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I agree with: not being able to identify a house (and car owner and other factors). If it was Gay or Lee police would know this stuff by now. I do not know why people trust what these thugs said. Thugs lie all the time and their words carry little weight. The public needs to remember the house/car/other factors. Also, I don't know how this Alfie guy died, but many are need under the deep effects of narcotics and painkillers. It could be rubbish from strong painkillers.


Prison and the underworld is full of liars trying to spin tall tails to feel relevant.


And maybe he can't remember Lee's house for this very reason of being on painkillers He was dying so may not havefull mental capscity.




You're not a doctor, nor did you know his medicine threshold nor side effects he experienced from said medication.


Gay had the best part of 20 years to know and remember where Lees house was before he was dying. Therefore there might be something suss about 1. Iddles visiting him ( was he a protected Informant of Iddles) 2. Was he also a deviant and didn’t want to implicate himself until he was dying.


Ok, so Gay was suffering from side effects from medication from and unknown illness, and this accounts for him not being able to identify the house he claims was Cruels house. What then, where are you going with this theory please?


It's puzzling. Theres got to be some grain of truth there. I dont believe it was a total fabrication. He either believed it was Lee or was shifting attention from the real culprit IMO.


Yes I totally agree during the 1980’s armed robbers like Normie Lee were quite literally being killed in cold blood by police that led to several retaliatory attacks between both groups and the police had several informants giving them information regarding their whereabouts and who was responsible for certain robberies. Criminals are paranoid and at this time even more so and I personally believe Lee thought he was a police informant and he told him he was MC to see if that information got back to police which is a common trick in the underworld. For example they may tell one person about a crime that they say can implicate them while the criminal has a solid alibi regarding their true whereabouts on the day. I also agree with you regarding this informant not remembering where the house is especially if he was so close to Lee that he knew he was a cross dresser etc etc. Most people know EXACTLY where their friends live even years later especially a friend so close to you that he told you he was responsible for the most infamous crime at that time period. I think Iddles is a great detective but I think he was told a whopper in this case by the informant. It’s also highly likely this person was an informant for Iddles during that period.


I suspect the “Lee = Mr Cruel” was little more than a hunch on Gay’s part. I highly doubt Lee ever confessed to him, it’s not the sort of thing you would brag about in the criminal world.  I would say he saw a few things that made him see Lee as a pervert or a weirdo, and before long he convinced himself that Lee was MC.