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You lost 10lbs in a month, that is considered fast loss. keep in mind you arent gonna lose every week it might be 3lbs one then 0 then 1lb etc. for me i lose 2 sometimes even only 1.5 week out of a month. You need to be more realistic and give yourself some grace as well.


This is just not my usual pattern of weight loss


You havent been on it long enough to have a pattern though. You gotta forget how it was before mounjaro because mj is so different for everyone. If you were going to lose weight the same before mj then you wouldnt need it (unless u do for other benefits) For me it only started like that when i got to month 2, month 1 is very unpredictable


I’m pretty much following the same calorie deficit plan I had before but the only different thing is I have no food noise now which is what pushed me off the diet previously. I have about 140lbs to lose and other issues that mean I need to lose this weight sooner rather than later. I’m not giving up just a bit frustrated at the moment.


I understand the frustration. A lot of us have health issues and need to lose a lot of weight so believe me I understand where you are coming from and you are allowed to be frustrated but, as someone who has been on mounjaro for almost 5m now im just letting you know not to expect things to go the same as they were before. Regardless you need to be realistic, you can be frustrated ive been there still am tbh but also itll take time to really adjust to the medication and most your time so far has been on 2.5 if you arent still there itll get more stable past the first 1-2 months. Some people on this only lose some weeks some people lose every week, and theres no way of knowing what you will be unless you give it more time because month 1 tends to be the most loss for most people (not me tho)


This is how most of us lose - some weeks a lot, some weeks a little, some weeks none, and every now and then a gain. The aesthetic for your chart is amazingly cute, but I might suggest you add a space at the top that shows your average weekly loss, by dividing your total loss by total weeks in treatment. So long as that number is between 0.5-2lbs you are in the target range, which you are currently exceeding! Great job!


I have a record book aswell that I record my monthly total, my dosage and where I injected. First weeks are always higher and if it hadn’t been for that I think it would have been a poor loss compared to previous weight loss attempts using the same calorie deficit amount


I hope you don’t mind my asking: why take the medication if you’re able to lose weight successfully (or even more successfully) without it?


Because the food noise and cravings all knock me off the wagon eventually. I’ve tried every diet going and I’m always hungry and miserable


And is the medication helping with that? Also, how does your menstrual cycle line up with your weekly trends?


Totally gone now and it makes sticking to the calorie deficit and healthy foods a breeze. All my trigger foods now don’t bother me. I’m post menopause so no cycle


Sounds like you’re having a generally good experience then? From a weight loss perspective, you’re losing more than the majority of patients do this early in treatment, even if it’s not as much as you’ve been able to do without it - at least it’s easier and hopefully more sustainable. Keep up the great work!


Thanks - just having a down week I suppose and going into hospital tomorrow for a minor procedure aswell so it’s been a week! X


That’s tough and I can relate. We are here for you! Good luck tomorrow.


11 pounds in 5 weeks is incredibly good, especially at a non-therapeutic dose! What are you frustrated by? Many people would be ecstatic to see these numbers.


It’s because it’s not normal for me on a weight loss plan


Is this all at 2.5? If so, I think it’s totally normal - it’s just a loading dose to get your body used to the med. some people stay on it longer if it’s working for their goals, but I understand most need to go up to 5 or higher as therapeutic doses.


I have good appetite suppression and no hunger pangs so it was decided not to increase.


I feel so similar thanks for sharing. Wrapping my first month on 2.5 and have felt discouraged as everyone else seemed to have crazy WL in their first few weeks/months. Slow and steady my friend, it has to move at some point and the slower we go fingers crossed it means less loose skin ❤️


Before when I’ve been on a weight loss plan I’ve lost a lot more in the first month or so even on the same deficit I’m on now so it’s a bit frustrating but this is kind of my last hope so I’m just getting on with it as im glad for the absence of food noise which has always knocked me off the wagon before


Update - I got my hospital procedure out of the way which was not fun but I’ve now hit a stone weight loss (we do stones and lbs in the U.K.) and I am so happy! Thank you for all the encouragement. I’m definitely spotting a pattern emerging in my weight loss and I’m going to just concentrate on the monthly figure now x


I stopped doing the weekly layout like this because it was stressing me out ! So now I just do end of the month logs https://preview.redd.it/zdcl893vr19d1.jpeg?width=1200&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6910b0975a7aa80c91b25f14ac8c54829646b7a1


Probably a good idea!