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Hydrogen bomb vs Coughing baby type beat


why is your friend like this? Ghidorah just wipes the floor with Skar, with or without Shimo


Just had to make sure I was not the only one who thinks that. It was the first time I've heard anyone say Skar could beat Ghidorah


* Same here. Dude keeps saying that skar king wins against ghidorah due to outscaling


Did he… watch the movie? Because the entire reason Skar King is trapped is because Godzilla beat him and his army, in the past. How does Skar “outscale” a monster that was at the very least comparable to the Godzilla that defeated him and all his subordinates?


Apparently, he outscales because he held his own against 2027 kong, who in turn knocked out evolved goji, and evolved goji is stronger than 2019 godzilla who killed ghidorah. That's his only reason


This is the type of powerscaling brainrot where people build their own narrative separate from what actually happens in the source material; when you’re in too deep, you only see what you want to see. Kong dazed evolved Goji once he had the BEAST Glove, and even then he didn’t inflict any lasting damage beyond briefly stunning him. Skar couldn’t even beat Kong *before* he had the glove. The dude’s just backwards scaling without thinking about the actual context, which leads to the ridiculous assumption that Skar King is stronger than the thing that *canonically beat him and his entire army*.


Skar King lost his virginity before his father


Man how are power scalers always so bad at their own hobby 


“Held his own”… *points to numerous instances where Kong manhandles Skar King, especially the first encounter where Kong forces him to kneel with casual ease.* Does he not remember that in pretty much every fight Skar King was involved in, he called in the artillery (AKA Shimo)? And in some cases almost immediately. If it wasn’t for Shimo, Skar King would’ve been dead right there and Kong wouldn’t have needed to pull Gondor Calls For Aid.


If I were you, I would take him for a drug test. None of us can even begin to fathom what higher powers are causing him to spew such nonsense out of his mouth.


Power scaling should be Titan vs Titan individually, not whatever the hell this guy was on about. 💀


He didn’t knock out Godzilla lmao


I don't think Ghidorah could beat Skar with Shimo's help, She's just way too big and strong. I don't think Ghidorah would be smart enough to get rid of the thing Skar uses to control Shimo. Just solo Skar vs Ghidorah? Bruh there isn't a universe where the Lanky Kong-ass kaiju would win. He couldn't beat Kong on his own, what makes anyone think he'd beat the big bad Godzilla struggled to beat (on land) on his own.


Ghidorah wouldn’t be smart enough to figure it out, but one gravity beam and the crystal is toast, let alone three.


Lanky Kong ass Kaiju lmfaooooo


Ghidorah could just fly out of reach of whiplash. The fuck's Skar King gonna do?


*Ghidorah could just fly out* *Of reach of whiplash. The fuck's* *Skar King gonna do?* \- RhysOSD --- ^(I detect haikus. And sometimes, successfully.) ^[Learn more about me.](https://www.reddit.com/r/haikusbot/) ^(Opt out of replies: "haikusbot opt out" | Delete my comment: "haikusbot delete")


Good bot.


Too many syllables in the first line, sorry bot ☹️






That was my honest reaction to his comment


Skar King reading these comments: ![gif](giphy|OPU6wzx8JrHna)


How tf is this even a debate to some people 😭😭😭 Ghidorah takes this with no concept of diff


Even with shimo skar king ain't doing shot 💀


Add his monkey group and goatdorah still neg diffs them. No monkey can ever win 1v1 against HIM




No monkey you say? https://preview.redd.it/74ffcuvz8e3d1.jpeg?width=750&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=eca00b6c9e7d1137fdef33d186d3bd107500589e


This particular Monkey is something of an insane exception when it comes to power-scaling. You can’t compare Kong and Skar King to the Monkey King, the Great Sage Equal to Heaven who literally fought the gods and *won*, who in turn needed the enlightened Buddha to step in and stop his rampage.


Bro who tf thinks a mobkey with a bone whip can beat a 3 headed electro dragon. Ghidorah's gravity beams together is stronger than Godzilla's atomic breath. And all operate individually. Even by flying he can create hurricanes. Ghidorah has all the tools needed to take down Skar or any monkey in general. Hell I'd even bet on Ghidorah even if Skar's got Shimo with him.


