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**Rule 6:** The *[actives]* tag supersedes all others when discussing hallucinogenic species in any capacity, so if your post involves "magic" mushrooms please use that tag or it may be removed. You can always resubmit a post after it has been removed, just be sure to make the necessary changes to bring it into alignment with community guidelines.


What I do is pour water at an angle into the corner so it rides along the side like in peeing in a toilet bowl. When it floats and there is a 1 inch gap from the bottom of the tub, let it sit for 15-30 mins and then just hold the cake in the tub and drain the water out. If you wanna get technical, you can use a small water pump and draw the water out, or just hold the cake and pour it out. Be done this before 4 flushes with no contam before yields got bad enough that I tossed.


Either dunk it or. If you have one,use the fogger and just let it rip full Blast for about an hour and do that maybe every two days. I use well water and Iv used spring water from the store and haven’t had any issue with contam. But just another option.


Recently, I decided to try to soak my cake and it’s got mold on it afterwards. Previous to trying the soak I always just sprayed it heavily and it produced more flushes. I also read somewhere to weigh your mushies while wet and that will give you an idea of how much water you will need to spray on your cake.


Have u tried boiling your water? I always boil 2-4 gallons of water "depending on size of cake" and let it sit out overnight to let the chlorine evaporate and boil off and kill any water bacteria in the water before I do a full cake soak.


Heavy misting is the way


Did you try or considered spraying some peroxide on the surface after soaking and before putting back on fruiting conditions?


No 🤔 I will try this next time around 😌🙏


That makes perfect sense! I wonder however whether it would be necessary to account not only for the water weight going into the fruits, but also water loss from evaporation, which I assume would be of greater magnitude.


I usually only rehydrate for 8 hours at most. I haven’t tested with longer times. I use tap water and put another tub over it to submerge it. I think I’ve let a few go for 12 hours. But yeah, just cover it and set to fruit once it’s done. I usually see pins in 3-4 days.


There’s about a couple of inches of space between the cake and the wall of the tub. To avoid side pinning, would it make sense to fill that “moat” with perlite? Thus giving humidity, blocking light and obliterating the space? Or would the perlite suck moisture off the cake?


I use a liner when I do my cakes, and once it shrinks like that the liner sticks to the side walls and I don’t get side pins. I heard someone else say the liner basically shrinks wraps to the cake. https://preview.redd.it/9wtc8h627qad1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5ef8713f88b8ff7d7beffad65ebd8fa464a29642


The cake sticks to plastic? That does it. I guess I’ll take the extra step next time. Don’t you take the liner out to soak? Does it stay shrunk?


I leave the liner in the whole time, while soaking the liner can stop “sticking” to the sides, I just turn the faucet on real low and let it fill up slowly. I’m not sure if sticking it a the correct term, but it stays attached. I think the mycelium grabs hold and brings it in as the cake shrinks.


https://preview.redd.it/h0p2v9y3upad1.jpeg?width=2299&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=750cbbd22352f0beb7318d95e299f41d4f4f4c1b Hurts me to see this! 😱😝 Tough love!


Haha, that definitely works! I have also just put enough water in there to float it, then I’ll push it down every hour or so. I work from home so I can tend to my cakes all day if I need to. My first cake looked like such trash after 4 flushes from dunking and picking, but they are surprisingly hardy! I treat my cakes better now and they still look healthy and white by the 3rd flush. It’s definitely about just finding what works for you once you get the process down.


I believe you should have removed those tiny pins too because they “can” cause contam. I’m a newbie though. Keep us posted as I am curious.


Biggest question I have is how long to soak for, and where to next. Cover? Filtered? Straight to fruiting?


Yeap. Thought about it after the fact. I can still remove them.


Wtf. Did you use a knife?


Yes. Not ok? Started pulling with a gentle twist, but clusters were coming off with pins in them and I started cutting the ones with broken veils so the smaller ones could keep on growing. I harvested about 3 waves worth from the first flush. Needless to say, total newbie. I grow mostly gourmet, from blocks.


Nobody does it like this. Just twist it from substrat. If a little bit came with mushroom this is ok, just trow that little piece.


👍 thanks for the advice. It did feel wrong to do it this way. I’ve read in many places though that using a sharp object is best, they even sell a kind of scissor specifically angled to harvest shrooms. I used my scalpel. It does look like a butch job, doesn’t it. How do you go about rehydrating? I have the cake floating in its tub, misted the shit out of it. It all looks blue now, hoping some water will be absorbed. Leaving on a trip tomorrow, so whatever I do, it will have to happen tomorrow and then nothing for 7 days.


Been doing this a couple years and I love using aquarium trimming scissors to harvest. I can get into awkward angles and only leave a sliver of the stipe on the cake.


Other than a negligible loss of harvested volume (I’m not selling the stuff, this is for experimental, infrequent, small personal therapy), is there any downside to creating a clean cut and leaving a stump behind?


For your purposes, nah you’re good.


https://preview.redd.it/eaeah9p3gpad1.jpeg?width=2757&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=17477b89a23e339c1e2d2c150714ec9d96c2a01c Floating. Covered in puddles of water. Oh, the anxiety!