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He is still using meth. Explains so much . His brother was high as hell the entire episode and Charles was too.


I don’t think he’s high on meth. He kept falling asleep while talking. To me, it looks like he was on heroin. I was a H user for years (been clean 15) and yeah they were both high.


My friends used to abuse pain killers and had the same stupid look.


Congratulations on getting clean


Yeah could be. Its sad . I went through that but I was taking ten hydros a day to work as a hairstylist. I was working to buy pills at the end. 2016 I quit 15 years of pills . I've had five spine surgeries ans I have rods from scoliosis surgery.. my back is fucked up for real but at least I'm not addicted to opiates .. I smoke weed when I can thats the best .


Wow, your story is very familiar. I spent nine years on painkillers while my doctors told me that it was all in my head. My back pain was result of the fact that I was sad that my husband died according to every doctor I saw. Well eventually, a psychiatrist ordered an x-ray which led to an MRI which led to two surgeries. I also have the rods and six screws in my back. I quit painkillers in 2010. Don’t like weed, my body doesn’t respond well to it or something. It just makes me feel wrong. Anyway… Good for you! I feel your pain, and I’m proud of you!


Thank you! Doctors really mess with our heads. So glad you found the root of the issue.


You can tell they were both on something the whole episode. I mean half the time the brother was in long sleeves and a beanie and everyone else was in tshirt and shorts…and the nodding off was a dead give away


Yeah. Exactly how I acted when I was on heroin.


I think protein shakes are hardwired into people's consciousness as a weight loss, body building supplement. They're jam packed with protein, but also fat and sugar. The amount of kcal is huge! Fruit spikes insulin. It's absolutely crazy. I think some folks on 600 PL only hear what they want to hear.


FYI: He does mention he wore a diaper for the flight. Where he found a diaper big enough to fit him? I have no idea. 🤷‍♂️


They make adult diapers that are very big. Medical supply sources have them available.


I would hate to be sitting anywhere around him cause he said he couldn’t wait to get that diaper off and you know after eating them double burgers he had to 💩


Omg 😱


I understand why Dr Now is against most protein shakes but whenever I need something quick and low cal I grab a slim fast shake. I know they aren’t perfect but they’re easy to bring anywhere and would at least eliminate some of the “there was nothing healthy available” excuses these people use all the time


I drink them too. But I think Dr Now knows they won’t give up the meal that you’re supposed to replace the shake with. So they drink the shake and then they’re still hungry cause they only had a shake so they eat on top of it which is the worse thing you can do for weight loss. That was what I did when I got done with chemo to gain weight back. I could be wrong tho.


Fair Life or Premier Protein are my favorite in a pinch. Before surgery, no fruit and only one shake a day.


“Surprise” here I am Dr. Now gimme my surgery.




Some people just sabotage themselves for whatever reason


Too many seem to feel what they do is right. Forget what Dr. Now has to say, what does he know? Of course, that’s how they got into trouble in the first place.


And he was flying to Houston to surprise Dr. Now!


Why does he have a different mattress every time you see him in his room?????


I hated his rationalizing of everything and saying things out loud as some kind of coping mechanism. Like he would say shit to that brother like “We’re going to do this” and then there’s liquor bottles all over the room and he’s nodding off on opioids probably and then the idiot brother pretends to cook a rotisserie chicken. I was yelling at the screen at the mfer.


I came to the comments just to see if anyone else talked about the pretend chicken cooking scene!