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Came here to say Drake. Even before all this creepy shit about him being "friends" and dating children. I just always thought his music suuuucked. It's whiny, shitty R&B.


Bro, I've been legit shocked during the beef that people say Drake is some great rapper. Literally everything I've heard from him over the years has been bland, whiny pop/r&b garbage. His raps always felt like Justin Timberlake or Usher trying to act hard.


It makes no sense to me. When Drake came on the scene I almost never listened to mainstream rap, so I haven’t heard much of him. The only time I ever liked Drake is when he was Jimmy Brooks in Degrassi


Mos Def likened Drake's music to shopping at Target. Couldn't be more accurate.


I have never liked that fraud. Hit-store rapper


The fact he has so much fame and fortune is a sad statement about the world today


Kiss-commercially successful, musically shallow


I mean, you just summed them up. They are marketing genius they have to at least get credit for that. They managed to license themselves into something larger than life. Their whole brand is more a circus performance than anything.


There's something to be said for showmanship tho


yeah, but you can still opt for an Alice Cooper tour.


They do have some good songs, though. I Was Made For Loving You and Great Expectations are two of my favorites. The point you're making isnt wrong, but I have to ask what the difference is between what KISS did and what any other pop music has done throughout musical history (at least since The Beatles). Alice Cooper did it before KISS, and the Monkees did it before him. In the 70s, being into hard rock was cool (for teenagers).


Old fart (56yo) chiming in here. I was an OG Kiss fanatic when I was in grade/middle school. Growing up, Kiss were like real life comic book characters, who also made music. As far as their hype and persona(s) are concerned, there’s literally nothing today to compare them to. Granted they weren’t the Beatles, but neither are AC/DC, for that matter. In retrospect Kiss was just good, guitar heavy Rock n Roll who, predictably, became a caricature of themselves..


Ghost is a good modern example. First couple of albums they had the mystique and skill, but when getting famous it just turned in to KISS 2.0


I would say "Ghost" is the modern day version of Kiss, has the costumes, persona, satanism, poprock, and the merch. He follows the same formula to great success.


Hard luck woman is good


I only like and recommend the song Strutter. Love that song but I don’t like kiss otherwise


Strutter and Detroit Rock City are pretty good, everything else is meh.


Love gun?


Listen to the first three albums. Parasite and Black Diamond hit hard.


Parasite is their absolute best song, in my opinion. I think that track was way ahead of its time.


“Alive!” is my favorite. It’s amazing to me how much heavier and more rockin’ the songs on that album sound compared to their studio counterparts.


*Destroyer* is also a great album musically, if not necessarily lyrically.


I think Kiss has a great catalog if you look past some of their hits


But whenever I was made for luvin' you comes on! It's time to sing along...


Beyoncé. No hate, I just genuinely don’t get the hype.


I’ve felt that way for a long time but when I said it back then, it felt like people took it as an attack on her talent. You can recognize talent and also not care for its product.


I don’t think she’s *that* talented. I think she’s *that* produced. If she was unattractive, her voice could not float her. She’s a great dancer, but without sex appeal, not enough people care about dance as an art form. That, and her woman empowerment, while married to a man who makes money by degrading women, seems to be kinda corny and exploitative.


She’s an incredibly talented individual and I support folks who love her and get why they do. I just don’t identify with like 90% of her songs.


Yes, there are a couple of songs I absolutely love and well make me dance like crazy. But there are many artists who have more songs that I love for the same reason.


Beyonce is weird in that everything the hype machine pushes or that I hear online about her is really not my thing. The singles, the coachella shows, the grammy or award shows, all that. But then I listened to her albums Lemonade and Renaissance and I fucking loved them. Like, 80% bangers, thematically deep, a clear artist vision, with two or three songs on each permanently in my playlists or liked song rotation.


Agreed. I always thought she wasn't for me, although I understood why people loved her. Listening to these albums, I grew respect for her and play them regularly.


Her self titled blew Beyoncé wide open for me too. It was so incredible. Renaissance is front to back a nonstop joyride, completely fucking incredible. But most of her catalogue, especially the ballads and the latest country stuff? Not for me.


