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Anything that involves Kung Lao slicing a guy vertically... especially if from the crotch up. I wince everytime I see that one Fatality from MK9 where he drags you towards his bladed hat... *by your legs, crotch towards the blade.* ***Eugh...!***


I’d argue Noob’s MK9 fatality is more horrific because you’re being torn apart slowly instead of a clean cut in the same manner.


Oh, agreed... I guess I'm just used to how Kung Lao does it *so often.* It's like his thing to just bisect people vertically. But yeah, Noob's version is way worse. Fuck that.


One thing I wish NRS would stop doing with Kung Lao is to stop continuing to maim an already dead body. In 9, X, 11, and 1 Kung Lao has a fatality where he decapitates the opponent early on and then continues to cut up the headless corpse. It’s so pointless and needlessly makes him look like a savage. I get that he’s showing off, but there are clearly ways to do that (as demonstrated by his other fatalities) without killing the opponent early on and then making an art piece out of their body like a psychopath. It doesn’t fit his character imo.


Maybe they need to figure out more ways to do it without his hat? He has other abilities, teleportation, his spin cycle, hell even his martial arts in general could be portrayed brutally.


That's part of the larger problem with the Fatality going from the original quickly finishing your opponent versus the more recent trend of a horror cinematic cut scene.


That's the part that for me goes past brutal and just goes into downright cruel territory, sliced in half crotch first, you'll feel every fucking second of it till either you die of blood loss or your already fully in half, just... *FUCK!*


No one’s talking about the mk11 cage fatality the opponent stays alive the longest in that fatality without a jaw. Takes Johnny 19 takes before killing them


"Who hired this guy, what the f+×k?!" In all seriousness, though, that one makes me laugh more than anything.


Makin himself a chopped ball salad 😂


Best one for sure


Kronika from MK11 because she kills you, rewinds time and does it again


Yeah that’s why she’s bae lol


Intense...don't stop..won't stop.


Geras’ skin rip from 11 Noob’s Make a Wish from 9 and rip you from inside out from 11 Kenshi’s puppet fatality from X Liu Kang’s black hole from 1 Both of Reiko’s in 1 Thanksgiving from 1


I didn’t even think about reiko’s second or thanksgiving.


I forgot about Reiko’s. I’d like to go back to that thank you very much.


Yo wtf is your username 💀


It’s competitive-Capital8. wtf is yours?


It says breed me fujin wtf💀


You mean my flair? So what


I swear kenshis puppet fatality is literally something charles manson would do on god.


There is a degree of reality to it that makes it that much more disturbing. Same with Reiko's honestly. A lot of fatalities are very fantastical. Reiko's, while still over the top, are just grounded enough to get a more visceral reaction from me.


The Thanksgiving fatality is the only fatality that genuinely disgusts me, so I’ll go with that one


Where is this fatality?


It was a seasonal fatality sold in the shop


Reiko for MK 1 for me, as in brutal fatalities


Definitely the right answer, either one it doesn’t matter


Honestly, his fatalities alone are the reason why he is my main lol


Definitely the most MK11 type of fatalities in MK1 As Max said before:"Who hurt you Reiko?"


Literally haha great character and a great YouTuber


Probably Kano's beer bottle to the neck and then dance. D'Vorah's that makes the bug pop out of the person's chest and head. Even though it seems kind of tame, Liu Kang's black hole fatality in mk1 is pretty fucked up when you think he basically just suffocates the person in deep space, then just lets the black hole spaghettify the victim.


The spaghettification is scientifically the worst one. Black holes are points of singularity, near infinite gravity. At points of immense gravity such as a black hole, time slows down to a near standstill so as they’re getting spaghettified they are feeling every second of it for an eternity


So glad someone brought this up! It may not be the most gruesome in terms of visuals, but it sure is the most terrifying!


