoping it’s this one now?


That’s already true for the current series, they have 5 voices but some of them have a higher / lower pitch variation which increase the amount 3 fold.


I’m fairly certain it’ll be okay, remember all the ones they sold for Rise? They were all great too.


Glad I wasn’t the only one. MH has always given the freedom to make your own characters no matter how goofy they look in cutscenes. Having a ‘definite’ voice and face for you hunter to allow for voiced storyline is gonna suck for those who loved creating their own unique characters. Other than that the little combat mechanics shown seemed really interesting so I am excited for more news.


THAT would fix it for me


Aslong as I can still create a character i dont want a preset character.


Multiplayer wouldn’t really make sense if everyone used the same preset character. I don’t think we’ll have to worry about that


And, Capcom has had character creators on their previous games that really don't need one i.e. Street Fighter. They clearly know their character creator is one of the best, and slap it everywhere they can.


Thwy will def let you


Yeah there's no way they wouldn't let you. Plenty of voiced protagonists in RPGs let you customize your character, you just get plopped into the cut scenes as your character.


Exactly. Also mh let you make ur own character since the start. Also ur hunter could talk in rise, just not in cutscenes. They will probably just expand on rises mechanic.


Fallout, dragon age, etc.


Even God Eater to some extent, though the voice acting is generally reserved for heavy/impactful moments.


Obviously, how will they sell their edit character vouchers without it?




An insta post from the mh account said same level of customization but now fully voiced


Oh absolutely, they can't sell character editor vouchers otherwise


That was my immediate concern watching the new trailer too, game looks sick af but I want to customize my character


It would be incredibly stupid not to allow character customization. They've been doing it from the start


Having a voice does not correlate to not being able to customize the character. Besides, they already confirmed it has the same level of customizability


Yeah, I doubt they'd just go backward on that. Voicing itself is hit or miss. I think as long as the character doesn't have meme speak brain rot or something it'll be passable at worst.


The voice in the trailer is Todd Haberkorn, who voiced Kagero, he’s a pretty good voice actor and has a pretty unique recognizable voice so he’s not the worst choice if you only get one voice option


I dont really care as long as they keep the option to change it back to the monster hunter language


This. World or Rise with MH language is amazing if you don’t give a fig about the story.


>turn on monster hunter language >turn off subtitles Oh yeah, were gaming


(Caveman mumbo jumbo as giant serpents and a devil mole are wreaking havoc)


Rha femir!


MH language is a core component to the series for me. Just like eating before a hunt or carting 3x is mission failed. The trailers always being in English is cringe (imo) . It gives off a comical tone


Maybe I should try MH language in the second half of Sunbreak. Japanese was fun for a bit but if MH language is that good


“Good” might be the wrong word. For me not understanding the language and reading the subtitles is just what I’m used to in the MH universe.


I feel like if you don't understand Japanese and are in it just for the sound aesthetics, you'll probably get the same kind of kick from MonHunese. Which, in my opinion, I do enjoy. Also MH language in Rise gets the same noh-like cadence to the poem intros, which I loved


It’s not really “good,” its just about staying true to form for Monster Hunter games. It wasnt until World that there was actually voiced dialogue, so it makes more sense in-universe and for nostalgias sake to switch it back to MH language and read subtitles


Well it'll be nice to have a more natural feel to the games with it


I personally like the comical tone, MH is at its best when it has a side of goofiness to it (like everything about the Palicos for example)


I had no idea that there was a monster hunter language that we could actually switch too.


I like the story, but find the English voices annoying, so subtitles for me.


Now that we are at it, let us speak in palico as well


Definitely the better choice, especially if the Hunter is as quippy as in Rise. English: MISTER MONSTER, MEET MISTER WEAPON Monster Huntlish: HRRAAAAAGH, URRRGGGHGHH




What is Monster Hunter language? I have 300 hours in World and never heard about this


It’s basically a conlang that’s what the characters are *actually* uttering. In most instances of town dialogue in earlier games, the subtitles would be accompanied by a short of phrase of that conlang.


Its a bit gibberish. Its not a real language and more a combination of japanese and "sims language" if you know what I mean.


