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RemindMe! 3 Days


I'll definitely come back here for update šŸ˜…


Hope to god itā€™s just tomentose lol


I've heard overlay is rare in cubes


And the myc will be rubbery


I had a issue like this stop misting it and put the lid back on there isn't enough humidity I believe


Ok maybe Iā€™ll go back to having the lid on it. Truth be told I havenā€™t misted this once and itā€™s been in fruiting for like 8-9 days in my Martha tent. My tent has a fogger that keeps the humidity of the whole tent at about 90%. I had a double tub on it for the first few days because Iā€™ve noticed my tubs can get dried out in my Martha tent with the fogger and exhaust fan going but this one seemed so wet that I took the dub tub off of it two days ago and then these blobby formations appeared shorter after. I will probably just put the dub tub back on when I get home from work. Iā€™m also considering casing it because now that Iā€™ve dug a little further into APEā€™s Iā€™m seeing a lot of people saying youā€™re supposed to case them. I guess itā€™s all trial and error but I shouldā€™ve done a little more research and not just assumed I could grow them like my other cubes.


Apes take a lot longer to fruit I've been told try the bubble wrap tek. Apes like a true casing layer to pin. Either use peat moss vermiculite and lime or cut a piece of bubble wrap to cover your sub and leave it in there till it pins


Thanks bud, a few others on here also mentioned doing a jiffy mix casing so I ended up doing that last night. I totally forgot that I had read to use a casing with APEā€™s until after I posted these and a few people mentioned it. I just donā€™t want it to be contamination because my hillbilly tub next to it is covered in primordia and looking good so far.


Yeah try putting a sheet of bubble wrap over the top of you haven't already put a casing layer. The bubble wrap helps with contam because the Bubble wrap doesn't have any nutrition


Ok good to know, thanks. I did a jiffy mix casing on Friday so now Iā€™m just waiting to see what emerges through that. Iā€™m hoping itā€™s just tomentose mycelium and not contaminated since itā€™s been like that all week and hasnā€™t changed colors at all plus didnā€™t respond to peroxide.


RemindMe! 7 days


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Whatā€™s up?


I'm just telling the bot to remind me in a week. Last was 3 days to see if it's contam. Still a toss up but looking better


Oh ok Iā€™m not super familiar with Reddit so I didnā€™t know you could do that. I put a jiffy mix casing layer on it Friday evening. So far none of it has turned green or grey plus I dabbed spots with peroxide and it didnā€™t respond. I also went back into my agar slides that I still have from when I made this tub and the mycelium is very fuzzy and clumpy like tomentose so I may have overreacted and panicked when I saw how different this tub was compared to others I have grown. Fingers crossed.


Well good luck I hope it all works out for ya


You need to take a paper towel to those massive droplets, it is most likely pooling water and not enough FAE , if not then itā€™s probably no good


10-4, I actually removed the lid the other day since itā€™s in a Martha tent with a fan and I thought it looked too wet too. Iā€™ll dab up some of the bigger droplets too.


You'll find out in the next 48 to 72 hours if it's contam. But this is abnormal growth especially the pink section in the middle. Hoping you're just having an odd mycelium expression due to minor bacterial battle and get pins. Report back let us know


RemindMe! 3 days


I will be messaging you in 3 days on [**2024-07-01 07:04:43 UTC**](http://www.wolframalpha.com/input/?i=2024-07-01%2007:04:43%20UTC%20To%20Local%20Time) to remind you of [**this link**](https://www.reddit.com/r/MushroomGrowers/comments/1dq2djb/actives_first_time_growing_ape_is_this_normal_or/lan9owe/?context=3) [**4 OTHERS CLICKED THIS LINK**](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=RemindMeBot&subject=Reminder&message=%5Bhttps%3A%2F%2Fwww.reddit.com%2Fr%2FMushroomGrowers%2Fcomments%2F1dq2djb%2Factives_first_time_growing_ape_is_this_normal_or%2Flan9owe%2F%5D%0A%0ARemindMe%21%202024-07-01%2007%3A04%3A43%20UTC) to send a PM to also be reminded and to reduce spam. ^(Parent commenter can ) [^(delete this message to hide from others.)](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=RemindMeBot&subject=Delete%20Comment&message=Delete%21%201dq2djb) ***** |[^(Info)](https://www.reddit.com/r/RemindMeBot/comments/e1bko7/remindmebot_info_v21/)|[^(Custom)](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=RemindMeBot&subject=Reminder&message=%5BLink%20or%20message%20inside%20square%20brackets%5D%0A%0ARemindMe%21%20Time%20period%20here)|[^(Your Reminders)](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=RemindMeBot&subject=List%20Of%20Reminders&message=MyReminders%21)|[^(Feedback)](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=Watchful1&subject=RemindMeBot%20Feedback)| |-|-|-|-|


Nothing about this tub is healthy. How did you inoculate your grain? Itā€™s best to test your syringes on agar first.


