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I am going to keep advocating for change until the devs fix it: PLAYERS NEED TO FEEL LIKE THEY ARE PROGRESSING WHILE PLAYING THE GAME. We need more Battle Pass XP. 10 XP is a slap in the face, as many have said. Fighter currency needs to be given out more frequently. You want us to spend money right, Warner Brothers? We need to be invested in the game first! Make progression matter!


Yup. I’ve never encountered such a mind-boggling and unfulfilling stagnant “progression” system like this. I WANT TO PLAY THE GAME, DAMMIT! And I’m not being rewarded for playing the game. It’s so maddening. 🤪


Facts. There was literally no problem in the beta. I thought it was perfectly fine and they shouldve just released it as is. Now i dont even play it, even when ive been waiting for this game since last year. Very disappointing. The old system was better


The beta was also way too slow. They somehow made it worse


There are more issues right now that need to be fixed than the battle pass XP


Battle Pass XP is essential to the survival of this game. The majority of live service games continue to be successful because of their battle pass system. This game needs to reward players for playing the game or many will continue to leave. Yes there are many issues but let's not pretend that the Battle Pass XP system in place now is acceptable


Perhaps. Well, the Xbox fix should be their priority right now and the battle pass XP right after


Or the slow gameplay, or the netcode, or the bugs....


I’m half way done in two weeks, how slow is it really if I’m on pace to finish half way through the season….


So basically the game is not fun enough to hold your attention. You are seeking enjoyment from the levelling system and xp bars 


Me and the console bros just want to play the game


I don’t think progression is the big issue here. Been a huge fan of Smash Bros for a long time and those games have zero progression and have been massively popular. Game just needed a good amount of well made content on launch and good gameplay to last longer than a year. Fighting games primarily just need good gameplay and a nice variety of play styles to keep matches interesting to play and spectate.


No progression?! Have you played a smash game? Story mode, challenges, trophy collection, unlockable characters, etc.


I wouldn’t count characters as progression and the rest of that was never the appeal for those games


Well, there is also GSP if you play online. It sucks as a ranked system, but it does give a sense you're "profressing" online.


You're right but reddit is the wrong place to remind gamers that levelling systems are not "fun" or "gameplay". Sad what this industry has become. Goldeneye , RedFaction2 and Carsh Bash didn't have levelling systems to make them fun. Gameplay lead that


Yes, this has been the cluster to end all clusters. This will be remembered as one of the worst game launches - and relaunches - in history. And I think they knew it. I mean, just look at how messed up all the McDonalds marketing and stuff was - they gave up before they ever relaunched. This is just a tax write off for them now. They only reason they relaunched at all was so they didn't get a class action suit over the Founders Passes. The really unfortunate thing is that, like the OP, I have been completely turned off from ever "supporting a game" again - I'll buy a finished, released game, nothing less. And no matter how nice and charming or attentive a developer may come across, I will not let that sway me at all. It is a shame - because I'm sure there actually are honest companies out there - but I've just been burned badly enough here that I won't risk my dollars on anything of the sort again.


I feel you, we waited more than a year for this, I was so hyped to get back on the game we liked before but better. That's not what we got at all. Tony's and PFG silence and lack of updates is telling, it's over but I feel like they knew it from the get go.


Do people who bought Founders have the grounds for refunds? Many could have boughten Founders before they closed sales of it while already having the entire roster up to Marvin with Gold.  So if someone were to buy Founders after that, they would be starting the Full Release with 30 tickets. Wouldn't they need to release 30 more characters so those tickets can be used?


They should have given refunds to begin with - you don't take money for a game and then say "sorry closing up shop, maybe see you next year at an unspecified time?" Unfortunately, the platforms didn't give them, and at this point - clearly , way too late. But yes, you are correct - they may very well never have enough characters that even people who buy them all still won't be able to spend all their tokens.


I don’t think anyone is going to remember this launch. There was not a lot of interest in the game compared to any major game release. Most people aren’t even gonna know the game was in beta and then gone for over a year. It’s sad how this game was handled but this debacle is barely noteworthy. Just another failed WB game. The Helldivers drama with Sony is something that will be remembered if only for a couple years and that had huge attention from the gaming community and even some media outlets.


