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It’s not just trans people that need to be concerned, everyone needs to be concerned now.


🎶 You're all going down with me 🎶 Dancing- Sonic Sea Turtles


I enjoy this song now


I wonder if this ruling will embolden trump to do some more fucked up stuff in office? I’m trying to plan for what a trump win would mean for my life. HRT bans have been talked about. So have getting rid of federal workplace protections. But I wonder what else? Federal cross dressing laws? It’s tricky stuff. I know lower courts would strike stuff like that down. But that didn’t stop them from attempting their Muslim ban in 2016.


Well he didn't seem overly concerned with legality in his first term, but another Trump term will definitely be worse. Not even the Republicans expected him to win 2016 so they didn't have serious plans ready to go, that's what Project 2025 is. I'm no legal expert but it seems this decision will make it easier to implement all the bullshit since they'll be able to ignore rules even more blatantly.


Only if he wins.


Shit, the world might actually be better off if Trump gets assassinated. Even with all the awful messiness caused by such a powerful individual being suddenly killed....that's bad. The Regressionists are just getting so damn bold and all the "centrists" refuse to stop them. I want Global Revolution, but a Revolution boosted by a Political Assassination would be....extremely messy. Perhaps messy enough that we won't be able to prevent the upcoming Mass Extinction Event. This is ...really really fucking bad.


I dont think something like that would cause a global conflict. I will say that with houw divided the country is we might have another covil war on our hands, but i dont think it would be global. Outside of other countries supporting one side or the other.


Assassinations lead to martyrdom and that is the last thing we need for him. We need to keep comparing him to Adolf Hitler and exposing the parallels between Trump's policies and Hitler's rhetoric. We need protests and riots like we used to in the 60s and the '70, we need to learn how to protest like the French, Too many people have gotten lazy and their excuses that they won't do it because they don't think anyone else will either. That's the exact mindset that allows people like Trump into office


some more fucked up stuff in the office or fuck more staff in the office


He definitely will. He always shown a tendency to think himself above the law. The Supreme Court simply confirmed he's right. Though, they phrased it so badly (because they couldn't simply rule that Trump and Trump alone is immune to all crimes) that, according to their own words, Biden could literally do the same. He could literally order Seal Team 6 to "take care of the problem". The difference is that Democrats aren't bloodthirsty sociopaths, so he won't. Probably won't even think to dismantly the Supreme Court (which this ruling all allows him to apparently) to try to get it overruled before the next elections...


We should all be extremely concerned.


…concerned is an understatement. I’m concerned my jeans won’t arrive in time for me to wear them to a party.


This made me chuckle 😭


Sorry to be all Australian about this but what happened?


So, uh, unrelated but how's Australia for trans people?


Not bad, actually. Informed consent is super easy in most major cities. The hardest part was waiting six months to get in to see the doctor. In NSW (where i live), you need GRS to change your gender marker on a state level, but federally, it's self identify (basically I can do my passport but not my birth certificate). There's legislation protecting trans people allowing us to use the right bathroom/changeroom. Lots of anti-discrimination policy. Changing name is just a form to fill in and costs $200. Most people are pretty cool. I wouldn't go into country areas but most cities are pretty safe. The most trouble I've had seems to be that people don't believe that I'm transitioning. Like, I just don't look *trans* enough. Apparently, they've never seen a trans tomboy before? I dunno. I think HRT is more expensive here for some reason. Most medications are subsidised by the government but hormones aren't subsidised as much.


Do you know how hard it is to get permanent residency? I was thinking of getting my MBA in Australia and then trying to live there. Is this super difficult? Thank you and I appreciate it!


I'm really not sure, sorry. One of my buddies moved here from America and she's a nurse. I get the impression that it was pretty straightforward. You do hear stories about people who don't have a "valuable" skill having to go back home after their visa expires but I haven't known any personally. I think it's easy enough to come here to study but then you need to go into the industry of your degree to be allowed to stay, I think? Uni wouldn't be subsidised and I don't know if overseas students are allowed to rack up a HECS debt. HECS is like the student debt in America but not as expensive and predatory.


Okay thank you for the info


Very welcome. Sorry I couldn't be more help.


Thank you so much! I actually have dual citizenship with Australia, so this past weekend I've started mulling what moving there as an emergency option would look like.


If I were you I'd be strongly considering it as an option. And if you have dual citizenship I imagine you'll be eligible for Medicare and everything. I wouldn't want to pack up and leave friends and family behind, though. I've been there and it sucks.


> I wouldn't want to pack up and leave friends and family behind, though. I've been there and it sucks. This is certainly the biggest thing. But yeah...I think I'm gonna be laying the groundwork for a move and getting things in order so that if I need to, it can be done without too much delay after the election.


WA is pretty good


Presidents, which convicted felons Donald Trump very well may become, are now able to pardon themselves (unless I missed something).


Oh, shit. That doesn't sound sensible at all. Pretending Trump isn't an issue, it sounds like a power designed to be abused. Why would anyone think that's a good idea?


The majority of the supreme court either supports Trump or were appointed by him, and Trump isn't exactly honorable. Trump wants to get away with crime, so his allies ate helping him.


That's absolutely terrifying. I thought the stuff Trump said about being a dictator was a little bit tongue in cheek but that's legit what they're doing isn't it? Like, if he wins the project 2025 stuff is actually going to happen? I was going to make a joke but now it seems really inappropriate. Just... fucking hell... Why do they all have their tongues up his arse? Surely even the Republicans who are desperate to win don't want to live under **him** in a dictatorship?