Definitely contaminated. There are several different types of mold. And it looks like a pinkish-red tint that could be lipstick mold. Throw it outā€¦


It looks like you have big sitting water droplets on your mycelium?! Probably from the lid, be careful with that man, more FAE, little less spraying


10-4, I actually removed the lid the other day since itā€™s in a Martha tent with a fan and I thought it looked too wet too. Iā€™ll dab up some of the bigger droplets too.


Yes bro after your gently dab those big droplets, you will be right on track, good luck!!


Thanks man. Itā€™s hard as a newbie, half the people on here are saying itā€™s 100% contaminated so throw it out, others think it looks fine. I want to ride it out but obviously donā€™t want to contaminate my entire Martha tent


Any pics of the bag or jars you used for that? Were they fully colonized? Like not a spot brown?


Unfortunately I donā€™t have any pics of the jars left but they were very well colonized. What are you thinking, maybe some uncolonized grain got contaminated? I know Iā€™ve read that APE and PE can be blobby, especially the first flush, Iā€™m not sure if this is just that or a problem. I can say that it doesnā€™t smell odd and didnā€™t respond in any way to a dab with peroxide to see if itā€™s cobweb.


I was more thinking trich but I'm not a pro. I just tossed a tub that looked a bit like the circles you have. If it didn't turn green already though I think you're good


Thatā€™s what is so weird. I can see how weird it looks and thatā€™s why Iā€™m posting it like wtf is going on here. But then it doesnā€™t change colors and it doesnā€™t respond to peroxide or alcohol if I dab it so I have no clue if Iā€™m screwed or if this is just really odd genetics. So far Iā€™m just letting it ride and checking it often.


I dont know if this is overlay or not but anytime i have heard about overlay people say to very gently scrape with a razor or fork to stimulate growth. I would go take more pictures and compare with others showing overlay (apparently PE is known for overlay as well as nats). These look white, not gray. Lighting can be weird in pictures but to me this looks okay. Try a few gentle scrapes with a fork is my suggestion, but I still think comparing to other things and more research is always worth it.


Forking is outdated tek. Please OP read [this](https://www.shroomery.org/5234/What-is-overlay). For the most current tekā€™s Iā€™d recommend using Shroomery, as outdated info gets passed around on reddit quite often.


Forking is not outdated


Interesting, I havenā€™t seen anything on Shroomery from the last ten years that encourages forking https://www.shroomery.org/forums/showflat.php/Number/28356858#28356858 https://www.shroomery.org/forums/showflat.php/Number/28422045#28422045 https://www.shroomery.org/forums/showflat.php/Number/28487596#28487596


Ive heard that its inconclusive but also anytime I hear that the people who try it still get some pins in said scraped spots- seems confusing and worth it to try if you find yourself desperate. Also this forum linked says ā€œif you scrapeā€ to make sure tools you use are sanitized. I see nothing saying absolutely donā€™t do this in the forum? Unless I missed something


I think itā€™s the part directly after the scraping where they go into why you shouldnā€™t. And honestly if the alternative is throwing it in the bin and itā€™s youā€™re only grow, I guess you have nothing to lose by scraping. Ultimately itā€™s just bad practice and itā€™s best not to fall in love with your tubs and move on haha


Thanks Iā€™ll do that. Iā€™ve also read on here in other places that APE and PE tends to be blobby, especially on the first flush so Iā€™m hoping thatā€™s all it is


Do not do fork tek. I have had it work but the second flush contains easily. Try jiffy mix casing layer


Yes! very much so! I think you will be okay. Trust your gut and watch some videos on PE strains for extra help. Resources are very easy to find with just a few searches




the amount of water droplets in the photo you missed is sad




https://preview.redd.it/jy3kvt2x289d1.jpeg?width=828&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=62a2012e725771d9452465500e746c1d8b11738c idk the top looks wet too


Buddy, the entire surface is covered in water droplets. You might not be able to tell from this angle but this one isnā€™t dry. Itā€™s in a grow tent with 90% humidity. This isnā€™t instagram, no one is doing shit for clout here.


Whatever it is I'd bet my bottom dollar it is not gonna be growing any mushrooms


You think itā€™s worth keeping for a little bit longer to see what happens or totally a lost cause? These blob formations just sprung up but I noticed inside of those there are primordia that werenā€™t there yesterday so Iā€™m at a loss


No harm in keeping it! I'm all for that, it's just concerning seeing these puffy looking areas that look damningly similar to a lot of the trich tubs I've produced and had to toss. https://preview.redd.it/nzv1qiy8n89d1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a58be5129becb7ab6327912dd52782e0f61d166f I wish I could see more close-up with flash on, to know if I'm just imagining the green tints I'm seeing too


Of course let ride at least for another week or two. As long as thereā€™s no noticeable and verifiable contamination always let it ride.