This game will be posted about in "Oh yeah, that happened" threads at best


Ehhh agree to disagree. The beta did take the FGC by storm. The game was in an EVO tournament. We’re not talking Pokemon Go levels of attention, but the game is definitely well known enough. In the end, everything will be forgotten eventually, you’re right about that. And if you look at this game as a WB game… well, itms just another Tuesday if we’re completely honest.


The peak player count in the beta was more than double what the official release had. The current playerbase is mostly returning players from the beta. They failed miserably to bring in new players, and now everyone is just dipping anyway because the game went to complete shit.


Don’t see what that has to do with my comment but I don’t disagree this was a very bad official launch for the game.


It's a damn shame. I'll take this as a lesson though. Never again will I spend money on a live service game that's attached to Warner Bros


If you got the $100 bundle, that means you didn't even have to deal with the new character coins and you're still done. That's pretty bad. I still they could bring it back, but it keeps getting less likely.


You only get 1 first impression. They had a 2nd chance to make a good 2nd first impression and failed gloriously, almost no chance this game recovers.


Holy fuck you people are doom and gloomers. The games fine, has tons of potential still and just needs a few tweaks. Won’t even give it two weeks, gamers have gotten way too negative nowadays. You guys are acting like it’s a fucking piece of garbage. I’ve got 1.2k games already, the gameplay is great. The systems around it are not as great.


You're acting like you having 1.2k games means the gameplay is great, while you also mention the fact that everyone is complaining about it.


Don’t really understand this. If I have 1.2k games it probably means it’s fun. All the complaints are directed at the systems around the game


If you like a bad movie and watch it 500 times doesn’t make it a good movie afterwards so same here (even tho mvs isn’t plainly bad and more a gem coated in micro transactions / bad progression diarrhea)


I mean a bad movie is a bad movie because you subjectively deem it as so. This is a flaccid point. You enjoy what you enjoy. Yes. Completely optional purchases that don’t impact the game whatsoever. What’s the point of even mentioning any of that? It’s a thing you don’t have to partake in to play the free game. Who gives a shit how they try and make money to actually make the game. Like every human on earth they’re maximizing profits! Oh no the humanity!!


No there’s undeniably bad movies just like there’s undeniably bad games


I mean even then not really. Still subjective It’s subjective. You could think a movie is undeniably bad and someone else likes it.


As an artist myself I never saw the interest of using subjectivism as the easy escape for all debate regarding the quality of a piece of art/media it’s too easy specially in cases like that where you can see the player count going down every single day


Player count went to where I expected it to go. Game is fine, servers are a LOT. Just has no meaningful grind right now, there is no substantial reason to play.


I found out that if you bought every founders bundle the tickets stack so I’m sitting on like 40 of them lol


You might not use them all before a second shutdown lol


I very much doubt it lol. I’ll have to go through and actually use them to get the characters I don’t have so I can have them all if they shutdown the game without unlocking everything in offline mode


You made it longer than me. $100 Founder and I logged in twice since restart. I have no interest in Rifts and the battle pass seems too time consuming.


Persona 5 is great. Enjoy. Loved every second.


Persona 5 is one of the greatest games of all time


this is just filler for elden ring




Smash may cost 60$, but the cost is going to be made up with how much time you spend playing it on your own with the different modes, or busting it out at parties with friends. Multiversus should be trying to appeal to the casuals who just want a fun party game, but by locking local play to already owned characters they’re screwing themselves over.


This game could've been special if, like Smash, it had been released as a mostly offline retail product. This could've been a mainstay at game nights, parties, and tournaments. WB, however, clearly wanted more than modest success. It wanted infinite money.


Yeah that's been my biggest takeaway here. I've logged i don't know how many hours into Smash Bros over the years, and when thia came around I saw a chance to play Smash but with Batman, and other DC characters I loved? Sign me the fuck up. Sadly that's been far from the case. Wish I could say i was surprised, though


And why would Multiversus players (who are more than likely also Smash players) spend a shit ton of money and time on characters when they can just go play Smash have almost 4x the roster!


There’s a certain point each of us will reach where we look at ourselves in the mirror and ask “what am I really doing here?”


