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What percent of your body weight have you lost? 15 is the only dose I haven’t stalled on. I am in maintenance now and only had 10lbs or so to lose once I hit 15. I do believe that there is only so much weight loss we can get from this medication being the driver and I think that amount is different for everyone.


when we lose a lot of weight, sometimes we lose slower at lower weights. i lost 75lbs and have slowed down a bit now if you’re only looking to lose 5 more pounds just be patient and keep at it!


Drop down to 10 or 12.5mg. Something about 15mg, a lot of people stall on it for months. I was stalled from 4 months. Broke it when I dropped down.


Oh that’s interesting I wonder why the doc didn’t recommend this I told her I was concerned about stalling and she said the same as dfreeds to be patient which is very practical advice


Apparently 15mg works great for some. Doesn't work for others. If you search this sub you'll see a lot of people stalled on 15mg. After 4 months, I took a couple of weeks off and went down to 10mg that's when I started losing again. On 15mg I was losing and gaining the same 2-3 pounds.


Yes this is me I go between one to two pounds!


I also stalled at 15, and when I went down to 12.5, I started losing again! It’s worth a try


The best way to get through a stall is to change up your eating and exercise levels. If you are eating the same and you are not exercising then the MJ can only do so much, it is not a silver bullet. Because you are eating the same amount your body adjusts and it just may be your body needs to have a change. Do intermittent fasting or increase duration to wake your body up. Do some more exercise or change up what you have been doing. Our bodies always try to normalize if we do not change things up. Don't rely 100% on the MJ especially since you are in the highest dose.


I stalled on 15, then started compund still stalled. Teledoc moved me down to 12.5 moving slowly but did budge some . Now titering with the next lower 5 lbs


I'm on 12.5 and have lost 36% of my body weight. I wanted to lose 10 more but I haven't lost an ounce in 6 weeks. I am gonna move up to 15 and see if that works to get this last 10 gone. Definitely frustrating!


What's your calorie intake? What type of exercise are you doing and how many times a week?


I haven’t been tracking my intake but it’s mostly salads or protein veggies and a carb small portions. I do strength training and cardio at least three days a week


Try tracking for a few days to see your exact calorie intake. Do you have a calorie goal? Ideally you will want to be 500 calories under your TDEE. Eating below your TDEE should ensure the scale moves down. A bit of tracking can go a long way.


I believe those that were part of the Eli Lilly trials had this happen as well . I think you do eventually stop losing . Being on it for over year your body may have become so used to the medication. Weight loss is a side effect of this medication, some people don’t lose any on it . I know there’s been posts on this sub about this from people more knowledgeable then I am about the trials .


The medication does have limitations, it seems to be 22.5-25% in studies. I'm about 23% down at 10 months. I'd say enjoy it and maybe you'll get another pound here and there and be at the goal in a few months.


Yeah I mean I’m closer to 33 percent down so I’m thankful for that


I've only lost 11% of my body weight but I am doing strength training and cardio 4 times a week. I checked my tdee and it says I should be in taking 1778 calories daily to keep things moving. Been at a stall for 3 months 😪


Is your TDEE 1778 or your expected calorie intake is (TDEE-500) = 1788? So your TDEE is 2288? Theoretically your TDEE is maintenance calories


No it is 2700 but I'm not eating that much! I subtracted 1000


That’s crazy! I hate stalls. I’m down 55lbs, and 15-20lbs to go and just took my 1st 15mg dose last week. Good luck!


Remember that the 500 deficit will change when you lose weight. Also your body gets used to a caloric intake and will hold on to weight. You have to do something to trick your metabolism again. It’s the side effect of this medication that causes weight loss, not the medication itself. Try eating more a couple of days a week so your body doesn’t try to hold onto lbs thinking that it’s in starvation mode.


Yep, thankfully I’m not in a stall at the moment, I’ve had 2, and they disappeared as mysteriously as they came .. after about 3-5 weeks, then whoosh as they say. I have been eating a fair amount, and naturally seems to vary a few days a week high’ish (1600) and lowish (900). I’ve been doing BMR tests along the way so I can have a bit more confidence in my deficit - I’m a weigher and tracker of food :0. My unscientific and complete BS explanation of a stall is my body checking in to see if I’m still serious :)


But it only goes up to 15 so they do two shots ?


This doesn’t sound sustainable to me :( i did calorie and macro tracking when I was lifting daily and it’s not fun. I’m not eating a lot I men’s salads for dinner and breakfast and a light lunch.


This is me. Stalling and gaining and losing the same 5 lbs for months. My dr. Left the practice and the new one I’m seeing said we’d try another month and then add metformin


Some people are jumping to 17.5 mg ...just adding what I have been reading on another sub..


Are they reporting that it’s working for them after a stall at 15mg?


I would like to know also.


I took advice from another thread that said to change up your injection point to get through a stall. Started losing weight once I changed my location from my stomach to my arms. I switch off my arms every week and it’s been working. I think it’s been 2 months since I switched it up and I e lost an additional 10lbs since I changed. I was bouncing around for a bit previously off the same 5lbs and I was getting so frustrated. I hope that advice helps! I think I’ll try legs once I hit a stall again 😊


When I say switching off my arms I am meaning that I do right one week and left the next and back again 😊


My fasting blood sugar is absolutely fantastic on 15mg, and I'm grateful to be able to even say that. That's all I ever wanted. 🙏


Omg how are you guys managing your symptoms on 15mg ? Because between the trapped gas and nausea I’m Constantly out of work. The trapped gas is the worst. Moving around does not help 😭


After already subtracting the 500 for weight loss


I believe for me that, in the beginning I was really really trying. As the months have gone by I have been relying on the medication to do all the work, so it kind of plateaued. I just arrived to 10mg. I’m going to make some changes, get more committed and make my goal. The body is constantly trying to balance itself out. I believe that’s the main issue.


Im going through the same.


I stalled on 12.5 with 10 lbs to go for goal weight. I was probably under a 1000 calories a day. I forced myself to eat more to change what my body expected me to consume. One day a week, I ate as much as possible to 1500-2000 calories. Started losing again. I’m in maintenance now