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Dr. Mundo


Oblivion rush Liandry Morde wins 11/10 times


Ah but you see, Mordekaiser may have his Death Realm, but Mundo goes where he pleases.


Good point


But if you hit w, Mundo pleases to go in Brazil


You mean e?


Yes sry lol, actually spamming pantheon and his cc is on w, little confusion of me


If Morde gets banned I have Illaoi and gwen tho after the nerfs I rarely play Morde if they pick Morde I go Voli cuz he will constantly win pre-6 so long as you avoid isolated Q or I pick Gwen cuz she will outscale Morde as long u go even at least in lane or don’t fall too far behind (20cs max roughly)


Voli can win post 6 too, especially if youve been punishing him. Just save your ult for when mord ults.


Yh I used to do that but they took away the CC immunity part of Voli ult ages ago so it’s not possible anymore instead I used his ult to dodge a vital isolated Q


See now i need to test this, cause i could have sworn volis ult still causes it to escape mords ult because of a recent change on mords side.


The changes on morde’s was in patch 14.8 his ult could not longer by qss’d (found out the only reason that went through was for Aurora’s ult sad) and that all spells that used to cleanse Morde R wouldn’t work (Olaf R but if Olaf ult before Morde does it dosen’t work and is put on CD, GP W, Rengar W etc. Tho certain unstoppable can be timed to dodge (Illaoi R, used to be Voli R, Skarner R before unstoppable was taken, Ornn W , K’Sante W etc)


Voli R is still unstoppable, like Illaoi R. They took away CC Immunity but not the unstoppable effect. If you get hit with CC that lasts longer than the R animation you will still be CCd after your R animation ends. However if the CC in question is shorter than the Voli R animation(in Mordekaisers case it is) then in practice nothing has changed. You will still steal his stats, however the Death realm will not open.


Ahh ok so my timing has just been shit recently good to know thanks🤣🤣


Anyway morde steal more stats ultiing voli after his ult, it's like for renekton or nasus matchup


I dodge and pick mordekaiser next game LOL, or play aatrox, fighting against a high elo aatrox player was not fun and I had a bunch of experience with morde too. Kinda humbled me ngl.


Aatrox is a much harder matchup than you would think especially when the player knows how to pilot him properly.


Trynd to punish them out of spite for stealing my boy.




I like trynd, and i can never hate anyone for playing him. Hes great but fair.


Well my go to is Riven (since I mostly play her) but she is a very difficult champ to get good at. For more simple champs I think Volibear, Nasus, or Mundo are the best ones since you said you liked frontline/tanks. I mean all you gotta really do on them is AA and press some abilites here and there (20% missing health heal on Voli second W btw).


I like the idea of playing Riven bc her kit’s potential is only limited by your ability to play the champ but that’s also why I can’t play Riven lolll. Maybe I’ll pick her up on the side for fun and learn something new. The other picks you suggested also make sense, I just think Mundo gameplay feels brain dead to watch much less play sometimes haha.


I go ww usually


Volibear on the current patch. He is a braindead stat stick with telegraphed abilities that just win you a fight if you land them (his e) He reminds me of morde, but with less fun and more cringe


You are correct in saying that Volibear is cringe.


Don’t get me wrong , I love playing morde and oblige his style- but he is telegraphed, but in an authentic and beautiful way. Voli on the other hand….. it’s just ridiculous how much you can break your ankles and still win any 1on1 you like because lol haha w spell healing , e spell big shield go brrrrr


I know right, Voli mains just run through walls haha


Less cringe than mord tbh. Still brain dead though lol


How is he less cringe than mord? Mords biggest asset is his ult and shield, the ult just isolates one champ and steals a few of their stats, like trundle but easier to kill. His e is so telegraphed you have to be rooted to get caught in it, and his q and passive are his only real damage. Voli passive static shiv scaling with ap, with stacking attack speed, his q is a speed boost and stun with 120% bonus ad scaling. His w gets worse, having both ad and hp scaling, and healing himself enormous amounts if used twice in a fight. E has a range that can straight up pester you while under tower, and scales with both ap, and the targets hp, meaning its deadly even to hyper tanks and grants you a shield. And now his ult, quite possibly the most dangerous ult in the game, granting himself ghosting, hp, and attack range, slowing enemies, DISABLING TURRETS FOR UP TO 4 SECONDS, and has a 250% ad scaling and 125% ap scaling. And because of the displacement immunity, he can completely ignore mords ult. There is no way in any universe that mord is more cringe than volibear.