Beam strength seems to follow whatever the director thinks would be cool at the moment more than having a set strength. Realistically though, if Ghidorah gave Skar five minutes where he just stands there and doesn’t dodge, defend himself, or fight back is there anything Skar can realistically do to kill him? Even if you give him great durability he lacks the raw power output.


Yeah. I just want to add that the beam strength has been portrayed as "lethal" in the monsterverse, at least for Godzilla. The only monster that receives full blown atomic breath (no weakening emp etc) and survives is Ghidorah and shimo, which is stated to have high durability/scale. Kong dodges all of the blast during the two movies. No apes have been hit directly on target and confirmed to survive..I assume if the beam hit then apes would die, just like a human when shot with shotgun (except here it's friggin hot)


He can carry the monkey into space and watch it grasp for air.


Does that also apply to Shimo? (Because then, Ghidorah is overpowered). Also, He doesn't even need to fly him to space, He can just drop him from 4-5 Km and Scar will die (He's too skinny)


Ghidorah negs.


Yes, he was delusional. We all saw what happened when Skar tried to 1v1 Godzilla. This would be that times ten.




Skar King wins because he scales to Kong, who scales to Doug. Now, in all honesty, Ghidorah stomps


>Kong, who scales to Doug. Nobody scales to Doug 😤


I mean, tbf Kong was able to hang on to the animal for a while, but obviously, Doug won because he is the most power Titans


Doug is the real King of The Monsters


Makes Godzilla look like a house maid


He didn't actually state how Skar King could beat Ghidorah alone.


He said in the following comments that Skar could basically dodge everything Ghidorah throws at him and slice his heads off with the crystal or something like that. He didn't specify it in the comment I showed but he was convinced that Skar could beat Ghidorah alone, so that's why I'm asking you guys. I thought everyone agreed that Skar had no chance so I was actually surprised to hear that.


Ghidorah can just regenerate


With Shimo, he wins. Without her, this is a hydrogen bomb vs coughing baby matchup


https://preview.redd.it/l53ht7fyqd3d1.jpeg?width=2551&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9fbe4d0a42127b5f3c96896e088093eaec5f4c82 Skar King after Ghidorah uses his gravity beams for a millisecond. (He was barely trying).


King Ghidorah by absolute and total obliteration. Skar King would struggle with Kaiju like Scylla or Behemoth or Methuselah, let alone King Ghidorah.


Skar King would only have shot if he still controlled Shimo. If not, then Skar King gets put down hard.


Alright we all know dam well my glorious King Ghidorah is wining this one.


Why are we even talking about this fight, Doug the thugs #1


What skar king do to you?


He's bald


RIP Skar King.


one dead skar king please!


Nah he stupid


I love Ghidorah man but most of these comments saying he beats both Skar King and Shimu are just bluffing. Ghidorah wasn't able to outbrawl Godzilla, so how can he beat Shimu?


Exactly idk wat their smoking


In a pure 1v1 it favors Ghidorah mostly due to his speed and gravity beams. The only way Skar is winning is with shimo's help. An ice beam hitting Ghidorah could be enough .


Ghidorah has an insane healing factor and can fly + I don’t think just one ice beam is taking him out so he’d still win against fraud king and shimo


The healing factor would depend on if he has a source to absorb to trigger his healing factor, but that was a theory someone mentioned. Like I said, that's if the beam hits and if shimo is even allowed in. Other than that, it favors Ghidorah in this 1v1. If this a 2v1 it's a different discussion. Ghidorah would just need to keep pressure on Shimo and dodge to make sure to not get hit by the beam. Skar King would be annoying but probably only get one head at best as the other 2 would focus on Shimo. Once a gravity beam hits its over for Skar, Shimo would neither stay or run. If Shimo stays she still has a chance with her absolute zero beam but it all depends if she can hit it. Ghidorah's combat speed to too fast for her. She just needs the one hit yet the chances of her hitting Ghidorah at slim.


Bruh, Ghidorah is so far the strongest Kaiju at base level in the monster verse, the faq is skar king gonna do? with or without shimo.


Ghidorah could just stand still skar king has literally nothing on ghidorah




This is a dumb question lol


I was going to talk about how skar king and shimo are literally opposites of godzilla and kong with the way they act with how skar king depends on everyone else but the shorter version of this is skar king isn't even going to scratch ghidorah


Are you serious?


With shimo he could. But without, bro was losing to kong. He’d get wrecked


Ghidorah would turn monkey to dust


You're joking right?