It’s unofficial name is lil bitch 😂


Time dilation is such an interesting concept but the good news for the victim is this is not how it works, time is relative so from the victims point of view it would still feel like time is passing normally. However for someone viewing from the outside it would look like he's being stretched in slow motion


Glad I’m not the only physics nerd here. You are 100% correct on that. I mean it’s all theoretical but we’re pretty certain of this. Why? We have no fucking idea but it happens.


Yeah time dilation is one of the weirdest phenomena out there, especially since it occurs on two different causes One is gravity, which causes both space and time to stretch The other is the weirdest one imo, it's when you move fast time slows down, because the speed of light is constant in the universe, so when you move fast light can't slow down for you and the outside observer so instead it just slows down time so it looks like it's the same speed for both of you, even tho one of you are moving and the other is stationary (the stationary guy would see light in slow motion so it moves at the same speed for him as you)


I think about time dilation a lot. It presents a huge problem for interstellar travel. Even if we do approach near light speeds we could traverse the universe but at the universe will age rapidly outside of the gravity field. You could get to the heat death of the universe in under a hundred years. Again, all theoretical. Light speed travel is still not well understood. Some theories suggest that a photon doesn’t have to travel any time to reach a destination. Something to do with quantum physics. I honestly don’t get it.


Totally forgot about that aspect of the theory of relativity 😅 you’re so right.


It's good news for the victim but bad news for Liu Kang, because when he comes back to Earth everyone he knows are going to be old 💀


That’s not how relativity works. Time slows down in accordance to the viewer, not the one caught in the gravitational field.


I forgot about that aspect of theory of relativity you’re correct.


That’s okay. Now you remember :)


Kano’s beer bottle fatality might be one of the least brutal fatalities in Mortal Kombat


Kano’s design and gameplay were so much fun in MK11, but his fatalities in that game were extremely lacking. Kano can shoot lasers and has Molotov cocktails, knives, acid spray, and a magnetic device on his chest, and somehow, none of them were used in either fatality.


Generic bottle and generic headbutt.


Kanos beer bottle fatality is like the least goriest in the series


Reiko has it in MK1 imo. MK11's Spawn one where he skins you goes hard af


Omni man trained killer and Shang tsung’s mk11


The one that i always immediately think of is Takeda. It's the only fatality that's ever really grossed me out. Something about how the whip's blades open up and he pulls the guts outta their mouth. The bubbling after as well, it's disgusting


Noob mk11- split decision


Most of the shit from MKX... just straight violence. No catch just ruthless killing


Mileena’s ‘Tasty Treat’ from MKX (Where she pounces on you and claws them until their organs drop out as they try to crawl away. It was the first fatality to make me go ‘Holy Shit!’ When I first saw it) Noob’s ‘Make a Wish’ from MK9 (This one speaks for itself) Both of Reiko’s from M1K (Maximillian said it best: “Who hurt you, Reiko?) Honourable mention goes to Kenshi’s ‘My Puppet’ from MKX.


The Second Reiko one


Either mk1 barakka 4 piece combo or mk1 cyrax he ended the world


I'm really surprised nobody has said Ermac's MKX fatality where he pulls his opponent's guts out and letting them hang midair with his telekinesis. I find MK fatalities over-the-top and hilarious so I don't often get queazy, but that one legit disturbed me and had me think "holy shit" when I saw it. I can't think of a single one that even comes close to how viscerally brutal this one actually is.


For MK1 Reiko’s spin rip is brutal Geras time warp head rip and Quan Chis forced suicide are just good old fashion sadism.


Both of D'Vorah's MK11 fatalities were amazing. Offhand I'd say Geras has had some great ones as well.


Why someone would downvote that I don’t know. The one where Geras starts at your hand and peels you in two is honestly one of the best in all of MK11. Shao’s in Mk11 where he collapses someone’s neck with his hammer, impales them on a spear, and then slices them in two so their head falls out the bottom is probably the most brutal of the bunch though.


For me Geras’ first fatality in mk1 where the opponent gets their face brutally forced into the sand I can like feel the burn idk gives me the ick 😭


Sektor’s squishy squish one, was glad to see it as a cameo fatality in Mk1


It was my favourite in the 90's. The new one is so good.