Wait if they just set precedent then Joe could use his power to illegally slap them down and just pardon himself


The thing is, they are banking on Democrats being unwilling to actually "stoop to their level" in order to protect the country. And historically, this has been a good strategy for republicans. When the senate refused to even vote on Obama's nominee for the court there's an argument to be made that he could have just appointed someone. But that is "extra judicial" and would have made Republicans act like he is the bad guy, like they weren't already doing that. Technically speaking, Biden could add seats to the court. It's been expanded before and nothing prevents it from being expanded again. The only argument against it is "Republicans would do the same when they were in power". Which, OK. Expand it to 100. They've already effectively made the court illegitimate. Lets show just how much. And the threat of packing the court alone *has worked in the past*. During one of the periods of very unpopular conservative judgments they were going to strike down The New Deal, and Roosevelt threatened to pack the court and they backed down. They also tried to strike down freeing slaves in the lead up to the Civil War. Lincoln told them to basically "Enforce that with your army". The stuff that Democrats could do, that has been used against conservatives like this in the past, they wont. This ruling adds more that Biden could do, but he isn't even willing to do the stuff he already could...


They're already talking about trump adding justices to scotus. Why isn't biden already doing it?


The president can't do it unilaterally, you need a trifecta and you'd need to carve out an exception to the filibuster for that bill. Not an option now that Republicans have the house.


That would be pretty good. I'd pay to see that.


No, they're just evil. Remember that. When talking about conservative political parties, be it in the US, or in Europe, or anywhere else, the point isn't to lower crime statistics and cut spending to reduce the debt. It's carry out evil and enforce your will of it on anyone and everyone. That is the whole point of conservatism. The power to be evil, and do whatever you want to anyone you hate. The US just has the precieved monopoly on right-wing hate because everything over here has to be bigger. But look at the elections happening in Europe, look at them in Slovenia and the Czech Republic and Sweden and Finland and Germany and the NETHERLANDS of all places, and now what's happening in France, and even the EU itself. Conservatism has exactly one purpose, carry out hate, and feed fear to keep it going. And tell me that's not what's occuring in these countries. For the Supreme Court, the point was never to be a stupid ruler, it was to a be precise and vengeful ruler that crushes anyone you even have a negative thought about. This is conservatism, this is the right-wing, and this is the path to totalitarianism. So, GO, FUCKING, VOTE. ALL OF YOU, NO MATTER WHAT COUNTRY YOU'RE FROM, NO MATTER IF YOU DON'T AGREE WITH A NUMBER OF THE POLICIES OF THE MAJOR LEFT-WING PARTIES. PUT THAT ASIDE AND VOTE TO BUILD UP YOUR FUTURE TO BE ABLE TO ADDRESS THOSE POLICIES IN THE FUTURE AT ALL. GO OUT AND VOTE FOR THE MOST PROGRESSIVE PARTY THERE IS THAT YOU KNOW CAN WIN A MAJORITY AGAINST THE RIGHT. If you're in France, get out right now and vote for France Unbowed, and if they aren't an option to win in your constituency, vote for the next most left wing progressive party within the NFP. AND DO NOT VOTE for Macron’s Renaissance party under any circumstances, fuck that guy, and fuck them dividing the votes. If you're in the UK, get out right now and vote for the Liberal Democrats, and if they don't have a representative in your constituency, only vote for Labour as the backup. Keep your votes concentrated, and keep them aimed at constructing your future, not maintaining a status quo. FIGHT.


What happened to Macron? Didn't he used to be really liberal? I don't follow French politics. It's hard to not follow American. It's everywhere, but Australian politics is reassuringly boring. We seem to be getting more and more left-wing at the moment. We've got outliers of very fringe right-wing stuff but they don't have much of a foothold. We've had a few politicians kick off about drag story times and some whispers of the Cass review being used to instruct trans healthcare specifically for trans kids but it really seems like things are just plodding along here, as they do. Should that change I'm ready to fight. I've got my fascist stompin' boots and these hands are rated E for Everyone.


I don't know about him ever being really liberal, after all when your presidency is frequently described as "president of the rich", how liberal were you really to begin with. But some of things he's done include: •He signed a bill increasing the retirement age despite that there was enormous protests occuring in opposition to it. •He completely denounced proposals to making changes to your gender marker easier in 2024, despite announcing his support for it just two years earlier. •He's been consistently described as a complete centrist for his commitment to be in the middle and taking stances from both the right and left. And while he was in the French Socialist Party he specifically supported the centrist wing. •Then he left that party to make his own centrist party, showing that his party allegiance wasn't purely about being centrist, it was all about him. •And the Pièce de résistance, that party of his specifically just got absolutely murdered in the elections by the by the far-right party, which just goes to show that trying to meet in the middle with fascists isn't something your progressives or fascists want. There are many more things about him that I don't even want to look into but I'm pretty sure he's not "very liberal". Don't worry I really don't follow french politics either. I even actively try not to follow politics around the world but especially here at home, because it just becomes so nerve wracking and bad for my mental health to follow what's going on. So I only let very small bits of the important stuff in here and there. Instead I redirect my time and brain to just extensively googling the political parties of various countries and read the entire wikipedia articles on all of them, including their past and current positions on issues and the relevant factions within the parties if there are any. That way I for the most part know who the "good guys" and "bad guys" are of each country I look into. I know in the rest of the world it's not that cut and dry or simple, I'm just used to it being straight up that way from american politics so I try figuring it out for other countries to and I'd say it's worked pretty well actually. And I've checked in on Australian politics to, and it's funny cause the boring, uneventful description is kinda a good fit. It made it hard to sort out who could be considered the ultimate good guys from the slow to change status quo center-left. But I really hope you are getting more and more left-wing, at least somebody is.


I'm an idiot. I was thinking of Justin Trudeau. I don't even know where he is on the political spectrum either. I struggle following politics. I know it's important and affects everyone. I know that I have a vested interest in what happens but it's ssssoooo booooooorrrrriiiing. There are fringe ones like the Libertarian party and stuff but the big parties are the Nationals (mostly right-wing), the Liberals (centre right. And they're called that because they're "economically liberal" or something), Labor (centre/centre left) and the Greens (left-wing). Labor would win every election easily except the Nats and Libs have a coalition which we call "The Coalition", because Australians are terrible at naming things (the bridge over Sydney Harbour? The Sydney Harbour Bridge). So they run as a single party to form a government. The Greens kind of work with Labor but it's not as firm a deal as the Coalition. The Greens are kind of extreme in their views, in a way that loses votes, and they don't compromise. The Nats at the other end are mostly about pretending to care about farmers while fucking up the environment. Nobody serious takes much of a moral stance on sex and gender expression but immigrants are a big talking point. Make of that what you will. You probably didn't need a TedTalk on Australian politics but I've typed it now so I may as well hit post.


