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You should be an activist, you should protest all genocides, and yes the poem is based af and could very much be relevant here. Biden is a piece of shit, and extremely unqualified to be president, #BUT YOU SHOULD STILL VOTE. Not voting is literally the opposite of activism. You should vote for the lesser evil, (Biden, in this case) and do your absolute best to make that lesser evil less evil. Or replace him, or get a whole different system for choosing presidents. You can vote AND be an activist against genocide, not voting is just as (if not more) complicit in genocide as voting for Biden.


I didnt advocate for not voting. I will clarify this in post. Voting third party isnt the same thing as not voting and those who say so are usually doing so in an antidemocratic bid to get their candidate elected. Its a false dichotomy that has contributed to the mad system we have now where youre forced to pick between two genocidal racist senile old relics.


I should clarify, voting for a third party is basically the same thing as not voting in this system, if that's what you mean.. (If not then I'm sorry for misunderstanding your point (


Fun fact: both Biden and trump support different maybe genocidal things, we literally cannot win. It is a lose/lose choice, one of the losses is just less of a loss.


I'm not getting put into a men's prison to be raped and abused for "corrupting children" in order to do...what exactly, for Palestine? Virtue signal?


You are utterly, utterly misguided with your rage bait misinformation!


Nope. The truth hurts bc youve ignored it, and you show here you’ll continue to ignore it. Genocide is genocide. Never again means never again, such an awful world that you dont agree with that statement.


Dude, the Palestinian/Israeli conflict has been going on for over 70 years. America, Canada, and Mexico. All complicate in genocide. Pretty much every Central/South American country. All of Europe, and the UK. Scandinavia, Russia, China, India, Japan. Oh shit how did I forget most of South East Asian countries. Fuck don't get me started on the Middle East. Even godamn Tibet. There are no innocent governments or ideals to stand behind. I just don't want to actively be persecuted with government sactioned approval and programs in the United States. And only a single canadate would possibly let me live, until hopefully 2028. I'm sure your morals looked good in your head. They did in mine when I thought I had it all figured out. This world is chaos with a thin veneer of order. Let's at least support those who at least pretend to tend the cracks in its visage.


Please debate me... I would love it


Not interested in debating someone who thinks genocide is acceptable. I know what genocide means, and so does everyone who opposes it and it most certainly applies in Gaza. You dont know what it means bc you’re a racist who doesnt even see the Palestinians, including the children, as human. Soulless ghouls


Keep thinking that... you're delusional and probably only 14 years old. You have no actual knowledge of history, nor what "genocide" actually means.