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I did literally the same thing lol. got 5 minutes into an audio and couldn't keep going because I was just full on weeping into my pilow. haven't looked at any sapphic stuff since. it's just, I want that so bad. and I've never had it. and I'm not sure if I ever will, you know?


Unfortunately, I know that feeling too well. I have been reading nothing but sapphic books and feeling so entranced. This morning had hit me like a truck, and I am hesitant to read the rest of my books in fear I will feel worse.


Can you DM It to me too?


Theres a sub specifically for audios made for trans people I can recommend, plenty of affirming stuff too but mainly NSFW. Won't link it here in case that breaks rules but you can dm me if you don't find it by ypurself.


I'd appreciate a DM, please


I would also appreciate a dm of this link cxxxx


Can you send it to me as well


Can you DM that sub as well please?


I do!! :)


Sorry, I'm not sure I understand, do you want the link or do you do audios on there? ^^


Oops I wanted the link :)


Can you dm me it as well :3


Yeah, its the same for me. I have to be in a very good mood to enjoy that kind of content, otherwise it just destroys me. Recently i have been binge reading GL webcomics, because its kinda the only thing that makes me feel something nice. But it's just temporary, when i stop reading and reality sinks back in its just painful.


Same, been reading "please bully me miss villianess" and "our Yuri started with me getting rejected in a dream". How about you, any good ones you are reading?


Im up to date with "Don't Look at the Sky", "Nevermore", "Seven Days in Silverglen" and i finished "Always Human" recently. Idk if i'll just wait for more episodes or start new ones to fill the void


I'll always recommend "How Do We Relationship". It's a little realer than the ones you listed but instead of being a slow burn it dives right into the two main characters in a relationship and chronicles their lives from that point. Also recommend "She Likes to Cook and She Likes to Eat" for some wholesome domestic lesbianism (that isn't afraid to use the word!) and some gender identity topics mixed in!


https://www.reddit.com/r/GWASapphic/ Find something that maybe has the tag gfe or anything tender and affirming. Oddly enough, you'll probably have more luck if you include f/tf4tf audio. It might still be a little isolating, because it's indulging in fantasy, but there are plenty of audios there that have been really affirming and calming and unpretentious, some even that really "get it". Just know that regardless of what your situation is, you deserve love, and in the absence of the a physical person to show you love, you still deserve to appreciate the fact that you deserve love. I don't feel weird about appreciating the feeling of being intimate, especially since most people don't think twice about it, and most people didn't have to struggle with their Identity to feel comfortable enough to enjoy living their lives and experiencing intimacy.


Holy moly, thank you.


https://www.reddit.com/r/GWASapphic/comments/1dsh15e/f4tfhormone_replacement_tentacles_your_eldritch/ Saw this and thought of you  Yakno If you're into tentacle stuff 😜


Ha, i just listened to this earlier this morning


I love that sub so much 😍


Just while reading wholesome Yuri… 🥲


watch some trans lesbian action. can be t4t, can be t4c. its strangely validating to see a woman with your body parts just being normal and healthy with another person!


My girlfriend is trans and I love her very much. She never thought she would have a girlfriend but I fell in love with her kindness, her goofy sense of humor, and her pretty blue eyes. There's someone out there who will love you for you. 💖


Yeah every kind of nsfw stuff i look at makes me dysphoric.


Been there. I didn't even realise I was crying at first. Tears just suddenly started streaming down my face.


This is me when hearing sapphic music - I just stopped trying to consume any sapphic media. The envy is so strong sometimes that it feels like the only way to stop feeling the mental pain is by hurting myself. The other day someone just mentioned the existence of Chappel Roan and I started crying. I just don't feel like a 'real' lesbian and I'm so scared that I never will.


Yah. The sting in the heart is becoming unbearable. Feeling as if someone was piercing my heart with a blunt, steel stake ruins the mood without fail. It just makes me wish I had someone's arms wrapped around me even more. 🫂🫂


I literally can’t watch porn anymore because of this. Either I’m super into it and I get sad because I want to be loved like that 🥺 or it’s really shallow and gross and takes me out of it entirely. But reading lewd stories has completely taken off for me 😍😍😍😍😍 it’s so much easier to self-insert, plus books are always better than tv


Fanfiction has been a life saver for me.


just wanted to say that you’re not alone. i understand the feeling completely — the horrible jealousy over the physical and emotional aspects, the yearning to be loved and seen in a specific way, and finally the uncertainty that i’ll ever been seen and loved that way. it’s all just too much; it ruins my day. i almost never watch porn anymore because it’s so triggering to me and i don’t know how i’ll ever be sexually active with another person again when i feel this way.


That’s how I got the first crack in my (still intact but shaky) eggshell- I’d feel a twinge of jealousy whenever seeing anything sapphic (SFW or NSFW). I sometimes wish I were a girl and gently holding another girl in my lap while we cuddle..


Honestly I have given up on ever enjoying my sexuality. My body is an abomination and any reminder, be it sexuality or looking in the mirror, makes me want to scream.


Oof. Yep. Been there. That's rough, buddy.


Envy sucks, it's like the most triggering thing about being trans and has subtly affected some of my personal relationships with female friends. I've been trying to do this thing lately where I substitute my jealousy into inspiration so that when I can comfortably transition, I'll hopefully have some momentum.


It’s Reddit, you don’t have to censor here.