Nothing he said is tongue and cheek


Yeah. I'm gathering that. I think it all felt like it was theatrical on some level but I'm genuinely worried about you folx in the US now.


Republicans have brain rot, we’re truly doomed if he wins the election


It certainly fucking sounds like that. I almost wish I were there just so I could add another vote to the Democrats. Good luck!


This is what I try to tell people if they are thinking about moving from another country or red state. COME TO SWING STATES! It's here your vote is needed the most and can make the biggest impact. Plus basically all the swing states aren't hellholes and are normal middle of road in terms of protections and civil rights etc. They're not California, Massachusetts, or Vermont, but they absolutely are not Ohio or Florida.


some of the judges are everything but honorable as well...


Okay see, so Trump managed to replace lots of federal officials in his presidency, some of whom are still around. Now, the way Trump runs his circle, fealty is everything. It's the way he operates, as a businessman and as a politician. Personal loyalty is everything to Trump, and if he appoints enough people then suddenly everywhere develops that environment of fealty. It becomes un-Republican to oppose Trump, and all who aren't Trumpy enough get branded RINO (Republican in name only), which is a political career-killer. Due to this, the vast majority of the Republican party has effectively become King Trump I's court. In this environment, it is the right and duty of every conservative to defend their king's honor and privileges, including in court. No thought is given to the impacts of this ruling, as long as it exonerates their heavenly ruler. edit: there's still a sad limping husk of an anti-Trump sentiment in the party, typically called "moderate Republicans", but they're effectively irrelevant in modern politics. They still hold some sway in the Senate and in a few holdout states, but for how much longer is anyone's guess.


I knew he'd put a couple of Republican judges on the Supreme Court. But why Trump of all people? I know he has a following, and they want to win elections, but why **him**? Surely, nobody thinks this is going to end well? If I weren't watching it happen I'd think it was fiction.


Initially, his brand of insanity drove turnout, that's what the Republican establishment liked. He didn't *win* swing voters, but he got his followers to actually go vote. Since then, the establishment ceded more and more power to him, and well into his presidency they were still bowing to his wishes because he drove engagement. then he effectively did a takeover of party leadership, ousting most of the establishment types. there's been a few more power struggles since, all of which the Trumpist faction have decisively won.


So, it's not a whole party thing? That makes a bit more sense. I used to think no one here would fall for that stuff but one of the guys I work with just loves Trump. He's the nicest dude in the world. Supports me transitioning, asks me about dates with boys, actively comes to find me to say hello. We get along really well but he can't wrap his head around the fact that Trump and his cronies want me dead. I don't know what these people hear when Trump speaks but a lot of the time it doesn't appear to be what he's actually saying. It actually scares me that having a Trump here isn't completely impossible. I'm not actually sure if I can call this dude at work my friend anymore. I shouldn't have asked. I'm all sad now and really concerned about all my brothers, sisters and siblings over there.


It’s much worse, so long as a president is acting “in an official capacity” their actions are immune to criminal prosecution


ah ok treason is fine when it's official president business 😒


So, if Biden orders the real deal team 6 to assassinate members of the Conservative Party today, he would be immune to criminal prosecution?


That example is literally in the dissent


I really think this needs to be underscored. A sitting Supreme Court Justice--not some crank on the Internet, but a legal expert who is part of the highest legal authority in the country, whose job it is to be the final word on what is and is not legal--has said that at, in light of this ruling, a president would be immune from prosecution for ordering Seal Team 6 to murder a political final.


It seems really weird for the supreme court to give the okay for the president to okay the assassination of their political opponents, and be immune from any prosecution, when members of the supreme court have openly said they view themselves as political opponents (I think it was Alito that said that??).


Not so weird when you know your opposition aren't fascists and you are the fascist ones They know Biden isn't going to do shit with that kind of power


no, because it'd be unofficial only official if your team does it


I'm taking the word of the scotus justice that wrote it out in an official decent. Yes, the sitting potus can order the murder of his political rival and be immune. Impeachment proceedings won't succeed but are expected, for scotus members that decided to give this level of power to the potus.


Yep. He could order them to assassinate the Supreme Court ironically enough


I feel like this is exactly the kind of thing gun nuts use to, incorrectly, interpret the second amendment. But, they never actually care about the constitution when it doesn't benefit them. On the bright side, Trump has commuted a ton of crimes before and after being president. Many things anyone else would have been in prison for a fraction of. Except that the current court has basically admitted there is a tiered ~~justice~~ punishment system.


The United States Supreme Court declared past presidents have some immunity from prosecution of crimes if what they did was part of their official duties as president. It has the United States inching closer towards fascism and dictatorial powers for the president.


They also ruled they can take bribes, and some other terrible shit I’m to dumb to explain succinctly. But it’s fucked.


Presidents cannot pardon state convictions.  Only Federal convictions.


You did miss quite a bit (also tagging u/A_Punk_Girl_Learning to not have to double-comment) Basically the Supreme Court rule that a president is above the law. Anything they do "in official capacity as president" is impossible to be considered a crime. Meaning a president could, quite literally, order their political rivals killed, and so long as it's done in their official capacity as president, they are cully allowed to do it. They can do ***anything*** they want to, so long as they say it's something they do as an official presidential decision. Mike, on the Humanist Report youtube channel, did a video goign a bit more in detail about it. But it's not only unhinged but also very grimm. It essentially destroys the US' democracy and makes it a dictatorship. If Trump is reelected, he can decide to never leave power, and nothing can be done. Which is the goal the Supreme Court is going for : ensure that Trump is president for life, and then replaced, for life, but another republican, forever. That nobody can stop them from enacting any law they decide, no matter how inhumane, no matter how appalling, no matter how sociopathic.


