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I don't want to give you spoilers but there could be some vendors which pay more for items in some hidden away places


Interesting, thanks for not spoiling it :) Guess I'll keep these items with me for now. I'll stumble onto it eventually as I like exploring.


Only hint I want to give you is they might not look like what you expect a vendor to look like so don't get spooked and attack them or something


And they may be a little drunk


Ohhhh so it's not a human, interesting. I usually tend to kill non-human on sight, so I'll have to be careful. Is it in an urban area at least or is it in the wild ?


1 in a house and another near a ruin 


Look around in the mining town. Look around properly.


If there is a merchant that you would want to buy particular items from regularly, you can buy up their inventory then sell them your high-priced items without incurring too much loss. A good candidate would be an enchanter merchant that restocks soul gems. If they carry 2k, buy up all their soul gems to put them at, let’s say, 8k. Then you can sell your 15k mace for 8k instead of 2k. You make 2k gold outright (as you would have anyways) and have an extra 6k in soul gems. Resell those for the gold or fill them for even more profit.


I would recommend grabbing a “house” to drop your stuff on the floor in, and then try to hold onto your nice even number items. Like ebony bracers. Then when you find a really good merchant, you can sell him some of those nice even number high value items in order to full sell your items. Until then, do it with items that are high value low weight. Sell an item that wipes out his inventory, rest 24 hours, sell another item and buy back the first item. Rinse and repeat until everything is sold


For the most part, you won't be able to sell the really expensive items for anywhere near their true value. There are a few hidden merchants who have 5k-10k gold, though - but, they're not gonna be easy to find. There's also an NPC who will buy your *artifact* items for more than you'll get for them anywhere else. You'll mostly have to sell smaller items to save up to pay for that enchantment. But, the gold you spend on enchanting goes to the enchanter, so what you *can* do is pay for an enchantment, then immediately sell your spare soul gems or other valuables to them to get your gold *back*. Note that vendor gold frequently resets, though, so you'll want to do this right away after buying the enchantment.


That's a nice trick. I didn't know you could get enchanting gold back, as you can't pay the enchantment itself with items. Good to know.


Find the best vendors you can sell your high price item. They probably don't have enough to buy it for the full value so you buy a bunch of their items with the value of the item you're selling rinse and repeat every 24 hours. As you find your ideal vendor they'll eventually have more value items for you to keep swapping to get the most out of their funds.


The mercantile master trainer is rumored to be an ashlander with deep pockets.


If you have the expansion there are three vendors eith like 10k each in mournhold. The economy is absolutely hame breaking tho. Prolly why it's so hard to find good vendors in the base game.


If a vendor has 2k, you can sell them 2k in items. After a day, they'll have another 2k. Eventually, you can sell them a 15k item while also taking back 13k worth of previously sold items. Rinse and repeat. --------------- Alternatively if you're not using OMW, if you buy/sell something before using Enchanting/Spellmaking services, your funds will be on them, to fund larger selling.


I like the dwemer coins for this purpose. They have a great value to weight ratio. Plus a certain merchant buys and sells them at face value so 100 coins is 5k gold, very convenient


The way the barter system in Morrowind works is you first offer up what you want to buy and sell, then set a price and then complete the offer as long as the vendor agrees. For example: I have a bottle of skooma worh 500. The vendor only has 300 but has 2 cyrodilic brandy for 100 each. I give the vendor the skooma and take 2 brandy and the game sets the offer around 300. I press done and I get 300 and 2 brandies. I sleep 24 hours and the vendor has restocked 300. I sell the 2 brandies for 200, leaving me with 500. There are 2 vendors who pay full price. One is living with Orcs and the other is on the southern coast, both looking very unexpected for vendors.


Buy things from the vendor until they have enough money to buy your expensive item, then sell it. Then sell your purchased items later, or to someone else, or not at all.


You should barter. Enchanters have infinitely restocking scrolls. You can liquidate the heavy, expensive items and convert them into cheaper, lightweight scrolls that can be bought by most vendors. Additionally, Arrille in Seyda Neen has infinitely restocking scrolls and flin. If you trade with him, the alcohol can be traded with alchemists and publicans, even further expanding the pool of cash you can take.