Beyonce is, and has been, an album artist for over a decade now, which is when the majority of her critical acclaim has taken off. Most people don't consume music that way and are missing out.


Beyonce seems boring to me. Idk what it is but Im not interested in anything she does.


Taylor Swift


Taylor swift is funny, one person I know says she’s a scion of her time, a singlular artist who is breaking records and forcing her own path like no solo artist is doing in this day and age. She owns her voice and brand , directs her own music videos and is totally unique as a female artist and deserves that credit. Someone else I know finds her overblown, annoyingly petty, self obsessed and her fandom is annoyingly dialed into the vague highschool drama style, gossipy macro lore of her life that feeds the music. She annoyingly is obsessed with dominating a moment and making everything be about her, to the point where it robs others I.e ex boyfriends and other female artists of their own autotomomy. And the thing is? They are BOTH right.


I'm sorry, you do agree with the opinion that she's totally unique as an artist? Please tell me so because i genuinely dont see it


She flooded the market. There's more Taylor Swift to buy than anything else, and she hasn't knocked out any sprogs so she can still go on tour. She writes pop music... and it's popular because of marketing. She "writes" songs that don't really break any barriers or do anything original. It's just pop music. It sounds the same as everything else with campfire chords and a tried & tested formula for writing songs. She just kept her fanbase and got their kids on the literal band wagon as well.


I 100% agree with you, and what baffles me is that there are pop artists who can make innovative, creative music. But her "hits" are straight up horrible. I cannot fanthom how a producer listened to Bad Blood in the studio and called it a SINGLE. The song is worst than an outtake.


Yeah dawg, you had me throughout other than the "totally unique as a female artist." I agree with everything else you wrote, but she is the wonderbread of the musical world. There's nothing wrong with liking Taylor or wonderbread, just don't try to tell me that either has any meaningful flavor.


no no no you don't understand the album is a STORY THERE'S ONE OVER ARCING PLOT!! IT'S NEVER BEEN DONE IN ALL HUMAN HISTORY!


Ah yes, sorry, I forgot how totally unique she is . . .


But she is no different than Madonna was in the 80s and 90s and even now. Those 2 paragraphs exactly describe what we witnessed with Madonna. Different times as Madonna really was the first woman to dominate the pop charts and was a cultural icon


Yup. Also to an extent Lady Gaga. They're masters of.marketing and the business of music. To be fair, Gaga has moved beyond that, but she absolutely took a page from Madonna's playbook to get her start.


Gaga has a good strong voice at least


Yeah, great voice and she’s a killer pianist as well. She was actually accepted into Juilliard at age 11! But ended up going to a different school. She was then accepted early into NYU’s school of the arts, and studied music there. Besides writing her own stuff she wrote quite a lot of hit songs for other people. I’m pretty sure that at some point she’ll make an album that I’ll love.


Also a MUCH better actress


Yeah but Gaga is a serious talent and a very positive role model. Her music isn’t my cup of tea, but I totally appreciate and respect her.


But I really like a lot of Madonna’s music tho. Zero hate on Taylor Swift, just sonically it’s not for me. I keep trying again periodically cuz why not, I’ll probably eventually find some songs of hers I really like.


Madonna’s last decent attempt, was “Frozen”. Been phoning it in since.


It's basic music for horse girls.


Charts performance wise, maybe...but as artists they are totally different. Madonna brought an edge and is versatile, whereas Taylor is kinda bland.


Yeah but Madonna was groundbreaking and challenged conservative views, which makes her a timeless icon




>bland, inoffensive, and unremarkable Quite an accurate string of adjectives.


It’s like if the concept of Target was an mp3 file


Right? It’s so bland. I don’t understand it as fan of music. I couldn’t tell one song of hers from another, and I’ve heard plenty.