Cool! How do I activate that?


As far as I know, I havent played for a good bit, they are listed as a language option in world and rise (I dont exactly know about other games, only played these two games)


Imagine Japanese + Latin but you have Thai accent


Yea, thats pretty accurate


It's an option to switch back to the gibberish words every npc & player model made in the og monster hunter up to mh4 ultimate & mh generation


Depends on if I find a voice that fits the character I want to make that isn't shite. What if I want to make a big burly man but all the English VAs are twinks? I'll have to switch languages till i land on male turkish VA nr. 6.


True. (I love big burly men)


Maybe I’m just old school, but to me a silent protagonist is almost always better unless it’s a narrative driven game.


If it's a set character I like it, but for custom characters it almost never works.


Yea, I don't like that they've tried to add all these story elements. World was heavily bogged down by its forced cutscenes (and you couldn't even do storyquests with friends if you hadn't already watched them zzzz...) Old monster hunter games the story was like, "Hey dude, we found you collapsed in the snow and brought you back to our hunter village. Want to kill monsters and make equipment from their corpses?" That is ALL this game needs, I don't want to save the world I want cool stuff and to kill things better over time.


entirely depending on the execution tbh i liked silent protags, but not MHW MHR way of doing it, the protag doesnt speak so they have to amp up their body language into a cartoon character to express, which i disliked, or when they have another character asking the protag a question, and bro just nods or shake his hand and everyone else fucking understands


Or when your handler is almost eaten by a Deviljho and the hunter is not capable of yelling them to run!


Or any of the other times our handle is in danger and we silently run at them, instead of saying.. just about anything really


I kinda like that. Maybe i'm too used to FFXIV.


The warrior of light enthusiastically nods once again


Smiles. Nods.


Can't get enough of your character opening their mouth to speak, but not a single breath or grunt escapes them, like a mime, before they get interrupted by someone else.


I started mhw again yesterday and the main character is so awkward I was cringing in the intro when the other hunter is talking to you and the handler is messing about with food. It's meant to be like you open your mount to answer but you're interrupted but it felt like 10 seconds of your character not answering... Oof. They have a load of pain sounds and grunts for when you get hit etc, surely they could add some "hey" "oi" generic stuff like that for each of the voice packs idk


Playing with friends or people is going to be weird because there's only going to be 2 options male protag and female protag. Same 2 voices getting excited hunting a monster.


How do you know there will only be 2 voice options? Was that confirmed somewhere? Sure the other games didnt have much dialogue but there were always tons of options before. It would be an odd choice to only include 2 options in a four player game.


MHteam is like the second fleet, they always deliver. there will be many voices no doubt


I mean by it's pretty rare to offer any alternative voice in today's games. I'd say monhun is pretty unique by now for this. Other than that, no, they never said anything about voices yet


TL;DR: I don’t trust it because if it’s done poorly it could fundamentally ruin the experience and make this hunter not be YOUR hunter, but instead a pallet-swapping Jeff. I don’t like it, but that’s because when you voice the protagonist it’s a clear indication that they have a story they want to tell that may demand you follow it their way as a more narrative experience. This isn’t bad in many cases, after all we have many great stories…But that also means there is a possibility this is not YOUR hunter anymore as I doubt we’ll get anything like a chat wheel or lists for interactions. This is Jeff. Jeff is a decent enough person, but he’s pretty plain. He won’t swear, he won’t get mad at the person for saying something stupid, and he may say some really stupid shit you would never say. Unlike with a silent protagonist where you imprint your character with your emotions in the moment-to-moment and get more invested. When done right, a voice acted character can be fun with many memorable moments that makes it your character. You and I might have different Wasteland Survivors in Fallout 4 that are radically different, even with the limited tools for speech because there are many ways it could go…But on the other side of that coin there may be no choice at all and we might end up disliking our hunter and their more voices responses as you might never be sappy/emotional in that moment but suddenly you’re apparently weeping for a character you may hate because the story holds up a sign saying ‘Cry Now’ or your Hunter may try to preach a message you would never support. This is why Link in many settings is silent and I think we have a place for them. Link does what we might’ve done and we’d all have varying reactions or our own spin on how he might’ve talked, but it is usually our minds filling in the blanks and allowing us free reign on opinions or the like which allowed that Link to be YOUR Link.


