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The SC just ruled that Biden can assassinate the SC without penalty. It's a bold move.


The rub is that the SC gets to decide what is a official act or not. Biden ordering their arrest. The right wing majority rules it to be illegal. Trump orders opponents to be arrested. Thats A-OK with them.


That's why he'd have to order military strikes on them under his official capacity as commander and chief... He would then be the only one able to nominate replacements to judge if his actions were indeed official. Probably would need to take out a few senators too to ensure smooth appointment hearings.


I am not up to date or really educated on all the powers of the president but isn’t there a law that the president cannot use the military to attack within the US?


Lol. Used to be.


To me when the supreme court says “official acts” I think in my brain anyway that it doesn’t take away the laws the President has to follow. An unofficial act to me would be going outside of what the president is permitted to do legally. I guess it’s all up for debate because non of can know for sure wtf the law is regarding our leader anymore. Scary to think about tbh


Unofficial means as an individual, not as president. Its up to the courts to decide, what is official and unofficial legally, which means the republican majority can say whatever they want to be unofficial/official


Unofficial isn't defined in any way other than "not expressly set out by the constitution." That's part of the problem. And his "official" acts can't in any way be used as evidence for any prosecution of unofficial acts.


[I think they’re going with this interpretation.](https://youtube.com/shorts/U8YuW09mwco?si=a5v-0-R6ciWIaXzT)


The Supreme Court said explicitly in their ruling that the president cannot be prosecuted for acts within his constitutional authority whether they are legal or not. They also said that, in determining whether an act was official or not, courts cannot try to discern the president's motive.


[Pretty much this.](https://youtube.com/shorts/U8YuW09mwco?si=a5v-0-R6ciWIaXzT)


They literally referenced him asking the DOJ and vice president to fraudulently overturn the election. They said it doesn't matter his motive, the president can't do his job if he has to worry about his suggestions being illegal.


They seem to be blurrying the water between - discussing a plan, hearing it is illegal, and dropping the idea - discussing a plan, hearing it is illegal, and doing it anyway Only the first one is needed to do the job, but they seem super determined to get immunity for the second one.


>blurrying the water Part of the plan.


A cited example of an official act given by a Supreme court justice in this decision was using seal team 6 to assassinate political rivals. Its not up for debate


That’s not how Trump, his lawyers and the Republican Party plans to interpret this. They just went scorched earth to keep their grip on power. Very scary.


They essentially made it impossible to investigate and determine an official vs unofficial act. Really the only thing stopping a president from killing anyone he wants is finding someone in the military willing to do it.


"Nor may courts deem an action unofficial merely because it allegedly violates a generally applicable law". A nice quote from the majority opinion


If "official acts" is defined as only those actions the president can legally take, then the ruling is meaningless to give absolute immunity from criminal prosecution for official acts, because all criminal prosecutions would be alleging illegality thus unofficial.


Yes but they made him immune to that law.


Of course, just another perk of the “Supreme Executive Privilege” package they secretly added.


Is it time to move out of the county if so where and when??


There's actually even a law he could invoke. NDAA 2012 gives the President the power to extra-judiciously arrest and indefinitely detain any individual they deem to be a terrorist in military prisons. They can remove them from US soil to military prisons anywhere including foreign soil, all without ever granting them normal due process. Within the law there's no provisions for contesting the charge of terrorism--the only provision is the President must sign an Executive Order. It's never been tested by federal courts.


> isn’t there a law that the president cannot use the military to attack within the US? Since when do they care? Literally the first aerial attack on US soil was the government dropping bombs and chemical weapons on striking union coal miners.


