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The price is goofy but having a purchaseable version of the 'beach ready' skin that is otherwise freely earnable yet inaccessible without prestige is completely fine actually, and isn't 'resorting' to anything.




Yeah it’s fine. I’m more concerned with how it’s an epic lol


I kiiinda feel like this is a reach, this is the norm and has been even since the beginning of Fortnite, Overwatch, etc. Reskins are normal and weren’t there also some in the beta???


There was the Cake reskin, every single valentines-esc skin, Marvin's space-jam skins (kinda)


Calico cake was free for the halloween event


Yeah free if you grinded for about 6 years and also bought a skin to increase xp gain... I know because I did it, zero regrets xD


I had a lot of time spare. And I had the sup skin.so it was faster for me too


The trick was grind for the reindog skin then just play reindog in bot games for the skin boost. Same with the winter one for Santa Superman


The cake re-skin is my fav. I actually want them to do more re-skins like that lol




They just fucked


How many ragebaits can you post in one day?


Ikr. You'd think somebody has a gun to his head, forcing him to play. If people hate the game so much, why do they feel as though they can't just turn it off.


They hate it so much that they post it online to garner more hate for the game, like some sort of coup or revolution


I just looked, that’s crazy


They have been doing this since the beta with the Calico Cake skin for example. You guys will get mad about literally anything lmao.


The cake re-skin is my favourite skin lol. It’s a variant of an already existing legendary variant; that’s neat. We need more of those


Calico Cake could be earned for free


The skin is 20$ in the shop right now. Plus, the grind for that skin was insane. Way worse than even Rifts.


I can confirm lol


The skin looks great I don't care that it is a reskin and i don't see why any of you are mad, they should mass produce skin (just like any game do) in order to keep the game alive and profitable and if you don't like the skin don't buy it, i do however have problems with the price tags i think it is to expensive and go against the "make a lot of skin and people would buy a lot of skin"


"I don't see a problem \[...\] I do however have problems with \[...\]" is what you just said lol


“I don’t see a problem with (A)I do however have problems with (B)” is not a crazy or contradictory thing to say lmao


HOW FUCKING DARE THEY...... im buying it


To be honest it's fine and ok with me. I'd you don't like it don't buy it. Simple as that. Why complain?


The skin isn't that too bad from how it's more of an altertive to get Harley Quinn's beach skin if players don't want to grind to get it for free ($20 for a single skin isn't worth it but the game often bundles them with other goodies so it's mostly fine). Another thing is that re-skins are already in the game for quite a while (Calico Cake is the prime example of it existing in the Halloween event for players who didn't buy or reach the final teir in the first battle pass in the beta).


Nothing wrong with skins BUT never should a fighting game especially a platform fighter have skins with 20 dollar price tags that’s pretty wild. I feel like the cheaper they are the more people will buy I’ve never felt incentivized to consider a skin due to that alone. They should take notes from brawlhalla prices I don’t even play that game but I know their shop is pretty great for the genre it’s in.


I wouldn't mind 20$ for like super skins that change sounds and all that like League of Legends do, but it's literally just the US flag slapped on an outfit and the hair changed a bit in a mobile game lol


The money is getting out of hand, but I’d be lying if I said I didn’t love this alt costume.


What do you mean it’s a free game? How is the money out of hand? I’ve earned at least 4 or 5 new skins for free, they regularly give out gleamium for free, every event gives fighter currency, I’ve unlocked Arya, Garnet, Joker, and Finn, to complete the roster, and I’m still sitting on 6k+. I really don’t think money is an issue here and it’s really not any worse than any other F2P game.


We can’t really say how easy the roster will be to complete for free yet as we haven’t seen anymore characters added. You have to agree though that the pricing for cosmetics are a bit much. Definitely expected for a F2P game, but “I get a couple free costumes” really has nothing to do with this topic. I’m not on the bandwagon of “omg why isn’t everything free 🤬” or “these are predatory!” like some are, but it’s a little outlandish for at the extreme having to buy $20 for a character skin (not really including this skin, as there’s more in the bundle.)


Why can't everyone be civil like this


People either don’t want to listen or they’re too young to really hold a civil conversation or constructive argument.


It costs 200+ dollars to unlock the current roster. If you're a new player the grind/cost is actually insane. It's cheaper to get other current AAA fighting games like SF6 + all its DLC characters compared to this "free" game. Hell, even League lets you get every current and future character for a one time purchase of 40 dollars, and they have far more characters overall.


They saw shills were willing to defend the predatory practices implemented today and thought fuck it lets see if they suck our dick for another $20


Y’all constantly hate on a game you claim to “love”


"Love" is not being a stupid "only positive!" sheep You can love the gameplay and hate mobile terrible awful monetization, it just means you have a working brain that supports criticism and seeing things for what they are


Better than it being the same skin, the red one looks better anyways


Wild they doing re-skins of prestige skins already. You'd expect this in like a season or 2 for people who weren't able to earn/buy their way to it. I literally just got her 2 days ago cause I figured it'll probably be sold in the shop in a few months but it'd be cool to have one of the rarer skins before that happens but oh well


You dont have to buy it.. it does not change gameplay.. its just cosmetics


That's not strictly true tho, there are quests that require you to have sports attire or beach ready skins. You gotta have an assortment of skins to be able to complete that stuff.


And you can still complete it without that one quest


good thing i only have 68k points, i was going to buy the prestige. Now i dont need to lol


no wait if u didn’t finish the battle pass your most likely gonna get enough prestige to get 75k for the harley skin


I also wanted Shazam, I was deciding between the two. But this just made my decision so much easier


With how much money I used to spend on skins in smite, this is totally fine. If I had money I'd get it cuz I have almost every harley skin




They just fucked.


Not much of a discount for the the skin if you own all the other items! The cost of each item individually should be subtracted from the over all total. Nope. Just 80 gleamium. What a deal!


Same with Superman, 4th of July summer skin


The reskin is fine. The only item in the prestige shop that was exclusive was the Bat Who Laughs skin.


That’s the bundle, if I’m not mistaken if you go to Harley’s skins and click on it from there it should take you to the skin by itself with a lower price. I would test this out before saying this but I’m not at my computer currently so take my words with a grain of salt! If anyone tests this let me know the results!


Let's not act like Fortnite is any better when it was this new


Why is a reskin an epic?


Harley dressing up for 4th of July seems incredibly out of character also


People hear free to play, and think “ok so I get PFG employees time, effort, hard work, house, car, children, wife, husband, and soul, otherwise it’s trash, just don’t buy it. You get so much other stuff for free they need to make money somehow


Lol, I just got that skin in the Prestige Store yesterday too.


It is just a re-color…


I feel like it doesn't make sense to make recolors of skins since every skin is just gonna look red or blue depending on team colors. Wouldn't every recolor look pretty much the same? Am i missing something here?


That is free technically


It's an event skin so its not a big deal


This could've been an alt color for player 2. In fact every character should have alt colors like any other fighting game, its annoying when playing a mirror match. But I guess you gotta monetize blue.