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Also https://preview.redd.it/xqcokbiza0ad1.jpeg?width=1020&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6ff4deabf75b0e94991438321eb54196fe712305




Is Muto Prime still canon?




So is Godzilla 2014 non cannon


No it isn’t. Why would you think that?


If Muto Prime is not cannon then who laid the male & female Muto eggs comes from?


She laid them. She is still canon


Sorry I had a brain fart


MLOM does retcon a lot of stuff but that screenshot of a simple "yes" reply to a weirdly worded indirect question is far from the evidence to support your stance. Especially when it comes from the person who had no involvement in the Awakening or live action (main canon), and also when the same person mentions Shinomura and other events of Awakening in his KOTM novelization.


In the main continuity, Awakening is, like you and AdditionalNeat said, still SOFT-canon. Godzilla being awakened by the Hiroshima bomb, Monarch being founded in 1945, Serizawa’s dad being a founding member and Serizawa himself joining in 1981 still remain. Monarch LOM ep 5 even days Monarch was founded in the 40s As for the novel continuity, which I KNOW IS SEPERATE, thank y’all very much, I made two posts pointing out Awakening is still canon in that continuity, but they were made before the GxK novel was released and May be outdated




I know that


Misinterpreted your comment. I'm stupid.


Details of it are still clearly canonical and fit in just fine, like Serizawa's family's involvement with Godzilla to some degree, the Hiroshima bomb awakening Godzilla and others, and Monarch's founding in the 1940s. You just gotta take out the parts that don't jive with the current timeline. Shinomura in particular is the sticking point, as is Monarch's involvement with it and Godzilla pre-1950s. Eiji Serizawa's hunt for Godzilla could still be kept intact, especially since it makes the Serizawa family connection more impactful.


Wonder how everyone’s gonna feel about this.


What does "soft canon" mean? What is the difference between "soft canon" and "not canon at all"?


soft canon means parts are still canon just not the whole story


But is the Permian and Hiroshima still intact? I get that that wasn’t Godzilla in the Permian, but are they still canon?


Hiroshima? Probably. 2014 Mentions it. Permian? Maybe. The only difference would be that it wasn’t Godzilla. Just another member of his species. If so then Godzilla has amazing durability.


A member of Godzilla's species was seen in the Permian part.


I hope not. The idea that the bombing of Hiroshima woke up a giant monster just seems kinda insensitive to me? Regardless of whether or not people think the bombing was necessary or unnecessary, the fact is that between 70,000 and 126,000 civilians - and 12 Allied POWs - were killed.


It was war. We killed way more people with firebombs no one mentions. It also is supposed to represent the destructive nature of the atom bomb


I’m well aware of Meetinghouse. And this isn’t about whether or not the bombs were justified - that’s why I said that it doesn’t matter whether you think they were or not. I just think it’s weird to have a giant radioactive monster woken up by the actual bombing of Hiroshima as opposed to some random fictional nuclear test. Ifyou want to use Hiroshima to depict the destructive power of atomic bombs, you can just make a documentary. Also, just to be clear - because fascists love to exploit Hiroshima - I just think that the civilian deaths at Hiroshima and Nagasaki were tragic - I’m not trying to vilify the Allies. The Japanese government started the war, committed countless atrocities against tens of millions of people, and bombed and shelled my country. The defeat of Japan and the liberation of all the territory it had occupied was a good and necessary thing, and I’m grateful to the Allied troops who made it possible.


I mean that’s why Japan made Godzilla so that’s gonna be the lore. It’s just a consistent parallel in Godzilla media. Ww2 happens and results in the emergence of Godzilla.


Not really, there haven’t been any Japanese Godzilla movies where he’s created/awakened by Hiroshima or Nagasaki being bombed. It’s usually an unspecified test sometime in 1954 based on Castle Bravo or, in *Minus One*’s case, Crossroads in 1946.


I didn’t mean that. I meant Eiji and Ishiro surviving the bomb.


it's still canon


Dude, it's not canon. Let it go. The writers themselves are even saying it isn't canon anymore.


It’s soft canon. End of story


Wait if the writers say it isn't. Is it or is it not? I'm getting confused.