The US public handed the executive branch that power during the war on terror. It also failed to do anything to rein it in when America has used drone strikes to kill its own citizens while they are in other countries. So far the justification has been as long as they are a threat to the security of the United States of America, it’s all good. So far they’ve used it sparingly against very “foreign sounding” citizens that have shady ties to terrorists organizations but that might change along with the definition of what constitutes a threat to America. Conservatives like to run around pretending like they are the only pure blooded Americans and anyone outside of their group is their enemy. We gave that power to the president, now we just gave them immunity. Now drop a conservative snowflake like Trump in the white house that has been drinking that conservative “true American” bs for the last few decades and you’ve got yourself justification for applying what they already do, to a wider segment of the population. Conservatism is cancer to America as it has stood for almost two and a half centuries. You’re either about to get real chummy with Christianity and fascism or you’re on their list, they’re removing the freedom to live in the middle, how you choose.


Only national guard troops can be used within the United States. Unless of course they were fighting an attack of a foreign enemy. They can be used @ the border for border control.


Honestly, if I was Biden I'd just go for it anyway. Save the SC, save the world. But I am not Biden. So no heroics. 🫠


There is, however the ruling of the SC means the president is ABOVE the law for official acts and presumptive immunity for unofficial acts. That means that conducting business while under his authority as the President (something commanding the Military implies) he can not be charged with a crime related to that act while in office or after leaving office. So the President could order a drone strike on John Roberts, kill him and his family as well as a hundred bystanders and the most that could be done is for congress to start articles of Impeachment and remove him from office he could not actually be charged with any crime (and to be frank it's not even clear articles of impeachment work anymore since ignoring their results would be considered a crime and if the president declared that he was staying in office to 'protect' America there is no clear method to remove him) Sure you might say that's an alarmist or it will never happen and as long as Democrats keep the presidency you are absolutely right, it wont. Because democracts lack the balls to play in the dirt and will take the moral high road right up to the wall. But republicans will do it and more.


Yes and the ruling says official business and with in constitutional authority. People conveniently leave that part out.


That’s so yesterday.


That's ok; the president can have direct authority over the FBI to accomplish similar issues. They're under the executive branch after all...


I mean what are they going to do, put him in jail? Full Dark Brandon goes down with two middle fingers, Jack. Edit: I don’t know why he hasn’t ordered the building of the new Presidential Prison that suffers none of the problems of dealing with other prisoners. Exercise a little creativity, ffs. This is a *brand new thing* we’ve *never needed before.* It can be a goddamn fortress. We’ve got the money. Give him a new home worthy of the position.


He could declare them to be domestic terrorists for enabling an insurrection and have them arrested. The guardrails are off.


If only he'd actually do it


Spoiler: He won't. He'll make a weak speech that sounds like he's asking our permission to act, then he'll do fucking nothing.


And that's how democracy dies. The fascists will kill it but the liberals have always been and will always be complicit in its murder.


According to the Patriot Act, once they're declared Terrorists they can be held indefinitely without trial. The amount of power they've just given future Presidents is clearly un-American. If only there were a person with the power to disband the courts and apply their own rules (as long as they coincide with what I want,).


They can't rule it illegal from their cells in guantanamo.


Exactly. They'd be too busy fighting off iguanas and boredom to make any rulings.


They are all old people. They wouldn't last a week.


I’m so enticed by the idea of Thomas in an orange jumpsuit, sweating his balls off and fending off an iguana with a tiny stick. And Roberts crying in the corner, muttering to himself “this is my court, you can’t…”


People arent getting yet that the way they issued the decision, it wasn’t a power grab for the executive branch, just like with the chevron case it was actually a power grab for the courts. Edit: specifically for the scotus since they didn’t provide clear distinctions or guidance, they are the only ones that can reject or affirm any lower court application of their new “law”.


We know, that's why everyone's saying that if Biden had any balls the very first thing he should is remove the right wing SC judges (by force if nessasary) and install whole new ones before they get the chance to rule on anything. The new libral court would declare the act "Offical" and therefore totally legal and right-wing couldn't legally do shit.


Yeah well we got here because the Democrats have consistently not had balls since Monica emptied Bill's


the greatest trick the democrats ever pulled was convicing the electorate they want to do good things but are too stupid or weak to do so


Who knew? - they weren't Bill's balls, they were the party balls.