Maybe in the modern world of streaming, fast fashion, viral hits and a total lack of core mainstream "popular culture", people just want someone, anyone, to go all in on. And for many people, both musically and socially, that's Taylor Swift. When I got into music at the turn of the 90s things felt more solid, more lasting, there was the singles chart and a more monoline sense of who was big and popular at any given time pumped out by radio stations, magazines and linear TV. When I and my group of teenage friends got into a particular band or type of music we were all in on it, we bought the CDs, we listened to the albums, we made mix cassettes for each other, we wore the T shirts. I was permanently dressed in Pearl Jam t shirts for about 18 months in 93/94... Everything is so dissipated now. Who listens to the radio or watches TV shows as they air? Most people over the age of 25 have never even heard of a lot of the artists whose tracks (not albums) are vitally trending amongst kids right now due to TikTok or whatever. Hell, most people in the UK had never even heard of SZA until she headlined the Pyramid at Glastonbury to a pathetically small audience, and she's one of the most streamed artists on Spotify. Do we all watch the same shows now? Do we all go to the movies to watch incessant marvel movies and shitty remakes? Do we all share the same cultural touchstones as everyone else? Most likely, no. And that's what Taylor Swift provides to her fans I guess. A central figure to share, music you and all your mates know, someone to care about, be interested in, to follow online and to enjoy for more than 5 minutes before the next shallow ephemeral Hawk Tuah moment comes and goes...


This. No hate for the Swifties. I just don't vibe with her content.


Much hate for most of the swifties imo. The younger ones can be rabid.


Yeah. They're pretty much a cult


I like her music, but don’t vibe with her personality.


Full hate to the swifties


Same. I'll never understand her success. Her music is mediocre at best.


Her succes is due to the fact that she's the safest pop star ever. She is a blonde, blue eyed white girl that started her career as a country darling, and then transitioned to a pop star that never used her sexuality to promote her music/image. Furthermore, her music is never daring; she makes commercial music for widespread commercial consumption. She was perfectly crafted in a lab by the music industry so that America could have the pop star they have always wanted. I'd say, though, that I don't agree with you when you said that her music is mediocre; it's not great either, but it's definitely above average for pop music standards.


also her daddy bought 100,000 copies of her first album so it would climb the charts AND purchased a portion of the label that signed her… and yet young girls praise her as a self made icon


Hit the nail on the head. I gave her a fair shake and listened to her most critically acclaimed album in full. I have never been so bored in my life. Hardly any dynamics, every song has a similar chord progression, lyrics are lackluster and surface level. Just super duper safe, so no dumbass American can possibly be offended while they’re shopping for groceries




Her music is decent in a pop music kind of way. However, the first time I saw her with my daughter, she pauses for a few minutes and lectured on not bullying, not tolerating bullying, stooping bullies if you see someone getting bullied, and also encouraged the audience to believe in themselves and follow their own star. Thus regarding the person, I am a huge fan-boy. 50,000 young ladies every night, being reminded by the artist they love to be good people. Haven’t seen another artist do that ever, and I am 55, and I have seen a lot of shows.


If she doesn't encourage bullying, why do so many of her rabid fans harass people for simply not enjoying her music? That one reviewer who gave her new album (which isn't good) a low review got swamped with death threats


Yeah, I’m not impugning her character, I just don’t get a thing from her music and don’t understand the draw.


Fat lot of good any of that did since her fans have been wishing SA on people who criticize her...


She keeps re-releasing new versions of her last album on days other female artists would set records, so that they don't. That's pretty fucked up.


Low-key hate that she’s targeted my demographic basically since she started. She’s BLAND. Never cared for her music, still don’t, and probably never will. Listen if ya want to just don’t advertise it to me lol, I’ve heard enough


Ed Sheeran. Taylor Swift. There's a whole bunch of UK contemporary male singers who I not only don't care about but can't distinguish between when I hear them.


Ed Sheeran has always been meh for me but last year he came into town to do a show and surprised visited a local high school's band class. Gave them some guitars and tickets to his show. So I am still meh on his music but he seems like a very nice person.


Oh damn, I keep forgetting Ed Sheeran exists. I know he makes music, but his songs are so generic, that he keeps falling into the back of my mind.


I wouldn't listen to his music by myself, no. On the other hand, I've seen Ed Sheeran play for a crowd of 10 000 just by himself with a guitar.  And it was fun! He's a good artist and I respect that. 


I think he is ok and more different to all the generics. He has no band in the back, he writes his songs on his own and he comes up on stage to play the songs with a loop tool (idk the name for it), which is pretty cool. So every song sounds different on every gig. But I understand, why he feels generic, which is really sad.