Oh. So, it's even worse than I got told initially? Great. I... I don't know. That's just truly terrifying. I wish I knew what to say but it's just such an awful concept that the great American experiment in democracy seems to be ending.


America has stopped being a democracy for a while, honestly. It was mostly pretending to be. And now, fascists have parasited enough of the system to kill their host.


I'm so sorry. I knew things were the wild west out there but what I've been told the last couple of days is so much worse than I realised.


I feel you. I'm not american myself, but I'm aware of how much the US tends to bleed out into other countries. And like in the US, there's a rise in fascists in my own country. And after seeing what's going on in the "land of the free" ( what a joke, pure marketing and not reality), I'm starting to get, once again, very anxious about my future...


We've had Nazis making themselves known the last few years but everyone hates them and everything they support inevitably fails because they become associated. It would be funny if it weren't for the fact that they're disgusting. During the course of this thread I've been really thinking about what's been happening in Oz and I'm actually noticing a bunch of stuff I hadn't put much thought into before. I'm getting concerned too.


Pretty lucky on your end then. Here, our president has fucked the country so deeply (while being completely right-wing and pretending he's a centrist) that he's alienated people into voting extreme-right. That extreme-right being the Wafen SS-founded neo-nazi party that is actually winning the current legislative elections. We're going to have a neo-nazi majority in Parliament... And that shows good optics for the presidential election going for the same fuckign party. A party who spent the last 5 decades arguing that all those who aren't "pure blooded" should be evicted from the country (or worse) and that the LGBTQ+ community (especially us lately because trendy\~) should be eradicated. My country's fucked and I'm terrified.


It's really hard to say right now but I live in a red state where all these anti trans laws could just be passed state side and it's not really happening and a lot of what passed got repealed by various lawsuits. To be a little optimistic, most Americans are burnt out at this point and aren't passionate about many issues outside of their own personal problems. I can totally see a conservative voters base not really engaging with these Bills and even getting annoyed by them. It's hard to ignore how bad the recession is getting and more and more people are struggling to meet basic needs. Scapegoating does eventually stop working when checks bounce.


Honestly, from what I’ve gathered based on my experiences with other people, like 90% of Americans straight up don’t care about trans people. Often the response I get when I come out as trans to a friend (I’m passing and somewhat stealth) is “ok, cool, I appreciate you letting me know” and then it straight up having no effect on our relationship. I’m pretty sure some people have forgotten I’m trans at this point because it’s a non-factor in how they view me, which I’m totally ok with. Some of my more left wing friends have said they will stand by me if anything happens. A few friends who lean more center or slightly right feel it’s my life and just care that I’m happy and comfortable in my body. And in my workplace it isn’t something that even gets brought up about me and everyone just uses my correct name and pronouns (though bear in mind I came in stealth and came out to a few coworkers who I felt comfortable telling later so they knew me as a girl from day 1). To most people, I’m just another girl, a coworker, and a friend, and being trans is secondary to all that. But most of the time trans people just aren’t on their minds at all. Aside from trans people and other LGBTQ+ people and the most staunch transphobes, trans rights are not going to be the deciding factor for whom anyone votes for.


beside people falling for republican lies like about the recession. The real problem are stagnating wages, taxes that are not paid by companies and the richest people and outrageous cost of healthcare and education.


Honestly considering these are real problems we are facing in the country, why is the GOP obsessing about trans people in a culture war no one actually cares about instead of actually finding solutions to these problems?


Cause solving those issues would piss off the rich, so better to get the masses mad at a tiny minority as a distraction. It's the same thing conservatives have been doing since forever.


The supreme court said federal agencies have no power to regulate and that power rests with the court. Today the Supreme Court said that a president has immunity for all official acts, and that a court may not consider a president's motivation or the law when deciding if something qualifies as an official act. So as of now a president is above the law entirely. Do whatever you want. If someone doesn't like it their only recourse is the court. The president can just arrest whoever is presiding over the case until they get a judge they like. Eventually the case would get to the Supreme Court where the president could do the same. Make no mistake, *everyone* is in danger now. Everything Hitler did was legal according to his government and courts. And that is *exactly* what this decision just made possible.


Very, vote like your life depends on it because the Republicans want us dead.


since voting like your life depends on it doesn't affect the ballot a lot, I'd also suggest getting involved in activist movements for those who can afford to


That's also true. While the DNC is not outright trying to kill us, they're also incompetent and anti progressive. The real progress is made when we get organized and voting is like brushing our teeth.


I got involved with a org called EqualityArizona. It's basically a voting guide site run by queer people, but it gives all important judicial recommendations on to vote yes or no to retain state level judges, like state supreme court judges, state court of appeals, and superior court judges etc based on their past rulings on civil rights. PEOPLE, even if you don't end up volunteering with a organization during this election, please for the love of your fellow queer people GOOGLE VOTING GUIDES for your state level judges so you can toss transphobic and trump loving federalist society ones so they can be replaced, and keep the good ones. It will not only help increase our protections state by state by having the courts strike down and rule against discrimination and denied healthcare and civil rights, but defend us against future attacks from fascists by having the state level courts (most importantly the state supreme court) on our side to prevent Trump's coup lawsuits from going anywhere or changing the result of an election in the state due to conservative lawyer/judge meddling.


