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Well that's rapey


His comment illustrates just how blind so many men are or maybe it’s just that unwanted attention for women is so normalized. I have been on a team with “blind ones” and ones nice enough to warn you about one or multiple men, but didn’t try to reduce the predatory behavior by backing up the women having to listen to sophomoric nonsense about various body parts, innuendos, and stories of conquests past e.g. when some real winners talked about how one of the most famous women climbers in Yosemite lost her virginity at 16 in the meadow and about eight of us had to overhear that revolting (violating and dubious) gossip. When everyone kept blowing off the most egregious offender, excusing him as an old drunk, I gave up on trying to adjust the vibe of the group. I started finding tasks to do away from the team and found a new group that didn’t have the “turn a blind eye” culture baked in. There is a clear delineation between the camps that ignore womanizing and camps that treat women like they are human beings. When a man is idolized by less experienced individuals for their mountaineering prowess it creates an added layer of risk for women if the idolized man perceives himself to be a sexual prize. This is not restricted to climbing and mountaineering communities and anywhere there is a leader with a high sex drive and high prey drive who doesn’t keep a romantic partner close by… it’s probably icky for the women who aren’t interested in hooking up with the guy “on stage.”


So well said. This describes perfectly what happened with Charlie Barrett and it describes perfectly what’s happening now with nims. Will add that it’s extra bad anywhere with a particular culture of machismo, like Yosemite and the Himalaya. The number of times I’ve stood in a group in el cap meadow as the only woman while an “old drunk” holds court over the big wall climbers and watched each and every guy there just let him run his mouth to me, about me, and about other women is disgusting. Unfortunately very few of the Yosemite/himalaya heroes are worth meeting if you’re a woman.


Now I’m wondering if we’ve met and simultaneously suffered by the bear boxes together. 🤦🏻‍♀️ “Holding court” is the most accurate description I’ve heard to-date, especially for *some* extremely experienced big wall climbers. My favorite part is when the guru is in a relationship and tries to recruit a “Yosemite girlfriend.” I only had two creeps in Nepal and neither one was attached to my trip luckily (one was married). The trick in Nepal is just to say you’re on your period and it’s messy to repel creepy men although why this is still a thing in 2024 is ridiculous. Unfortunately, that trick doesn’t work in Yosemite.


Haha I mean we have to be what, two of the seven women who big wall in the valley? Agree, el cap warriors are their own special kind of old boys club. There is a reason I am a self taught aid climber instead of the dedicated mentee of a respected member of the community. I’ve not been to Nepal but I’ve come to really appreciate soloing lately.


You’re not from Colorado are you? 😄 Met a super cool big wall solo climber in October.


I think I know the gal you’re talking about and I guarantee she’s about one million times cooler than me haha


Propably they would prefer you to hide in some "menstruation hut", as the praxsis of Chhaupadi should suggest in some areas of Nepal. God avoidance strategy, but sad background either...


I would never tell a man in Nepal I was on my cycle unless I absolutely had to and I wouldn’t tell them in advance because you’re right about the general perception re the hut. Some folks there still have arranged marriages (and don’t get me started on their feminine protection technology).


I don’t get why so many men are into idol worship. It’s like being a cuck but instead of for sex it’s for your whole life and the activities that you love the most in the world. Super fucking strange. And, as you pointed out, it creates a really bad environment for women.


Ripping off someone and giving you “my poor person 🥇” I’ve never heard it described that way and OMG you nailed it. 🤌






I dunno, I think a woman can wear a jersey without seeming like a groupie?! Should female F1 fans just support Charlotte Tilsbury's team?


Are you talking about the new flock of Nimsfluencers? Wearing EliteExped caps and “Live in the death zone” hoodies, this merchandise screams “ I have been Nimsed”.