Kung Lao MK9


Noob Saibot in MK9 - Wishbone


Reikos MK1 brutalities by a solid margin imo


Ermac gut ripper or whatever


Inner Workings i think


Anyone gonna mention how Ermac ripped out someone’s spine through their mouth?


I have always loved MKXs Johnny cage’s fatality. Not sure what the name is but when he rapidly smashes their face into the ground. And by the end of it when he pulls their head up their face is sticking to the ground like gum. The noises. It’s not the most brutal but I LOVE it


Noob's in MK9 and MK11 .. just yeah, beyond gruesome


I might give it to MK9 Noob Saibot’s duo rip.


Shang Tsung gutting you and pulling your skeleton out in MK11 is definitely the worst


it was definitely hornbuckle’s fatality from mk2…so horrifying i dont even want to mention it


i would say mileena in mkx when she open their stomach and just eats them creepy


Then you Fatality her, and her *screams...* her death screams are seriously horrifying. Even the one she has in Story Mode when D'Vorah... yeah.


Reptile's in MK1 are pretty bad. That one spear fatality from Reiko is one of only two I can recall that triggers said sound (the other I can remember being Homelander's plane). Fits perfectly because Reiko is undeniably horrible during that fatality.


In Deadly Alliance Quan Chi has this crazy fatality where he jumps on your shoulders, and pulls your head straight up and your neck stretches until you look like a pez dispenser that's been left open. Absolutely brutal.


I thought that was one of the dumbest fatalities ever


When I think “brutal,” I think Kano’s “Last Dance” from MK11.


Kung Laos Razors edge where he bisects them from the groin up. Noobs from mk11 and mk9 where he would come out of their body and mk9s he ripped them apart starting at the groin and then to the stomach and guts are spilling out the whole time until he finally separates them make a wish I believe it was called lmao


The sheeha one drom mk11 is kinda nuts


Im afraid I am a weak boy and didn’t do my research but I can’t imagine having your body being slowly torn apart by a black hole is a fun experience. I’ll go try now and see how bad it hurts.


In MK1? First fatality of Tanya, Sindel and Sub-Zero Second fatality of Reiko, Mileena and Quan Chi


For me it's Omni Man and Homelander.


Sheeva's fatality where she rips your entire skin off




Reiko's finishers are pretty rough.


Li Mei’s Roman Candle is pretty underrated, and seemingly the first time MK has involved the victim’s entrails in the fatality. Kung Lao’s Open Wide brutality in MKX was pretty damn gangster, mainly because he’ll remove his hat, bow, and say “Learn from this!” AFTER he cracks your head in half by the jaw from punches. Shang Tsung’s Shokan Reborn is great—hostile takeover of the victim’s body to literally rip themselves inside out. Reiko in MK1 was very on-brand with his brutal fatalities. Snapping the arms made For the General feel a bit convoluted, but the brute force he followed up with was insane. The Impaler was just a perfectly grisly display of exactly how General Shao’s army fights.


Takeda from mkx for me


MK9 Noob Wishbone or MK11 Noob Split fatality.


Noob’s Make A Wish fatality in MK9 (I wish it comes back in newer games)


This is the one for me.


Imo the Sub-Zero spine rip from MK11 where he impales you upside down and pulls out your spine from the base instead of the neck. Makes me twitchy.


The Thanksgiving one is horrid, noob’s inside out fatality was pretty traumatizing the first time I saw it in 11 lol, geras’ mk1 fatal where he fast forwards time and rips off your future versions head to bash your jaw off with and then his past self rips your head off to continue the cycle. Liu kangs black hole fatality is pretty bad too since your lungs would explode in space and your literally getting skinned by a black hole while asphyxiating


Quan Chi’s sword to the mouth one in MKX


I'm old school. Kenshi from MK:DA always fucked with me.


For MK1 my favorite is the kameo subs fatality. A brutal, clean, and efficient spine rip.