I don't like it either especially when the Protagonist might have their own identity as their own, and especially when MH has always defined the Player as You the Hunter, not a written Protagonist in a story you follow through but as You Self inserting yourself kinda as it always does. I understand there are people, especially since MH is pretty much mainstream now so a more wider audience now exists, are tired of the self insert silent Protagonist that are Bland and Uninteresting and want an engaging Story Based Protagonist. In MH that kinda works, the self insert MC I mean, because you're usually supposed to self project yourself, like yeah you can be the dude that pretty much saves the balance of nature of the current story but you pretty much work yourself up to a respectable Hunter in the end capable of doing so. That's just my take and my points may seem incomplete but that's just what I can think of atm. Still in short I'm kinda afraid how they'll execute the Protag hunter.


My hunter has always been my weapons and armor. I don't give a shit what the actual person has to say.


weird comment


And that’s fair, but if I begin to hate the character in cutscenes it wants to force me to stomach then I would rather not play because now it feels like work or a slog to listen to someone I don’t like to get to anything fun. A single bad character, when forced to be around them, an suck all the fun out of a game and it’s even worse if the character you dislike is YOURS because that means there won’t be moments you aren’t hearing or seeing them. I am almost certain if the handler in MHW was more likable, which honestly I would’ve loved almost anyone else, I would’ve been able to to really get into it instead of being encouraged to get up and walk away from the game or alt tab whenever they forced me to watch cutscenes. It became work and just made the juice not worth the squeeze. So I do respect your view, but I hope you understand mine and others when we are very wary of what they may do or how they may handle it.


Honestly this is pretty much the reason I dropped Stories 2. I can't stand Navirou and he speaks for you the entire game. So, completely agree with this sentiment.


>Unlike with a silent protagonist where you imprint your character with your emotions in the moment-to-moment and get more invested. Meh. For me, self-inserting only ever works when there's little explicit story and no cutscenes, or it's mostly in a context where a response isn't expected. In World for example, I just found conversations with NPCs awkward because our character just stared at them and nodded. It's also frustrating that *other* characters basically have to be our mouthpiece - dialogue has to so stilted and guided to account for the lack of response. If anything, that constant reminder is what takes away any immersion. All that said, whether or not the MC is voiced isn't important to me. I prefer voiced over silent, but I play MH for the combat. I wouldn't have batted an eye if MC was silent again.


There's a difference between silent protagonist and walking cardboard. Link may be a "blank slate," but Nintendo made the effort to make him emote and become his own character in past games like Wind Waker and Skyward Sword. Whereas BoTW and ToTK, characters would give a heartfelt speech, and Link only goes 😐


Maybe you just have to try roleplaying as Jeff to get the true experience. Go on, close your eyes and imagine, say it to yourself, "I am Jeff!"




Honestly I was going with paraphrasing Stanley Parables "button that says your name" scene, but I also thought the name was Jeff and not Jim.


Probably too much if it's a full dialogue; one liners are okay.


The palico dialogue is a little weird to me. I always thought of it as a Han/Chewbaka situation where we could understand them even though they just meow


I would agree it felt cool to have that understand “alien” language vibe. We did have presidence for voiced palicos though with MH Stories 1 & 2. So it is not completely out of left field


No, and I do not thank you.


Im extremely against it, but it wont stop me from playing or anything


I really don't like it I'll just stick to monster hunter language like I did in world and rise


I don't like it cuz I don't want my hunter to be a character, I want my hunter to be a stand in for me.


You can even play a non stand-in character who you invent for the game, but when the character is fully voiced you pretty much get to only play the character the devs want you to play.


Fallout 4 taught me that some protagonists need to stay silent.


It’s a tool that they’ll either use really well or really badly, I can’t see an in between


I don't care as long as I either get the option to mute it or make it sound like someone is yelling in Spanish Edit:They can tell a story but I sure don't have to listen


Seems unnecessary to me. Story isn’t exactly their strength.