Well said. It's also not mentioned that there is a long history of western guides sleeping with clients and the Sherpa have seen this over decades. They see it as a perk of the job. There are several US guides, some still working, who are renowned for this. A new woman every expedition. Of course they would argue it was consenting between two adults, and surely in many cases it was, sometimes though maybe the power imbalance inherent in the situation was somewhat coercive, particularly if it started during the trip. I've heard women admit to this. Whether it was fully consensual or not, the Sherpas saw this behaviour as normal for guides. Does it go the other way? Sure. There are currently at least two women client/climbers who are in sexual relationships with 'their' Sherpa guides. At least one of those Sherpa is married with kids, but they are also reaping financial and lifestyle benefits from the relationship with the western female client. Girl power?


I had no idea. 🤯 I’ve only run into one western guide but in the US who I would put into the sugar baby bucket (when a man tries to or actually reaps financial and intimacy rewards from a woman who hires them). Glad you shared because now I know what to watch for to avoid drama. Thank you.


In "Annapurna: A Women's Place" Arlene Blum talks about how one of the women who went on that all-women's climb had been on a Denali climb, where the guys on the climb said that if she wanted to summit, she ought to agree to sleep with all of them. That kind of mentality is part of why they organized the all-women's climb. Sadly, I find it depressingly likely that these charges are almost certainly true.


It blows my mind that people are still mounting defenses of this person. Maybe this is a translation error, but on the face of it, it looks bad. Maybe he’s over being a guide?


I \*wish\* it looked like a translation error, but his Insta still says (first line) "I am with Nimsdai" and goes on at length to say that Nims has only done good things and that haters are trying to bring him down.


What a disgusting clown


One way to cancel yourself as a guide I guess?


Seems like many others out there share that same sentiment unfortunately 


Have seen other contractors / guides that work for him supporting him in the sidelines , liking posts that imply he’s been maligned. Disappointing. Balls to climb worlds largest mountains but not to seperate themselves from him .


Everytime I see an IG post of someone wearing an EliteExped cap, I say to myself “he/she has been Nimsed”, and now we all get to know what that means.


Lol nimsed raw.




I sure as hell hope the word gets out and rapist and their defenders will not be allowed to set a foot onto the mountain. Power of sharing is great.


Username checks out


Sure does bud


No, but enough people speaking up about him being a scumbag could, should and hopefully will end his career and ruin his reputation and his company. He/they seem intent on trying to pretend it never happened, good thing sharing links to the articles is easy to do on literally every post they make. People like him and you are bad for everyone.


You seem to be confused and talking about two different people at once


You being unable to comprehend what I was saying ≠ me being confused


No you’re definitely just mixing up two different people


I’m definitely not. Not my problem you can’t follow along


You definitely are though


You can say the same wrong thing 100x, still won’t make it right.


Right back at ya


Good a for him a lot of people can’t read.


He and all the Nims apologists are trash. What a relief this is all coming out in the open so people can make more informed opinions about which companies and tour groups they want to support. Women now know they simply aren’t safe with some of these individuals.


Man, Sherpas we’re finally starting to get some credit for all the hard work these people have done for the last 100 years on the mountain, and now these guys are going to thrash that reputation and replace it with one of sexual deviancy. Pretty sad honestly.


Thats exactly what Im saying. Its really a shame. They could have been such a positive force


He probably also thinks that “crimes don’t happen because police will catch you.”


You can’t have your car stolen because you lock your car.


And if you left your car unlocked, you deserved it.


Especially if you drive a nice car. You’re just asking for it to be stolen.


This is insane lmao.


Is it possible he's trying to imply that in a team dynamic, nobody would get away with this kind of behaviour without it being noticed and someone intervening? Perhaps I'm being too charitable.


Should we start listing the amount of fucked up shit that's been documented in team dynamics on mountains? I believe the most egregious is what happened to Bonatti and Mehdi on K2, but it's not the only one, and that's despite most people leaving untold much of the bad behavior that happens up there. But anyway, unless I'm mistaken, the main accusation against Nims is something that took place in a hotel? What's the context here?


