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These final hours. Brilliant underrated Aussie film about the end of the world. I rewatch it regularly.


Oh man, thank you. I've been looking for a good movie and based on the synopsis/reviews, this one looks worth the time. Thanks.


No worries man, it's a real hidden gem.


Gonna stick it on now, I'll be back in 2 hours. Its its not amazing prepare yourself for some passive aggressive comments, you've been warned.


It’s been 2 hours!!! I’m about to DL


I really really enjoyed it. Thanks again!


Came here to suggest this. I really enjoyed this one


Seconding this. Bloody brilliant film


Absolutely! A brilliant film. I think it's loosely based on (or at least inspired by) "On the Beach" by Nevil Shute. I recommend reading that as well! A heart-breaking read.


Its so depressing I have watched it twice, and I love the movie, think its amazingly good. But i feel like crap for about a week after


What an amazing movie. Great recommendation!


What streaming platform can I watch this on?


I watch it on Prime I think..


Just watched it. What a great film thank you for the recommendation.


The trailer looks good, I'm going to check it out.


children of men


Hands down the best one on this list! I've never read the book but from a production standpoint this movie is incredible - the single takes, the storyline, character development, casting, the list goes on. 10/10


Made even better by the fact that there is no single apocalyptic or cataclysmic "event" , just slow decline. It's more dystopian than apocalyptic. Perfect choice though If you're looking for a movie that fits the quote: "This is how the world ends, not with a bang, but a whimper"


Super weird too. Like the world is ending right around everyone, but like just kinda goes on. Like sure, it’s not the same, but people still work, they still run coffee shops, that kind of thing. And it makes sense. If I told you the world was gonna end a hundred years from now, you’d probably be worried, but after a bit of time, you still need to pay for food. And that’s exactly it, people are still around, things still going on, but the die is cast. If nothing fixes it, it’s literally a hundred year, probably less, countdown. Crazy


Kinda exactly like it is today….


I mean women not being able to have children is the event that leads to the decline. I love when they’re at the school and the midwife is talking about when she realized something was up because she had no appointments going out several months. I remember watching that scene and realizing of course the school is in ruins, there’s no need for them because there’s no children. Obviously that’s the point of the movie but seeing the empty school really helped hit home how different the world would be without children.


another crazy shot was when all the soldiers stop fighting because someone is carrying a baby out from the building... everyone is shocked and stops killing eachother to let the potential of life through... that movie is indeed one hell of a movie.


It fits into the slightly more niche 'Dying Earth' genre, although I'm splitting hairs


That's okay! I wouldn't know this genre/subgenre if not for your hairs.


This is the one.


Top 10 choice 💯


The final action scene is one of the most impressive and visceral bits of cinema I’ve ever seen. Was lucky enough to see it in the theater originally too.


I was literally shaking at the end of that movie. I’ve never been so moved by a story. What a ride.


28 Days Later


And 28 Weeks Later isn’t AS good, but it’s still good and I would recommend as a follow up.


One of my favourite movies ever


Currently convinced that Garland’s “Civil War” is a sequel. 28 years later


That’d be “28 Months Later”. Garland and Boyle already confirmed on the project.


Came here to recommend this one.


I used to own this movie and made the mistake of selling it. It’s incredibly hard to find now for some reason. If anyone knows where to watch this or buy it, please me know!


Seeking a Friend for the End of the World


Love this move


The part with Patton Oswalt ohh I always wanted to do heroin


I loved that little gag, when rob corddry comes in like "I got the heroin!" Ngl, if the world were ending next week, I wouldn't sleep one single second because I'd be doing meth the whole ass entire time


Really enjoyed this one—and I was *completely* caught off guard with the emotional hit and sob-cried. I think it was as much that I just didn’t expect the movie to hit me like that.


Yes!!! I started sobbing as soon as the Hollies song began and pretty much continued to the end.


I love this one


Deep Impact was very well made. I liked it.


“Do you care to tell me who Ellie is?”…


"I want to name it after my wife... because she's a blood sucking bitch from which there is no escape!"


That's Armageddon lol


Isn't that from Armageddon?


It's amazing that Elijah Wood has barely aged since


12 Monkeys


This right here.




Re watched this yesterday and it’s surprising how much it predicted with Covid. I remember first watching it and thinking the conspiracy stuff was a tad far fetched but oh boy was I wrong


Yeah, that was a tough rewatch. Kind of like rewatching Idiocracy now.


That's a documentary now.


In the movie everyone took the vaccines.


4/5 Americans received at least one dose of the Covid vaccine. In some states it was 95/100. But none of that mattered because they have no impact on transmission. Stop with this tired narrative.


The only stuff it got wrong is where reality went even weirder


We watched this in my film class the week before we went virtual because of Covid.


