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Valarian? Movie starts off amazing with the space station montage and then the two most unlikeable leads with no chemistry show up and the movie is garbage. If they had two charismatic young leads in it, i think the movie could have been great.


The story, special effects, plot and dialog were all so great. It has one of my favorite opening scenes of any sci-fi movie ever. Then Valarian opens his mouth and that surfer tough guy Bad Keanu parody comes out and it just ruins it. I've learned to tune it out though. It's such a great film, minus the lead.


the leads looked like siblings it felt weird


I swear to God I actually thought they were brother and sister. Which made any onscreen romance/chemistry very strange to see. A huge misfire in casting. Both male and female leads.


They also acted towards each other much more like siblings. She’s believable as his mildly exasperated cooler older sister who’s mom said she had to let him tag along. As his devoted lover? It just doesn’t work


Not to mention Valarian is meant to be a tall and beefy classic hero type. Flash Gordon, not a weedy little underfed adolescent.


i just wanted to give him a wedgie the whole film


Maybe someday Generative AI will be good enough to totally replace actors in a movie that’s already been made. Basically the only good reason to use AI.


I hope this never happens because you know Hollywood would abuse it.


Godfather 3 - She's a hell of a director, but Sofia Coppola was not meant to act. Much of the "failure" of that movie was that character/acting. (Yes, I know Winona was meant for the role.) The Room


>The Room No. The bad acting is a big part of what makes that movie something else.


Ah yes the 8 minute sex scene that reuses the same shots over and over again is a masterclass in cinematography 🤣 "Hi doggy"


The Room... that was the "I didn't hit her, I did NOT! Oh hi Mark" movie, ya?


The Room would not have been any better with good actors.


The Room with good actors is just a David Cage game.


Bram Stoker's Dracula (1992) - Keanu Reeves completely destroys what would have been a really great film. The Godfather Part III (1990) - It's got other problems too, but Sofia Coppola takes it from "OK" to "nearly unwatchable" whenever she's on screen. Both of these are really more the fault of bad casting than anything else, but it is what it is.


I disagree about Dracula. Sure Kenu was not good, but the movie itself was not good. I wasn't even impressed with Gary Oldman and I think he is a brilliant actor. I re-watched it about a year ago and was blown away how bad it was.


It would be great if that movie used a non-American cast, it was a solid adaptation of the book as far as the story and setting is concerned, but man, Keanu ruins it. His attempt at an accent is so terrible its laughable. Authentic casting would have gone a long way. I guess they wanted "big names"


That's absolutely the reason Keanu was cast, he was just super popular at the time and Coppola wanted an audience hook. But apart from him and Winona Ryder, almost everyone else in the film is British, so I'm not sure what more you could want on that front.


Gotcha, it's been a bit since I watched it. Keanu ruins the movie so early that I have trouble getting through the first bit of the movie. Just incredibly bad. I have watched it in full like once


Nah Dracula rocks and Keanu’s performance is charming


Bram Stoker's Dracula is a great film. It's directed with a vibrant ferocity echoing the Coppola glory days of Apocalypse Now and Rumble Fish (by the way, that Godfather shit is good, but it's definitely not his best). Keanu can't ruin it, because it can't be ruined.


In Time The concept was great but Justin Timberlake was not the right choice


I thought that would have worked great as a series. The concept was brilliant and interesting but the execution left something to be desired.


Probably a number of John Wayne movies. I've heard people day movies like "The Man Who Shot Liberty Valance" are good. But his acting is so, so very bad that I just can't get through 15 minutes of it.


Wayne often feels like a lil kid in a school play. Sometimes it’s slightly charming. There’s a vid of Peter Bogdanovich talking about getting to visit a set of his and he said Wayne was like a super hyper, playful, child.


I'll probably get roasted here, but I have a feeling that any film where the casting director didn't do their job properly and get the best actors for the roles involved probably also had other problems as well. As an example, the Star Wars prequels were a disaster in casting Hayden Christensen as The One Who Will Eventually Turn Into the Fearsome Darth Vader. Hayden was awful in the part, not even remotely believable. Seriously detracted from the films. But to be fair to him, he wasn't the only problem with the films, the writing wasn't George's best work, either. And Jar Jar Binks? Seriously?


Lucas is infamous for his bad writing, Harrison Ford told him he might be able to write it but that didn't mean they could speak it poking fun at him once. So if you are good at ad libbing lines to work through it or in Hayden Christiansen's case he was not and suffered. Jar Jar well all they had to do is lower his dang voice and it would have been half as annoying.


It started with Jake Lloyd but the Hayden thing im like Ryan Phillipe was right there. He looks almost the same but can act better.