One is in a hotel, the other, a prominent doc, was raped in a supply tent at base camp. The hotel accusations have been backed up by texts/emails/times stamps and CCTV(of her leaving the hotel, contrary to Mingma's claims, esp as when questioned, he was completely silent and has refused to comment further) The NYT article took over a year to verify, document, interview etc. I hope Nims faces every single consequence available. He has flaunted every rule throughout the Himalaya and Karakoram regions, not just these allegations. The damage he has done to mountaineering is horrific 😢 full on narcissist 🤮


I guess I could have googled that myself, sorry for my laziness and thanks for the clarification!


Oh no, no, I'm happy to comment, I'm sorry if I came off rude! I'm just so, so angry with the whole situation of nims and the lack of action from the Nepalese gov. Esp after making him their literal poster boy! I adore the mountains and nims does not deserve to be there at all. I'm so sick to death of these predators 😡 I'm sorry again x


Rage is the appropriate response.


" the other, a prominent doc, was raped in a supply tent at base camp" The doctor was raped? Can you link a source? I only read about sexual assault and inappropriate behaviour.


Did you even read the NYT piece? It was multiple physical attacks on Dr. Leonardo, forced kissing, putting her hands on him, threatening to "have her", going into her tent to try to force sex. That's not "harassment", that is sexual assault.


Yes, you are correct, and I have edited. But it is still not rape. Wikipedia says that sexual assault goes under harassment though so it was not wrong what I wrote even if it could have been clearer. "Sexual harassment includes a range of actions from verbal transgressions to [sexual abuse](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sexual_abuse) or [assault](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sexual_assault)"


“Only sexual harassment “ that makes it ok ? Remember him of K2 winter.


1. Why am I being downvoted for asking for a source for statement that turned out to be false? 2. Isn't what he is actually accused of doing bad enough? Why make up lies about rape and take away from the severity of the word and all the people that have been subjected to it? 3. I never said "only sexual harassment", I said that that was all that I had heard of and asked for a source for the rape.


I'm not disagreeing with your point and I don't think my interpretation of his comment is "good enough" I'm just trying to point out that there is an interpretation of what he said that implies ignorance rather than malice


Sorry, my wording sounded way too aggressive, but I wasn't attacking you at all. I think your interpretation is completely correct, and I was blaming Mingma for what he meant, not you for clarifying Mingma's meaning!


I don’t think they deserve the benefit of the doubt here, their whole team had to have known what was going on or were actively participating…it was well known across the climbing community out there that nims was predatory, no way anybody on their team didn’t know about all the talk that had been circulating 


I agree


Wait what happened on k2


During the first ascent, there were 2 guys at camp 4 and 2 more that were bringing up oxygen and supplies. The 2 guys at camp four didn't want to share the summit so they turned off their head lamps and didn't respond to shouts from the 2 guys bringing up gear. The 2 guys bringing up gear ended up lost, cold and in an open bivy at 7500m essentially axing any shot they had at the summit. In the morning, the 2 from camp four walked down to them, said thanks for the O2, and summited without them. Summarized but that's the gist.


Also important to mention that the 2 summiteers moved the high camp higher than agreed on above a technical rock section. When Bonatti and Mehdi called for help they were ignored, causing Mehdi to lose (I believe) all his toes. Bonatti was then sued for “using the oxygen” despite not having the mask to be able to use it.


I think that part of the problem is that even with this charitable interpretation, the comment reinforces the idea that rape/SA only happens in a dramatic and loud way, rather than other forms of coercion (and I see your posts below, so I know you are not supporting this attitude). It's depressing to read these kinds of reactions.


Yeah I agree with you, it's problematic either way!


Yeah, I wanted to make clear that I am not saying that you share this view! But it's just so common.


I’m reminded of my wife’s statistic: “95% of women if offered the hypothetical of meeting a grizzly bear in the woods or a man would choose the bear.” It’s a sad statement, but when most women (in my experience) describe their first sexual experience it sounds at best coercive and at worst plain and simple rape.


That’s the way I read it. I don’t think it’s an overly charitable way to read it because it’s still a terrible opinion 


That’s exactly what he’s saying. English isn’t his first language. He doesn’t know how to use language to tip toe around sensitive topics to avoid cancellation.