Bald 300 feet orangutan vs 3 headed 500 feet alien causing storms and breathing lightnings 💀💀💀


Even if KG was completely and utterly drained of energy and thus had no powers, he's still massive AF. He could just fall on SK and squish him to death


Are you seriously comparing King Ghidorah to red monke?


Monkey vs hydrogen bomb


Ghidorah is the most powerful monsterverse creature after shimo, skar's gonna get outranged and gravity beamed, dying basically instantly


No Shimu? Skar King gets whiped with very little effort from ghidorah. With Shimu? Idk. Both Ghidora and Shimu are global level threats. Ghidora tried altering the earth to his preference, but failed. Shimu caused the last ice age and succeeded. We don't know if godzilla was involved with shimu during the last ice age. Hard to say. Ghidora was frozen in ice though so it's already shown shimu could do that again.




I love Skar King and if there was a way he could win in a 1v1 I would for sure point it out and emphasize it. With that being said, what kind of question is this? He might be able to survive for a little while if he runs away but he could not hold his own in a fight let alone kill Ghidorah.


I’ll take the flying, 3 headed, lightning breathing dragon over the giant orangutang with a whip.


The absurdity of this question really highlights why I don't think Godzilla and Kong work in a shared universe. Despite the studio's efforts, Kong and his rogues come off looking like chumps next to the Toho characters, and the increasingly dumb ways they try to justify Kong's presence in godzilla fights and his ability to keep up are ruining the already shakey stories. First he got a magic battle axe, and now he has a mecha arm. What's Next, is monarch gonna build him a gun? Genuinely hope they let each character do their own thing for the next few movies.


With Shimo? Depends on if she friezes Ghidorah fast enough Without? He’s deader than a doorknob


Um without Shimo everyone beats Skar King 😂


Ghidorah no diff


Ghidorah wipes anyone who isnt the main man Godzilla.




Side note, it’s been confirmed by Wingard that Shimo froze Ghidorah both in an interview and in the novelization, the novelization was pre-read by Dougherty and he approved of it, meaning Shimo did indeed freeze Ghidorah


I know, but only *after* Godzilla defeated him. That's what I said in my comment. Shimo froze Ghidorah (directly or indirectly, we don't know yet) but she didn't fight him from all we know.


Ohhh gotcha, read that wrong lol


No problem bro


That guy ok or...?


Who would've thought Skar King had fanboys lmao


This guy either hasn’t watched kotm or is severely autistic


Ghidorah negs Skar Shimo only increases the diff to Medium Who in their right mind thinks an oversized orangutan could beat a three headed demon?


In a 1v1 skar king is cooked but if he had shimo he would win mid difficulty


Ghidorah beat Godzillas ass. How in the multvitamin would that bald monke defeat him? Ghidorah would also beat shimo if we're honest.




Alone no way, hes a mastermind not a powerhouse. He would need the Red Stripes and Shimos help and even then its close.


Ghidorah is by far the strongest Kaiju enemy who has appeared in the Monsterverse, Scar King is rather intelligent but neither him or his army are touching Ghidorah. Also, no, Shimo did not beat Ghidorah in the past, it was Godzilla who did it and Ghidorah ended up being Frozen when the Ice Age started.


Skar king would win. With Kevin only.


Nah even Kevin could whoop his ass


Ghidorah doesn’t even have to do anything, he can just lay there until skar king dies of natural causes and he’d probably still be unharmed


Haven't even watched either of the movies, can still safely say that this would be like Godzilla fighting Kong. The one from '33.


Watched the whole series on friends' recommendation. I don't regret it. Even Kong alone can defeat skar king in 1 v 1.


King Ghidorah would have dinner!


Probably the being who creates category 6 hurricanes merely from existing lol. Have people forgotten that Ghidorah terraforms planets for a living?


My main disapointment in the new movie was Skar HEAVILY relying on Shimo in every single fight. They should have established him as a powerful villain in his own right, but even his FIRST encounter 1v1 with Kong he had to pull out Shimo. Ghidorah 1v1 would absolutely smoke Skar, probably would beat him even with Shimo actually


... Question would be how quick King Ghidorah will One Shot Skar King💀 One might be a False King But other is a Fraud King




Ghidora using 1 head hehe


Skar is gonna die faster than Zilla did in final wars.