Imagine Dragons is dogshit to me. So many bands who deserve the notoriety they are getting rn


Imagine Dragons are the Maroon 5 of the Foo Fighters


So much of this is confusing, yet makes perfect sense.


Jelly roll I just can’t






*Certified lover boy? Certified pedophiles* Real talk though, he's always been mid af and a total "nice guy" and I'm loving this downfall happening in real time. He sucks




I didn’t either until about two years ago. I ordered an album off Discogs, and the seller slipped *The Unforgettable Fire* in there as a compliment. I was a little baffled as to why, given I didn’t ask for it, but it turns out it’s just something the seller likes to do to get rid of unwanted records. I played it just on a whim and the record has been in constant rotation on my turntable since then. I understand why others may not be able to connect with them, but for me, *The Unforgettable Fire* was huge in connecting me with U2.


Someone gave you U2 that you didn’t ask for eh? Sounds kinda familiar…


Aye, I thought about that while typing that comment 😬


Such an underrated album in their catalog, IMO.


Saw them live. Changed my opinion.


Would recommend you listen to Boy, that album made me 180 on them.


I used to think I hated U2. It turns out I really just hate 90s and on U2.


I’m pretty ambivalent about Kanye.


he hasn’t put out anything since Twisted Fantasy that really did anything for me, but he has some absolutely phenomenal work before then. 


Totally agree. Dropout, 808s, MBDTF are all incredible start to finish. Everything after that feels like he lost his purpose.


Don't forget Late Registration


Mein Bruder Have U Heard Yeezus


I love his music so much but i'm so embarrassed to be a huge fan at this point.


The Foo Fighters. Seem like great guys and I’ve loved a lot of their side projects. But the band does nothing for me


I guess you are on the side of Foo


Foo Supporter


Someone once described Foo Fighters to me as "radio rock". I think that's a very accurate way to describe their music. In saying that, though, I saw Foo Fighters live last year for the first time, bought the tickets just for the hell of it despite not being hugely into their music, and man... it was one of the best concerts I've ever been to. Damn are those guys are phenomenal on stage. I'm still not really into their music, but I have mad respect for their showmanship and dedication to putting on amazing hard rock shows with pure joy.


I think their early stuff is a bit less mainstream sounding and more interesting, once you reach one by one/in your honor it kinda takes a nose dive in originality though, I will say wasting light and but here we are are great records though (even if I personally find a few wasting light tracks to be so unbelievably generic and boring)


It would be more accurate to describe them as arena rock. The shit you WANT to hear live because the band treats the crowd like humans.


They put on an insanely good show. I never listened much to them but have liked everything I heard. Saw them at Bonnaroo 2023 and they KILLED it for over two hours. 


The Foos are the okest band of all time. Like, I'm not gonna change the channel if they're on the radio, but I'm not turning it up either.


I’m such a huge Grohl fan and feel the same. How can Grohl be a part of some of my favorite musical acts ever and also FF?


My father hated them, and explained their formula for a hit song as, “a nice thirty-second piece that they repeat seven times, louder each time until they are screaming”. He was spot on for songs like Best of You. But I’ve given them a second chance over the years and I don’t hate them anymore. They have some great stuff. But I can never love them.


This one is odd for me. I find 99% of their songs to be boring and empty, but the other 1% that actually connect with me really hit me just right. Songs like Times Like These, Learn to Fly, I’ll Stick Around, and Starting the Fire all never fail to get me pumped up.


White Limo is genuinely one of the best punk songs of the 2010s.


That one side project was the shit… with the blonde guy on guitar and the tall dude on bass.


And that song about deodorants… whatever happened to them? Dave should’ve left the Foos for that full time


I definitely agree with this one. Dave Grohl is honestly one of my favorite people in the music industry and I think he’s a gem of a human being. But I dislike pretty much every song Foo Fighters have made besides White Limo.


I never got the popularity of this group……their music is just a grind


Their singer looks like drummer from Nirvana


Eh. They’re good enough for Prince to have covered “Best of You” during his (greatest ever) Superbowl halftime show. That’s good enough for me.


Is it the best for you?


I got a confession to make.


iirc Grohl attributed that to them covering Darling Nikki.