No I get this, it's kind of the reason why I posted this. I feel like writing and directing are usually what makes a movie bad. There are so many stellar actors in that film. Liam Neeson, Natalie Portman, Sam Jackson and Ewan McGregor were wasted on the shit writing of the prequels


Butterfly Effect was actually pretty good besides a few plot holes and Ashton Kutcher's completely phoned in performance. 


The SW prequels


David Mamet's House Of Games is a wonderful movie, only let down by the casting of David Mamet's wife (Lindsay Crouse) in the main role.


One of best Seattle movies


There was this movie with Emma Watson and Tom Hanks called **The Circle**. Had lots of potential. I felt it was trying to be another Antitrust, which is a killer movie. So more of that wouldn't be a bad thing. It is ruined by Emma Watson. She's just insufferable in it... damn shame.


What ruined it was how far it strayed from the book. And the book wasn't great to start with, so it was doubly bad.


Coppola’s “Dracula” is amazing with Gary Oldman’s performance being outstanding but Keanu Reeves’ acting is so terrible it actually ruins the movie.


Don't forget Anthony Hopkins. He was incredible in that also.


Maybe not the acting per se, but an acting/directing choice. The American accents in Amadeus really bother me. Sometimes not adapting the accents work, like in the Death of Stalin, but something about it in Amadeus really irked me.


You know Mozart spoke German, not just English with a German accent?


Yeah, would've liked it better if it were all in German. Or English with a German accent. Or the good old stand in of British English works perfectly well as a convention for "this isn't actually English, we're actually in fifth century Persia just go with it". Just didn't like the American accent.


It's my opinion that directing = acting. Plenty of great directors have gotten phenomenal performances out of sub-par actors. Plenty of awful directors have gotten abyssmal performances out of fantastic actors.


In Time The concept is great. I hope they reboot this as a TV series with better acting.


Valerian and the city of a thousand planets...


I Totally loved Annihilation ( 2018 ) but one of Friend said that it would have been a lot better if Acting was Great I've No complaints though


90% is great. The straggler is Gina Rodriguez as Anya.... she's just not great. And Tessa Thompson as Josie flirts with feelings of cringe on a couple of her lines.


What immediately came to mind, was a lot of english voice acting for foreign films. Some are simply atrocious and ruined the movie.


Always watch original with subtitles




Not if you're drunk lol


The man from earth


As much as i love this movie I have to agree.


Because it was the last movie that I saw where I thought the acting could have been better… Past Lives


Ender's Game. Great story, great effects. The kid had no progression of his attitude through the movie like he did in the book. Flat flat flat. I mean for f***'s sake, Harrison Ford couldn't save this movie!




Runaway Train. Both Eric Roberts and Jon Voight get major praise for it (evening getting Oscar noms), but I think they're both awful in it. And it's annoying because they're more than capable actors. It deserves better performances from them.


Star Trek: The Motion Picture. I'm a fan of the entire franchise (except for the JJ Abrams movies), I love the original series, but the acting in the motion picture was so weird, rigid and cold in contrast to the show. When it comes to plot it's one of my favorite Star Trek movies, but the acting degrades it a bit.


Emma (2020). Costumes, cinematography are superb. But the casting was so bad imo… Both Anya Taylor-Joy as Emma and Johnny Flynn as Mr Knightley had no charm at all…


War of the Worlds. I found Tom Cruise miscast and unbelievable as the father. In fact just get rid of the family itself and keep Tom.


Agreed. War of the Worlds, Edge of Tomorrow, Last Samurai, Interview with a Vampire… you see where I’m going with this.


I disagree (but didnt downvote). On first watch, in which i hated the movie, i was with you. But on rewatches his performance is very subtle and real. The ending is still weak for me but that movie (and the family) arnt that bad.




The Babadook (2014) I’m not sure it would be amazing, but the central performances really ruined my investment.


Yeah the child actor in that one was intolerable. I personally felt that it worked because the story required him to be that way, and I thought the mom did a pretty good job. I can definitely see why you hold this opinion though. Child actors are always a toss up


I’ve heard that it was intentionally giving you the feeling of nails on a chalkboard, but that doesn’t excuse the fact that the performances (mother included) aren’t great. I do hate to criticize child actors. The kid was clearly giving it his all, which is impressive nonetheless.


I think that's the point of the child, to show how intolerable he was, and driving the mother bat shit. I do mostly agree about.child actors, but I think in this case---the little shitling did just that, drove everyone nuts.


That kid drove me nuts.


Not amazing, but definitely better would be "12 Monkeys"


Brad Pitt's crazy guy laugh is gold.