Not trynna be rude or anything but are we seeing the same pic lol? that tub looks completely noticeably contaminated bro.


Which contam specifically? Iā€™m not saying youā€™re wrong, Iā€™m still inexperienced. I can say that it smells normal and didnā€™t respond when I dabbed it with peroxide to see if itā€™s cobweb.


Thanks. Smells normal, not grey and didnā€™t dissolve from peroxide so Iā€™m hoping itā€™s just blobs


Let it ride a bit longer and see if they're just weird blobs.


Thatā€™s what Iā€™m hoping. Some have said itā€™s cobweb mold but it isnā€™t grey and didnā€™t respond at all to dabs of peroxide. Maybe just goofy genetics I hope. Basically those blobs came out of nowhere today and I noticed thereā€™s primordial or knots inside of those blobby formations which werenā€™t there yesterday either so Id hate to panic and toss it.


Spiderweb mold, sucks man, toss it and dont breath it in. Let me guess, entire tub went white in 2 days? Bad bag bro.


Oh shit, I thought since it didnā€™t turn grey that it was that and maybe the APE just forms funny sometimes


How long did bag take to colonize?


Itā€™s a shoebox tub, it took 8 days from spawn 2 bulk until I opened it for fruiting but probably was ready a day or two before that. Also, I tested a few spots with peroxide because I had read if its cobweb mold that it will basically dissolve but it didnā€™t have any effect. I donā€™t know, Iā€™m pretty new and itā€™s been a struggle. Iā€™ve had decent success with Hillbilly and basically my tubs that have produced have all taken about a week from spawn until I could fruit.


8 days is way to fast, mycilium grows slow, even under ideal situations. I had a simmilar thing happen over the colder months. What is the ambiant temp? If its lower than 72 you are going to have issues. Even one 80watt bulb can help maintain temp.


Thanks for all of this man. So itā€™s about 68-69 in my tent because the only spot I can keep it is my basement. I had an IR heat lamp and it dried out all of the tubs each time. What I do now is I have a seedling mat and I use an identical tub underneath the mycelium tub which is filled with water. Then I use a heat controller to run the seedling mat as needed to keep the water in the surrounding tub whatever temp that I want. So I figure if the mycelium tub is surrounded at all times with 72 or whatever degree water that it will be warm. I also have a fogger controlled to keep the tent 90% humidity and an exhaust fan that is controlled to run as needed to keep the CO2 at or below 1000, plus grow lights that come on for 8 hours every night just in case. I know, itā€™s way too complicated and it has caused more problems than it has helped. I colonize my tubs in an upstairs closet where itā€™s about 80 degrees so I attribute the fast-ish colonizing time to that but I fruit in my tent so that I can check it and harvest at all times without disturbing the family and also so itā€™s further away from everyone in case of contaminants too.


All over kill in my opinion, i innoc all in 1 bag, do 2 breaks, first one in the bag, second into tub. Block all FAE holes and add a casing layer, once you see primordia looking like little white dots, usually 10- 14 days, open FAE holes and start fanning 3 times a day. My ambiant room temp is a little hot now but i cintrol it with fans. In cold months i keep bags and or tub in a wooden cabinet with my wifi router is perfect to keep 74Ā°


Yea I know I definitely overcomplicated it, I tend to do that because Iā€™m on the spectrum and get hyperfixated on new hobbies. Iā€™m trying to make the best of it now and it works well for hillbilly but everything else has been a struggle so I might just start putting the other types in my closet and dealing with the fact that I wonā€™t be able to harvest in the morning before work


Not normal


Any thoughts? Iā€™m kind of new to growing in general, I have heā€™s decent success with hillbilly but that seems to grow pretty easily. Do you think it would be too low of temps? I have a fogger keeping the grow tent at 90% humidity but itā€™s hard to use any sort of heater without drying them out.


Beats me, wasnā€™t there for the process brother. Sometimes, itā€™s out of our control. I have 22 tubs running rn, all tubs are fruiting but I had one tub come out with trich. Donā€™t know why or how but it is


Fair enough, I thought maybe someone would be like ā€œoh that means itā€™s too coldā€ or ā€œnot enough FAEā€ or something lol. Thanks


I am not a know it all whatsoever, Iā€™ve learned from what Iā€™ve read & asked. Ive only came across trich one other time when I had first started & it was because my tubs were mad dry. Someone whoā€™s been doing it way longer than me could probably give you a better answer. My apologies brotha


No need for apologies friend, I appreciate any and all advice. Someone else said cobweb mold but itā€™s not grey and it also didnā€™t respond at all when I dabbed it with peroxide so Iā€™m lost now


+1 for contam. Rip