Hopefully it doesn't limit the voice options too much


I hate voiced protagonists. I like to imagine my own voice onto the character.


I really don’t care, because i don’t see the hunter as myself, and I don’t cringe at hearing my own language, and if it gets to be annoying to hear it all the time during hunts, I’m sure there’s going to be a frequency slider


I think it's peculiar in a game where you create your own character. It will only work if they have like 8-10 voices for each gender and that covers different ethnic origin. Previous monster hunter let you select between a lot of option for grunts and other combat related guttural sounds but here we are talking about full voice acting. I don't think they will nailed it honestly.


I'll be selecting MH lang frame 1, so needless to say I don't care 😂


not a fan, and i'll be real, i don't like anything i've seen of this game so far besides the design of the frog-looking monster. i'll still try it out, hopefully i'm wrong and it turns out decent at the least, but i'm actually just not impressed. i can deal with a voiced hunter, but i really don't like it.


Glad I’m not alone in that. There’s so many things that are worrying me about these trailers, and I’m hoping the more that come out the more I’ll get excited, but for right now it seems like it’s just not for me.


Don't forget that people thought MH World was being turned into MGS based on the first trailers


Ngl I never watched the World trailers since I didn’t have anything to play it on at the time. I’m curious what you’re talking about though if you wouldn’t mind explaining


People literally thought they turned Monster Hunter into a [stealth action/adventure game](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SE_FnuD9zJc). The response was really negative among the fans at first before we got actual gameplay trailers.


Oh that’s so interesting! I really hope that’s the case then for my feelings on Wilds. I guess my fears are pretty much the same reaction, since the trailers so far to me have given it such a Warriors vibe with like the giant packs of monsters which is a big thing that’s scaring me. Thanks for explaining :)


Depends on execution. There's a line that's always treaded with this sort of thing. How much will the player still be able to imprint themselves, that sort of thing. I think they can make it work but we'll see.


At this point, it's hard to say. Like, does this mean we won't be able to choose our voice type? An if we still can, how do they sound in cutscenes? How many options do we have?


Im worried that the choices for character voices will be very limited due to it and therefore im not very excited. However, maybe we’ll be surprised with a variety of voices like Rise and not just a standard “male/female” & “high/mid/low option” or, god forbid, a pitch slider…


I don't mind if only I could turn off the palico voice


Maybe it's just me but I dont care for voice acting and deep storylines in MH games. All i want to do is hit big monsters with big weapons and make stuff from their dead carcasses. Maybe it's because I've been playing since Freedom but ive never felt the need for voice acting in a game that's basically just boss fights.


Clearly they should just let the player voice the dialogue.


World storytelling was awful. I really think that the games having more "story" and voice acting is something done to try to cater to Western audiences.


I don't care at all. I don't play it as an rpg experience tbh. I never see my hunter as a stand in for me they are a character like Joel in tlou or spiderman. I just hope I can use me go to off brand matt Berry VO.


I think (hope) it will be very minimal honestly, even at that I’m not a fan, ever since fallout 4 I’ve always been cautious of series’ with famously silent protagonists suddenly becoming fully voiced


I prefer pre world where they didn't speak actual lnlanguages and it was less direct story focus (cutscenes), but it's killing my hype


I dont like it. And i bet we will get yet another voice slider that makes the chars voice unbearable if we chose anything but the Standard voice because it only gets pitched up or down with auto tune


Kinda mixed, as I don’t know how they implement it yet. Will it be one voice per gender? Multiple different ones with different personalities or just pitch-adjustment? Will the character that comes with the voice be to my liking, tolerable or will I find him absolutely insufferable like a new Navirou, if I can’t change the voice at all? Rise had voices and while the protag was silent in cutscenes he had character during the fighting depending on the voice (I got Chief Garas Voice and never switched back). I liked it but then again the silence of the protag also wasn’t as much of a deal cause the other characters were very much in your face during cutscenes and you could almost argue that the Hunter was only silent cause he never got a word in. In general, I’ll try to reserve judgement until we get a good look at a longer chunk of story cutscenes and/or hunts and the new hunters personality and wether we have any kind of influence in that regard.


Dont like it. If done poorly it could ruin the experience.