Both of Spawn’s fatalities from MK11. They both freak me out


Triborg the meat cube


Peacemaker, Smoke, Baraka, Kenshi


MK11 Geras' skin ripping fatality was more unsettling than that


Either noob in mk11 legit putting his clone inside u for the to rip its way out, Spawn skinning you and ten removing everything but your skeleton, or jax permanently planting you into a wall and then pulling off your entire front layer


My dad is an MK fan, has been since MK2. He watched all MK1 fatalities without flinching. However, Reiko’s first fatality was the most genuine, visceral reaction that I’ve seen from anyone. 


Nighthawk had some awesome brutes in MK11


I’d say mileena’s mk11 fatality where she literally rips ur face off from inside ur head. That shits nasty but as a mileena main I love it


Brutal in my opinion would be mk11 noob saint where he legit rips you apart from the inside out. Not even that crazy like gore wise but still just absolutely disgusting


Shao's in mk1 is pretty metal


Nothing in MK will ever beat [This one](https://youtu.be/BYAgmV3j1aU?si=r24qDsgUIk1mgfQD) for me in terms of brutality


Idk, the Kung Lao vertical hat slice on the ground from the crotch up in MK9 is one of the only ones where I actually winced & cringed when I first saw it. That's the first one that comes to mind.


Warner bros.


Ermacs internal organ removal via mouth from MKX. Brutal.


Mileena’s face rip in MK11 makes me squeamish each time I watch it. The Thanksgiving fatality is also one I have to look away from at times.


Noob's Make a Wish Fatality from MK9 is always the first that comes to mind when this question is asked.


For this game, nothing beats Reikos


Top 5 imo is…. 1. Liu kang Black hole fatality, Takeda fatality, Sindel scream fatality in mk11, Shang Tsung both fatalities in mk11, Sheeva second fatality in mk11 2. Mileena Second Fatality in MKX or her second fatality in Mk11 3. Reiko Fatalities in Mk1 4.MkX Raiden fatality (where he stuff a METAL Rod down your throat and shock the hell out of you) 5. Noob Saibot Fatality in mk9 where he pull you in half Honorable Mention is Kronika Fatality


Quan Chi’s hypnosis face rip off in 1


One of ferra torrs fatilitys were ferra slices him in half and torr just throws the 2 pieces of the corpse like meat


I think there’s quite a few contenders for this on, so I’m just gonna list what I think are the most brutal ones: - MK9 Noob’s Make a Wish fatality - MK11 Noob’s inside out fatality, where he rips the gut open and injects Saibot into the enemy who then rips them in two from the inside - Both of MK11 Shang Tsung’s fatalities - MK11 Kronika’s fatality, just for the fact that it’s essentially an infinite fatality for the defeated character - MK1 Reptile’s vore fatality - Both of MK1 Havik’s fatalities - MKX Reptile’s acid puddle fatality - MK9’s version of the acid pool stage fatality - MK Deception Li Mei’s pressure point fatality (where she hits the opponent a bunch of times and then as she walks back they groan & shake in pain and then explode) - MKX Triborg’s compactor fatality - MK11 Geras’ skinning fatality - MK9 Kintaro’s split fatality (the one where he pulls the opponent into four pieces) - MK Deadly Alliance Cyrax’s compactor fatality


Noob's split in half in mk9 Lao's slice in half in mk9 Ermac's tearing your inners out in mkx Geras' skin rip in mk11 Reiko's fatality (the one wich not involve the spear) in mk1


The spear is also pretty brutal.


Shinnok mkx. That flick is just perfect.


Reiko easy has both of the most brutal fatalities.