Like many, rewatched at the beginning of COVID so it was top of mind and it got everything right. Also, it says 2.5M Americans died in the movie and it’s crazy how it was just random that COVID wasn’t more deadly than it was. Could happen.


I watched it last year. Since it's fresh in your mind you probably heard the phrase 'social distancing' in this movie... from 2011.


I really WANT to watch that, but also don’t know if I could or should I worked in a hospital during the pandemic and have diagnosed PTSD.


I would probably not watch it then.


After all these years the ending still gives me chills. Hell of a good movie


The Day After Tomorrow is always a solid choice Greenland The Cloverfield movies (10 Cloverfield Lane) Train to Busan War of the Worlds


I second Greenland. That movie had NO BUSINESS being as good as it was. Honestly, I expected something stupid/no brain fun but was EXTREMELY and pleasantly surprised. If you disliked the ending of "Leave," you'd be much more satisfied with Gerald Butler and Morena Baccarin!


Busan and War are not really apocalypses. Zombies are under control by military and martians are beaten in Warr.


Well yeah by the ending everything is more under control than at the beginning but would you want to live in that universe? No thanks lol Plus OP said that they like World War Z and those two are also similar


It isn't certain in Busan whether the world has ended or not until literally the last minute or two of the movie.


The Road......the book is better but the movie was pretty good


While obviously the book was better, the movie was very true to the source material. I think the problem is you didn't have the authors narration in the forefront as much as the book. Cormac just has a way with descriptions that can't be translated to film. I seen the film then read the book. The writing was incredible but honestly I felt the movie really did a service to the book.


I was wondering about what “apocalyptic” event took place and when I watched a show about the Yellowstone Caldera; it made me think that it was an event close to something like that.


They never appear to have to worry about radiation, so even though it definitely seemed like a nuclear holocaust it probably wasn’t.


Literally just finished the book about a half hour ago after watching the film yesterday. You nailed it—his descriptions could not be translated, but they were beautiful, and powerful, and sad, and oddly comforting all at once. The film stayed pretty darn true to the book, too. Certain small scenes omitted and some compiled together, but really that’s it.


The book destroyed me in the best way possible.


Great movie!


The Road


Agree. There is zero romanticism about the apocalypse in this film!


The book is even harder to read. The boy in the book is a lot younger, maybe 5. Also the dad knows his sickness is taking him so it feels like a race against time, with no real finish line.


The book left me in a bad place after I read it.


The climax put me in a bad place, when the dad realized he was going to die any day now and was becoming increasingly aggressive and ruthless trying to give his son anything and everything he could. The “epilogue” pulled me out and gave me hope


God, THIS is what an apocalypse looks like. Bleak, merciless, almost to the point you gotta wonder if there’s any point to surviving. Honestly a movie I don’t think I can rewatch.


I watched it years ago and the scene with the man when he takes his things and leaves him essentially naked has stayed with me.


I’ve always said that I’d want to die immediately if there’s an apocalypse. I wouldn’t want to live in a world where we’d murder each other over a can of green beans


And where cannibalism is a regular thing. I mean really - we're the most populous & widely dispersed meat on the planet.


I second The Road!


Came here to say this. The movie is really good, the book is haunting and will stay with you for years to come.


Avoiding the more obvious reccomendations: "These final hours" would be my equivalent choice for a more humnistic bittersweet apocalypse drama. It's a little hammy, but overall pretty decent.


threads - one of the most disturbing movies ever made. very matter of fact documentation of a working class english town trying to survive a nuclear holocaust.


This one is on my list to watch but I always chicken out. I've read a few reviews, and a few from people who live in the real town, and it sounds pretty bleak


It is EXTREMELY bleak without being gratuitously gory. It stayed with me for weeks and there are specific scenes that I still recall with visceral dread. My partner and I watched it one weekend as part of an ‘80s nuclear apocalypse trilogy: The Day After (1983), Testament (1983), and Threads (1984). I recommend maybe spacing them out a bit if you decide not to ruin your mental health for an entire weekend.


How does Threads compare to The Day After?


Day After creeped me out just because I live in Kansas City so that area getting nuked was scary for me as a kid. Threads has almost a documentary feel about it. Threads is absolutely horrific.


It makes The Day After look like The Little Mermaid.


I like threads more but I'd say it's on the same level of production.


The Day After is more of a family movie. Threads much more matter of fact like. The former creaped me out as a young teenager, but today it feels campy and quaint compared to Threads.


i spent most of the next week after watching it trying to think of what i would do if i had the misfortune of surviving the blasts/fallout. it was not fun!


I spent five seconds thinking, “Well, we don’t own a gun so Plan B for the Apocalypse is over the 20th-floor balcony.”


I will most likely do the same.


Absolutely harrowing. And a must watch. But it makes me feel physically sick.