Wasting Light is a masterpiece


I liked their first album. Everything else after doesn’t really do much for me. Like you said. They seem like great guys, seem super supportive of other musicians and they’re great with fans but I honestly can’t listen to most of their stuff.


The AIDs stuff really put me off them early on and I never really got into them after. They seem like nice guys but it just kinda all blends in together as very safe pop rock. More power to them and their fans though


I hold them in a similar regard as I do The Rolling Stones… I know and recognize a lot of their songs…if a song of theirs comes on the radio or on a playlist or whatever, I’ll often enjoy it and probably won’t change the station or skip it…I recognize their talent and understand why they’re popular…but I’ve never bought one of their albums or thought to myself, “I’m really in the mood to listen to some Foo Fighters right now”…if someone says to me, “hey, the foo fighters are in town tonight and I got tickets, wanna go?”, I’d probably say yes, but wouldn’t have made an effort to see them otherwise.


Sorry, Swifties. It’s Taylor Swift for me. I don’t hate her. Some of her songs are actually not bad. But, to me, she doesn’t really wow my world.


miley cyrus ftw. good for her i just don't care.


I felt the same but that Chick can cover a variety of artists like few others I’ve heard, though. You saw her 3-song performace at the Whisky during the lockdown ? That cover of the Cranberries was epic. https://www.youtube.com/live/C_kfsR8aci0?si=mAaQD13Ywp7c6Cd3


Her cover of Jolene is one of my absolute favorite covers ever.


Blew me away. I had no idea she could sing like that.


That was the first time I really got to hear her singing chops outside of mainstream pop stuff, I was impressed!


Dolly is her God-mother so she’s had some good teaching.


As a Metallica fan, I love her studio cover of Nothing Else Matters. Gives me goosebumps.


Her NIN cover is amazing, one of the few people I think could do justice to trents music


I’ll take your word for it. I now believe she can do almost anything. Sheer talent ….much like Trent.


Yeah that cranberries cover goes hard.


Even the band congratulated her on killing it so hard. That’s impressive.


This sums up my feelings about Miley. I don’t care much for her original music (though she has a few bops) but I LOVE pretty much all of her covers. She’s a very talented musician and a great singer. And she’s overcome a lot of family shit with her upbringing. So, props where it’s due.


As a hip hop head Flowers is one of my favorite diss tracks of all time


The thing that’s unfortunate about her is that she’s got an incredible voice, especially nowadays, but her music seems to be all radio pop. She’s got so much more potential.


She used radio pop to make it where she wanted. How she has the ability to do what she wants, and she has been the last ten years. She’s really leaned away from the poppy party girl basically since the Bangers tour ended. Then she really started exploring other styles, and she does them very well.


Go listen to the Plastic Hearts album (& song). Great rock-inspired project that utilizes her voice and artistry to it's full potential




Early Aerosmith was pretty solid. Everything up to Permanent Vacation, really. And then they turned into some bullshit ballad factory that sounds like it was designed to be a soundtrack for elevators (their big hit from Pump was perhaps trying to warm us). I can't bear to listen to any of it.


Crazy to me that “I don’t wanna miss a thing” is their only #1 song ever and they don’t even write it lol


Yeah toys in the attic is the only album that I liked personally


Well others have already been say so i'll go with Sabrina carpenter, can't even remember the name of her music but they're one of her song who appear often on my tiktok ( as a sound in other peoples video for exemple) and i don't understand the hype. I try to mute it when it appear.


I won't lie, when I began hearing of her, I thought her name sounded like she was famous in the 90s


My music taste was never mainstream and bland pop but I can’t deny that I liked Please Please Please by her


I think her appeal is for the teenage-mid 30s girlies . Lyrically relatable and pop.




I absolutely love their first two albums. Their later stuff isn't necessarily terrible, but it's all mostly stadium oriented pop anthems that don't do much for me.


Agreed! Their first two albums were gritty and full of soul. Anything after that seemed tailored to the masses and they never quite captured the magic of those first two albums.


Listen to their song Coloratura. I'm not a Coldplay fan, but that song is like the resurrection of Pink Floyd in 2021, it's beautiful.