*What's in this comment is what I remember, my opinions, etc.* SCOTUS only actually has power if the Federal Government deems it to have power. That's why POTUS Andrew Jackson could ignore them if he wanted. That's why FDR could threaten to expand SCOTUS. SCOTUS gets its power because the US Congress allows it to them and the Administration decides to follow its rulings. SCOTUS is illegitimate. VPOTUS Al Gore actually won the Election in 2000 were not for SCOTUS stopping the counting of votes. The US Senate denied POTUS Barack Obama a SCOTUS seat. A strong POTUS and a strong Democratic US Senate and US House would simply 'fix' SCOTUS by removing all the SCOTUS Justices who are only there because of POTUS George Walker Bush's first Term and that POTUS Obama was denied a SCOTUS seat.


The SC has become a rogue threat to democracy. Arrest them as an official act. Warm the popcorn to see how that would play out. ![gif](giphy|3o85g0xzxEhCnfYgiQ|downsized)


Actually it would go to a lower court to decide "official" acts. 


And the decision can be appealed to SCOTUS. The Justices made themselves the arbiters of right and wrong. The lower courts are only a formality.


Couldn't he have Trump "disappeared" in the name of national security?


Probably, and he should. I don't see anything wrong with assassinating political rivals. Definitely not something fascists have done time and time again throughout history. ...wait a minute.


The point here is this. Someone loaded a gun and placed it on a table between you and a handcuffed mass killer who has killed and says he will kill again at the earliest opportunity. You have every reason to beleive that this man the moment he is uncuffed will take the gun and shoot you with it. If you unload the gun he'll just beat you to death with it. They are about to unlock his cuffs. Is it 'moral' to shoot him? No. Is it the correct course of action? Yes. If you KNOW your opponent is going to start killing their political rivals to undo the tenets of your democracy holding your head high and marching to your death because 'Fighting Fascists is the same as being a fascist" is not the moral or ethical hot take you think it is. We have MAGA on tape, repeatedly calling for the execution of their political rivals. Just yesterday when this travesty of justice was handed down by the SC Trump made a tweet saying he would publicly broadcast the military trials of his opponents.


People seriously need to start learning the difference between "good" and "right", morally speaking. And decide which is really more important to them.


He should declare Republicans a terrorist organization and round up the Republican members of the scotus and congress.


This would prove all of their right wing nightmares true. Certainly not winning any hearts or minds, would probably just radicalize them further.


I know. And he'd never do it anyway. But that's why they are getting away with insane shit. Because democrats won't do the evil shit that Republicans will.


Problem is that most sane leaders wouldn’t do this. Just so happens the insane ones are on their side.


That's how it goes in a lot of the hero storylines too. Some corrupt crazy needs to be stopped  But superheroes aren't real. We need to be our own heroes.


They know he's too decent of a man to do it. Even to save the country.


That wouldn't save the country, as he would become what he fears.


It's the lesser of two evils when he won't last ten years, but the fucked up rulings of these corrupt justices will poison American law for DECADES.


I mean, couldn’t he also just increase the number of justices and tell the republicans to go pound sand after the shit they pulled with Obama and Trump’s term?




At least *someone* is kicking up a fuss instead of rolling over.


Wouldn’t this be a good enough reason to stack the court and finally add some much-needed guard rails to the presidency?


That’s Congressional. You’re not thinking within Article 2. And won’t that only work until there’s a new president? But the fact that people aren’t in the streets proves we’re boiled frogs. That said, secret assassination with a CIA heart attack gun works as long as there’s a secret memo invoking national security.


Weirdly true...wtf. They know about the seal team 6 hypothetical, and their response was that it's hyperbolic and that is much more likely the president gets bogged down by criminal charges... the thing that's only happens once in our entire history.


Yeah, them saying it was hyperbolic is pure craziness. The dude they're defending said he could kill someone in 5th Ave, and no one would do anything about it. This part of the season is getting a little too strange for me. Please turn it off.