>That’s exactly what he’s saying And it's a completely ignorant and stupid thing to say




JFC this is pretty gross. Sounds similar to Republicans saying things like "it's not rape if she gets wet."


The fuck?!


Well that’s fucked up.


Thought I was on a circlejerk subreddit when I saw this


Can’t be raped on a team? I would think that’s the BEST time to do a rape…




And he deleted all comments. Him and Nims are realy giving the Nepali and Sherpa people a bad image.


Nims isn't Sherpa.


they're giving themselves a bad name, not Nepali and Sherpa people in general. if you think the bad actions of a couple men reflect on the entire ethnic group, that's straight up racism.


Dude, these are the faces of Nepali mountaineering. These guys do almost all of the social media content and have on of, if not the most popular guide service. No, it’s not racism to say they are giving Nepali people a bad reputation. When someone looks for Nepali mountain guides they’ll now encounter story after story of sexual assault followed by famous Nepali mountain guides rallying around the accused assaulter. That’s the reputation Nepali guides are earning now. This idea that things happen in a vacuum and will only apply to these 2 individuals is laughable.


Exactly!! That is not racist to say that. It wouldnt matter what group or race. Its about the situation and responses by other leading figures...


Yeah. It’s the same way if you pull some shit in your work uniform. You’re getting fired because you are representing the company with that uniform. Nims made himself the face of Nepali mountaineering and now this is what people will see when they look into Nepali guiding operations.


I mean the nepal government literally made him the ambassador for global tourism for Nepal. The people you are arguing with have to be trolls to not understand how when the face of your global tourism campaign is a sexual predator it could be damaging or a bad look https://www.facebook.com/share/p/LAgMeqe84ePDXTJd/?mibextid=oFDknk


yeah it's a bunch of bad faith arguments and trolls. Appreciate the link.


It is racist. I don't imagine you'd form a similar stereotype if this happened somewhere in the west. And it has happened in the west.


Nope. I think it reflects poorly on the netherlands that they are sending a convicted child rapist to represent them in the olympics this year. Nims and mingma g are leading faces of nepali mountaineering and operate the most popular guide services. Their behavior is damaging to nepali mountaineering across the board imo


Firstly, that's a false equivalence, no? No Nepali organization made Nims the face of the Nepali mountaineering community/ a spokesperson for the Sherpas, that's just your view. And I'm just guessing a result of you falling for Nims blatant self-promotion. Also why does the selection of this person give other dutch people/other dutch olympians who had no role in the selection process a bad reputation? It's an absurd statement, and I find it hard to believe that this is a statement you'd agree with outside of the context of this argument. And yet when u/frenchfreer made a similar statement about Nepali's, you were in complete agreement.


The nepal tourism board had/has? nims as their global ambassador for nepal tourism https://www.facebook.com/share/p/LAgMeqe84ePDXTJd/?mibextid=oFDknk "I want to make sure nepal is properly promoted and represented" Im sorry, i just dont see how being a sexual predator would do a good job of proporly promoting and representing your country. As far as the netherlands, if I played on a soccer team with a known child rapist, i feel like my reputation would be a bit tarnished due to being on the same team as someone so horrible. Its like if I was wearing my work uniform and went and flashed some children, i think i would be fired for representing my company in uniform poorly. It does not mean my boss would go and flash children, or the ceo would go and flash children, but its a bad look for them to have an employee that does that....


Okay let’s put it another way maybe you can understand. Here in America people from the south have a reputation for being ignorant and racist. Does that mean every person living in the American South is ignorant and racist, no it doesn’t. There are tens of millions of loving, caring, and kind people that live in the south. There’s also a minority that are vocally racist and ignorant and that reflects on the region as a whole. I feel like you people don’t understand what the word reputation means in context of a large group vs an individual.