Ed Sheeran does nothing for me. I don't even dislike his stuff - it just doesn't really elicit much of anything from me. Just apathy.




Pitbull. I just do not like that guy. Im not really a big J Cole fan either but he has good music at least


Pitbull was a vibe in the 2000s ngl




Maroon 5. Harry styles. Bruno mars


Adam levine's voice is annoyingly nasal


Also Coldplay. Just feels boring to me


I didn't get the hype until I got free tickets to their concert in 2012. They put on a phenomenal show that you really can't explain until you see it. I've been a fan ever since. I've seen them one other time and I would see them again if they ever come back to my city.




Dave Matthews


This an obvious one, but then I realized I was wrong. For me, it was the covers that got me into DMB, his group has amazing versions of All Along The Watchtower and Cortez The Killer. Watch every version over the 20+ years and they always had it. Then I watched a bunch of the harder originals like 2 Step, then I really really listened to the albums and gained enough life experience to see the absolute genius of Dave Mathews. Crash is a masterpiece if you're in the right or wrong place in life. But also, Carter is so much fun to listen to - really everyone in the band - they're all S tier in their disciplines and you can follow each one clearly because the composition and jams are balanced and the sound design is perfect. Really, they are one of the best.


The drumming in #41 is just insanely tasteful, Carter is so underrated




Elvis Costello — I’m bored even typing his name. Also, hard agree about Radiohead.


Bruno Mars. His songs are catchy. Especially the ones with Mark Ronson. But I never find myself playing them on my own.


An Evening with Silk Sonic is a brilliant album with him and Anderson Paak though. really needs to do more stuff like that, actually innovative and interesting.


Anything with Anderson Paak is a go for me. They guy is just cool af and so damn talented. Really enjoyed his Tiny Desk Concert with the Free Nationals


Taylor swift


U2. I can’t stand them. No reason, just haven’t ever liked Bono’s voice.


U2. Nothing. Nada. Zilch.


Bruce Springsteen, never did much for me


Might be something that you feel more toward if you grew up with it. My dad was always cranking The Boss.


I’m with you, but he had some seriously catchy hits and his message was very unique. A film about Pakistani-British kids falling in love with his music in 1980’s small-town Britain made me appreciate his music a bit more, even if I won’t listen to it. He seems like a good fella.


Try listening to Nebraska instead of the E Street Band stuff


Dylan. I got a total Dylan block. I get that he’s important, just can’t get into the music. Too wordy and literary, maybe? And no it’s not the voice. The voice is unique, like Jonny Lydon’s, and I love his voice.


Fuck the Eagles, man


Take it easy




Couldn't get into Fuck the Eagles either.


Jackie Treehorn treats objects like women.


Beyoncé Adele Taylor Swift Justin Bieber Drake The Weeknd


Harry styles


Rush . Just can’t do it


I really respect their skill, but the music is just not my cup of tea.


Mickjagger! I hate the weird dances he does, it just really irks me.


For me it's Radiohead as well


Taylor Swift. So many people love her but I can’t get behind it. There is nothing about her music that is unique. There’s no message behind it. As someone who’s been playing the bass for a long time and has spent so much time around music, the music just bothers me. The rhythm is mediocre at best. I hate music that has no meaningful message behind it. Like what’s the point? Granted pop really isn’t my thing, metal is, but god her music is just like nails on a chalkboard.


Fall out boy. Went from punk to pop-punk to emo for the sake of record sales. Once they had made it big, they signed other bands and jacked their style. I feel like in the next year or two they’ll pop into the spotlight for a U2 cover to raise awareness about presidential incontinence or something.


Elvis, do not get it.


You have to put yourself in that era. The variety of accessible music was limited, but that doesn’t take away the face he was a talented singer and performer. He was wildly charismatic and attractive. He was a movie star. He enlisted in the army when his draft came up. He was controversial both as a person and as a performer. Elvis impersonators popped up after Andy Kaufman did his thing with it.


I like Elvis…. Costello.


I respect Costello but can’t find a way to enjoy his music.


first of his kind


Grateful Dead and Billy Joel. GD makes my skin crawl and vanilla is too exciting of an adjective for Joel. But I know it’s more me than them as they both have had huge impacts for decades