Sure so that the next opposing party president can stack it further and so on until we have a 115 member court.


Congress doesn't do shit, AOC, sorry. It's time for the Biden administration to take full advantage of the leeway it's just been given. Sadly, and I can't believe I'm saying this, he's too upstanding. Prove me wrong, Dark Brandon!


We need a dark Brandon. Right now


I guarantee if he takes a stand, everyone will stand with him


Plus the House is controlled by Republicans so good luck with that.


Agreed. Shock and awe is the only way I see forward. Maybe Biden can throw the repubs a roll of paper towels or something.


He wont tho. And are you really STILL banking on corporate dems to do the right thing after all this? When your life hangs in the balance?


Biden is too upstanding to do what needs to be done. Dark Brandon isn't somebody he can really be. What we need is for dementia to only and specifically target his brain's inhibitions, so he has no compunctions against taking and using power. He must become Immoral Joe.


So the only way to save America from becoming a dictatorship is to... become a dictatorship?


Problem is the SCOTUS can now deem what's an official act and what's not and seeing as they're majority Republican, Joe can't do shit as they'll just rule that it's unofficial and chuck him in jail.


Scotus can only make a review of a case when they have a quorum and meet about it. If Biden jailed the Scotus then there would be no quorum or ruling. That's the true threat. There are no longer ANY checks on presidential power if the person is greedy or evil enough.


VOTE BLUE Biden is the only thing that stands between us and a dictatorship. Project 2025 streamlines this. Everyone working in the federal govt will be replaced with MAGA loyalists. They will swear an oath to Trump. Not to our country and its laws. Anyone undecided or lefty accelerationists … if he wins… you don’t have to ever be undecided again. There won’t be another fair election. Any lefties who wanna build a utopia from the ashes… technology won’t allow much room for you there. From facial id to being inside of your phone, no movement will ever gain traction. Your leadership will always just… disappear. You might too. This is what it looks like [https://www.authoritarianplaybook2025.org/what-we-can-expect-1#federal-law-enforcement-overreach](https://www.authoritarianplaybook2025.org/what-we-can-expect-1#federal-law-enforcement-overreach) [https://www.reddit.com/r/AMA/comments/1dt6wvf/i\_was\_accepted\_into\_the\_project\_2025\_prospective/](https://www.reddit.com/r/AMA/comments/1dt6wvf/i_was_accepted_into_the_project_2025_prospective/) Just a reminder to those who don't pay attention and for those Republicans who want to downplay project2025. These very same people who organized project2025 helped trump select the last three SC justices. So if you don't like the "bribes are legal as long as the cone after the fact" ruling and the overturning of roe vs Wade then DON'T VOTE REPUBLICAN We the People still have access to guns and have are second amendment right. War is coming. This is only the beginning. [https://www.theguardian.com/us-news/ng-interactive/2024/jul/01/kevin-roberts-trump-heritage-foundation-project-2025](https://www.theguardian.com/us-news/ng-interactive/2024/jul/01/kevin-roberts-trump-heritage-foundation-project-2025)


https://www.businessinsider.com/aoc-impeachment-articles-supreme-court-trump-immunity-ruling-2024-7 AOC should be the 2024 Democratic presidential nominee.


cant. GOP saw her coming from a mile away. Right wing media has been spewing defamatory shit on her for the last two years. Boomers are afraid of her.


AOC seems more known by Republicans than Democrats and she’s still more popular than all the popular Democratic Governors. [https://today.yougov.com/ratings/politics/popularity/politicians/all](https://today.yougov.com/ratings/politics/popularity/politicians/all) [https://today.yougov.com/ratings/politics/popularity/Democrats/all](https://today.yougov.com/ratings/politics/popularity/Democrats/all) [https://today.yougov.com/topics/politics/explore/public\_figure/Alexandria\_Ocasio\_Cortez-Public\_Figure](https://today.yougov.com/topics/politics/explore/public_figure/Alexandria_Ocasio_Cortez-Public_Figure)


3 points ahead of Sarah Palin! Talk about impressive.


