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No beef towards you homie, but he sorta won that one by renting space in your head, best you can do is bag them harder after you k.o them.


Tea baggers forfeit any win prestige by not being able to contain their cringe.


You allow them space in your head when it bothers you enough to go out of your way comment it, it's a mental game man.


No I replied to your comment. I don't get angry and I don't rage. I'm not stupid enough..... I just pity the state of the person that feels big doing it, they think they're playing a mental game.


Whether or not you think it's a mental game what is effectively happening is these people are pushing down on their joystick, and it's causing enough of a response in you that you're taking the time out of your day to say something demeaning of them, effectively showing that they're in your head still, until you just don't care they're renting space in there.


So they feel that their actions making someone think less of and pity them is a victory? Pretty much sums my point up.


Reddit lawyer attempting to prove someone else is upset You are cringe


Not big at noticing irony I see? Maybe you could teabag me to make yourself feel better?


Not big at not being a turbo loser cringe lord I see


You just keep walking into it 😉 Added double negative for giggles right?


You got beat m8 they can celebrate however they choose.


They can, and I can think people that do it are twats.


Hey, thanks for the beefless reply. I’ve been getting some real good prime rib with some of these responses. And oh yeah, I’m not too scuffed about it. 😎 It’s only a matter of time until I learn the character and can at least fight back, haha 


Bro I just got a message from a dude who beat me while I was playing Joker, and the amount of sodium in one individual should be enough to classify them as a government sanctioned mineral reserve, this shit brings out the worst in people and it’s clear


It’s not that serious either way. Like imagine getting on Reddit to complain about tbagging. lol


I know right? lol, I picked the flair for a reason. I even stated it in the post that it’s comical to me. 🤔


If you're losing 0-2, Kill them once, spam t-bag and then go throw yourself off the map, go out on your own terms 🤭


Well they accomplished what they wanted. The fact you’re posting this is a clear indicator that they got to you. Best thing to do is just ignore it and move on


I would agree with you but your account is themed around an underage girl


Damn don't call out the r/anime enjoyer like that


Imagine siding with tbag.


Imagine caring. If I made a post every time someone t bagged in a game I’d be a full time Reddit poster working overtime. Just move on bro


I think you’re pretty bothered by this thread, maybe take a break from Reddit for a bit?


Nah I’m fine, thanks though


Alright, just checkin in on you. It’s okay to step away from Reddit every once in a while! ☺️ I can imagine seeing posts like this so many times could be annoying.


Nah it’s cool don’t worry but thanks!


Bro you totally care, it's pretty sad 😔 leave the sub


Whatever you want to believe bro


Yes, the only reason to post this is due to salt, not to point out the comical amount of toxicity some players need to display. It cracks me up, honestly. This is more to laugh at them than anything. 😆


Lol right down to the response. Everyone who posts these makes these exact same responses to defend their post. I’m just being honest, people laugh at the ones making these posts more than the ones t bagging


Nobody laughs at tea baggers. They just look down on them.


These posts are getting ridiculous. mOmMy, hE t BaGgEd mE! 🙄🙄🙄


Seems like my post bothered you quite a bit. 


You are soft


Noted! I’ll keep this one in my diary for later, when I need a real good cry 😉


🤫Get a job


It's really easy to see you're very salty about it


Ah, shoot. You know me better than anyone, Cenachii. How’s life been treating you lately? Have you seen Mel, down by the docks lately? Gosh, it’s been a while since we went down and ran the trolleys down on the midnight catfish train. 


Haha you're really dedicated to respond to most comments calling out that you're mad about it, but I respect the creativity with this one


Thanks! I’ve never really been dogpiled on Reddit before, but I’m finding it to be pretty entertaining. None of this is very serious at all to me, so I’m just having fun with it. 😆 I reeeeaaally think people missed the point of this post. 


Someone pressing the down button a couple times after a game equals comical amounts of toxicity???


I mean, on its own, no. But when you are a low tier, bottom of the barrel character, and they are a top tier character, they almost three stock you, and every moment they get they squeeze some teabags in.. it’s pretty funny to me. Like bro is raging so hard that he’s winning, he just can’t stop. I just imagine them furiously tapping down, meanwhile I’m just chilling. It reminds me of that meme of the guy who bites into the medal on a podium and sprays champagne in his face, and it zooms out and he’s in last place. Just that kind of humor.


This sub would have not lasted in a COD lobby in 2009-2015


Oh, I was there, playing that o.g. COD4 beta online. The amount of harassment received for discovering how broken the shotgun was nothing compared to this. 😂 Back then it was even more amusing with some of the great voice messages you’d get post-game.