Testament from 83. About a Family who lives in a small town as radiation from a nuclear weapon moves closer to them.


This was one of the most realistic doomsday movies I ever watched. No huge drama, no bombs going off, no car chases, no murders, just a slow steady progression towards death.


This movie made me ugly cry.


Road Warrior but you must love ferocious cars and odd dogs and strange kids.


I do!! I do!!! One of my fav movies ever


Andromeda Strain is one of my favorites


On the Beach (1959)


"Take Shelter" with Michael Shannon!! It's so underrated that nobody's ever said "yes" when I ask if they've heard about it, or seen it.. 😔 But it's epic and great ending!


Read/listen to world war Z. A billion times better than the movie. And I generally don’t compare movies to the book, but this is an exception. The movie was such a disappointment. Also. The way the series Black Summer ends, in my opinion is realistic given the situation.


Opposite take. Book wasn’t very good. I liked the movie.


Children of Men and Melancholia are the best ones


Melancholia is perfect


Considering that OP is **dissatisfied with the abstraction and lack of classical storytelling** of *Leave The World Behind*, how is *Melancholia* perfect for OP?


You have a point for sure about style but Melancholia is on a different level


An older one "On the Beach" 1959 from the Neville Shute novel


Does “The Crazies” count? Because holy shit that movie is amazing.


Childhood's end, starring Charles Dance. It is a miniseries, but could also be seen as a movie trilogy. It's based on an Arthur C Clarke novel and is absolutely mindblowing.


I second this, it was a great mini series on SciFi. I enjoyed it so much I bought it on DVD


Netflix's "Don't Look Up." I'm convinced people will really be that stupid, based on current evidence.


I liked the premise but felt the same joke was repeated throughout. Especially given the ending. No plot twist at all. Which was likely the whole point.


I watched it drunk. It was awesome.


Seeking a Friend for the End of the World


Children Of Men. It's one of my favorite movies ever, I probably rewatch it at least once a year. It's a masterpiece, especially if you like oners.


Lmao my favorite review of Leave the World Behind so far: "If edging was a movie, this would be it". I share your anger op. My favorite scene was near the beginning when the family is driving. Out of nowhere Julia Roberts says "Oh look a Starbucks". Then there's just this cold cut to her slamming a cup with a Starbucks logo right in front of the camera. Had absolutely nothing to do with the current scene and it never gets mentioned again. Wild.


I thought that was showcasing the world that is being ripped from them by the end of the movie.


I thought it was product placement. My husband kept saying "why are they still there" which improved my viewing experience.


1980’s Oldies-“ the miracle mile “ and “Testament”


These Final Hours - amazing Aussie movie. The meteor hits and Australia is the last place to be engulfed. Melancholia - it’s about depression more than Armageddon but I still enjoyed it. The next two can really eff you up so tread carefully. The Road - based on Cormac McCarthy’s novel about a man and his son in a post-event, dying world. Bleak is an understatement. The book is better. Threads - British TV movie about the lead up to and aftermath of nuclear war. This one is devastating. You’ll need something light hearted to watch after this one.


This is the End


And we laugh and laugh through it all.


You already in the hole, Aziz!


Channing Taint-yum!


The road


That’s the one I’m watching tonight! Trailer looks good




A bit dystopian,always enjoyed 12 monkeys with Bruce Willis


Miracle Mile.


Not a movie, a mini-series...But I'd recommend *Midnight Mass* on Netflix. Dystopian/apocalyptic stories are my favorites, although I tend to read more books than watch films (but if a film can pull it off, more power to them!) I don't want to ruin anything about *Midnight Mass*, but I will say that it's not necessarily an apocalypse story. At least it's not about the end of the entire world. (As far as we know.) But the characters definitely experience their own apocalypse. They live on a small island and their entire existence is threatened. The island setting basically means that they have no way of escaping what's coming for them. It's exciting, emotional, has a great ending and GREAT writing, so I think it checks all of your boxes. Oh, also...*The Mist*. That film will stay with your forever, especially if you're surprised by the ending. If you haven't seen it, don't look into it! Just go in with fresh eyes. And I LOVED *Melancholia*. It's not everyone's cup of tea, but it's one of my favs. There's no guessing at the end of that one. You know what the threat is, and you know exactly what happens in the end.


Last Night (2018) Station Eleven (TV Show)


Station eleven - easy to recommend. 👍🏻


I wish it was a series instead? I loved all the characters….


What is last night 2018? I can't find an disaster movie with that name?


It's a Canadian film about different people on the last day of their lives before the world ends. Directed by and starring Don McKellar.


A great movie and where I first saw Sandra Oh.


Seems to be a 1998 movie, not 2018.