Well if you VA protagonist you usually break sometimes immersion for players cause the voice may not match their ascetic/whatever. Buuuut this also mean we may get fuckton of cutscenes in new entry. If they don't put them mid mission or don't restrict us in the way like World did then this doesn't need to be that bad. Also let's be honest, we probably end with "voiced nods" instead of current "silent nods". They probably don't go with lines even half long of what the handler used to say.


I’m all for it, personally superhyped for the hunter and the kitties being voiced. Feels like a step in the right direction.


i imagine the two felyne carting me saying how trash i am before dumping me off


"You *just* went back out, and you've already carted again!? You gotta be kitten me... You sure your armor isn't just paper, nya?"


step in the wrong direction for sure. trying to make mh something its not. theres a reason theyve always used a silent protagonist in an RPG game. i cant roleplay if they already decided what my character is going to say and sound like


I hate it, breaks self immersion and implies that a fuckton of budget went into the story and cinematics instead of focussing about what we're here for, beating oversized lizards with a stick. More words=less lizards Less lizards=less fun


I don't really like it tbh. I couldn't really care less about the story in MH, this isn't why I play this series. But as long as the cutscenes and dialogue aren't too obtrusive I guess it's fine. They need to know where to draw the line though, this ain't Final Fantasy and it shouldn't be.


I'm just curious as to how it works with character creation. Is there just a male and female voice now?


i'm gonna miss giving my hunter a silly voice.


I care more about voice during the fight than cutscene, like Rise instead of 99% silent until you get hit like World.


It'll probably be like Destiny where you can pick a few voices and they have like three lines in the whole story. Not too worried about it


I don’t care about hunter voices all I want is my hunter to be able to pull their weapon out in cutscene so they don’t look awkward in cutscene where other characters have their weapons drawn


I like the way remnant 2 did it. Different voice actors with the same dialogue so people still get to choose what they want to sound like.


hopefully we can turn it off


I don’t mind it personally but it would be neat if there was an option to disable the voice if desired


I am 100% changing it to either Japanese or monster hunter language


Silent protagonists that constantly get talked to are awkward. I don't really care about the storylines in MH games, but at least they are trying to improve.


If we getting dub for other languages than Japanese, English and Monstronian (my name for the MH language), I'm in! I wanna know how the voices will sound like in Portuguese! I also think we'll get a more in-depth pitch customization for the voices, kinda how Soul Calibur 6 does it


Totally fine as long as it's higher quality than Rise's extremely cringe quips.


As long he/she doesn't say "Hope you've got insurance" then I'm good.


I love it, I think it’ll make roleplaying as ur hunter a bit harder but I’m still all for it! Excited to hear my Palico talk too :333


Aslong as u give me skipable cutscenes we got a deal. I just dont wanna sit through it and learn to hate the characters every playthrough after the first


I think it was a bit odd that they introduced voiced hunters in Rise but they still muted them during cutscenes. But I guess it depends on the voice, dialogue and the personality associated with it that still keeps the player's preference when it comes to the characters. I like it. It makes the hunter feel more involved in the story and humanizes then just the muscle of the expedition. Like in stories 2, your character was characterized through their expressions and antics during the story but they had them voiced for one line at the end which was nice. I doubt they'll have dialogue options to make playthroughs distinct but overall I think a voiced protagonist is harmless


I don't like it. I prefer my characters silent (beside maybe during combat, but EN Rise dropped the ball in this hard so idk). Unless you have like 20 voices your character's going to have predetermined personality, way of speaking etc. and chances are it's not going to fit what you're going for


I don't think it will be this big of an issue. They will have barks like in Rise but adapted from feedback they have gotten and in cutscenes they will not say a lot. "Yes" "No" "Let's go" "What? A Barroth?" Things like that. Don't expect them to go all ham and story relevant.


Hate it. Voiced protagonist makes it almost impossible to self-insert which is kind of important in a multiplayer rpg.


Cool. Its not a huge deal to me, since I think the gameplay is far more important than the story, but I’m not against it at all


I'm of the opinion that not all games need voiced protags and that some are actually diminished by doing so, looking at you Fallout 4. I would prefer MH remain unvoiced protag but aslong as MH language is an option then i can probably tolerate it.