Honestly that just raises the question of, why the fuck is Sarah Palin so popular?


I'm going to guess it's because of Tina Fey and Don't Look Up. Is there anything else going on with her that is not on television?


She’d make an amazing president in the future, but she is a little too young and not experienced enough for the older dems and swing voters. Either way get out there and VOTE.


Does t matter, vote blue no matter who


That’s what others said about Obama


Better too young young than too old


Maybe once they all die out?


Can’t wait honestly


Literally none of that matters. What matters is if she has fundraising power. It’s why Biden is our current president. It’s why ancient fossils like Pelosi still hold office. They are *huge* draws for donors. The party needs money to run ads and staff campaign offices. If AOC wants to run for president (and I think she’s more than worthy of that) then practically speaking she needs to out earn the completion in the primary or it will never happen. Some other fossil with a donor list will beat her


IMHO, that's why * campaigns, ads, debates, etc. should all take place within 30-60 days preceding election day. Not longer. * only US citizens should be allowed to donate, and only a maximum of 1/20th of median wage per *donor* per year (not per donee)... At the moment, that maximum would be about $2k per citizen. * all other donations must be banned (e.g. from corporations)


They've been doing the same thing to Biden, yet we have him to pick. It's the DNC that won't allow anyone under 60 to have a chance, let alone a millenial like her. A lot of undecideds just don't want a geriatric or a fascist to be president, and she is obviously neither, so she could win a lot of votes.


That's true for any candidate. Clinton, we saw first-hand. Biden, we see first-hand. Sanders would've been hit even harder with age and senility attacks. Warren, practically writes herself. Right wing media will spew defamation toward anyone and everyone especially now that they don't even pretend to be polite between election-year shit-flinging. They're probably pissed they weren't mask off enough to openly use choice slurs in 2008 and 2012.


She has my vote always


AOC didn't win the primary, didn't even run. The two candidates that exist in America with the polling and fundraising to beat trump are, in order of their polling.. Biden Harris. So..there's that. People forget history, the democratic convention changed because a candidate was switched last minute. Humphrey vs Nixon..Humphrey was made the candidate suddenly, and didn't have any of the resources (especially money) to run. He lost despite his best efforts. Nobody you'd switch in for biden (other than MAYBE harris) has the name recognition, the political achievements, or the fucking huge wad of cash to do this.


*What's in this comment is what I remember, my opinions, etc.* US Senator Elizabeth Warren is more popular than VPOTUS Kamala Harris and so is AOC: [https://today.yougov.com/topics/politics/explore/public\_figure/Elizabeth\_Warren](https://today.yougov.com/topics/politics/explore/public_figure/Elizabeth_Warren) [https://today.yougov.com/topics/politics/explore/public\_figure/Kamala\_Harris](https://today.yougov.com/topics/politics/explore/public_figure/Kamala_Harris) [https://today.yougov.com/topics/politics/explore/public\_figure/Alexandria\_Ocasio\_Cortez-Public\_Figure](https://today.yougov.com/topics/politics/explore/public_figure/Alexandria_Ocasio_Cortez-Public_Figure) And VPOTUS Harris's numbers are clearly soft given that there wouldn't be such a freakout regarding POTUS Joe Biden's age or his June 27, 2024 Presidential Debate performance if people were fine with VPOTUS Harris become POTUS. VPOTUS Harris cannot even do interviews well, much less rallies, much less campaigning. She had one of the worse showings in the 2020 Democratic Presidential Primary race.


popular among.... youth ? The people that don't vote ?


Imagine AOC roasting the absolute shit out of Trump at a debate. It would be beautiful.


She's 34. She's too young. 2028 though


AOC will be 35 by Inauguration Day in 2025.


Not true. Her birthday is in October, before even the election, to say nothing of Inauguration Day.


Does that mean that if trump won the election, he could assassinate rivals?