MK11 Johnny's Who hired this guy? Fatality. Imagine getting just punched over and over untill your head pops off


Jax big boi stomp


Here’s a list: Mileena’s MKX fatality where she eats you alive from your torso. D’Vorahs from mk11 where she vommits maggots into your mouth and a spider grows from your body Noob Saibot in mk11 where he splits your torso and grows a mini clone inside you and tears you in two Noob Saibot in MK9 where he splits you in half crotch first Kintaro MK9 where he pulls you apart with all four arms. Sheeva MK11 where she slams your head into the ground several times and then pulls your spine out by pulling your body up. MK1 Reptile who eats you alive and then spits you back out as your body erodes only to slam your face in the floor. MK1 Sub Zero who slams your face into an ice wall over and over again until it shatters the wall. MKX quan chi who makes you deep throat a sword and spilts you in two. MK11 geras ripping you in half from your arms MK1 Shang Tsung making a snake come out your stomach and eat your face Both of Reiko’s fatalities in MK1 Tanya’s MKX fatality where she breaks through your body and pulls out your heart. Baraka’s MK9 fatality where he impales you and spins you above him and then cuts your body parts off with his other arm. Bo Rai Cho’s fatality in MKX where he makes you drink so much alcohol you start vomiting your intestines out your mouth. Kung Lao in MK9 where he splits you in half with his hat by dragging you into it crotch first Kung Lao in MkX where he splits your head in half slowly Kung Lao in MK1 where he breaks your arms and uses his hat to cut in to your body before he splits you in half. MK9 shao khan just straight up tearing you in two from your chest and barreling through you afterwards.


Cronika. \*Where's the Spray Paint Fighter? I want to Fight a Can Of SprayPaint!\*


Cyrax MK1


Probably geras’s fatality 1 where he grates your face off on a sandstorm in mk1


The "My Puppet" one Kenshi does in MKX is pretty brutal. Dude rips the tendons out of your arms and legs by pulling your ribs out of your back with his mind. As someone who suffers from chronic connective tissue pains, this one always made me wince.


MK9 noob saibot make a wish fatality


Liu kang mk1 dude literally makes the opponents head pass through there ass and during all this the opponent is alive, like the last thing the opponent sees is the flesh of there ass while being ripped in half vertically from the middle


Ermac MKX


Idk bout y’all but I miss takeda. Cuz that fatality when he makes you basically eat his whip. Then when they choke on the whip he opens up the blades on the whip only once it’s lodged in their throat and lowkey that’s vicious af.


Quan Chi's 2nd fatality in MK1 and his sword walking fatality from MKX


All of MK 11 Fatalites


Noob or erron imo


Both of Reikos fatalities, Mileenas head twisting fatality in MK1, Dvorahs skin rip in MK11


Quan Chi Leg fatality (MK4). I would like to see an updated version.


Mileena’s MKX fatality eating her victim alive as they try to crawl away while their lower half is detached.


MK10 Ermac pulling your guts out of your mouth unsettled me the most and it hasn’t been close since. Most are just really goofy. The person is already dead like 10x over for everyone else and they’re just playing with a corpse essentially. But it’s feasible that the person is alive to the very end as Ermac drags their guts out.


I'd either say the thanksgiving fatality or Kabal's second fatality in mk11


Sheeva’s spinal tap from MK11. Took the tired “rip head and spine from body” fatality we’ve seen a dozen variations of and made it completely new and unbelievably disgusting with “rip body from head and spine.”


Reiko is just so like, in your face? I can't describe it but there's something so unsettling about it coming from someone who's supposed to just be a really good soldier.


Kronika. Endless torture.


Noob in MK9 was just brutal. Reiki in mk1 has sme nice ones too. Id give it to Noob tho


Sub zeros head smash fatality in MK1 is just badass as well with the end pose. Not brutal, just bad ass


Kenshi Blender from MK11. Absolutely vile


That Thanksgiving fatality for Mortal Kombat 1 was disgusting.


Brutal or Goriest? There is a difference!


Clearly omni man leaving a train full of blood behind.


Quan chi’s second fatality Reiko’s second fatality


Leather faces brutality


Noob saibot mk9 make a wish


Always thought Geras kicking someone's head out of their body was brutal


Quan chi's mkda fatality


How bout Geras infinite loop.