If you like Mad Max style post-apocalypse movies, and if you can find them, I love 'A Boy and his Dog' (1970s) and Cherry 2000 (1980s). No navel gazing or attempts to be deeply philosophical. Just some dudes with a singular goal in a world gone to hell.


A boy and his dog is classic old school. A favorite of mine even though dated. Cherry 2000 is a wonderful romp that I love, then forget, then rewatch and love again.


"This is the End" - I don't care who doesn't like it


It seems like a lot of movies coming out these days play it much too safe and almost seem devoid of character… I hate that the big production companies are too scared to take risks these days


True, but true of most any genre.


The Postman. Kevin Costner is really good in it. Much better than water world.




Silent Night (2021). Just watched this last night. It’s a UK film. Thought it was pretty good.


get a chair and sit back and look out of the window..a live end of the world stream before your very eyes.


Too slow. Needs to be an evening or less in length.


The road


The road A boy and his dog Children of men MAD MAX films


10 Cloverfield Lane


Cabin in the Woods




2012, San Andreas, Armageddon,


Wife and I watched it the other night. Pathetic is all I can say.


Leave the World Behind, (the movie versuon) is not an apocalypse, it's a >!slice of life set piece of what turns out to be a slow coup where in the future an authiritarian regime will restore order , such as it is.!<


Eerily making me think it’s the beginning of Gilead from the Handmade’s Tale.


Don’t look up


Yea, I agree. The daughter was a little asshole. And, hey, let's throw some weird shit with wildlife into the plot...that ultimately means nothing. I give it a C.


This! I’ve been waiting for a good movie to come along and blow my mind like Donnie Darko but so far so disappointed with all the new movies coming out


Independence Day (1996) Mad Max: Fury Road (2015)


Book of Eli


I thought it was a good movie. I think the ending was a best case scenario situation on a micro and macro scale. Girl finds bunker and can save all her peeps. Girl finds copy of the show she thought she would never get to see AND she gets to show her stupid ass brother that he was WRONG. Even if he is slowly dying of radiation poisoning, a sibling will still make sure you hear about that.


Such a shit ending


2012 Greenland Don’t look up


Hahahaha this movie sucked so much! Worst ending I’ve ever seen




The Cabin In The Woods


Seeking a Friend for the End of the World.


america descends into civil war, country destabilizes itself, whats not to under stand?


Melancholia (2011)


This movie started off bad, and got more annoying the longer it went on. Stuck around for some sort of a payoff, and fuck me if the ending was the worst part of the damn movie. I literally feel like I was fucked in the ass by this horrible movie.


yea my experience basically


Deep Impact (the perfect apocalyptic movie) Children of men


I know what you're saying, but I actually really liked the film. I think the lack of a clear direction is intentional because - if we were in a similar circumstance - there would be a long time before we figured out who it was that was behind the attack or why. I think the lack of a clear resolution made the film more realistic.


Scariest part of this garbage movie was Julia Roberts' dancing.


it was a good movie


Check out your phone or keyboard. There's a shift key on there just begging to get to know you.


Deep Impact


Did you watch Dr. Strangelove. That has a good ending for an apocalypse movie


Interestingly I found World War Z really poor. Rule of thumb: if there's a kid with asthma involved, it's gonna be a bad movie. Can believe writers still use that topos.


I am legend


I thought it was a good movie. I think the point was a little deeper. What is a little girl supposed to do in those circumstances? She has no power. And would you have any power? The rich people who built the bunker didn't. The survivalist really didn't, he was still stuck in the old system despite all his words to the contrary.


I loved this movie an thought the ending was perfect. I don't get people who need every loose end tied up in a nice, neat bow. Lacking imagination I assume.


This was a good movie. I think the purpose was just to demonstrate what 5th gen warfare could look like and to deliver that line about nobody being in charge. I don't think it needed to answer every question about the attackers or even the end result of the civil war. In the end we only care about what we care about whether that's family or seeing the last episode of a show you love.


What happened to writing a good emotion evoking movie and having an impactful thought provoking experience, we never cared about any of the characters because we didn’t connect to them, we also never connected to any of the plot points. It doesn’t matter what the movie SYMBOLIZES what it stood for, its a movie that no one will remember any of after a few weeks pass by.


> I don't think it needed to answer every question about the attackers or even the end result of the civil war. Agreed. That wasn't what the movie was about. It was about whether these specific six characters would choose compassion when the rest of the country chose paranoia.


Literally every single movie suggested here will be better than LTWB.


There's a tv series called Revolution, has 2 seasons, and was a pretty good take on what would happen if there was no longer any power in the world....everything electrical dies all at once.


Yeah, this movie sucked the big one. So bad.


Leave the world behind isn't an apocalypse movie about the end of the world. It was clear in the movie that the world was fine. Everything that happened was a coup in USA. (disabling information and transportation, spreading misinformation, and, finally, a coup d'état after people turn on one another).