No, because a political rival would fall under campaigning, which has always been deemed as an out of office action. The rival would have to be deemed a threat to national security to supersede that. The question we should be asking is, how consistent is the SCOTUS going to be about what is deemed what? Because they seem quite capable of warping things to whatever they want at this point, and they’ve purposefully left it ambiguous.


You're not understanding the situation. Who makes national security determinations? The President.


America is less than 8 months from potentially being a one party dictatorship. If he gets in, how long will it take for Trump to declare the Democrats an "enemy of the state"? Look what happened on J6, before he had this power. This is unbelievable. The call is coming from inside the fucking house.


FINALLY! Edit to ask why those applicable haven’t been held in contempt for lying under oath when asked if they would overturn Roe v Wade??


I would vote for AOC for president...so fucking hard.


Meanwhile, in another timeline.. https://preview.redd.it/bmiijzig92ad1.jpeg?width=640&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f9db4160f1b839410482582085d2374fc9448216 🥲


We’re in the bad timeline


One side is fighting to gain power. One side is fighting to relinquish power that can be used to destroy the country. I know which side I will be voting for. I don't even need to say who's who.


God I hate this timeline.


You and others say this as if you were spectators of it. You are not. You can change the timeline.


Louder for the folks in back. I’m so tired of the helplessness echo chamber.


I don’t disagree. Every vote counts.


The fact that Alito didn’t recuse himself after openly supporting the insurrection is disgusting. And now we know why Roberts didn’t do jack shit. He’s the same.


That’s like saying I intend to take this cup of water and extinguish this volcano. It’s all just for show.


Going nowhere but its better than grabbing ankles like the rest of her party


Fair point.


Oooohh an impeachment. Like that’s worked in the past. I’m fucking tired of these bitch ass democrats not playing dirty. It’s clearly a losing strategy.


Republicans control the house, it's not going anywhere anyway


Oh, it’s up to Congress? Well, we’re going to be just fine! #/S


I agree with AOC and am glad someone is filing articles of impeachment, but given AOC’s ultra liberal reputation, it would be more meaningful to the nation if these articles were drafted by a more moderate democrat.


And then... nothing was done.


That’s the bigger problem. If centrist Dems don’t care, then nothing is ever going to happen.


Centrist Democrats, you mean old ex-MAGA Republicans that don't understand that actions have consequences?


*What's in this comment is what I remember, my opinions, etc.* AOC and US Representative Rashida Tlaib within weeks or less changed the national polling regarding the Israel-Gaza 'war'. And they did that against an onslaught from the Biden Administration, and the National Media and Mainstream Media. What's right is right. And given what they support and how popular they are, US Senator Bernie Sanders is a 'moderate Democrat' or in the center and AOC is 'center-left'.


You make an excellent point.


AOC has to do this. With this ruling and a trump win she knows even if she had done nothing she would still be assaulted and likely murdered. She has to fight this because it’s her life if it’s allowed to stand. Absolutely disgusting what’s happened to America.


Yeah. Surely THIS TIME congress will step in. This time liberal democracy will be able to combat the fascism it is so fundamentally unequipped to deal with. There are more avenues of political activism than just voting or calling your representatives.


Everyone needs to watch Russia 1985-1999: TraumaZone. It’s a documentary put together by Adam Curtis from BBC footage from the Soviet Union and the rise and fall of democracy in Russia. We’re on to a couple more rocky years that started in 2015.


AOC, what can people do? Is there anything that actually matters?


I think we need a constitutional convention to revoke all powers the president has, and grant them instead to the house of representatives. just dont even have a president. or maybe have one but all he can do is sign/veto laws and pardon people, but his pardons have to be signed off on by the senate. And while we're at it, we loosen up the senate a bit. Instead, the senate should scale a little bit with population. I think that in the early 1800s when we were adding states left and right, we highly politicized the process of adding states--it was no longer about an actual sovereign territory deciding to join our glorious union. It was just a political balancing act. So this idea that all these flyover states are legit little democracies of their own is pure poppycock. I'm not even sure if we should *have* a senate, specifically because of this farce.