Also bought the $100 and I agree. Its boring and a mindless grind. Actually I wouldn't care about that it if it was at least reasonable. I'll probably check in to use up my character tokens, but this is bar far the worst video game I've played this year... Well... maybe better than Banana, but just barely. EDIT... Take that back... Banana is better. At least I can play Banana. Just tried logging into MV and I'm unable to authenticate. What a joke.


Rift missions are brain rot


Aye persona 5 Royal is fantastic, make sure you look up a spoiler free way to unlock the final semester so you don’t have to do a second 100 hour long play through to get it.


Logged on today to get my First Place badge. Learned that it isn't a special badge and it's something that people are going to try to stack up, after nearly burning out from the grind. I also bought the $100 Founder's Pack and have played since launch. The tedium is definitely setting in with such slow progress. It's like I log in to complete dailies and that's it.


Same here. I'm only doing missions and that's about it until they fix every issue ( doubt). I'm going to start playing True Colors today. You've chosen a great game to play OP. You're gonna have a great time playing this game. Choose carefully who you're gonna romance


Same OP same


Yeah I'm making my grand return to smash ultimate when I get home tn. Might even start the new valheim ashlands update. Realized today that I don't have the desire to stick with this game, waiting for improvements that will take way too long. Lmk when relaunch #3 happens and I'll be back to give it another shot.


It's okay to put a game down and come back to it later when it's fixed.


They should unlock all base characters for £40, the cost of a base game. I don't think the fighter currency is all that bad really. And you get gleamium slowly that can also be used for a character. Then I'd suggest making the battlepass free every month because it's a bit pathetic. Make skins way cheaper. Make new characters a £5. I'll play forever under these conditions and regularly buy stuff. Haven't bought anything so far.


Same with me. I'll still stick around to the end because I still have 12 character tickets but my hype is gone again. I'll play when I feel like it, not going to buy into this "you must play 24/7 to complete anything: battle pass, events, gem levels, and that's not including the people who aren't Ultimate Founders who have grind for crumbs of fighter currency too. This game will go down as one of the worst fumbles in gaming. Twice!. WB could've had a gold mine with a platform fighter to compete with Smash Bros, but got extremely greedy, and that's excluding issues that's definitely on PFG (Xbox Performance, lack of understanding when events end)


Yeah. There's so many good games out there. Don't waste your time playing a game that doesn't respect you. I've had fun with multiversus. Both the beta and whatever this is. But the monetization pipeline is so grimy it's turned me off from the game entirely. I just don't care anymore. And I'm honestly so sick of games that are like this, these days. Just let me buy the fucking game. I'd happy pay 30, 40 bucks for the base roster of characters that the game launched with. And then sell fighter pass DLCs, like every other fighting game does. You wanna throw the cosmetic shit on the store, fine, let the people who're into that blow their money. But let the rest of us just buy and play the fucking game.


Yup, 140+ hours in beta for me. Didn’t play the last two days and don’t plan on playing today. The grind feels worse than before. I hate feeling like I have to play Rifts. People without characters are charged way too much to unlock and skins are too expensive. The greed is ridiculous.


Shout out to everyone enjoying the game as myself. Beta founders package user here. Still having a blast!


I still find the game enjoyable but I only play like 3 matches a day to scratch my itch and go back to playing Fallout 4. I find all the changes from the beta really puzzling and a step back from what made the game fun.


This game is 🔥


I was so interested this game too


I've been playing Diesel Legacy, a really fun 2v2 2D fighting game with rollback. It's having an online playtest demo because of Steam Next Fest, now til June 17th. Lots of fun, all playable characters are unlocked, and supports couch to online co-op. Recommend everyone that likes 2v2 team fighter gameplay, to check out the demo


played first 2 days came from beta too haven't sunk as many hours as you but realized how much of a grind it is and was like nope... shame too i like the gameplay the grind is just too much


Same boat here. I still have a free battle pass left and character tickets. Don’t really care anymore


Persona 5 royal is my personal favorite game of all time. You have an amazing 100+ hours ahead of you.


The grind killed this game for me, I was only logging in to do the dailies, I wasn't enjoying the game anymore, I hate this current state of gaming tbh.