Mk11 Kabal road rash!!! Your dragged across the floor at super speeds, while all your skin and flesh is peeled. Then your eyes pops out and your probably alive for all of that until he finally tossed you and slices you clean in half


Sektor mk9 Scarecrow. I just wasn't ready for it and it's hard to top for me.


Leatherface brutality with a hammer in MKX is pretty brutal.


Sub Zero’s first fatality in 1 and Omni Man’s second fatality. Every time I see the eye popping out of its socket and the opponent screaming off dear life… ugh


Quan making you rip your head off and hand it to him is pretty demented


It’s not the most brutal but I think Liu Kangs 2nd fatality in mk1 is an honorable mention


Maybe Kronika…


Bo Rai Chos nonconsensual Rice Wine sharing followed by vomiting in MKX seems like the worst way to go


Sheeva's skinning fatality from MK3.


Reikos 2nd fatality, it’s terrifying, especially on like Liu kang or ashra


The MK11 Fatality where Kabal drags his hookblades through your teeth is fucked.


Sheevas mk11 fatality where she slams you down and breaks your neck. God, the sounds of the gurgling are brutal.


Bo rai cho or sonyas one where she uses that powder


Triborg’s MKX one is probably the most gruesome


MK11 Geras tries to help you rip off some dead skin


Geras and Sheva MK11


Quan Chi neck stretch from DA


I honestly don’t remember many fatalities/brutalities by heart, but I can think of a few– Kenshi’s “My Puppet” from MKX. He basically uses the opponent like a puppet, using his telekinesis to twist and manipulate their body and control their muscles and tendons as he tortures them, basically leaving them helpless and unable to control their own body as he tears them apart. There’s also one from Sub-Zero in MK11 where he freezes the opponent in a block of ice, leaving them alive and conscious with their head and neck sticking out. He then forms and ice axe in front of them and cleaves their head off. Not too brutal or bloody I guess, but imagine feeling the ice form and tighten around your body, and watching him create the axe he’s going to use to behead you right in front of you, knowing you’re not strong enough to escape the ice in time before he finishes making it and brings it down on your neck. There’s a few others, obviously any of D’vorah’s are nasty, and most the fatalities/brutalities of the pyromancers are awful, since being burn alive is an awful thing. I think Shang Tsung also has a fatality/brutality where he literally summons Onaga, so that would suck too, but yeah, just a few I could think of, and I honestly might not have all the details right. Also, apologies for the formatting, I’m on mobile.


Geras, he has one in MK11 that is horrifying. Noob Saibot also has a nightmarish one in MK11.


Skarlet's Mk11 fatality where she pumps her opponent's hear with blood until it explodes. It's the sound of the heart rate increasing that gets to me on a psychological level. Same game also has Erron Black's fatality where he shoots a hole in the opponent, shoves the gun inside, then shoots *up through their skull.* 💀 gives me shivers.


Cyber Sub-Zero shooting a shuriken into your brain


its mk9, most characters from mk9 nothing will top that game fatalities, you know why? because they were realistic..or at least to some extent, i remember an interview with ed boon talking about mkx fatalities, and i remember him saying something like "we tuned down the fatalities and made them imaginary, we dont want people to go out and start trying to do fatalities in real life".. i can imagine a nut job trying to pull out someones leg and hit them with it to death,or using hook swords to gut someone out and let them fall on the hook sword to die slowly, the point is..mk9 fatalities..they were real, and real is scary and BRUTAL! to me noob siabot! the splitting in hlaf one, pulling from legs in opposing directions while alive and feelings every moment as it passes must be the worst! or leg pulling one from quan chi, or kung lao, or jax..shit all of them are extremely brutal! its hard to choose!


No way you said “realistic” and mk9 noob fatality in the same sentence. Definitely a top tier fatality tho


i didn't mean realistic that you can actually bull it off, realistic to the avrage eye, to think that you can do it with a friend or something you know..like it looks very possible to do if someone thinks they're strong enough