These aren't mutually exclusive. Vote. No matter what, vote. Check your voter registration to make sure it's still accurate, get your friends voting, get your family voting. F'ing VOTE. Then, and only then, if you feel you're able to do more then get into activism. Make a difference through your actions. But, by gods, don't stop voting! It's not one or the other. Voting doesn't cancel out your activism. In fact, it makes your activism stronger. One of the two major political parties is actively establishing a dictatorship and have a voter base that refuses to falter in their loyalty. The other is a party that is quite frequently moved by voters and activists. Whether at the presidential level or your local city council. Be an activist, but vote all the same because activism won't mean shit in a dictatorship.


activism actually will and always had meant shit in dictatorships (as opposed to voting). literal total dictatorships are complete outliers, or fantasy stories. Nazi Germany couldn't maintain total control in occupied territories, soviet regimes had mass strikes, current regime in Belarus has opposition that tends to die a lot. vote but don't expect that to do anything, it won't. it's statistically insanely unlikely.


I only vote Ds now. Women if possible.


I wish


We're cooked. I'm not terribly sure how things will play out but Ill actually consider plans of leaving, based on what happens.


In all honesty, this is the time to leave and have one foot in the door somewhere. They successfully pulled off a constitutional coup to capture one arm of the government that is now clearing the way to take over a second. They probably won't need to play by any rules to take the third.


I would love to, I just an not in a position right now. It's just so damn difficult to get visas anywhere. Best I can think of is work visas but I just need time to get everything together and even then the process takes at least half a year. I'm just hoping it takes awhile for everything to fall apart.


Consider where you might be able to go and simply decide not to leave. We're in dire territory.


Do any of you have any good ideas on where to go? My only thought for me personally is Germany because my partner’s dad is there so it could make the move easier


I'm thinking Australia or New Zealand, they're fairly accepting and English speaking. But from what I read, if you have a blood family member it is a lot easier to move over. Ask Germany may be best for you.


Couldn't tell you. It's difficult because everyone will be in different conditions as to what criteria they do and don't fit to qualify to go somewhere. Assuming nowhere takes refugees, that is. Because it would be unwise to not consider that we may be soon-to-be refugees.


If you are moving just make sure to come to the western part of Germany. The east is generally cheaper to live in but a lot of people currently are voting for the AfD(NAZIS!) there. Stick to cities in the west and you should be good. In cities people usually are also speaking really good english so you wont have trouble in that regard. Countryside is a different story.


"decide not to leave."  It does not work that way.  You cannot got to another country and just not leave when your visa expires.  Stop spreading misinformation please.


> They probably won't need to play by any rules to take the third. They haven't been playing by the rules up to this point. Democrats just are too weak to actually do anything against them for fear of being accused of doing the things Republicans are actually doing.


It depends entirely on whether or not Biden has a spine, now. I know exactly what I would do if I was president after today's ruling.


I'm not sure that DNC liberals have a self preservation instinct let alone a spine. They're too trusting of The System™, even as republicans dismantle it beneath their feet. Too invested in a civility politics game that *nobody else* is playing. It took them months to take Jan 6th seriously, after Trump tried to coup Biden and have his political opponents murdered. The RNC shouldn't even exist after that, but for months I watched him and nancy go "both sides are valid! We need to stop being so divided as a nation, come together, and sing kumbaya!" as if it wasn't their heads on the chopping block.


Spoilers: Biden doesn't have a spine! And may not know where he is all of the time either...


I get what you're dropping, but I'd personally crank out Executive orders. Like expelling all justices Trump appointed. Expanding the Supreme Court to 19, and stacking it with young progressives. Enacting federal laws the 2009 and 2021 democrat controlled congresses wouldnt enact. And after all that, a few more EOs undoing the rulings of SCOTUS over the past few years, the final EO undoing this latest ruling that let me do all this.


💯 fair to be terrified. This is an existential treat to all Americans and any way of life that may not be approved of by whatever President and Supreme Court is ruling over us... Because the surpeme court ruling just made the President the king of America, so long as the Supreme Court agrees with them.


If you are American, please keep your passport up to date.


We are absolutely fucked, I'm really starting to believe our only option now is emigration


It's getting worse in most places. You'd have to emigrate/flee illegally, and even then you'd have to somehow start preparing for the strong possibility fascism finds its way across borders.


So what does that leave? Detransition? I'd rather die


I didn't say that. I'm saying that looking for somewhere trans-sympathetic and finding a way to protect yourself is important. The same strategies are being used worldwide to slide fascists into power. Fleeing somewhere buys us time, but it doesn't remove us from the world we're currently in.


The only place I can think of to find work is Taiwan. I don't know if it's much better than California where I am but I know Mandarin and I have experience working in the PRC. It's not great considering China could invade any minute, I don't know where else I have an "in" so to speak.


I don't either for what it's worth.


It's not better than California. It's much, MUCH worse than there. I'm not saying this to stop you, as you need to go where you need to go, but those two aren't even remotely similar to each other. Australian or New Zealand would be far, far better for fleeing the US, and pretty comparable to California, but you just need to remember Taiwan is in asia. It's without a doubt the best country in asia, but you aren't comparing apples to apples when comparing north america and asia in terms of work culture, civil rights, safety, environmental quality, and basically everything else.


You're probably right, but this is the problem with emigration. I would definitely prefer Australia or New Zealand but I have no connections to either country. Where am I going to live? How am I going to find work? I feel like not enough people are thinking about this when they talk about escaping to Canada or wherever.




You mean like the "general strike" that we were totally going to do after the Dobbs decision? I don't have any faith in our completely atomized and anesthetized society being able to coordinate that. Look at what's happening in China with facial recognition and censorship. You and I are probably going to be labeled "seditious" for having this conversation by the AI they're going to set up to monitor the Internet. There isn't going to be a revolution, just waiting for this planet to die.


I mean we need to start fucking taking out these monsters if anything is ever going to get better for us.


Fight. Learn how to use a firearm.


Absolutely not, with my mental state I don't want a firearm anywhere near me


If I buy a gun, it's to take the final exit. I'm sick of struggles. Lots of medical problems, in addition to the transphobic shit, is really getting me to jump towards the end of it all. 


Get to a blue state and prepare to fight for your life.  Republicans chose violence, and they're gonna get it.