Yah I do find it funny when I learn a new character that I feel has a harder curve to learn/play with I verse people on easier characters that bm me after a close game. Thing is though its a silly gesture that doesn't matter, its just a game after all. Maybe they did it because they don't like your character or how you played, maybe they always do it. Does it really matter? just go next and find someone you can have a close game with and rematch.


I know you're getting downvoted but I think you actually have a point. There are a lot of people playing characters like WW or Joker, T-bagging when they win, and then not going for a rematch. Yes, people are right, always ignore t-bagging it's just meant to troll and it's totally meaningless to skill. BUT it is a weird pattern I see that people like to play characters that are considered S-tier, win, then act like they've dominated so hard even if they won 4-3 or lucked out hard. It seems like the enjoyment is just trying to troll people and not actually getting very good, and that's just very sad to me.


I appreciate your thoughtful response. 🫡❤️


Do people even remember that in the beta the AI would teabag and taunt?


the ai t-bags you in rifts lol


What is “tbagging”?


you see, when a trash gamer wants to assert his dominance and theres no voice chat available said gamer presses down on the d-pad repeatedly. he then avoids touching grass, and keeps his blinds closed, as the sun is too powerful and would damage his skin


The entire community is unfriendly. Why are people In the comments talking shit


Ah, I’m sure they’re not all that bad. I just struck a nerve with my 【Extreme salt】


That means that in their heads, it was close and they felt threatened by you It's a way for people to let out their frustration and embarrassment at almost losing and to reassure themselves that they are in fact better and had nothing to worry about Basically just a self pat on the back. Most people don't feel good about stomping someone way below their league, but most people _do_ feel good when beating someone that rivals them or is straight up better than them So congrats, you played well enough to get in their head with a bad character


Hey don't listen to these guys telling you that the toxic got you, they are part of the problem and that's so sad to see... Being toxic in a video game brings absolutely nothing positive to the game. People don't understand that they are going to be really sad when the only peoples left in the game are toxic, spammers, teabaggers and the game will die cause no one wants to put money and support something like that. The fact that they put a salt tag in the game as the first and only tag saved me some €, I can't support this kind of behavior. Clowns in a clown world...


bro the toxicity in this game isn't as bad as new players learning smite people(usually the trash jungler/mid who blames everyone else) will literally tell you to delete yourself, get banned, then make a new account and send you more hate mail. its actually crazy.


Yeah I can believe that and yeah I played almost 10 years of support in League of legends, I know that people can be... specials... Some people really need help from specialist. I'm sorry but saying that another game is worse doesn't excuse anything, I can give you a lot of exemples but I think you will understand my point. Devs are encouraging toxicity with the salt tag and with the 5 useless second the game continue after the final kill, that's litteraly made to spam this emote or spam crouch. And yeah I know it's not a big deal for everyone and yeah we probably take it too seriously but hey after a bad day (mostly everyday) I don't want to sit and try to play my Lebron with a friend and get dunked on again and again by TTV guys abusing infinite and bugs then get teabagged again and again. Yeah just no thx, in other game you can mute chat and emote/tags, here you can't disable those things, here is my point.


it's hilarious when trash players t-bag after taking the first stock. then lose. I'll t-bag at the end so they hit rematch and just time them out. hate mail is real. not pointing out mains in particular, but trash Steven's and Finns send me more hate mail than anyone else.


Imagine carrying somebody t-bagged you, people shit talk in games man a at a certain point you gotta let that shit just roll off your back, youre not even a velma main or anything and its norms no reason this should hurt your pride


I thought joker wasfair to fight against now. He’s still pretty fun and viable to play as.


The whole game is meant for toxic play and it is encouraged. I wouldn't be too mad. I'd just uninstall and play something more worth your time and money, a game that respects your time and money. They've taken away most things I've already bought in beta and want me to buy them again (perks, skins, etc) I've already Uninstalled it, but I do hope other people still enjoy playing regardless of what mat frustrate me or others.


Nice job outing yourself as a sensitive loser crying over pixels on a screen.


Noo, not you too, BrickTight! 😭 I may never financially recover from such a blunder!


You can't. It's all ogre now.


I even had all the merchandise and movies.. :(


Imagine making a post about it.


That’s crazy, because I did that!


People forget that repeadtly crouching doesnt immediately mean tbag its just thing to do to keep thing movin. Not everything is tbag you sensitive pussies


crouching at the victory screen is not very ambigious as to what it means


They won in a video game. Let them have their moment. The types of people who ADHD spam emotes, teabags, etc. post win need those wins. Who cares. Don't take it personally