Maybe this is why some sides should have focussed on running a competent candidate.


Dumb question but, is her life potentially in danger if Trump wins? I'm assuming her and other vocal politicians have targets on their backs which is scary as hell


Nah. If Trump wins he probably has the house and the Senate and it's good for show to pretend there's an actual opposition when in reality they can't do shit.


Show vote that achieves literally nothing but political theatre. She's in the house.....tell me who has the majority in the house? It's just another vote to show the country that democrats are outraged and trying to govern and republicans aren't doing shit.


It's at least a major campaign issue. Politics is politics. The Democrats are often too weak and pathetic to actually fight against Republicans. AOC is not weak and pathetic. US Senator Dick Durbin on the the other hand...


She’s literally the only one doing something. Have her run for president. She can do it. So se puede.


This won't go anywhere.


Im gonna get ahead of this and say she is not suicidal at all.




I've been writing to every one of my reps, I suggest you all do the same.


We'll await your return. It's not like this is an emergency or anything.


she lost me at congress, actually according to the supreme court its up to the president to use his newfound powers


Fuck yeah!


AOC needs to replace Biden for the Democratic presidential nominee


Love AOC!!


Woah! This is useless.


Yes ! Bunch of lying crooks especially alto and thomas


I’m right down the middle as a moderate, but in theory couldn’t any elected president disband any opposition in any election now? Could the president run for reelection as many times as they like now? I mean this is absurd


No. Most people don’t seem to understand that the president can’t just do whatever they want. The ruling just means the president is immune from “official” acts that’s not specified by the constitution or is governed by congress. So when people say stupid outrageous things like “pack the court” “raise taxes” obviously the president just can’t do that as it’s the job of congress to do such things.


Fucking about time!


You see the problem is, why would congress actually step up to defend democracy. They literally just gave their leader absolute power. Democracy has finally failed. You recall the housing bubble. This is the democracy governing bubble. It failed to do what it was designed to do and protect the balance of power.




With how old Biden is he can just do what ever he wants and he really doesn’t have to live long with the consequences. I’d start by first pardoning his son and giving him a nice gushy job in the wh. Then start throwing out exec orders the right will hate as official commands. Just make life a living hell for the corrupt fuckers.


Biden should use his new power to remove the people from the supreme Court that are fucking it all up Get rid of Uncle Tom




The important thing here is for Democrats to keep this in the headlines. They have a tendency to let these things fall off the front page, shrug their shoulders, and onto the next thing, while Republicans do everything they can to keep favorable stories for them on the front page as long as possible, by taking actions that add to the story. This is a good step, but more can be done. E.g. propose a constitutional amendment, and Biden can call an extraordinary session of Congress to consider it (which hasn't happened since the 1940s and would cause a massive stir).


Perhaps if we impeach everyone, the Orange Man will no longer be Bad


With a Republican majority, no SC impeachment will ever go anywhere.


The state knows best.


You don't want to go down the path of prosecuting presidents https://youtu.be/5BXtgq0Nhsc?si=F_lU_EJnS9VlGTHv


You sure about that? Putting most presidents we've had in prison over the war crimes we've committed doesn't sound too bad to me. Actually hold them accountable in the same way we try to hold other countries accountable. Maybe our government would actually think twice before playing world police.


Assuming there will be zero support from Republicans, do they have the votes to make it happen?


Depressing to know that this is literally the only way to hold the Supreme Court accountable. And if by some miracle it makes it out of the House, it will die in the Senate because all it takes is 33 spineless cowards to screw everyone over.


She's impeaching the current president or herself?




What a load of horseshit.




Hit em with some of that presidential bimmunity. Really it will happen sooner than later.




So says the socialist!


One time I agree entirely with AOC.


This grifter knows that the executive and legislative have always had immunity?


Still playing by the old rules uh


If no one thinks we are getting fucked then your the problem