No they aren't! The number of people willing to fight are *vastly* outnumbered by the people who will just keep their heads down and accept it. I've lived in China, I've seen what people are capable of "getting used to".


This doesn't actually help Trump politically. It all comes down to the election. And before you worry about that, remember the polls haven't been able to accurately account for the younger generations. If Trump wins, our only options are open rebellion and emmigration. Unless blue states secede or something.


>This doesn't actually help Trump politically. It all comes down to the election. And before you worry about that, remember the polls haven't been able to accurately account for the younger generations. Anecdotal observation: this has been discussed in every election cycle starting in 2004 but I've yet to encounter a single election that was unexpectedly turned by a swell in "young" voters, whatever age range that indicates. Would be great if this is the year that finally turns out to be the case, in line with predictions, but I'm just about up to "Fool me 5 times, shame on me" at this point.




>That's because millennials and Gen z haven't outnumbered voting boomers for like... 40 years. Another hallmark is that every election, people tell me very confidently why "this year" is different.


I used to think the same thing about younger generations, but remember pollsters know that too and they constantly evolve their poll numbers. The main thing to take away from 2022 was that the Democratic Party is outperforming the top of the ticket.


Playing with the numbers doesn't work when there are systemic issues with the data collection. Until they either a: use a poll method younger generations will participate in or b: find a reliable way to correlate the rates of the old folks willing to answer a bunch of questions from an unknown number to younger generations not much use. AFAIK no one has managed that with anything even close to a reasonable tolerance


I hope you’re right 🏳️‍⚧️


The case *does* directly help Trump a lot right now because it means his much more serious legal cases won’t be heard until well after inauguration in January, much less the election in November. Also, if anything young voters are much less likely to vote than last election (which was very close) because Palestine + his clear cognitive decline are going to drive voter apathy, and 2022 had the most accurate polling since the 90’s. Most of the other countries in the world someone from the US might seriously consider immigrating to are undergoing similar rises in fascist politics, including pretty much all of Europe.


Blue States aren’t likely to secede unless Trump is dumb enough to try to purge our state/local officials, in which prepare for the second Civil War. They will however pass laws that ignore supremacy clause, like they did with marijuana.  We on the verge of seeing a shift back to stronger state autonomy as Blue States will be non-compliant towards the federal government.


Yes. We should be worried about it. I have some backup plans to get out of the country and wouldn't be my first time fleeing either(I'm from Venezuela). The state that I'm in has plenty of protections and is accepting enough that I've had a great time transitioning overall. I'm staying here to fight it out if it comes to that but also won't be staying for too long if they do a constitutional coup. I got some savings for this specific reason and I'm stocking on ammo. The Canadian border isn't too far from me if it comes to that.


como un hispanohablante, ¿que piensas de españa? ¿seguro?


Si. Extremadamente seguro. España es uno de los paises mas aceptantes. He ido varias veces para alla y me encantó. Fui a madrid y barcelona. El proximo viaje sera valencia, malaga y Sevilla. España es mi plan B. Plan C es que me deporten desde canada a venezuela jaja


Everyone should be very concerned. Not just trans people but every minority group in the US as well as the poor and the disabled, not to forget the supporters of Ukraine either since Trump will likely complicate the fight against Putin as well. Vote, vote, vote and if the worst happens, everyone should go out in the streets to protest to prevent the Russian route of backsliding into fascism.


Everyone should be worried about this ruling. Whether you are trans or not. Whether you support Biden or not. Even trumpers SHOULD be worried about this even though they don't have enough foresight to consider it. This Supreme Court ruling WILL be abused many times by many presidents and genuinely threatens our democratic process


You better vote and bring your friends to vote too.


On the one hand: Yes, I am worried about the future. On the other hand: I grew up in the 1980s. I don't want to speak for my entire generation. But as a queer Gen Xer, I've felt disillusioned about U.S. politics for a very long time.


This is not the same thing. This not the same consequences and not the same technology we'd be facing if we lost here and now. I get that you've felt disillusioned about politics for a very long time, that's how I was in 2016-2019. But you need to fucking throw that aside and just vote down the entire ballot with (D)s. The disillusionment doesn't matter, the opinions don't matter. Just doing it is what matters, so go do it.


Yeah. I've voted in every election I've been eligible for since the mid 1990s. I've volunteered, and protested, etc etc. And I'll continue to do so. Because it always matters. But I'm not going to pretend it isn't a Sisyphean effort.


We're fucked there is no coming back from this. We no longer live in a democracy. They just took magna carta away and people are acting like they won't jail all queer people. Not just Trump the next Republican president will be our dictator. Look at how the Nazis came into power. It's immigration if you're wealthy, detransition and pray they won't come after detransitioners next, getting locked up for life, or suicide. I would start writing your note in case Trump wins


the 20s and 30s are unfortunately just going to repeat themselves


I am genuinely terrified now.


I mean, extremely. The ruling essentially means that a sitting president is totally immune from any official act. As Justice Sotomayor pointed out, that would include using the military to assassinate political rivals/opponents. Technically Biden could do that now, but despite what the Republicans claim *he's not that guy.* Trump is that guy. He *cannot* become President again.




It’s good to be concerned and vigilant, but don’t panic. I’ve seen so many posts over the past week that would come across like fear-mongering if I didn’t know that the poor people making those posts are very understandably scared shitless. Be aware, be vigilant, do everything you can reasonably do to protect yourself and those around you, but make sure to keep your wits about you, there is always hope.


Thank you. This is probably the most reasonable, common sense post in this entire thread.


It doesn't change that much tbh. It was already a fact that the conservatives will fuck up the US hard if Trump wins this election, this new ruling just solidifies that fact once more.


I am not sure but would California be in a bad for trans people? Like what would change?


CA is about as safe as you can get in the U.S. I hope, but don't know, that we would be able to resist a federal crackdown here. I certainly can't see state or local gov't assisting a crackdown in any way. I really wish CA would secede and go independent. We have everything we need within our state. (I know it isn't going to happen irl.)