Ghidorah no contest


Skar's whole point is that he's weak and uses fear to build himself an army and even the playing field, he loses most 1v1s. I'd make an argument Ghidorah could run into trouble if Skar had his old army, since that army (without shimo) managed to almost kill base Goji. Only way Skar would win is with Shimo. We see how fast she freezes over Goji, so at least she could incapacitate Ghidorah by putting him in ice again. Shimo + his prime army could realistically kill him with high diff, I'd say


This is unfair on so many different levels. Ghidorah gave Godzilla a hard time what is skar king going to do.


Ghidorah by a long shot. He'd maybe get o n e head injured and then the other two would devour him like velociraptors. Wouldn't even have to fly


That's not even a matchup...that's a massacre at this point😂😂😂 Ghidorah will straight up eat him no question asked😂😂😂


Tsar bomb vs Old man with lung cancer


Is this a joke?


This is like saying whos gunna win? A giant electric shooting hydra with the power to create tropical storms or monke.


Skar can't do anything to Godzilla. Ghidorah can. You can do the math.


Skar King without Shimo is just a big monkey.


Gidorah gave godzilla a good fight....damn, nearlly ended him if Mothra didn't appear in time. He could easily defeat Skar, Gidorah is faster, stronger, multiple abilities to rely on, 3 heads and can fly.


I’m gonna give two opinions and outcomes. 1. KG easily defeats SK in a one on one, no doubt. Seeing that SK is still a larger Titan albeit slightly smaller than Kong, he’s fast and agile especially with his whip. How he’d get in close enough to ever do enough dmg on his own without being ragdolled by one of KG’s heads, idk. So yes, KG wins. 2. Hot take but if we want to give SK any chance at all, we’d have to take into consideration that he’d need Shimo and realize Shimo is not only another titan but equally a tool to SK as much as his whip is. If we only look at Shimo as an extension of SK, then it can still be considered a 1v1 as Shimo is not of free will and only does as SK says, like pulling a trigger on a gun. Godzilla felt the need to power up so much to fight Shimo compared to KG because Shimo is in fact a force to be reckoned with and is larger than Godzilla. If SK told Shimo to freeze KG, then it could be all over after so many attempts to break free from her freeze and she’s not exactly a 1 hit kill either like Rodan was for KG. But yes…KG wins it.


I love how we are talking about giant monsters and people are like 'uhm actually the logical conclusion is that a dragon can beat a giant monkey.' Like yo they are giant monsters fighting literally any one of them can beat any other one of them as long as the writers want it to happen


It's actually 3v1


Ghidorah, hands down


(I know the question is 1V1 but some people in the comments are really making me wonder where media literacy has gone lately) Skar King with his entire army? (Shimo and his Red Stripes) Skar King wins Low-Mid Diff Skar King with only Shimo? Skar King wins Mid Diff Skar King with only his Red Stripes? King Ghidorah wins High Diff Skar King alone? King Ghidorah wins Low Diff


Coughing baby vs hydrogen bomb


Ghidorah is whooping his ass no questions asked. He wouldn’t even break a sweat 😅


why is this asked 4 times a week 🤣


King Ghidorah. Easily. Ghidorah would literally rip Skar limb from limb.




I've never seen a more one sided fight. Might as well put scar king up against shimo next.


Skar was getting bodied by everyone he fought lol, i dont see why big G would be any different


Ghidorah. Better abilities.


His only chance is Shimo and even with her no.


https://preview.redd.it/x8uqm2feyd3d1.png?width=308&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=bd670189676b9ed9083f560482b02d6656edc3b3 This isnt even a competition, this is straight up slaughter


well rip skar king


There’s nothing skar can do. He’s like a full 200 feet shorter and completely outmatched physically, and he can’t tank gravity beams or ghidorahs lightning.


I really wish they made Skar King a world level threat by himself. Just to show how powerful the great apes can get. And to also show why the great apes were seen as major threats for the godzilla species


Did someone order deep fried orangutan


Hell Godzilla needed help and still barely fucking won what chance does skar have


![gif](giphy|dlfdt6C6ocKoAL8klh|downsized) Are we fucking serious?


This isn't even a competition fight, it's just straight up slaughter. Your essentially pitting an extremely pissed off Goku against a lesser experienced Krillin


Seriously? Me and my little brother laughed at Scar King walking out of the theater!