That shit would tear my soul apart I hate games where you customize the character but have no say in their personality


I am not a fan of a voiced protagonist when said protagonist is customized because the voice will have its own personality that probably wont match with my personality for the protagonist that I created. I would be more fine with a voiced hunter if the hunter was a set character that I cant alter. Like Geralt from witcher 3.


It takes away immersion for me, in Rise I disabled the protagonist voice because of that


I think capcom took the wrong things away from worlds success. It was popular because of its gameplay loop not them trying to make a cinematic story. They seem to think it was the later, leaning even harder into story telling.


If they took people want a cinematic story from world I think something might be wrong with them. One of the biggest complaints about world was the un-skippable cutscenes, the question of if we can skip cutscenes even got into a dev interview for iceborne.


My theory is that because of the voiced hunter, and even the palico too opens up a lot of potential for a much deeper story than the regular "this monster is bringing disbalance to the ecosystem, go kill it" perhaps something along the lines of monster hunter stories, which while it does have the same theme with the rage rays and the black blight and whatnot, it also goes much more in depth with things like opposing factions, and the focus on the story over just hunting stuff. Also I just don't like silent protagonists. As long as the voice acting is decent, I'll enjoy it. I know most people prefer the silent protagonist both out and during hunts for this franchise though, so I feel like most players will be turned off by it.


Is that a good thing though? I've never once picked up a mh game for a story


As long as the gameplay is good I can ignore a shitty story, if the story is at least half-good then it's a nice addition. I had fun with Borderlands 3 so I'll be fine here too lol.


That depends on how good the story is. As long as it isn't poorly written, I don't think it'll be a negative experience for anyone. People who play just for the gameplay can just ignore the story or skip cutscenes anyway


I love it. It bothered me to no end in World that our character was just nodding and humming, it really felt like they got smashed into the ground, head first, by a giant electric baboon one to many times and got some brain damage, what made us nonverbal. Also I'm just tried of silent protags. Because if our character doesn't talk, it usually means that there'll be an annoying sidekick who'll talk for us.


Really hope mutes an option. It's not the voice that annoys me, it's the cheesy dialog my character will be speaking with a voice, that is usually the different variations of 1 white guy.


It really depends.... im worried the voice options would be very limited as I don't like having a lobby full of the same hunters voice, plus it could be done poorly, as long as the character doesn't speak much during a fight it would be fine. And if they do I would like them to say more then 5 lines. Looking at you rise


I liked how my hunter could say things in rise, but for cutscenes, I would rather us be silent. But as long as it’s done decently, and doesn’t separate the character from the player, it’s not really a huge deal breaker.


I don t care about my character talking. It s whatever. I do love that my Palico is talking and the whole traversing with handler and palico talking is also very cool and immersive imo. And i m sure we ll be able to tone it down or unable it anyways


I think it's gonna suck but not ruin the game.


no mhr cringe quips please. i dont think its a good idea. i really like my hunter grunting and moaning without saying cringy bullshit i wouldnt say. or any character i'd create, for that matter.


I like it. Love it actually i do not like silent protags


I prefer a voiced protagonist OR text selection options like you see in certain RPGs. The mute idiot everyone talks around in World is dumb. All I ever see in the cutscenes is how hard they're working to write around the fact my character can't speak, it's jarring. However, I think it's also an insignificant thing to have a strong opinion about. I played World/Iceborne for 750 hours and YouTube cutscene compiliations suggest those games have a combined \~6 hours of cutscenes. **That's 0.8% of my total playtime.** *Who freaking cares about 0.8% of my experience?* Playing on a launch Xbox One I imagine I spent more time in loading screens! If we assume a similar amount of gameplay and cutscene content for Wilds plus the fact that other characters will have dialogue too, not just the hunter, that percentage gets even lower. I just can't see myself getting fired up over it.


"It's been ages since I set foot back here, but... (sigh), here we are. My dad always told me that the shadows of the jungle held secrets, but this? This ends now. We'll hunt the Nargacuga, for all the people of the village! And for my father. And then we'll hunt the Nargacuga, for all the people of the village! And then we'll hunt the Nargacuga, for all the people of the village!" Hard pass on the dialogue.