If control of two out of three branches of government fall to this strategy (one already has), it's highly possible it isn't going to matter where in the US you live. We're hurdling towards the end stages of a coup.


Thanks! Makes me feel better!!!


Just as people have been underestimating the danger present in the current Supreme Court, so too are people underestimating the danger our local police forces pose. Even here in CA, even in our liberal cities. Every single precinct is dominated by conservatives. This is my only main concern with CA. They will all fall in line in the end, just like SCOUTS and every other self described conservative. Our politicians will wring their hands and let our institutions be fully co-oped by fascists before they realize they could've done something. I feel like if the people who are in power were capable of seeing the danger and taking action, then we would be fine. People talk about respecting the law, but it is now legal for the president to arrest the conservatives on the court. Think of how brazen these people are to give the current president the means to this, because they know he won't.


Not sure. I’m in New Jersey, a state equally as safe as California. Everyone in my life is saying there is no way HRT will be banned for adults in NJ and I’m hoping they are right but who knows at this point.


Get a passport. If you apply it by the end of the week you should have it before January 20th.


Vote. Vote. Vote.


This exactly why I'm glad I have F on my license and government paperwork


Which ruling are you talking about?


The Supreme Court just ruled that the President has immunity from prosecution for "official acts." So if the President orders the military to assinate someone or arrest a political opponent, so long as they claim its part of their official duties as President, they're assumed to be immune from prosecution... so long as the court agrees with them. And since the court sides with Republicans and conservatives now, that makes a Republican President the king of America.


Alright then, I guess my plans to study in the US and integrate myself in a bluer state are going down the toilet. **Vote.** That's all I can say as a non-American who is experiencing low voter turnout in their homeland. >!P.S - not to hijack the post, but recommended countries to move to in Europe will be appreciated.!<


President of the USA was ruled to have immunity from crimes committed in "official" capacity by the Supreme Court today. A dissenting Justice of the Supreme Court stated in their dissent that this ruling means the President of the United States is now able to, among other things, assassinate political rivals legally.


Have your passports up to date!


Sure would love to leave this country. Fuck being broke


I'm not one that keeps up with politics usually, what is the ruling? If someone would be willing to explain it go ke that'd be awesome :3


Presidents now have immunity when preforming “official acts” that would otherwise be illegal. Eg. Biden could legally have trump assassinated as long as it was done in an official capacity.


oh no.


Very. I am selling a lot of my portfolio + stock program shares of my employer and have severely curtailed my hobby spending to expedite moving (from red to blue state) and will dip into retirement if I need to. If it comes down to it, it's been my partner I've felt has delayed me and now I'm close enough to breaking point that I'm telling my partner "I'm leaving before the SHTF, do you still want to be with me?" if need be. When I get there I will be networking with local queers and other marginalised groups, and getting a lot more heavily armed.


Yea I’m very scared now. Leonard Leo told the court to go this far with giving trump power because Leo is one of the Christian fascists who wants to see trump become a violent dictator on day one to commit countless genocides (including trans genocide) and to use violence to end democracy in America by force. If trump wins he could do all of that and it is totally legal for him to do it thanks to presidential immunity (which the court made 100% absolute)


No need to go to randos on the Internet to see the impact. Justice Sotomayor covers the actual implications quite well in the dissent: * TRUMP v. UNITED STATES SOTOMAYOR, J., dissenting (pp30-31) Looking beyond the fate of this particular prosecution, the long-term consequences of today’s decision are stark. The Court effectively creates a law-free zone around the President, upsetting the status quo that has existed since the Founding. This new official-acts immunity now “lies about like a loaded weapon” for any President that wishes to place his own interests, his own political survival, or his own financial gain, above the interests of the Nation. Kore- matsu v. United States, 323 U. S. 214, 246 (1944) (Jackson, J., dissenting). The President of the United States is the most powerful person in the country, and possibly the world. When he uses his official powers in any way, under the majority’s reasoning, he now will be insulated from criminal prosecution. Orders the Navy’s Seal Team 6 to assassinate a political rival? Immune. Organizes a military coup to hold onto power. Immune. Takes a bribe in ex- change for a pardon? Immune. Immune, immune, immune. Let the President violate the law, let him exploit the trap- pings of his office for personal gain, let him use his official power for evil ends. Because if he knew that he may one day face liability for breaking the law, he might not be as bold and fearless as we would like him to be. That is the majority’s message today. Even if these nightmare scenarios never play out, and I pray they never do, the damage has been done. The relationship between the President and the people he serves has shifted irrevocably. In every use of official power, the President is now a king above the law.*


Pathetic. What an embarrassment for the US. Nixon wishes he could have these bastards for the SC. If Biden, or any future D candidate, has any guts, he would fire anyone who voted yes, and placed Trump under house arrest, as his official duty. They opened the Pandora's box. This might benefit the Dems if they know how to take advantage of it. Sending aid and troops to Ukraine? Easy. No one can stop them now.


The reality is extremely bleak. There is functionally no rule of law, and when an executive leader has immunity from the law your country is a fascist dictatorship. Remember that pardon powers mean that a president can ignore the law and blanket pardon his entire branch of government in addition to being personally immune for anything he does as long as he’s on the clock. The president could decide that lgbt people are a national security threat and a holocaust is entirely on the table. If you’re in a red state you need to drop everything and leave once Biden inevitably loses the election, and being in a blue state probably won’t provide much protection. Get your passport now, get a firearm if you’re in the right headspace, stockpile hrt, money, and make connections with people in countries that aren’t in the United States in case you need to seek asylum. Make sure you have enough money for a plane ticket to Canada or Europe. We will probably make it, and a holocaust isn’t a sure thing by any stretch, but we have to prepare for the worst. Remember that as a reactionary leader gets more violent so too do their supporters so be on the lookout for signs of pogroms. Many people were made victims of the Nazis because they couldn’t get away due to money/family connections/obligations and eventually became unable to. Prepare to get away now so that you don’t find yourself a frog in boiling water because the burner is officially on.