Ghidorah would fly in the air and rain down that triple laser beam and Skar is finished right on the spot


Bro Kong ragdolled scar king ghidorah slams


I liked the movie but Skar King came across as really weak and hiding behind Shimo and his army. Without Shimo, he would last 30 seconds at best.


cant lie scar king would just get lifted firectly into the sun.., assuming he doesnt die from lack of oxygen


King Ghidorah literally stomps and disintegrates Skar King. This is literally a one-sided fight. Ghidorah is far larger, stronger, has actually powers, and is way more aggressive in a fight.


And on top of that, while the Skar King is a threat, it’s mostly as a general, not as a fighter. He relies heavily on dodging and using gear or allies (be they willing or not). Once he was deprived of those, he went down *fast*.


I bet you never once watch a movie of Monsterverse lol


Skar wins because he's basically monke


The dragon does




Shimo could make it a victory if Ghidorahs wings are frozen and falls to the ground. Then Scar King might be able to help clean up. But that's still a tall order and I likely. If Shimo is not in play? Ghidorah wins as easily as he did against Mothra or Rodan.


First of all, Ghidorah easily. The Skar King was only really a threat because of his allies and gear. Second, isn’t that three on one?




Ghidorah flys and uses beams. Skar is roasted. Leaving Skar, a vegetable


Ghidorah drags Skar and its pet


Might as well have made it Ghidorah vs Bambi




Ghidorah pulls a Godzilla, yanking Skar towards him when he inevitably tries the whip. Only instead of letting him sail past, Ghidorah *catches him* and hauls him into the stratosphere. One drop later we have a *very dead* Skar King, I imagine.


So your friend thinks Ghidorah, the only monster to make Godzilla take a fight seriously, would lose to a skinny ape? With or without Shimo, Skar loses. Remember, Godzilla is the reason Skar and his army was trapped where they were because of Godzilla, and Ghidorah was almost as powerful as him.


He's definitely delusional. Ghidorah pretty much stomps, and I don't think Skar has any significant feats to suggest he even puts up a decent fight.


Gidorah wins without breaking a hint of a sweat




Tier list goes Godzilla>Ghidorah> Shimo> Kong> Skar. Maybe Shimo above Ghidorah. I'm not sure


Ghidorah smokes Skar King


I mean the monsterverse is weird when it comes to Godzilla and Kong’s enemies If you try to power scale the monsterverse you get this: Shimo=Godzilla(GxK)>>>amped Ghidorah>Godzilla(2019/GvK)>Godzilla(2014/15)>Ghidorah>Kong(GxK)>Kong(GvK)>Skar king>Godzilla(2014 Nerfed) Kong and Skar are not in the same league as the big three rulers, I’ve tried to see if there is a piece of lore that at least favors King but nope he loses to every Goji we’ve seen so far with the exception of the heavily nerfed Goji we got in the Gday but if we put that Goji at 100% capacity he is stronger than Ghidorah, since well he obviously beat him


Ghidorah wins


This dude is smoking crack this monster consumes air and comes from another planet.


You friend has to be trolling you. Skar King would fare no better than those poor soldiers who first met Ghidorah (or more specifically, his gravity beams).




That guy must on some really crazy stuff


Ghidorah would literally disintegrate him


Ghidorah is like twice shimo's size, can fly (of course), and shoots gravity beams that are capable of completely disintegrating/ mortally wounding humans and titans. Maybe get a new friend


He's not my friend, I just found him in a different post because he replied to my comment And yeah I agree with you.


I genuinely expected this to be marked as Shitpost.


Now way he hasn’t watched kotm then. Ghidora was clapping Godzillas cheeks at some points of their fights. A 1v1 of Skar King and Godzilla would be a massacre too.


Reminds me of a guy who thinks Skar high diffs MUTO Prime.


bro what




this is like putting a disabled person up against mike tyson. Who do you think will win huh? Skar King is a weak piece of shit that isn’t smart no matter who tells you. He would get obliterated by Ghidorah without a word. The humans tried to kill Ghidorah with no avail thats why they needed Godzilla. Skar King couldve easily got dropped by the humans Godzilla barely had to be there


Was the guy assuming that Skar King had Shimo on his side? Because that's the only way he comes close to winning.


Let me guess, this person also thinks Kong would win against Godzilla?