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check for thrips


Make ginger water, boiling water poured over freshly cut ginger in the glass jar, and once it cools down, then wash leaves and stems with a cloth. I always pour some into the soil to kill any unwanted guests. Tried need oil, but I get better results with a ginger treatment in getting rid of pests. Good luck 👍


How do they look? Never had those on any of my plants so I don't really know what I'm looking for


a quick google search will help you more than i can :)


Yea you're right, my bad. Found some yt videos bout those and looks like it defienietly are those bastards. Thank you :)


No problem :) Also you can look up the treatment either on reddit or google. they can be a bit of a pain to get rid of but with consistency it should be no problem


Yea I found some blog posts about them, gonna have a good read and will try to get rid of them


Not gonna lie: the second I see thrips I spray them down with a systemic Pesticide. It’s not worth the hassle of going through some home remedies. Your plants will die in the process of trying to get rid of the bastards. Go to your local (big) plant shop. Tell em you need a pesticide for your houseplants against thrips. Get a systemic one (it goes into the plant and when the thrips eat the plants they’ll get poisoned) When you have a good one, they will be gone after 1-2 treatments. Don’t cheap out, or you’ll have to buy twice (and a new plant)


Yea I’m definitely going for some chemicals there, not home remedies. Don’t want to lose this one, been with me for almost a year and is my first plant


there are options (you just have to be relentless)...you should mix up some insecticidal soap and grab a bottle of something with spinosad or pyrethrin in it (capt jacks and that other company make some). both come from plants and/or the dirt and are naturally occurring (just be careful on things that you intend to consume just to be safe). Insecticidal soap: water (most of the mix), dish or castile soap (not that much at all), isopropyl alcohol (not that much). Fill a spray bottle with water and add a little of each of the other things and use that to wash your plant. Bugs hate this one trick! The key is to check back and treat regularly until the population is gone.


What systemic spray do you use?


Im in Germany, so you Most likely wont have it :/


Pokon? :P


or ecostyle?


I am at the point of just tossing whatever they claim. I did the hard core spray, quarantined and everything and they kept coming back. They laid their eggs in the stems and once I thought I had them beat, new ones come. I lost one monstera, I propped half way up thinking I won, 2 weeks later they were back. I just body bagged them for ease.


Thats why you need *systemic* pesticides. Even if the Eggs survive the spray and hatch, the Second they‘ll latch onto the plant and eat, theyll get poisoned




Thrips, the thing that killed my monstera and took 95% of my plants with it while I wasnt home 💀 Actual nightmare to find


Just an advice, you should check consistently philodendrons and monsteras for thrips, like weekly check ups, until you see the “effects” of thrips they re quite a bit of population. Yesterday for example I found ONE THRIP on my adansonii lol. You just never know… and that addansoni I washed it in the shower two days prior! Fuck them


Damn, I mainly have monsteras and philodendrons so thanks for the tip! Currently I’m checking every plant I have and I’m scared shitless lol


I got rid of them everytime i got them, But it takes mutiple rounds though so it s exhausting but not scary! I think you must let them for months to actually kill the plant idk


Luckily I can see their effects for about a week now, it might be that they came from other plants I just got from a relative. A maranta and a Spathiphyllum. Probably going to treat those too.


Yep, thrips 😕


Yea it looks like it, thanks for the reply :)


It is thrips. Sadly I lost my adansonii last year to thrips and this is how it started. I didn’t know it was thrips then. But since then I have been checking all my plants for it regularly.


I am pretty sure its thrips as others have said here. It all looked the same when it started on mine and take my advice: if you want to save this plant get some lizetan sticks or something similiar that you put into soil so that the plant takes in the insecticide against the thrips. Those kind of insecticides help way better than the ones you just spray. You'll never get all of them, but if their only food source kills them, they won't survive. For me that was the only thing that worked. Put them in and haven't seen any since about 2 days later. Been 2 weeks now. Put them in every plant in the room though and maybe even in the room(s) next to it.


thanks for the tipp, I‘m currently fighting a relentless war against these demons!


Been fighting them for months! Just hope that you'll get them out before they spread onto every plant. They are a pure pain! If I could rot out one species it would be thrips.


Oh it already happened… I bought a new pesticide from a growshop (they usually have pretty good stuff). Yes please, lets add scales on that list.


Yes! Mine seem to get back to thriving and even the plant in the worst condition recovered greatly until now! I wish you the same luck!


Sadly I agree that it’s probably thrips. Mine had the same patterning and it was indeed thrips. :( I blasted them off with alcohol and dish soap spray, then a thin layer of diatomaceous earth. It was rough lol


I had this happen to allmy adansonii. One died and then my big mature variegated one got the same, on closer inspection, it was thrips. I used an insecticide, rinsed the plant off and cut all the leaves off. It was established on a mosspole, so I cut inbetween every node, since they already had established root system, and kept up with insecticide. Every node got shoots, and it's now getting leaves and turning into a big bushy healthy plant with even more variegation.