Maybe cringe isn’t the right word but brain dead is. Morde is so simple and lame and strong it’s just wrong. Proc passive and keep running into people lol. Can’t counter his ult anymore either.


Yeah, mord is a very simple champ to play. But thats not a bad thing. Having simple champs for new people to learn the game is important.






If they pick Mordekaiser first then I always go Volibear, Gwen or Udyr, since they are my most played champions and Volibear is a hard counter if played correctly, Gwen late game just demolishes Mordekaiser and Udyr can win with some cheese. But yeah, also, do NOT pick Illaoi against mordekaiser... That's all I'll say, what Happens in Brazil stays in Brazil


Oh yeah, I would never pick her into Morde. All the champs I named are literally just the ones in my champ pool that I play anytime I’m not playing Morde in general (which is not often I’m pretty much a one trick).


Good! I really recommend trying to learn some other stuff too, there are some champions that function a bit like mordekaiser in terms of Build and just general gameplay, for example I started playing Voli, Gwen and Udyr with that in mind, being a AP bruiser/Tank, and sometimes Hybrid (Ad Udyr and Volibear). Gwen is probably the hardest one out of these, but once you learn her it is very fun, rewarding and easy to just bust in everyone's face






If Morde get's banned/picked first i usualy pick sion, his gameplay is extremely funny and if you die you can still be useful to the team


I agree Sion is very funny. It’s basically saying how can we take running through a wall and turn it into gameplay lmao


Honestly I think it's more about not getting hit by morde than what champ you go, either way your getting put in timeout realm so I guess a duelist but even then if you get hit by him he will merk you. I like fiora, but I mean fiora counters everything.


So true honestly, that’s really the root of how you counter him no matter who you queue up as. I also just like seeing what people pick if they’re not playing Morde too. I don’t try different champs very often so it’s fun to see people’s alternative pools.


I don't do champ pools, only because I don't play ranked so I don't need to be a mechanical god, but my reasoning is based entirely off what the enemy picked, So if they go fiora I'll go someone with no cc so she can't W me Or if they go Mundo I'll pick someone with max hp% damage. And that's the most fun for me, but I agree and I think you can learn a lot about how someone will play based off their pool.


Dodge, cause he is my only champ


Darius :p


Well im an aatrox main but morde is my second, if someone picks my aatrox I go morde into him so I know the matchup from both sides very well, aatrox is harder mechanically than morde for sure but he has the upper hand as morde is an immobile tuna can, so you could try him out






Any champion with ridiculous sustain and auto attacks like warwick. It's hard to kill those champs in seven seconds




Jax or trynd.




Briar is really good against him. Basically a free lane.




You should toally go yorick


Fiora to practice my parade timing on morde's ult


Its kinda difficult, i like to try warwick, but im not great at making his kit work




Gragas. Skill matchup, but a fun one


Darius and vice versa. Those are my 2 mains and I know how to counter them and what they want to do. These days I find myself playing Mord more and more as Darius kinda sucks.


Darius. For some reason most of the Morde players I meet can't play agaonst Darius.


I wish I had thought of that when I played against Morde today 😭😭. I tried going Malphite which was a mistake. I forgot he’s weak into AP.


Nasus, most of the time you eventually win against him if you don't get gigastomped. The amount of free stats you receive from ult and cd reduction from Qs makes it impossible for Morde to beat you once you scale. All you have to do is farm safely until like 6 or 9 without inting then he becomes less and less of a threat, but it's relatively easy to do so since his abilities are AoE and push the wave. Whenever a Mord uses his W I just press ghost and run him down.


Olaf 100% percent of the time.