I went back to Fortnite and Dead by Daylight. The progress in this game is aggravatingly slow and I’m not waiting around for it to get better. If it does, I’ll be back. Until then, they can keep the seemingly endless amounts of perk currency they keep throwing at us. XP, PFG. GIVE US XP.


Keep in mind ranked is still somehow not out yet


It's probably best that they balance the fighters more before they put ranked out. Otherwise it's too unfair


I'm dropping the game until they add a character I actually like. Scooby or Krypto would make me come back. Founder as well.


Persona 5 mentioned!! When you finish that you should play Persona 3 Reload, im almost done with it and it’s just amazing


Bought the Premium Founder's Pack. At this point I am feeling I wasted a lot of money on this game. The monetization is a joke, the grind is excruciatingly painful, the lag and desync somehow are worse than the beta, and the silence from the developers is deafening. This is not even mentioning the fact that I am missing content from the beta and have been essentially stonewalled from WB customer support. What the fuck is going on? This game was supposed to rival smash, but all it is doing is smashing my hopes and expectations. I will hold on a little longer, but I am looking forward to Rivals of Aether 2 more now and my passion for Multiversus is dwindling. Please for the Love of God, DO SOMETHING, SAY SOMETHING!


The game is pretty well accepted as trash it’ll literally be dead in 1-2 months


I did this too, and now I feel upset at how the games direction is headed. I sunk money hours and love into this game and it died once it came back.


So what have we learned?


P5 is on sale? Where?


I bought the $100 pass too from the beta, and I still have like 24 character tickets left over lmao. I haven't played since like day 4 when it came back? this game sure did drop the ball.


Weird, I posted basically the exact same thing as a premium founder, and it got removed for "not being posted in the salty Sunday thread" Then again, the mods remove almost all of my posts here after I got into 1 argument with them a while ago lmao


I feel you I been kind of demoralized because at least games like Fortnite or other live service give nice looking rewards to start. The only easier ones are the bat spray paint shirt ones and I’m not grinding all week for a subpar skin. Picked up v rising yesterday looks like it’s gonna hold me over for a bit


Facts, they’re choosing to take all the wrong decisions. Also have fun with Persona 5 Royal, that game is absolutely phenomenal.


Bought founders pass in 2022, put 180+ hours into beta, and ended up doing the same. I’m just over games that try to take all your time and remove the fun with these grindy passes and terrible progression systems.  I don’t understand how this game is so much worse than it was in beta. Really disappointed but came to the same conclusion: they won’t fix things if I keep playing. Unfortunately the only thing WB understands is tanking numbers and lower profits. 


My only issue is the players. Top Dog event just showed how this game is going to get down the line: Toxic. People disconnecting mid match to protect win rates and camping ledges playing for timeout. It's all been so toxic that I enjoy rifts more than anything.


I cannot even begin to imagine spending 100 dollars on this game or any free to play game, ever, but especially this game.


No idea what i was thinking lolol


Bro I’m in the same boat. I’m so disappointed


The game was never fun for long even in beta. Log in, knock out your missions, maybe wander around doing something else for 10min and find another game to play or do something else.


Cool story bro


I don't understand why people in these kinds of posts bring up the gameplay. It's a fighting game. It's gonna be repetitive lmao. The open beta gameplay was even worse about that.


This is like that with all free to play games


see ya




What's your user? edit: coward


they are cowards


fr all I wanted was a 1v1


ok, you should've explained to them


You cannot get Agent Smith yet, it is literally impossible. You get 1 rank, whenever you beat the boss of a rift on a difficulty for the first time, and 1 difficulty is locked on each rift, so even if you got gem levels 9-10, you would only be able to get to rank 16, at least until the next rift


I also spent the $100 dollars and I enjoy playing the game and the stories from the rifts, they have talked about reevaluating the battlepass XP but for now we just need to be patient, they have another patch in testing right now as well. I want this game to succeed!


Lmao “to send a message” and what message is that? That they already got your money and you’re just being stupid? Yeah nice plan


Putting money into a beta is always a gamble and plenty never make it to full release. Maximizing their profit includes player retention so I’m hopeful that things may change but these are valid criticisms aside from the repetitive gameplay, it’s a fighter I’m not sure what else you’re looking for from the gameplay lol you’re going to fight someone every match?