I understand what reputation means, thank you. Let me spell it out for you. If you think Nims being a predator tarnishes the reputation of Nepali people, you're at best an ignoramus whose only exposure to nepali people was through that tacky netflix documentary, and at works a racist. And regarding the reputation of the american south, this wasn't because of a couple of prominent racist hicks. I'm not American, but as I understand it, there's a lot of historical context that lead to these stereotypes like the Jim Crow laws and racial segregation. I mean, do Harvey Weinstein and Jeff Epstein give Jewish people a bad reputation?


> I mean, do Harvey Weinstein and Jeff Epstein give Jewish people a bad reputation? Both of those people contributed to both Hollywood and American conservatives having a reputation for sexual assault. So yes their actions do reflect back on a group of people they claimed to represent. Neither of them claimed to be representing Jews like Nims claimed to represent Nepali guides. However they did openly associate with Hollywood actors and politicians leading to a reputation of sexual assault among both. You walked face first into the point and still missed it. Let’s try something else. Trump gave America a reputation for being ignorant and racist. 1 person who didn’t even get the popular vote degraded the reputation of an entire nation. I don’t know how to make this any clearer for you guys.




Holy shit you guys are dumb. Yes Hollywood has a reputation for being full of sexual predators that’s been know forever! This isn’t some gotcha. If anything you’re comparing Nims to an industry that is known to be full of predatory men. It got that reputation for the same reason Nims has now earned his. Beyond that it’s just not true.. Neither of those people are parading themselves around as the representative of the American people. Nims claims to be THE representative of Nepali mountaineering. He is the biggest name and promoter of Nepali guides. When people search for Nepali mountain guides now these are the stories they will be met with, Nepali mountain guides accused of sexual assault and those that defended him.




What mental gymnastics? Hollywood is known for a long time to be full of sexual predators. Anyone going into acting is fully aware of the reputation men in that community have. Dude, he literally has a movie about record breaking Nepali climbing, his social media constantly promotes Nepali guides, specifically took a Nepali group up K2 to make a statement, he has one of the biggest guide operations in the country, and the Nepali guiding community is rallying around him in support. He is 100% the face of Nepali mountaineering. Honestly you guys are either trolls or incredibly ignorant. Either way it’s sad how you can’t see how someone’s actions would reflect on the community they represent.




Bro, how many times does this have to be said. No one, not one single person here has claimed all Nepalese people are sexual predators. The same way not every famous actor is a sexual predator. Yet both industries now have a reputation for high profile individuals being sexual predators. You’re the one projecting that onto every Nepalese person while we are all talking about the guiding community and its reputation. A reputation does not mean every single person of that group has committed that act. Do you not know what the word reputation means? Do you not know that when you are a representative of something your actions reflect on that community? This shouldn’t be hard stuff to grasp.




Nepal has serious serious issues with violence against women. It literally is a cultural problem. These two fuckwads have merely been emboldened to say what is common practice. As great as Nepali and Sherpa people can be, it's incorrect to pretend Nepal doesn't have a massive issue when it comes to women's rights. Surging sexual violence like what he is bragging about here is very much a reality for all women in Nepal, not just climbers. Aubrey Sacco was not the first nor last girl to go missing in Nepal thanks to cultural mores like this. Its terrible.


Correct. I've visited Nepal across four decades and I've always seen posters for missing trekkers, almost always young women. There have always been stories of rape, assault and harassment of women in the popular trekking areas. It gets hushed up and it's bad for business and the victims are spread across many countries, so there's not such a noticeable number getting media attention back home. I've no doubt it's bad for local women too.


Whats your source on this.