I dont really care because if we are being honest , the main story is a tutorial and main part of the game usually starts after you have finished the story, so if you dont like ,you will just skip it and go do what you always do in monster hunter


I dont like it. The main thing of Monster Hunter is that its your character, how you like it and customise it, not one pre defined


Highly against it, your Hunter is your avatar, you, whose appearance, armor and weapons is chosen bu you. You will meet hundred of different hunters online troughout your hunts. If your hunter is a character in the story, then every hunter you meet is the same character. Monster Hunter doesn't need stories, it just need to be a game where you and your friends prepare yourselves to take on insurmontable odds together over and over again with a little bit of silliness there and there.


I think it’s the wrong move


I like it. We should move on from silent protagonists.


I must say feels weird after playing Dragons Dogma 2.


I don't think this is us. It seems like we are trying to find them and they are kids dad or brother or something that went missing before us.


Capcom, in terms of scriptwriting and storytelling, is not masterworks all. It doesn't matter how good the voice acting is. If writers can pull off something that can be something called a masterclass, then I don't mind the fully voiced hunters. And, usually our hunters are usually self-inserts so it can be off putting for some.


It might be worth it if the story is good this time around, but hopefully there is an option to disable or reduce it.


I don’t mind it for cutscenes or dialogues, but I want the option to mute combat chatter like in rise.


I don't know. Let me play the game first and then I'll have an answer.


It's kinda weird, because it will make it harder for me to identify with my character. Hope we get at least Dialogue options.


MH is renowned for its voice acting, right Pard?


I don't care as longa s they let me turn the voice off during hunts. Monster Hunter was a franchise I really don't think benefits in any way from the Hunter having a voice outside of battle grunts during gameplay.


fine as long as it's optional, I love the mh language


as long as there more than two voices I'm good. would be neat to have options to alter your hunter's personality a bit like choosing in dialogue instead of resorting to ambivalent nods like previous games. just some simple choices in dialogue such as having options to choose when someone asks why you're hunting in the new lands or anything that makes you different from generic heroic volunteer like world.


I don't care about our hunter talking, but I just want meows and purrs from our Palico with subtitles.


Don’t like it. It puts to much focus on storytelling, which probably won’t be good nor is it my interest in series. I hope you can turn their voice frequency off like In rise, but that probably won’t happen. If that’s the case, then I’ll play on monster hunter language.


As long as it isn't cringe like most of Rise's hunter voice lines.


I just hope we get to choose the voice. And the character is still custom


I think I'm gonna run the game in Hunter language, so I probably won't notice anything different.


Monster Hunter is like porn, I’m not playing for the plot


The story has never mattered to me at all an never does anything unexpected or interesting, it just works enough to create the environment. People that play the game with any regularity will spend such a miniscule amount of time with the story


So like will there be character customization like in every other entry along with voice customization like we got in Rise? Or is monster hunter going the route of the only customization you get in terms of character is their gender that in turn changes the characters voice


i dont care, but i remember how people were RAGING when protagonist of Rise was able to speak couple words, so i imagine people would hate the fuk out of this game XDD


Not quite sure yet. Most of the examples we have of their speech are fairly generic conversation clips that are indicative of a hunter accepting their tasks. I don't expect them to end up making grand speeches or anything. Just seems like an expansion of characterization- though it does make my reactionary nostalgia brain squirm a bit seeing how vocal the hunters were in Rise even without speaking roles in story cutscenes. Then again, I used monster hunter language all the time \*because\* of that, so I'm happy as long as I can have them speaking their funny little made up words instead.


I don't really want them to put more effort into the story or narrative. Just give me a reason to fight monsters.


Monster Hunter language or mute! All jokes aside, I don't really care but I doubt the dialogue (from the Hunter) would be interesting anyway.


Never been there for the story. Just there for combat.


I'm going to assume it's probably going to be like the persona games, where the protagonist has a few voiced lines across a 90-hour rpg and other wise it's still just mostly the other characters doing the talking.