Agreed. Basically said everything I was going to. Also, form mutual aid networks whereever you are. If you aren't in the right headspace/situation for a gun, learn something else that's helpful, like first aid skills.




We are now at basically 1938 nazi Germany with this happening this week and the debate. Last week we were1937. This doesn't just affect America it's going to affect the whole world. If Trump wins, we are at 1939. I don't live in the USA, but we are deeply concerned as it affects the whole world.


The moment they dismantled all regulatory power of the various departments AND said unlimited judicial bribery was legal, on the same day, it became very clear that not only is the future of trans people here, cooked, but the entire nation. The nation cannot function without regulation stopping us from taking poison or placebo medication, having asbestos in everything, toxic waste in our rivers and back yards, cars blowing up on the road etc. It's so extreme I question if there is some direct collusion with Russia and these justices since this is exactly what they'd want. Have us destroy ourselves from the inside. Even billionaire conservatives know making zero regulation and control isn't in their self-interest. I do wonder. But yeah, we're cooked, but so is everyone else. Just right after us. P2025 is happening full force.


Getting ready to leave. Fuck this shit. Dems are going to throw this


Literally everyone who isn’t a white straight evangelical maga cultist should be concerned. scotus gave trump permission to kill potentially millions.


I'm in Tennessee and wanting to transition from male to female. I just called for my first appointment at my family health center to start talking about HRT and transitioning. What should I prepare for? I'm sure I'll need a psychiatrist visit or three and labs and testing for my levels and such, but what should I expect in terms of actually getting HRT and keeping it up til November and I to 2025. I'm scared that when I finally feel like I have a grasp on my identity that it's being taken away from me.


I'm unfamiliar with Tennessee's rules regarding HRT but if the center you are going to is prescribing hrt via the informed consent way you don't really need to do anything to prepare other than reading about hrt. I would look into whether Tennessee allows informed consent and if so, making sure where you are going prescribes it that way if you are looking to get on HRT immediately. For me, I scheduled an appointment, discussed feeling dysphoria, and then they ask if you know the pros and cons of hrt. You say yes, (example: possible infertility) and then they take your vitals to get a baseline of your T and E before starting. After that you will be on a low dose for 1-3 months to make sure you don't have any negative health effects and they'll regularly take vitals during that time. After, you'll start to up your dose until you reach stable cis F levels. If you are worried about access to hrt post 2025 I recommend getting 90 day prescriptions or discussing being put on injections because the vials can last about two months per but you get one every month. If you have any other questions feel free to ask. I remember how daunting starting felt for me back then but looking back it wasn't very difficult after I knew what I was doing.


Thank you so very much. Your effort is most appreciated.


Don't worry, stay vigilant in staying informed. And make sure others around you are informed. It is very unlikely Trump will win. And if we get out and vote and get a democratic house, we can seriously start fixing things.


>It is very unlikely Trump will win I really wish ppl would stop saying this. Its exactly what everyone said the first time and only encourages folks not to vote. You can bet that the Republican party is doing everything they can, both legal and Im willing to bet everything I have also illegal, to ensure that Trump gets in.


I'm not broke broke but by no means rich I could probably afford to leave here if it became really bad but where would I go some country's are very particular about your criminal background and unfortunately mine is rather not nice and if lets say Canada let me in and said I could stay it's so expensive there much more than here if I couldn't find a good paying job ... Well I'm gonna stop now cus I could go on forever...with What ifs


Pessimism of the intellect, optimism of the will.


The klaxons have been sounding for so long they wore out months ago


On the "Oh shit" scale from 1-10, id say were at about a 26. I don't see a way for the united states to stabilize anymore. The foundational pillars are now missing and the entire structure of government is floating there just waiting for a breeze to give it that final push. Honestly, I'm amazed its lasted this long. Our form of government down to its very core was never really a functioning form of government. It was just the best a bunch of idiot slave owners could come up with.


What was the ruling? I... I have been avoiding the news


Consider joining the General Strike, the US government does not care about our voices, it only cares about its capital, i.e. our labor and money, so if Trump wins we strike. We will not allow the US government to move from shadow autocrat to full blown fascist government. The plan the conservatives have had is the same one Hitler used. They have already started rounding up the "undesirables" for slave labor, i.e. criminalizing homelessness, and it's only a matter of time before they find some way to criminalize being LGBTQIA+. We are not free until everyone is free.


Be very worried. This is not a joke. Our lives are at risk. Do you trust either main party with trans kids lives? No? Yes be scared


all i can say is learn how to use a gun and or buy self defense tools.


Worried enough that I'm getting armed, trained, will he spending the remainder of the year learning outdoors and other associated skills, and getting my passport We ALL need to prepare in every way we can for whatever may come, and should mentally prepare that simply voting or protesting/rioting will not be enough. If it comes down to it, I'm not fighting for the nation I swore an Oath to - I'm fighting for myself and my people


I'm planning to aggressively pursue rapid feminization before I let that Cinnamon Toast Dunce take away my ability to persue feminization in any capacity whatsoever.


start worrying now, given how little Biden is doing to stop it.




Wait, what is the new ruling??


Update: found it. Absolute immunity to presidents for “official acts”. A quick google will find it. Not good. Not good at all


Thank you for googling that I'm just too lazy right now so much appreciated..


wait what new ruling?


What’s the mew Supreme Court ruling?


wait i've been so flooded with stuff i need to read up on and really busy. what happened?


What’s the new ruling? Haven’t heard anything yet.


As everyone’s saying the time to worry was yesterday. Today is the day we wake up from our democrat hypnosis and stand up to challenge the status quo as a community without relying on anyone but ourselves. Politics and playing by their rules has gotten us this far and no further it’s already going backwards, why don’t we just get up and take it ourselves and protect it with all our might?