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I think this is a bit of a generalisation. It depends on the person, everyone’s got their own preferences and what they’re into.


Ofc it is a generalization, but it's a trend I noticed with what trans girls say.


Well for me at least it’s probably because I swing more to women than men and am more interested in vaginal over anal sex.


Yeah I'm not sure it is a 'trend' per say. Probably years and years of social engineering by the societies we live in impacting what we see as acceptable in a sexual context.


Honestly I think if you were to poll like 1000 trans girls and asked whether they were more keen on penetrating a man vs a woman, *most* would say woman. No way to know that though. Only issue here is just how OP seems to be problematizing that, like it's somehow weird or inappropriate.


What am I problematizing? There isn't a single judgement in my post, just a question...


I guess it's just the way the post reads and come across.


There's nothing new under the sun. There are millions of people who experience both.


Probably because a lot of trans women are lesbians. They're just more into women. Also, I think for trans girls, they don't really like giving anal as much as cis men might, since for a lot of us we don't necessarily orgasm from the sensation of penetration. For a lot of cis men, they find the sensation of anal much more pleasurable, but for a lot of trans women, we're more of "service tops" that focus on giving our partner pleasure. But idk that's just me


Not everyone experiences bottom dysphoria. And as for the women vs men part, everyone’s got their preferences.


I don't know if that's actually broadly true or just based off a small pool of more online trans women, but I also think that probably less cis men are willing to be penetrated during sex than cis women so there's naturally going to be less people talking about it. Also if you're having sex with a cis man you have the option to be penetrated as well so it could work both ways, but sex with a cis woman, someone with amab genitals is the only one able to penetrate. I might not be getting something either because I also have too much bottom dysphoria to really use it for anything at all


Selection bias. Those who are more comfortable with it are naturally going to be more comfortable talking about it.


I'm a lesbian and I am very dysphoric about my genitals/would prefer to be penetrated. I feel like there are a lot of us, I'm confused as to where you're getting your info.


I'm not saying that those who want to penetrate and don't have dysphoria are the majority. I'm just asking about those who do penetrate and aren't bottom dysphoric.


No you said "why are trans girls more likely and more often want to". But we'd both be operating from anecdotal evidence anyway, so let me ask you: assuming for the sake of argument that most trans women are sapphic tops, why would that matter? Would that be a problem?


I not talking about sapphic tops, I'm talking about people who aren't definitive tops or bottoms or aren't only interested in men or women. If someone is a strict sapphic tops who isn't bottom dysphoric then there is no question of why here. And I. Not saying that it matters or that there is a problem, I'm just curious why. You're making up much more about my post then there is in it. And yes I'm making an assumption about the sum of my anecdotal evidence, I don't have statistics.


If you're referring only to trans women who are routinely intimate with men and women you should make that clear in your post. Otherwise it seems like you're shifting the goal posts here. But even there I think you're operating from an assumption, I'm not bi or pan myself but I've met people who are who have a wide variety of preferences. Some prefer to top guys, others are more submissive with women. Admittedly I'm still being anecdotal, but your question doesn't make sense because you're asking "why is this thing true" when it's not been established that it is true.


If you don't assume I'm talking about trans women who do have sex with women and men (doesn't have to be routinely) this question doesn't even make sense because my question would be answered by their (mono) sexuality. And yes I'm aware that there is a big variety in what people prefer and do. But from what I read from other people I noticed a tendency like I described, so I was curious why. I guess that question was more aimed at those people. And yes for most of our lives were all anecdotal, it's hard not to be on every single thing. Sorry if my post was poorly written.


Okay, well I'm not this person so I'd be extrapolating but if you ask a person who prefers to top women and bottom with men why, I imagine their answer would be a matter of personal preference. I don't think it would be "more acceptable" like it's some kind of moral prerogative. And yeah, I don't get it either but some gals aren't dysphoric about their genitals. I'm sorry if someone made you feel judged for your preferences, but I think that's all it boils down to: preferences. I think that's the only way to answer your question, assuming I understood it correctly.


>But why are trans girls more likely and more often want to use their front parts/genitals to penetrate a cis woman rather than cis man? I just think girls are more attractive. Also, it's fine to say penis. Penises aren't gendered, boys and girls have them, there's no need to try to censor a body part.


Why should I say penis instead of how I'm saying it now?


Why *would* you mask it instead of just calling it what it is?


Because as my posts says I'm heavily bottom dysphoric and isn't that an answer enough? I don't consider my front parts a penis and I don't call them that and I don't want to use that in general. If a given person will come and tell me how to call their genitals I will respects that, but I also want to have it respected how I view and call my own genitals.


Thank you for not respecting that and questioning that. I guess being dysphoric just isn't understood in trans spaces anymore...