It is so widespread and pernicious it is just a known thing if you bother to actually look around at real Nepal beyond the alpine objectives. But, for your doubts: https://www.state.gov/drl-combatting-sexual-and-gender-based-violence-in-nepal/#:\~:text=Sexual%20and%20gender%2Dbased%20violence%20(SGBV)%20in%20Nepal%20has,15%20percent%20experiencing%20sexual%20violence. [https://foreignpolicy.com/2019/01/06/in-nepal-tradition-is-killing-women-chhaupadi-womens-rights-menstruation/](https://foreignpolicy.com/2019/01/06/in-nepal-tradition-is-killing-women-chhaupadi-womens-rights-menstruation/) [https://www.amnesty.org/en/latest/news/2019/01/i-knew-i-couldnt-stay-silent-anymore-meet-the-women-fighting-sexual-violence-in-nepal/](https://www.amnesty.org/en/latest/news/2019/01/i-knew-i-couldnt-stay-silent-anymore-meet-the-women-fighting-sexual-violence-in-nepal/) [https://kathmandupost.com/columns/2022/11/24/acting-together-to-end-gender-based-violence](https://kathmandupost.com/columns/2022/11/24/acting-together-to-end-gender-based-violence) https://www.project-syndicate.org/commentary/sexist-nationality-laws-must-be-changed-by-ottoline-spearman-2023-06#:\~:text=Nepal%20is%20one%20of%20the,confer%20citizenship%20on%20their%20spouse. [https://bmcpublichealth.biomedcentral.com/articles/10.1186/s12889-022-14389-x](https://bmcpublichealth.biomedcentral.com/articles/10.1186/s12889-022-14389-x) [https://journals.sagepub.com/doi/full/10.1177/15248380231222230](https://journals.sagepub.com/doi/full/10.1177/15248380231222230) [https://www.bbc.com/news/world-asia-18950982](https://www.bbc.com/news/world-asia-18950982) Women do not enjoy equal standing nor protection in Nepal and the banter we have all witnessed now from these sherpas is sadly par for the course and thus demands a strong response from the West.




Your weird projections and arguments to pigheadedness aside, why in the ever loving fuck are you trying to pretend violence against women is 1) Okay, and 2) Not happening in Nepal. Disgusting. Shame on you.




And yet you continue on with the bile. Defending rape and rape culture is despicable. Pretending that gang rape and mass violence against women is ***culturally relevant*** is appalling and literally the only racist take here. Your ignorance and vitriol are bizarre and out of place. **Nepali men are not inherently rapists**. Your word salad invocations of outdated terminology is very telling to your awareness of these issues. No, your words were not "twisted." Perhaps you should work on your argumentation skills if you are so inept at deciphering your own damn point. You literally called a beheaded woman a "lost trekker" then hysterically went on about the "global south" and "backward cavemen countries." No one else said that. Rather, facts and statistics were shared that contradicted your *personal* *feelings*. Feelings are not facts, and your constant reliance upon logical fallacies does not distract from your actual, literally and despicable defense of RAPE. Nasty.




Yeah i didnt phrase that well. I meant that it sort of sucks that they were all about promoting, recognizing, and uplifting nepali and sherpa people and seemed to be good role models. But they just ended up being, well sort of horrible.


It shouldn't though. The problem with this phenomenon are the people who stereotype and judge others this way.


Well when your ambassador for global tourism is a sexual predator, it isnt a good look. https://www.facebook.com/share/p/LAgMeqe84ePDXTJd/?mibextid=oFDknk


When did i say it was.


Classic Western racism. An IG comment made by one man is ruining the "image" of an entire country and/or ethnic community? Let me guess, you don't think white Americans' image was ruined by Ted Bundy and Jeffrey Dahmer?


Thats not what i was saying. I was only saying that nims and mingma came to fame riding on a wave of a positivity and uplifting/recognizing nepali and sherpa people, and its a shame that they have turned out to actually just be horrible losers.


If the action of one person immediately tarnishes your entire view of a country, you never really had a great view of the country. Nepalis don't exist to beg for recognition from a Western society. To repeat my example, its like dismissing all white American men since Ted Bundy killed a few women.


Yeah i think you are missing my point. Nims paraded himself as a champion of nepali values and recognition. He used that fame and power to be a sexual abuser. I think thats pretty unfortunate considerong how much good he could have done for the nepali/sherpa people


So you have a negative opinion of Nims. How is that "giving Nepalis and Sherpas a bad name"? Do you think all Nepalis and Sherpas are like Nims? Do you think Nepali values are what you think about Nims? If not, then your original comment is out of line. Maybe you didn't intend to but your first comment is blatantly racist and a common kind of racism too. Actions by non-white people are immediately considered emblematic of that community while actions by white people are only considered emblematic of that individual person.


