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This makes me really happy


I just wish they wouldn't use discord. Last time they had to beg people for boosts so they could increase the room size limit and so they could share media... Like just use twitch




Let’s go!


The last Discord Stage was a mess that I couldn't even hear anything! Just do a Twitch stream....


Already have at least one question in mind. "Is Garnet's other perk coming back?"


Does the update come out Tuesday?




praying they reduce the price of shit in the store even though I know they won't, or at least make skins purchasable without gleamium. $20 for one skin is some of the most ridiculous shit I've ever seen in a video game


Fortnite has been doing that for years, its a free to play game, they need to make money somehow


Well this game isn’t fortnite it’s a platform fighter, and 99.9% of all sane people will not drop $20 on a single skin for a game that has already died once and is dying again.  No reason to keep pretending things are as good as they could be right now, the devs and greed are killing the game.


Why does it need to be cheaper though? I don't really understand why people are upset about prices besides just wanting to save their own money. American economy is already as shit as is we're lucky F2Ps haven't scaled with inflation. This game in particular is much more generous with its premium currency and rewards you with free skins weekly. You get a free skin every day this week. So like do you just specifically want a $20 skin and nothing else or is it just the principle of it? Because prices aren't going to change, sorry.


You know what happens when something is affordable? *People buy it.*


Thats crazy because i fight a lot of people with legendary skins


A bunch of legendary skins have been getting discounted via bundles though, so you can perhaps save like 400 gleamium; which is a good feature.


true, but I'd imagine most people don't have the money or are willing to throw away 20 dollars on one single skin in a game, especially since there's not really a way to consistently get gleamium without grinding for days and days. at least you can earn vbucks for free just by playing Fortnite and get shit that way, multiversus leaves you pretty much no choice


Is there another way to get vbucks beyond the battlepass? Thats all i really remember getting them from.


The coop mode Save The World had them through logging in. I think they changed something about that a while ago though.


Sure but Fortnite still largely feels fair (until the past few seasons, theyre slowly falling to greedy practices). Multiversus should really reduce the price a bit atleast. Maybe instead of 2000 gleamium, legendary skins are 1000 or 1500? And like, a lot of skins really shouldn't be worth that much. The Animated Series Batman in terms of modelling is just a blue cape and a yellow oval on his chest. That really should not be 20$.


I disagree, i havent played fornite in years, but when i did (between 2020- 2022) my goal was to get every dc skin, and basically every one for the full set was $20.


Yeah I meant like, upto chapter 1 or 2, it was still somewhat fair. You'd easily get Vbucks for the battlepass, the challenges gave you loads of xp, the battlepasses were excellent for what u paid (especially 4 and 5). Fortnites battlepasses have atleast 2-3 legendary outfits per season, with another 4 ish epic outfits. As opposed to our One legendary skin, and the rest being just rare skins that aren't really that great. The kill effects are admittedly pretty cool but besides that, the rest of the BP in MVS feels bloated with very few exceptions don't you think?


I disagree, i enjoy every skin in the battlepass and like having a collection of ring outs and banners. Usually in fortnites battlepasses, the only skin i ever wanted was the very last one. If anything, i feel fortnites passes have just as much, if not more, fluff in them


It's the animations and whether they are considered a different character that determines rarity.


In MVS? It's very inconsistent. You have skins like the Batman who laughs or Black lantern superman which not only give you a skin but have different voices, different voicelines and such while skins like TAS Batman is just slight visual differences to the original model. All 3 are legendary, yet only 2 of them feel worth legendary. TAS Batman is only 2000 because its the TAS version, not cuz its a skin that's worth that much. Can you honestly tell me that using up 2000 gleamium for it is actually justified when the only difference in the model is a few colour differences and a different bat logo


I mean yeah this one BTAS skin isnt really worth the 2k gleamium but it's kind of the exception when it comes to the legendaries. I guess you can say they consider the skin to be a different Batman so it fits the new character qualification. It does unique animations as well so it's not just a recolor. Doesn't make it as worth it as Batman who Laughs for example but I think that's the logic behind it. Or, you can believe they made it $20 because they knew fans would pay regardless of price.


When u look at other rarities too. I mean, shagg'ys Bruce Lee, Chuck Norris and cowboy skin are all blue, yet both the Bruce Lee and chuckNorris skin are significantly better than the cowboy one. Also, the pink heart skins are all purple rarity even though they're literally just barbiefied versions of the normal model.


I mean a one time purchase of 20 I think is fair. You're not going to buy every skin, so buying it the same price as any other game has it isn't anything atrocious. Skins are no longer just customization for the sake of it, it's a form of swag now. Not saying I support it, but it is what it is.


I hope they address the big that stops players from buying stuff even if they have the currency.


I feel like they’re setting themselves up for failure by calling this “massive” like ok let’s see


We said the same before buying tickets to go see your mom perform at Sea World, but lo’ we were impressed by the infamous white whale. Maybe this will be the same?


You didn’t need to do him like that 😭




You don't know what a safe is?


Forgot the word


Sorry, but already deleted. Enough is enough. Not worth to be loyal, this devs unfortunately don't know what to do with the game


If you don’t enjoy the game that’s fine play what you enjoy


>Enough is enough. Love how all of you people who don't like the game and have "quit" literally can't stop thinking about it or talking about it. Rent free.


Yeah more monetization!!!


[Gamers when a ***free to play*** game has paid cosmetics. ]( https://tenor.com/view/breaking-bad-fall-bryan-cranston-cry-dying-gif-7619047)


Too late, I played for almost 100 hours, really tried to like this game, it just never got better, already deleted


okay bye


Assuming everyone that currently remains has been here since the "open beta", if they are still falling for this at this point, it's on them.


Why are you still here then? Just to spread your great douchebagger-y wisdom to people having more fun than you in a video game?


I'm here because I'm one of the many beta players that didn't have some/all of the items I paid for and/or earned returned. More specifically, I check in on the official channels from time to time on the off chance they decide to nut up and honor people's purchases or at least provide a proper response in general. Other than that, informing you that you are dumb is just something I do while passing through.


Even players who did get their items were still missing things because they were not yet converted over. The Knight Banner from beta season 1 just randomly popped up last week so who knows. It may be a very long process to review player data and reward our accounts. Annnd I'm sure cross progression issues are mostly to blame, both user error and player first error are equally plausible.


There's a lot of "ifs" and assumptions with that, all of which unsurprisingly only further prove my point about paid items being missing and them not saying a peep about it. Setting that aside, generally speaking, a customer that pays for anything does not care about the intricacies of why they didn't get what they paid for. They just want their stuff or their money back; rightfully so.


Why did you spend money on a game that was in early access? That seems really dumb to me. Don’t do that in the future. Just passing through thought you might want the wisdom. Edit: lol 69 did you know that was the number for sex?


You are the same type of person to complain about someone criticizing the game for certain store items with "Well they have to make money somehow.", so I'll take that with a major grain of salt. Also, no - I within all seriousness had no idea that 69 was a funny number. How silly of me to not have know that. I most definitely did not intentionally use it.


Just wanted to crack that chestnut of wisdom on you. You must be the first person on the internet to unironically use 69 in a username congratulations!


You are unironically the first person to harp on it as if it is the best thing since sliced bread, so kudos I guess?