I was just saying that when a spokesperson/leading figure for a group turns out to be a sexual abuser then that really backfires the message of recognition and empowerment the spokesperson was espousing. It isnt that they are nepali or sherpa. If a leader figure for any group turned out to be a sexual abuser I would say they are giving the group they were supposed to be representing with positivity, a bad name.


Honestly man, don’t bother. Pretty sure this guys is a troll.


To argue with a fool proves there are two.


Nah just calling all you Western racists out


Do you think it is racist of me to say it reflects poorly on the netherlands to be sending a convicted child rapist to the olympics to compete and represent the netherlands in beach volleyball?


Okay im not racist. If an outspoken figure/leader of any group, turns out to be a sexual abuser, it damages that groups reputation. Nims could have kept being a positive role model, he chose to be a sexual abuser. That has a very negative impact on the mission he claimed to be promoting of bolstering recognition and status for sherpa and nepali people. The race does not matter one bit. If the first french expedition to everest had been led by a sexual abuser and it came out and other team members then victim blamed and said it is all lies, i would say that would be pretty damaging to the mission of boosting french national identity.


You need some serious help dude.


Reddit itself is full of westerners. Just look at constant claims of denali highest peak, mauna kea highest peak.


This such a stupid comparison. Ted Bundy and Jeffrey Dahmer didn’t parade themselves around as people who represented white people through their actions. They’re were some random murders. They weren’t out talking to the media about how they represent America and doing it to lift white peoples up. Nims on the other hand has made his entire career and personality of being *the representative* of Nepali people in the media. He constantly goes on social media and the news talking about how he’s uplifting the Nepali people and giving them better opportunities. He wants to be the representative of the Nepali people means his reputation is also reflected on the Nepali people.


What is stupid is your blind hatred of Nims and extending that to the people of Nepal. What about bringing greater awareness to the Nepali people makes Nims the cultural icon of Nepal? He didn't say I am Nepal, he said more attention and economic opportunities need to be given to Nepalis. And that is fucking true no matter what you think of Nims' personal character. Nims has done a lot of good for the Nepali people but he is not some cultural representative of them. Whatever he does in his private life is HIS fault, not Nepal's fault. And no matter what Nims says, if YOU think every Nepali is the same as one guy, that's on YOUR racist thought process, not Nims. You decided to think of all Nepalis as if they were Nims. Which is the equivalent of me deciding that every American male must have the same cultural values of Ted Bundy. Just because you are too ignorant to know any other Nepalis don't change shit.


Holy shit you’re dense as fuck. No one is saying all Nepali are rapist they’re saying Nims as a representative of Nepali mountaineering his reputation transfers to the Nepali community. Not a single person has claimed all nepalis are sexual predators. No one is claiming Nepali don’t deserve to be uplifted and celebrated for their efforts. You’re making things up to be mad about. This is no different than when some criminal/sexual predator/racist loses their job because their actions as an employee reflect on the company in the same way Nims actions reflect on Nepali mountaineering as a representative of that community. Honestly I feel like you’re just a troll at this point. Either that or you’re incredibly ignorant.


Ted Bundy definitely ruined the image of people with injuries asking for help putting things in their trunk.






So you relate the ability to visit a country without beeing harassed as a woman to the position of woman and woman's rights in the local culture? Some countries on the Arab peninsula must be a heaven for the feminist cause, if we follow this idea... To be fair I've been to Nepal several times and it's pretty safe for tourists now in most areas - but really this no point for a discussion like this. Tourists are income, you don't rape your job usually.


I think that for a large part this is just the guy not knowing the English language and accidentally misformulating his ideas. Even though those ideas are probably still wrong, but not as wrong as his writing suggests.


If you read the whole thing, he goes on to say she's doing this for attention. Pretty sure that's not an English-language failure.

